983 resultados para 110705 Humoural Immunology and Immunochemistry


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1. Recent work shows that organisms possess two strategies of immune response: personal immunity, which defends an individual, and social immunity, which protects other individuals, such as kin. However, it is unclear how individuals divide their limited resources between protecting themselves and protecting others.
2. Here, with experiments on female burying beetles, we challenged the personal immune system and measured subsequent investment in social immunity (antibacterial activity of the anal exudates).
3. Our results show that increased investment in one aspect of personal immunity (wound repair) causes a temporary decrease in one aspect of the social immune response.
4. Our experiments further show that by balancing investment in personal and social immunity in this way during one breeding attempt, females are able to defend their subsequent lifetime reproductive success.
5. We discuss the nature of the physiological trade-off between personal and social immunity in species that differ in the degree of eusociality and coloniality, and suggest that it may also vary within species in relation to age and partner contributions to social immunity.


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Subclones homozygous for JAK2V617F are more common in polycythemia vera (PV) than essential thrombocythemia (ET), but their prevalence and significance remain unclear. The JAK2 mutation status of 6495 BFU-E, grown in low erythropoietin conditions, was determined in 77 patients with PV or ET. Homozygous-mutant colonies were common in patients with JAK2V617F-positive PV and were surprisingly prevalent in JAK2V617F-positive ET and JAK2 exon 12-mutated PV. Using microsatellite PCR to map loss-of-heterozygosity breakpoints within individual colonies, we demonstrate that recurrent acquisition of JAK2V617F homozygosity occurs frequently in both PV and ET. PV was distinguished from ET by expansion of a dominant homozygous subclone, the selective advantage of which is likely to reflect additional genetic or epigenetic lesions. Our results suggest a model in which development of a dominant JAK2V617F-homzygous subclone drives erythrocytosis in many PV patients, with alternative mechanisms operating in those with small or undetectable homozygous-mutant clones.


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Streptococcus pyogenes is the causative agent of numerous diseases ranging from benign infections (pharyngitis and impetigo) to severe infections associated with high mortality (necrotizing fasciitis and bacterial sepsis). As with other bacterial infections, there is considerable interest in characterizing the contribution of interleukin-17A (IL-17A) responses to protective immunity. We here show significant il17a up-regulation by quantitative real-time PCR in secondary lymphoid organs, correlating with increased protein levels in the serum within a short time of S. pyogenes infection. However, our data offer an important caveat to studies of IL-17A responsiveness following antigen inoculation, because enhanced levels of IL-17A were also detected in the serum of sham-infected mice, indicating that inoculation trauma alone can stimulate the production of this cytokine. This highlights the potency and speed of innate IL-17A immune responses after inoculation and the importance of proper and appropriate controls in comparative analysis of immune responses observed during microbial infection.


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Background: Natural Killer Cells (NK) play an important role in detection and elimination of virus-infected, damaged or cancer cells. NK cell function is guided by expression of Killer Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIRs) and contributed to by the cytokine milieu. KIR molecules are grouped on NK cells into stimulatory and inhibitory KIR haplotypes A and B, through which NKs sense and tolerate HLA self-antigens or up-regulate the NK-cytotoxic response to cells with altered HLA self-antigens, damaged by viruses or tumours. We have previously described increased numbers of NK and NK-related subsets in association with sIL-2R cytokine serum levels in BELFAST octo/nonagenarians. We hypothesised that changes in KIR A and B haplotype gene frequencies could explain the increased cytokine profiles and NK compartments previously described in Belfast Elderly Longitudinal Free-living Aging STudy (BELFAST) octo/nonagenarians, who show evidence of ageing well.

Results: In the BELFAST study, 24% of octo/nonagenarians carried the KIR A haplotype and 76% KIR B haplotype with no differences for KIR A haplogroup frequency between male or female subjects (23% v 24%; p=0.88) or for KIR B haplogroup (77% v 76%; p=0.99). Octo/nonagenarian KIR A haplotype carriers showed increased NK numbers and percentage compared to Group B KIR subjects (p=0.003; p=0.016 respectively). There were no KIR A/ B haplogroup-associated changes for related CD57+CD8 (high or low) subsets. Using logistic regression, KIR B carriers were predicted to have higher IL-12 cytokine levels compared to KIR A carriers by about 3% (OR 1.03, confidence limits CI 0.99–1.09; p=0.027) and 14% higher levels for TGF-ß (active), a cytokine with an anti-inflammatory role, (OR 1.14, confidence limits CI 0.99–1.09; p=0.002).

Conclusion: In this observational study, BELFAST octo/nonagenarians carrying KIR A haplotype showed higher NK cell numbers and percentage compared to KIR B carriers. Conversely, KIR B haplotype carriers, with genes encoding for activating KIRs, showed a tendency for higher serum pro-inflammatory cytokines compared to KIR A carriers. While the findings in this study should be considered exploratory they may serve to stimulate debate about the immune signatures of those who appear to age slowly and who represent a model for good quality survivor-hood.© 2013 Rea et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Using mice harbouring early Fasciola hepatica infections, six monoclonal antibodies were prepared against a tegumental antigen present in T1 granules and glycocalyx of flukes. Blocking tests indicated that all monoclonals bound the same T1 epitope (or epitopes in close proximity on the antigen molecule), but this was not the determinant recognized by sheep and cattle. Localization of antibody binding at light and electron microscope levels showed that T1-type antigen also occurred in metacercarial tegument and in glycocalyx of gut cells and excretory ducts in juvenile and adult flukes. This indicates that the natural host-antibody response to F. hepatica may be to one antigen early in the infection. Protein A-gold labelling of monoclonal treated fluke sections revealed that the epitope was probably a polypeptide, unmodified by glycosylation in Golgi bodies. When isolated by immunoadsorption and separated electrophoretically under reducing conditions T1-type antigen was found to consist of a polypeptide mol. wt. 50 000, possibly linked to smaller entities mol. wt. 25-40 000. Tissue-specific variations in the antigen molecule might be conferred by linkage of different polypeptides or carbohydrate side-chains to an antigenic core polypeptide. A component of T1-type antigen was found to have mol. wt. of 25 000, possibly resembling a polypeptide of mol. wt. 24 000 from Schistosoma mansoni tegument.


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A solid-phase radioimmunoassay was used to determine the specificity of IgG antibodies from normal sera, sera and CSF from patients with SSPE for the structural polypeptides of measles virus. The polypeptide specificity of antibodies from these sources were qualitatively similar; these results indicate antigenic cross-reactivity between SSPE-derived (Mantooth) and non-SSPE-derived strains of measles virus and stimulation of antibody formation by comparable antigens.


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The joint fluids of 37 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, eight patients with traumatic injuries to their joints, two patients with Reiter's syndrome and three patients with psoriatic arthritis were tested for the presence of B cell colony stimulating activity (B cell CSA). B cell CSA was found in all of the joint fluids from the patients with rheumatoid arthritis but in none of the joint fluids from patients with traumatic injuries to their joints or in the joint fluids from the patients with Reiter's syndrome. A trace of B cell CSA was found in the joint fluid of one of the three patients with psoriatic arthritis. There was a positive correlation (r = 0.796) between the amount of rheumatoid factor present in the joint fluids and the titre of B cell CSA. This correlation was highly significant (P less than 0.001). The B cell CSA was localized to component(s) with molecular weight ranges 115-129 kD and 64-72 kD and an isoelectric point of 6.8. Its activity was sensitive to reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol and to the oxidising action of potassium periodate.


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We have characterized the pre-B cell colony stimulating activity (pre-B cell CSA) from LICR LON HMY2 conditioned medium (CM) by a variety of biochemical techniques. Pre-B cell CSA was found to be associated with a heat stable glycoprotein which has an isoelectric point of 8.3 and a mol. wt, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, of 28-32 kD. The relationship of this activity to previously described factors acting on cells of the B cell lineage is discussed.


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Mutations that result in loss of function of Nod2, an intracellular receptor for bacterial peptidoglycan, are associated with Crohn's disease. Here we found that the E3 ubiquitin ligase Pellino3 was an important mediator in the Nod2 signaling pathway. Pellino3-deficient mice had less induction of cytokines after engagement of Nod2 and had exacerbated disease in various experimental models of colitis. Furthermore, expression of Pellino3 was lower in the colons of patients with Crohn's disease. Pellino3 directly bound to the kinase RIP2 and catalyzed its ubiquitination. Loss of Pellino3 led to attenuation of Nod2-induced ubiquitination of RIP2 and less activation of the transcription factor NF-?B and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). Our findings identify RIP2 as a substrate for Pellino3 and Pellino3 as an important mediator in the Nod2 pathway and regulator of intestinal inflammation. © 2013 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) sense pathogen-associated molecules and respond by inducing cytokines and type I interferon. Here we show that genetic ablation of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Pellino3 augmented the expression of type I interferon but not of proinflammatory cytokines in response to TLR3 activation. Pellino3-deficient mice had greater resistance against the pathogenic and lethal effects of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). TLR3 signaling induced Pellino3, which in turn interacted with and ubiquitinated TRAF6. This modification suppressed the ability of TRAF6 to interact with and activate IRF7, resulting in downregulation of type I interferon expression. Our findings highlight a new physiological role for Pellino3 and define a new autoregulatory network for controlling type I interferon expression. © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Non-small cell lung carcinoma remains by far the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Overexpression of FLIP, which blocks the extrinsic apoptotic pathway by inhibiting caspase-8 activation, has been identified in various cancers. We investigated FLIP and procaspase-8 expression in NSCLC and the effect of HDAC inhibitors on FLIP expression, activation of caspase-8 and drug resistance in NSCLC and normal lung cell line models. Immunohistochemical analysis of cytoplasmic and nuclear FLIP and procaspase-8 protein expression was carried out using a novel digital pathology approach. Both FLIP and procaspase-8 were found to be significantly overexpressed in tumours, and importantly, high cytoplasmic expression of FLIP significantly correlated with shorter overall survival. Treatment with HDAC inhibitors targeting HDAC1-3 downregulated FLIP expression predominantly via post-transcriptional mechanisms, and this resulted in death receptor- and caspase-8-dependent apoptosis in NSCLC cells, but not normal lung cells. In addition, HDAC inhibitors synergized with TRAIL and cisplatin in NSCLC cells in a FLIP- and caspase-8-dependent manner. Thus, FLIP and procaspase-8 are overexpressed in NSCLC, and high cytoplasmic FLIP expression is indicative of poor prognosis. Targeting high FLIP expression using HDAC1-3 selective inhibitors such as entinostat to exploit high procaspase-8 expression in NSCLC has promising therapeutic potential, particularly when used in combination with TRAIL receptor-targeted agents.


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Background: Many patients and healthcare professionals believe that work-related psychosocial stress, such as job strain, can make asthma worse, but this is not corroborated by empirical evidence. We investigated the associations between job strain and the incidence of severe asthma exacerbations in working-age European men and women. Methods: We analysed individual-level data, collected between 1985 and 2010, from 102 175 working-age men and women in 11 prospective European studies. Job strain (a combination of high demands and low control at work) was self-reported at baseline. Incident severe asthma exacerbations were ascertained from national hospitalization and death registries. Associations between job strain and asthma exacerbations were modelled using Cox regression and the study-specific findings combined using random-effects meta-analyses. Results: During a median follow-up of 10 years, 1 109 individuals experienced a severe asthma exacerbation (430 with asthma as the primary diagnostic code). In the age- and sex-adjusted analyses, job strain was associated with an increased risk of severe asthma exacerbations defined using the primary diagnostic code (hazard ratio, HR: 1.27, 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.00, 1.61). This association attenuated towards the null after adjustment for potential confounders (HR: 1.22, 95% CI: 0.96, 1.55). No association was observed in the analyses with asthma defined using any diagnostic code (HR: 1.01, 95% CI: 0.86, 1.19). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that job strain is probably not an important risk factor for severe asthma exacerbations leading to hospitalization or death.


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How are resources split between caring for offspring and self-maintenance? Is the timing of immune challenge important? In burying beetles challenging the immune system prior to breeding does not affect the total number and quality of offspring produced during the individual's lifetime. However, the immune system is suppressed during breeding and if an immune challenge is presented during this time the beetle will upregulate its immune system, but at the detriment to the number of offspring produced during that breeding opportunity.We know that parental investment and immune investment are costly processes, but it is unclear which trait will be prioritized when both may be required. Here, we address this question using the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, carrion breeders that exhibit biparental care of young. Our results show that immunosuppression occurs during provision of parental care. We measured phenoloxidase (PO) on Days 1-8 of the breeding bout and results show a clear decrease in PO immediately from presentation of the breeding resource onward. Having established baseline immune investment during breeding we then manipulated immune investment at different times by applying a wounding challenge. Beetles were wounded prior to and during the parental care period and reproductive investment quantified. Different effects on reproductive output occur depending on the timing of wounding. Challenging the immune system with wounding prior to breeding does not affect reproductive output and subsequent lifetime reproductive success (LRS). LRS is also unaffected by applying an immune elicitor prior to breeding, though different arms of the immune system are up/downregulated, perhaps indicating a trade-off between cellular and humoral immunity. In contrast, wounding during breeding reduces reproductive output and to the greatest extent if the challenge is applied early in the breeding bout. Despite being immunosuppressed, breeding beetles can still respond to wounding by increasing PO, albeit not to prebreeding levels. This upregulation of PO during breeding may affect parental investment, resulting in a reduction in reproductive output. The potential role of juvenile hormone in controlling this trade-off is discussed.


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Cathelicidin is an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) and signaling molecule in innate immunity and a direct target of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D3) in primary human keratinocytes (NHEK). The expression of cathelicidin is dysregulated in various skin diseases and its regulation differs depending on the epithelial cell type. The secondary bile acid lithocholic acid (LCA) is a ligand of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and can carry out in vivo functions of vitamin D3. Therefore we analyzed cathelicidin mRNA- and peptide expression levels in NHEK and colonic epithelial cells (Caco-2) after stimulation with LCA. We found increased expression of cathelicidin mRNA and peptide in NHEK, in Caco-2 colon cells no effect was observed after LCA stimulation. The VDR as well as MEK-ERK signaled the upregulation of cathelicidin in NHEK induced by LCA. Collectively, our data indicate that cathelicidin induction upon LCA treatment differs in keratinocytes and colonic epithelial cells. Based on these observations LCA-like molecules targeting cathelicidin could be designed for the treatment of cutaneous diseases that are characterized by disturbed cathelicidin expression.