999 resultados para 127-797A


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The concentrations of 3-beta-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) in blood and two liver samples were retrospectively examined in a series of medicolegal autopsies. These cases included diabetic ketoacidosis, nondiabetic individuals presenting moderate to severe decompositional changes and nondiabetic medicolegal cases privy of decompositional changes. 3HB concentrations in liver sample homogenates correlate well with blood values in all examined groups. Additionally, decompositional changes were not associated with increases in blood and liver 3HB levels. These results suggest that 3HB can be reliably measured in liver homogenates when blood is not available at autopsy. Furthermore, they suggest that metabolic disturbances potentially leading or contributing to death may be objectified through liver 3HB determination even in decomposed bodies.


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BACKGROUND: Various centralised mammography screening programmes have shown to reduce breast cancer mortality at reasonable costs. However, mammography screening is not necessarily cost-effective in every situation. Opportunistic screening, the predominant screening modality in several European countries, may under certain circumstances be a cost-effective alternative. In this study, we compared the cost-effectiveness of both screening modalities in Switzerland. METHODS: Using micro-simulation modelling, we predicted the effects and costs of biennial mammography screening for 50-69 years old women between 1999 and 2020, in the Swiss female population aged 30-70 in 1999. A sensitivity analysis on the test sensitivity of opportunistic screening was performed. RESULTS: Organised mammography screening with an 80% participation rate yielded a breast cancer mortality reduction of 13%. Twenty years after the start of screening, the predicted annual breast cancer mortality was 25% lower than in a situation without screening. The 3% discounted cost-effectiveness ratio of organised mammography screening was euro11,512 per life year gained. Opportunistic screening with a similar participation rate was comparably effective, but at twice the costs: euro22,671-24,707 per life year gained. This was mainly related to the high costs of opportunistic mammography and frequent use of imaging diagnostics in combination with an opportunistic mammogram. CONCLUSION: Although data on the performance of opportunistic screening are limited, both opportunistic and organised mammography screening seem effective in reducing breast cancer mortality in Switzerland. However, for opportunistic screening to become equally cost-effective as organised screening, costs and use of additional diagnostics should be reduced.


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Työtyytyväisyys syntyy siitä, että työntekijä kokee työnsä vastaavan niitä vaatimuksia, joita hän on asettanut sen suhteen, eli se on onnistuneen toiminnan tulos (Pöyhönen 1987: 127-128). Työntekijöiden tyytyväisyys työhön vaikuttaa terveydenhuollossa myös asiakkaan kohtaamiseen ja palvelun laatuun, puhumattakaan työntekijän työmotivaatiosta ja siitä, onko töissä mukava olla. Työtyytyväisyyden tutkiminen onkin erityisen tärkeää, jotta mahdolliset ongelmat työyhteisön sisällä tiedostettaisiin ja niihin voitaisiin puuttua ja etsiä ratkaisuja. Yhden kuvantamisyksikön henkilöstö osallistui henkilöstökyselyyn, joka liittyy työn organisointi ja työnjako röntgenosastoilla -hankkeeseen. Työn tarkoituksena oli analysoida kuvantamisyksikön henkilöstön työtyytyväisyyttä sekä työssä vaikuttamisen mahdollisuuksia käsitelleet kyselyn osat sekä kuvata, miten ikä ja työkokemus terveysalalla ovat yhteydessä niihin. Kyselyn aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2005 webbikyselynä (Grönroos 2006). Kuvantamisyksikön henkilöstö oli erittäin tyytyväinen työnsä sisältöön. Työntekijät kokivat, että he olivat kehittyneet ja kasvaneet työssään ja he olivat saavuttaneet jotakin merkittävää. He kokivat myös, että heillä oli mahdollisuuksia ajatella ja toimia haasteellisessa työympäristössä. He olivat erittäin tyytyväisiä työhönsä, eikä moni ollut harkinnut eroavansa työstään. Nuoremmat työntekijät tuntuivat suhtautuvan hieman kriittisemmin työhönsä kuin vanhemmat työntekijät, jotka olivat tyytyväisempiä työhönsä. Työntekijät tunsivat, että heillä on vain vähän mahdollisuuksia vaikuttaa työpaikkansa asioihin. Niukka enemmistö henkilöstöstä uskoi voivansa vaikuttaa paljon ainoastaan työmenetelmiinsä. Työntekijät tunsivat, että he voivat vaikuttaa työtehtäviinsä tai niiden tekojärjestykseen, työtahtiinsa, työnjakoon ja työtovereihin liittyviin asioihin vain vähän. Työntekijät tunsivat voivansa vaikuttaa vain vähän laitehankintoihin, henkilöstökoulutuksen sisältöön ja siihen, kuka koulutukseen osallistuu. Vanhemmat työntekijät tunsivat voivansa vaikuttaa jonkin verran enemmän asioihin työpaikalla kuin nuoremmat. Kuvantamisyksikössä tulisi lisätä työssä vaikuttamisen mahdollisuuksia. Vaihtoehtoisten työskentelytapojen etsimiseen ja löytämiseen tulisi rohkaista. Uusia työntekijöitä tulisi mahdollisuuksien mukaan palkata.


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Esta dissertação tem por objectivo avaliar a eficácia do processo de mudança organizacional, através das acções dos líderes, da empresa que lidera o mercado de telecomunicações em Cabo Verde, que foi objecto de um processo de reestruturação, que consistiu essencialmente na implementação de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ). A implementação do referido sistema é entendida, nesta dissertação, como um modelo de mudança organizacional. Para atingir os objectivos preconizados, foi realizado um estudo de caso que contempla uma análise qualitativa dos documentos da empresa e de dados recolhidos através de entrevistas realizadas no período compreendido entre Fevereiro e Agosto de 2010. O estudo procurou compreender o contributo das práticas de liderança para a eficácia da gestão da qualidade. Nesta perspectiva, importa salientar que o tipo de liderança identificado neste estudo de caso é a liderança transformacional, que tecnicamente é o adequado quando se pretende implementar mudanças profundas e que implicam uma redefinição da missão, visão e valores da organização. Importa referir ainda que vários estudos empíricos têm demonstrado de forma consistente, uma relação positiva entre a liderança transformacional e os indicadores de eficiência no trabalho. Procurou-se entender ainda se os líderes na condução do processo de mudança organizacional da empresa estudada, seguiram o modelo proposto por John P. Kotter para a implementação eficaz de mudanças nas organizações, comparando os oito passos propostos pelo autor com os ocorridos na empresa. A avaliação deste estudo de caso permitiu concluir que a essência do modelo foi aplicado. This paper intended to assess the effectiveness of the process of organizational change, through the actions of the leaders of the company that leads the telecommunications market in Cape Verde, which was involved in a restructuration process, covering mainly the implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS). The implementation of this system is understood in this case, as a model of organizational change. To achieve the proposed goals, we performed a case study based on a qualitative analysis of corporate documents and data collected through interviews conducted between February 2010 and August 2010. This study tried to understand the role of leadership practices for the effectiveness of the quality management. In this perspective, it should be noted that the type of leadership identified in this case study is the transformational one, which, technically, is the appropriate when trying to implement significant change, which imply a redefinition of the mission, vision and values of the organization. It should be noted also that several empirical studies have consistently demonstrated a positive relationship between transformational leadership and the performance indicators in the workplace. We also tried to understand if the leaders, in driving the process of organizational change in the company studied, followed the model proposed by John P. Kotter for implementing effective change in organizations, by comparing the eight steps proposed by the author with those verified in the company. The assessment of this case study allowed us to conclude that the essence of the model is applicable to this case.


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This year review emphasizes three aspects coming from addiction psychiatry: 1. Psychosis and cannabis: a motivational approach. 2. Connection between addiction services and psychiatric wards. 3. Use of antiepileptic agents in addiction medicine.


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BACKGROUND: Acute exposure to high altitude stimulates free radical formation in lowlanders, yet whether this persists during chronic exposure in healthy, well-adapted and maladapted highlanders suffering from chronic mountain sickness (CMS) remains to be established. METHODS: Oxidative-nitrosative stress (as determined by the presence of the biomarkers ascorbate radical [A •- ], via electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and nitrite [NO 2 2 ], via ozone-based chemiluminescence) was assessed in venous blood of 25 male highlanders in Bolivia living at 3,600 m with CMS (n 5 13, CMS 1 ) and without CMS (n 5 12, CMS 2 ). Twelve age- and activity-matched, healthy, male lowlanders were examined at sea level and during acute hypoxia. We also measured fl ow-mediated dilatation (FMD), arterial stiffness defined by augmentation index normalized for a heart rate of 75 beats/min (AIx-75), and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT). RESULTS: Compared with normoxic lowlanders, oxidative-nitrosative stress was moderately increased in the CMS 2 group ( P , .05), as indicated by elevated A •- (3,191 457 arbitrary units [AU] vs 2,640 445 AU) and lower NO 2 2 (206 55 nM vs 420 128 nM), whereas vascular function remained preserved. This was comparable to that observed during acute hypoxia in lowlanders in whom vascular dysfunction is typically observed. In contrast, this response was markedly exaggerated in CMS 1 group (A •- , 3,765 429 AU; NO 2 2 , 148 50 nM) compared with both the CMS 2 group and lowlanders ( P , .05). This was associated with systemic vascular dysfunction as indicated by lower ( P , .05 vs CMS 2 ) FMD (4.2% 0.7% vs 7.6% 1.7%) and increased AIx-75 (23% 8% vs 12% 7%) and carotid IMT (714 127 m M vs 588 94 m M). CONCLUSIONS: Healthy highlanders display a moderate, sustained elevation in oxidative-nitrosative stress that, unlike the equivalent increase evoked by acute hypoxia in healthy lowlanders, failed to affect vascular function. Its more marked elevation in patients with CMS may contribute to systemic vascular dysfunction.


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Contient : I ; « Les noms, et surnoms et demeure des nobles personnes du duché de Normandie, certifiés... par Remond de Montfault... » (1463) ; « Registre et estats des nouveaux anoblis en la province de Normandie, depuis les recherches qui furent faite par Rémont de Montfond... » (XVIe et XVIIe siècles) ; II « Généalogies des gentilshommes de l'élection de Bayeux, par eux produites, avec les titres justificatifs de leur noblesse, en l'an 1523 » ; III « Recherche des éleux de Lizieux par Nicolas Le Vallois, et François Le Roy et Jean Hédiart, escuyers, éleux de Lizieux... » (1540)


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Five phosphatase-labelled oligonucleotide probes were evaluated in respect to their sensitivity, with the help of an optimized chemiluminescent protocol, for DNA-VNTR polymorphism determination. Their usefulness for the identification of biological traces is illustrated with casework examples.


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