1000 resultados para 138-852B


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Oxidative stress plays an important role in the development of cognitive impairment in sepsis. Here we assess the effects of acute and extended administration of cannabidiol (CBD) on oxidative stress parameters in peripheral organs and in the brain, cognitive impairment, and mortality in rats submitted to sepsis by cecal ligation and perforation (CLP). To this aim, male Wistar rats underwent either sham operation or CLP. Rats subjected to CLP were treated by intraperitoneal injection with ""basic support"" and CBD (at 2.5, 5, or 10 mg/kg once or daily for 9 days after CLP) or vehicle. Six hours after CLP (early times), the rats were killed and samples from lung, liver, kidney, heart, spleen, and brain (hippocampus, striatum, and cortex) were obtained and assayed for thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS) formation and protein carbonyls. On the 10th day (late times), the rats were submitted to the inhibitory avoidance task. After the test, the animals were killed and samples from lung, liver, kidney, heart, spleen, and brain (hippocampus) were obtained and assayed for TBARS formation and protein carbonyls. The acute and extended administration of CBD at different doses reduced TBARS and carbonyl levels in some organs and had no effects in others, ameliorated cognitive impairment, and significantly reduced mortality in rats submitted to CLP. Our data provide the first experimental demonstration that CBD reduces the consequences of sepsis induced by CLP in rats, by decreasing oxidative stress in peripheral organs and in the brain, improving impaired cognitive function, and decreasing mortality. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Compound forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease have been recently associated with unusually severe neuropathies, an observation that prompted the proposition that the additive effects of two mutations should be searched in patients whose clinical severity falls outside the common CMT phenotypes. In this report, we present a father and a daughter with a very mild and unusual disease that segregates with two mutations in PMP22 gene, the 17p11.2-p12 duplication and a Ser72Leu point mutation. We propose that the deleterious effects of each mutation are partially compensated by the functional effect of the other.


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Neural maturation involves diverse interaction and signaling mechanisms that are essential to the development of the nervous system. However, little is known about the development of neurons in heterotopic brain tissue in the lung, a rare abnormality observed in malformed babies and fetuses. The aim of this study was to identify the neurons and to investigate their maturation in experimental brain tissue heterotopia during fetal and neonatal periods. The fetuses from 24 pregnant female Swiss mice were used to induce brain tissue heterotopia on the 15th gestational day. Briefly, the brain of one fetus of each dam was extracted, disaggregated, and injected into the right hemithorax of siblings. Six of these fetuses with pulmonary brain tissue implantation were collected on the 18th gestational day (group E18), and six others were collected on the 8th postnatal day (group P8). The brain of each fetus from dams not submitted to any experimental procedure was collected on the 18th gestational day (group CE18) and on the 8th postnatal day (group CP8) to serve as a control for neuronal quantitation and maturation. Immunohistochemical staining of NeuN was used to assess neuron quantity and maturation. The NeuN labeling index was greater in the postnatal period than in the fetal period for the experimental and control groups (138 > E18 and CP8 > CE18), although there were fewer neurons in experimental than in control groups (P8 < CP8 and El 8 < CE1 8) (P < 0.005). These results indicate that fetal neuroblasts/neurons not only survive a dramatic event such as mechanical disaggregation, in the same way as it happens in human cases, but also they retain their development in heterotopia, irrespective of local tissue influences.


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Caloric intake reduction has been considered as the major experimental manipulation able to increase longevity in experimental models. Therefore, its effects upon cognition and mood like behavior are poorly explored. On the other hand, Li(+) is a re-emergent therapeutic drug used to treat mood disorders, mainly bipolar disorder, with antipanic and antidepressant actions. On the hypothesis that lithium treatment could attenuate the negatives effects of stress on Central Nervous Systems (CNS), we evaluated the role of chronic lithium treatment on anxiety-like behaviors in animals submitted to stress by chronic moderated feed restriction (FR). Male wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 7-8/group) according to dietary and drug manipulation: ad libitum (AL) with unlimited access to standard rat diet, lithium treatment ( AL + Li) which received approximately 50 mg/Kg animal/day of LiCl solved in water and ad libitum diet, FR that were fed with equivalent to 70% of total rat diet consumed by AL group, and FR + Li which received diet corresponding to FR and Li administration. After 12 weeks of drug and FR manipulation, anxiety like behavior was evaluated in elevated plus mazes (EPM). Chronic lithium treatment prevent the anxiogenic like effect of FR ( open time, F(3,30) = 3.588; P = 0.0265; percentage of open entries, F(3,30) = 6.004; P= 0.00029; and open time at the first min, 2.35; F(3,30) = 4.937; P = 0.0073, Duncan test P < 0.05) compared to AL diet. Ours results adding to evidences that moderate feed restriction my increase anxiety-like behavior; also suggest that chronic lithium treatment may be attenuated this effects.


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Objective To evaluate the inter-rater reliability of the modified Oxford Grading Scale and the Peritron manometer. Design All participants were evaluated twice, first by one examiner and 30 days later by a second examiner. Measurements of vaginal squeeze pressure were compared with the results from the palpation test. Participants Nineteen women with a mean age of 23.7 years (range 21 to 28 years). Results Inter-rater reliability for vaginal palpation was fair (kappa = 0.33, 95% confidence interval 0.09 to 0.57). Using the Peritron manometer, the difference between examiners was less than 10 cmH(2)O in 11 of the 19 (58%) cases. The palpation test did not differentiate between weak, moderate, good and strong muscle contractions. This study found fair inter-rater reliability for the modified Oxford Grading Scale and moderate inter-rater reliability for the Peritron manometer. Conclusions The inter-rater reliability of vaginal squeeze pressure measurement using the Peritron manometer is acceptable and can be used in re-evaluations performed by different examiners in clinical practice. However, for research purposes, the ideal situation would be for a single examiner to assess and re-assess the subject. Vaginal palpation is important in the clinical assessment of correctness of a pelvic floor muscle contraction, but this study does not support the use of the modified Oxford Grading Scale as a reliable and valid method to measure and differentiate pelvic floor muscle strength. (C) 2010 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transposons of the Mutator superfamily have been widely described in plants, but only recently have metazoan organisms been shown to harbour them. In this work we describe novel Mutator superfamily transposons from the genomes of the human parasites Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum, which we name Curupira-1 and Curupira-2. Curupira elements do not have Terminal Inverted Repeats (TIRs) at their extremities and generate Target Site Duplications (TSDs) of 9 base pairs. Curupira-2 transposons code for a conserved transposase and SWIM zinc finger domains, while Curupira-1 elements comprise these same domains plus a WRKY zinc finger. Alignment of transcript sequences from both elements back to the genomes indicates that they are subject to splicing to produce mature transcripts. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that these transposons represent a new lineage of metazoan Mutator-like elements with characteristics that are distinct from the recently described Phantom elements. Description of these novel schistosome transposons provides new insights in the evolution of transposable elements in schistosomes.


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Described in this article is a novel device that facilitates study of the cross-sectional anatomy of the human head. In designing our device, we aimed to protect sections of the head from the destructive action of handling during anatomy laboratory while also ensuring excellent visualization of the anatomic structures. We used an electric saw to create 15-mm sections of three cadaver heads in the three traditional anatomic planes and inserted each section into a thin, perforated display box made of transparent acrylic material. The thin display boxes with head sections are kept in anatomical order in a larger transparent acrylic storage box containing formaldehyde solution, which preserves the specimens but also permits direct observation of the structures and their anatomic relationships to each other. This box-within-box design allows students to easily view sections of a head in its anatomical position as well as to examine internal structures by manipulating individual display boxes without altering the integrity of the preparations. This methodology for demonstrating cross-section anatomy allows efficient use of cadaveric material and technician time while also giving learners the best possible handling and visualization of complex anatomic structures. Our approach to teaching cross-sectional anatomy of the head can be applied to any part of human body, and the value of our device design will only increase as more complicated understandings of cross-sectional anatomy are required by advances and proliferation of imaging technology. Anat Sci Educ 3: 141-143, 2010. (C) 2010 American Association of Anatomists.


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Background. Hydroxyethylstarch (HES) is a synthetic polymer of glucose that has been suggested for therapeutic use in long-term plasma expansion. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the infusion of a small volume of HES may provide benefits in systemic and regional hemodynamics and metabolism in a brain-dead canine model compared with large volume crystalloid resuscitation. Methods. Fourteen mongrel dogs were subjected to a brain-death protocol by consecutive insufflations of a balloon catheter in the epidural space. One hour after induction of brain-death, the animals were randomly assigned to two groups: NS (0.9% NaCl, 33mL/kg), and HES (6% HES 450/0.7, 17mL/Kg). Systemic and regional hemodynamics were evaluated using Swan-Ganz, ultrasonic flowprobes, and arterial catheters. Serial blood samples were collected for blood gas, electrolyte, and serum chemistry analysis. Systemic, hepatic, and splanchnic O(2)-derived variables were also calculated. Results. Epidural balloon insufflations induced a significant increase in mean arterial pressure, cardiac output (MAP and CO, respectively), regional blood flow, and systemic vascular resistance. Following the hyperdynamic phase, severe hypotension with normalization of systemic and regional blood flow was observed. Fluid resuscitation induced a prompt increase in MAP, CO, and portal vein blood flow, and a significant reduction in systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance. There were no differences between groups in metabolic indices, liver function tests (LFTs), or renal function tests. HES was more effective than NS in restoring cardiac performance in the first 2h after fluid resuscitation (P < 0.05). Both tested solutions partially and temporarily restored systemic and regional oxygen delivery. Conclusion. Small volumes of 6% HES 450/0.7 improved cardiovascular performance and provided the same regional hemodynamic and metabolic benefits of large volumes of isotonic crystalloid solutions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The present research evaluated the presence of Rickettsia spp. on ectoparasites of horses and dogs (using PCR techniques), and their sera (using immunofluorescence assay) in El Valle de Anton town in Panama. A total of 20 horses and 20 dogs were sampled, finding four species of ectoparasites on dogs (the ticks Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma oblongoguttatum, and the flea Ctenocephalides felis), and two tick species on horses (Amblyomma cajennense and Dermacentor nitens). DNA of Rickettsia amblyommii was found in pools of A. cajennense, D. nitens, and R. sanguineus, while Rickettsia fells was detected in C. felis pools. Overall, 70% (14/20) and 65% (13/20) of the horses and dogs, respectively, were seroreactive (titer >= 64) to spotted fever group rickettsiae. Sera from six dogs and five horses reacted to R. amblyommii antigens with titers at least four-fold higher than those for the other antigens tested (Rickettsia bellii, Rickettsia parked, Rickettsia rhipicephali, R. felis, and R. rickettsii). These serological results, coupled with our molecular findings, suggest that these dogs and horses were infected by Rickettsia amblyommii. More studies need to be realized afford to identify the Rickettsia species responsible for other serological and molecular positive results, and their ecological importance. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ipomoea carnea is a toxic plant that grows in tropical areas, and is readily consumed by grazing goats. The plant contains the alkaloids swainsonine and calystegines, which inhibit cellular enzymes and cause systematic cell death. This study evaluated the behavioral effects on dams and kids of prenatal ingestion of this plant. Freshly harvested leaves of I. carnea (10 g/kg body weight) were fed daily to nine pregnant goats from the fifth to the 16th week of gestation; five pregnant goats were controls. Dam and kid behavior were evaluated during 2-hr postpartum. Further evaluation of the offspring was performed using various tests after birth: (1) reaching and discriminating their dam from an alien doe (two tests at 12-hr postpartum), and (2) navigating a progressive maze (2, 4, and 6 days postpartum). Postnatal (n=2) and fetal (n=2) mortality were observed in the treated group. Intoxicated kids had difficulty in standing at birth, and only one was able to suckle within 2 hr of birth. Treated kids were slower than controls to arrive at their dam in the discrimination test; treated kids often (seven of nine completed tests) incorrectly chose the alien dam (controls: 0/10 tests). During some runs on days 2, 4, and 6 postpartum, treated kids were slower to leave the starting point of the maze, and were slower to arrive at the dam on all test days. This study suggests that the offspring of pregnant goats given I. carnea during gestation have significant behavioral alterations and developmental delays. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 92:131-138, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Considering, that there is limited information about the preovulatory LH surge in Zebu Cattle (Bos indicus). the purpose of the present work was to assess the LH surge in Nelore cows during the estrous cycle and after ovarian superestimulation of ovarian follicular development with FSH. This information is particularly important to improve superovulatory protocols associated with fixed-time artificial insemination. Nelore cows (n = 12) had their estrus synchronized with all intravaginal device containing progesterone (CIDR-B (R)) associated with estradiol benzoate administration (EB, 2.5 mg, i.m., Day 0). Eight days later all animals were treated with PGF2 alpha (Day 8) in the morning (8:00 h) and at night, when CIDR devices were removed (20:00 11). Starting 38 h after the first PGF2 alpha injection, blood sampling and ovarian ultrasonography took place every 4 h, during 37 consecutive hours. Frequent handling may have resulted in a stress-induced suppression of LH secretion resulting in only 3 of 12 cows having ovulations at 46.7 +/- 4.9 and 72.3 +/- 3.8 h, respectively, after removal of CIDR-B. Thirty days later, the same animals received the described hormonal treatment associated with FSH (Folltropin (R) total dose = 200 mg) administered twice a day, during 4 consecutive days, starting on Day 5. Thirty-six hours after the first injection of PGF2 alpha, to minimize stress. only seven blood samples were collected at 4 h interval each. and ultrasonography was performed every 12 h until ovulation. In 11 of 12 cows (92%) the LH surge and ovulation were observed 34.6 +/- 1.6 and 59.5 +/- 1.9 h. respectively. after removal of progesterone source. The maximum values for LH in those animals were 19.0 +/- 2.6 ng/ml (mean +/- S.E.M.). It is concluded that, in Nelore COWS submitted to a ovarian superstimulation Protocol, the LH surge occurs approximately 35 It after removal of intravaginal device containing progesterone, and approximately 12h before the LH surge observed after an induced estrus without ovarian superstimulation (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the long-term stability of anterior open-bite treatment with occlusal adjustment and the dentinal sensitivity caused by this procedure in the long term. Methods: The sample comprised 17 open-bite patients who experienced relapse of the negative vertical overbite after orthodontic treatment and were retreated with occlusal adjustment. The cephalometric changes were evaluated on lateral cephalograms obtained before and after the occlusal adjustment and in the long term (mean, 3.4 years after occlusal adjustment). Dentinal sensitivity was also evaluated before the occlusal adjustment, and 1.35 months, 4.61 months, and 3.4 years later. The cephalometric statuses between the 3 evaluations were compared with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey tests. The percentages of clinically significant relapse were calculated. To compare dentinal sensitivity at the several stages, nonparametric Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were performed. Results: Statistically significant relapse of anterior open bite occurred in 33.3% of the patients. Those who had the procedure before 21 years of age were most likely to experience relapse. Dentinal sensitivity remained within the normal range in the long term. Conclusions: Despite the statistically significant relapse of anterior open bite, clinically significant stability was found in 66.7% of the patients. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010; 138:14.e1-14.e7)


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This case report describes the orthodontic treatment of a patient with a deep-overbite Angle Class I malocclusion, agenesis of a mandibular central incisor, and 2 supernumerary teeth, which caused impaction of the mandibular first premolars. The 15-year-old patient also had a convex profile, maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion, and deficiency of space for the correct alignment of teeth. Therefore, treatment consisted of fixed appliance therapy, cervical headgear, extraction of the supernumeraries and the mandibular and maxillary first premolars, and mesiodistal reduction of the maxillary incisors to solve the arch perimeter discrepancy as much as possible with interproximal stripping. This method of treatment significantly improved the patient`s facial and dental esthetics and provided a good functional occlusion, despite the absence of a mandibular incisor, which generally impairs achieving adequate incisal guidance. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:109-17)


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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the occlusal stability of Class II malocclusion treatment with and without extraction of 2 maxillary premolars. Methods: A sample of 59 records from patients with complete Class II malocclusion was used. This sample was divided into 2 groups with the following characteristics: group 1, comprising 29 patients treated without extractions, and group 2, comprising 30 patients treated with extraction of 2 maxillary premolars. Dental cast measurements were obtained before and after treatment and at a minimum of 2.4 years after treatment. The pretreatment, posttreatment, and postretention occlusal statuses were evaluated with the peer assesment rating index. The occlusal indexes at the postretention stage and the posttreatment changes and percentages of posttreatment changes were compared with t tests. Results: The nonextraction and the 2 maxillary premolar extraction treatment protocols of complete Class II malocclusions had no statistically significant differences in occlusal stability. Conclusions: Finishing Class II malocclusion treatment with the molars in a Class II relationship has similar occlusal stability as finishing with the molars in a Class I relationship. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:16-22)


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This case report describes a Class I crowded malocclusion with an ankylosed maxillary central incisor that was in infraocclusion and labially displaced. The patient had wide maxillary teeth, and the option of extracting the maxillary central incisors followed by space closure, with lateral incisors substituting for the central incisors, was chosen. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010;138:510-7)