1000 resultados para Áreas de conservação ambiental
Pipelines are linear engineering works, designed mostly for transporting oil and its derivatives for long distances, furnishing even the farthermost zones of the country. Due to oil sector needs to ensure for the safety and conservation of its properties, several geotechnical studies are being held at the pipelines field, in order to preserve this important transportation, and also to prevent accidents, which might seriously compromise the environment and the population who lives around it. The OSBRA pipeline, who connects the city of Paulínia to the capital Brasília, is one of these engineering works that deserves to be pointed out. This research, performed at the Ribeirão da Prata Basin, was a pilot study conducted with the main objective of testing the current methodology efficiency, for future applications in the closest watersheds to the OSBRA pipeline. The objective of this research is to analyze flood wave and debris flow processes in a non-fictional watershed, by comparing two different kinds of methods: the first one based on simulation models (software ‘ABC 6’), and the other one by flood wave and debris flow susceptibility mapping. The results from the hydrological modeling were both hydrographs and ietographs that estimated values of outputs and infiltration. To construct the susceptibility maps were necessary three other maps: ground use and occupation maps, divided according to the different protection degrees that were offered to the ground; maps of dam locations in the area and physiographic compartimentation maps, divided according to the local geology. To complete the methodology, the results were collected from both methods for comparison. The obtained product for this methodology was series of data whose different susceptibility degrees to flood wave and debris flow could define the safest route for a pipeline crossing in this watershed...
A ocupação inconsequente do território e a aplicação de técnicas agropastoris altamente degradantes ao meio ambiente, no Estado de São Paulo, culminaram em uma diminuição da cobertura vegetal nativa preservada de apenas 14% da cobertura original. Nesse cenário, o Novo Código Florestal, de 1964, regulamentava a proteção das chamadas Áreas de Preservação Permanente e a aplicação da área de Reserva Legal, que consistia em uma porcentagem da área total da propriedade rural destinada à preservação para a manutenção da biodiversidade local. Com a função de guiar as propostas de recuperação das áreas degradadas e de preservação dos remanescentes nativos, um Programa de Adequação Ambiental foi desenvolvido no presente estudo. Seu objetivo é adequar uma pequena propriedade rural, localizada no município de São Carlos – SP, às leis ambientais, com a finalidade de torná-la o mais ecologicamente sustentável possível. Com o auxilio de imagens de satélite disponíveis gratuitamente na internet e programas de SIG (ArcGis, Stitch Maps), o Programa de Adequação Ambiental da Estância 4R avaliou os usos e ocupações da propriedade, indicando que mais da metade da propriedade (35 ha) são destinados à criação de gado de corte e quase todo o restante (20 ha) está arrendado para o cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, e sugeriu propostas de restauração da área de Reserva Legal, cuja área deve ser de 12 ha, bem como sua localização, ao sul da propriedade. Como ação de restauração, foi proposto o consórcio de espécies arbóreas nativas com linhas de plantio de café de sombra, em um sistema de plantio conhecido como Agroflorestal
The late industrialization, together with other factors, ended up directing much of the rural population to cities, without adequate planning, resulting in high density and irregular settlements in risk areas to low-income population. The man settled in the urban site to break environmental laws that eventually causing an imbalance in the natural environment, causing or exacerbating the shortage in availability of water resources. This situation also happened in Presidente Prudente, especially in the east, the focus of this research. Therefore, this study aims to understand the causes of degradation of waterways in urban areas, focusing on society's relationship with nature and its consequences on environmental quality and quality of life of urban population located in the watershed of stream of Gramado, Presidente Prudente - São Paulo. In this catchment there is the irregular deposition of solid waste in the valley, remnants of old pollution release of domestic sewage and industrial (currently collected and intended for treatment), accelerated processes of erosion in some areas of intensive use of the relief and consequently, the bed siltation of streams that are part of the basin. The quality of urban life was seen through socioeconomic and environmental indicators, which were identified through questionnaires to residents, according to local residence in the landscape, divided into three segments: the tops 60 residents, 90 residents and 112 residents in the areas in valley bottoms. With these data we can relate them to the degradation of the basin and aggregate them to the quality of life of residents. Field studies were needed to visualize the changes that occurred in the watershed over the past three years, with the implementation of works aimed at improvements to the community as the conduit stream of Gramado and construction and operation of Sewage Pumping Stations... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The Atlantic Forest biome, reduced to 12% of its original coverage, holds a significant portion of brazilian biodiversity, with high levels of endemism. Among the few remaining areas of the Atlantic, there is the region between the Complex of Cantareira and the municipality of Nazaré Paulista, which will be the object of study of this work. Using the concepts of Landscape Ecology, and analysis of thematic maps, this study aims to characterize the region in a ecologically scaled perspective, identifying two types of hotspots: i) for conservation and ii) for maintain habitat connectivity. Concepts of Landscape Ecology as landscape structure, patches, matrix, corridors (structural and functional) and connectivity, as well as their effects on local biodiversity was adopted and applied in the study region. We also analyzed the effects of roads, hydrographic system, Permanent Protection Areas (PPAs), and Conservation Units for flora and fauna maintenance at regional scale. This allowed us to define strategies and priority areas for the conservation and restoration of forest fragments of Atlantic Forest remnants within the study region. This study generated relevant knowledge for a better planning the region in order to create best conditions for the maintenance of regional biodiversity, and consequently, allowing to improve the quality of life for local population
Located in Apiaí, Vale do Ribeira, southern region of São Paulo state, the Usina do Calabouço areas (CIEM / CPRM) and Morro do Ouro (Parque Municipal do Morro do Ouro), were targeted for stud ies due to its old buildings, respectively a foundry in lead ore, called Experimental de Chumbo e Prata (Usina Calabouço), and a gold mine with processing plant of the gold-bearing ore produced there. Nowadays, the areas are used for public visitation, and in both places the rests of the buildings remains. Particularly in the CIEM/CPRM, due to the materials witch was produced before, it can suggest the existence of anomalous amounts of the involved metals (CIEM / CPRM) and possible contaminations by chemical products used in the improvement of the auriferous ore (P. M. Morro do Ouro). These potential contamination were confirmed with geochemical survey of soils and current sediments accomplished in both areas, for the elements arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, mercury, silver and zinc, which were used as parameters guiding values for soil and groundwater the state of São Paulo (CETESB), and watershed values stipulated by CPRM (poor, background and anomalous), in it rising geochemistry during Folha Apiaí's execution (SG-22-X-B-V).
Currently the mobile services represent an essential tool in daily life of the population. However, while offering greater convenience to its users, there is growing concern about the harmful effects to human health, derived from daily exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields from radio base stations (RBS), since even today, there is no study proving that longterm exposure to low-level fields are not harmful to health. In Presidente Prudente has not been a study reporting values of measurements of electromagnetic fields from base stations installed in the city. Based on these data, this study aimed to assess the levels of electromagnetic exposure in the city of Presidente Prudente regarding recommended by international bodies, as well as propose measures that can reduce public exposure to electromagnetic fields. For measuring values of electromagnetic fields, we used appliance Electromagnetic Field Meter Portable Digital - DRE-050, the Instrutherm, following the methodology suggested and adapted from the Adilza Condessa Dode’study. In total, 49 points were mapped corresponding to the areas at risk of exposure to electromagnetic fields generated by the substations of power grid, transmission towers and telecommunication towers located in the city of Presidente Prudente (SP)
A conservação da biodiversidade é tema recorrente nas ciências e nas políticas já há algumas décadas, porém esta inquietação não é recente, visto que muitos naturalistas de séculos passados alertaram sobre as adversidades da perda da biodiversidade. Mais recentemente, a sociedade passou a exigir das empresas uma postura pró-conservação, pois são elas as maiores responsáveis pela degradação ambiental. Sendo assim, esta pesquisa analisou como a conservação da biodiversidade está inserida no setor de negócios e quais práticas têm sido adotadas para alcançar este fim. Em um primeiro momento, foi feito um histórico a respeito da conservação da biodiversidade desde os primeiros naturalistas até as grandes cúpulas mundiais sobre meio ambiente. Posteriormente, foi discutida a importância da inter-relação entre a biodiversidade e o setor empresarial. Por fim, foram levantados os principais instrumentos de gestão ambiental utilizados pelas empresas. Para ilustrar este arcabouço teórico, foram identificados os principais acordos multilaterais pró-conservação da biodiversidade e as mais novas ferramentas de gestão ambiental desenvolvidas e aplicadas no setor empresarial. Além disso, foi conduzido um estudo de caso com duas empresas brasileiras do setor de cosméticos, fundamentados nos seus respectivos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade, que subsidiaram a extração de informações sobre o modo como as empresas gerenciam seus recursos naturais. Concluiu-se que as empresas analisadas possuem boas práticas ambientais, exemplificadas em um estudo de caso a partir do qual foi possível conhecer as ações em andamento que versam sobre economia de energia, economia e reutilização da água, compensação das emissões dos gases de efeito estufa, gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos e investimentos em projetos socioambientais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Considering the growing degradation of the urban environmental quality resulting from the progressive sound pollution increase, as well as the consequent harmful effects about the human health, the present study had its central objective the argument and management tools implementation of the urban noise that can be integrated to the environmental planning in the city of Rio Claro (SP). Therefore, normative and bibliographical revisions were developed, that made feasible the directives of control argument and prevention of the urban noise, as well as the technical procedures of sound levels and evaluation’s definition and especially about the criteria applicable for the elaboration of an urban acoustic zoning methodology. Among the main results obtained detach: (1) the applicable legislation to the management of urban noise’s synthesis and argument; (2) the methodology of urban acoustic zoning development and (3) its implementation to determined areas of Rio Claro (SP) with the (4) respective cartography representation; (5) the mapping of sound levels in the central zone of Rio Claro (SP), (6) the obtaining and analysis of noise describers (LAeq, Lmáx, L10, L50, L90, Lmin and TNI) and the subsequent (7) acoustic maps elaboration for the main describers.
Currently, the dam of Salto Grande is very degraded. Water quality is seriously amended, and lack of riparian vegetation, as well as the advance of feed crops and land occupation in areas that should be permanently preserved, only complicate this situation. The permanent preservation area is essential for the water sources protection, soil erosion control and consequent watercourse sedimentation. Through aerial photography, using GIS techniques, it was able to identify the outwards bounds of the dam, to demarcate the permanent preservation areas and generate maps for land use. With this data, in addition to studies and ideas of reforestation in different environments, the development of a plan for restoration of degraded areas surrounding the dam is easier to be done. This study confirmed that about 72% of land use in permanent preservation areas is not in accordance with specific laws, making necessary its recovering.
The implementation of an Export and Processing Zone (ZEPs) brings several benefits to the local, state and federal economy, but often, only socioeconomic factors are considered, apart from several other factors that should be analyzed, such as the environment. In this context of industrialization and the struggle for sustainable development, this work propose to incorporate the environmental variable in the decision process for establishing industrial areas, in particular, the ZPE in the city of Fernandópolis, São Paulo state, Brazil, by examining several physical and environmental factors such as slope intervals, geological features, pedological factors and land use. Developed using a multicriteria analysis, a model has been elaborated, where these factors have received a proportional value according with their importance, supported by a GIS tool (Geographical Information System) and remote sensing products, such as images from CBERS satellite and SRTM radar, showing the suited areas for industrial activities, considering environmental conditions. This model may assist to take better decision about the ZPE implementation area and to reduce the negative environmental impacts that would result of poorly planned locations
The need to know and to preserve the coastal ecosystems is justified by the whole importance that those ecosystems have for our society. Then, it is big the concern in guaranteeing that those places stay free from contaminations. Among the several types of potentials pollutants that can affect the coastal systems, the petroleum-derived are the ones that cause the worst impacts, given the frequency of these accidents. Rapid actions are necessary in order to minimize the oil negative effects . This answer is faster when the most sensitive areas are known and when it presents characteristics of larger importance, as for instance, the presence of sea harvesting or the habitat of an endemic specie. Besides, it is necessary to know which cleanup methods are recommended and which are not recommended for the reached areas, so, the corrected emergency plans for each coastal environment can be applied. It is in this context that this project was developed, implementing a geographical database for the different coastal environment of São Sebastião municipality, SP, and also the data about the best cleanup techniques for each segment of the coast. This database was made available by the internet, enabling the access for several types of users.
The problem of flooding in urban areas exist in many cities and their causes are as varied as the areas of occupancy or Valley weatherproofing Fund areas of infiltration in the drainage basin. The anthropic activity come triggering changes and impacts on the environment for a long time, and there is a growing need to come up with solutions and strategies that minimize and reverse the effects caused these risk areas. Thus, the present work will address the case study in São José do Rio Preto-SP that is an exception, since the area that is considered of risk lies in the Centre, unlike most lying on the outskirts. This will also analyze the processes of urban expansion and the situations of social and environmental vulnerability, including their interrelations in urban scale. The physical study of the area will serve as an important basis for the work, but it will focus mainly on the population and the problems which this is being in hazardous areas. We will not join a single methodology, wharever, we will follow our knowledge to adapt what we feel that fits better, every time. The importance of this study is that in addition to identifying the problems which the local population suffers with floods, lists measures that minimize the environmental impacts arising through the fostering of public policies
The inadequate disposal of municipal waste is one of the biggest environmental problems. The lack of long public politics makes this problem a challenge to their administrators. Finding a place for the disposal of waste is an easy task and the present work looks forward to a better understanding about the concepts involved in order to choose favorable areas for the development of sanitary landfills, minimizing environmental impacts. In this line of thought several areas in Rio Claro`s region were evaluated according to the environmental terms. The areas which were classified as good or almost good will have a more elaborated study such as field works, evaluation and understanding of the concepts analyzed so that there aren’t any waste of money, work, social and environmental waste in the area. These areas were analyzed according to secondary data such as geological and pedological formation and primary studies such as the assumption of the reality as showed in the map will be made in order to acquire better results.
The lack of proper planning in intervention works of runoff water on rural properties and rural public roads leads to economic damage and loss of environmental quality. The impact of the action without technical base is soil erosion, siltation of water sources, loss of the quality and availability of water, invalidating areas for cultivation and livestock. The conservation of headwaters requires beyond regeneration of the environmental characteristics the repair and management of the degraded watercourse in order to control erosion. This graduate work in Environmental Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Presidente Prudente proposes a headwater recuperation and management in rural area of Álvares Machado municipality, São Paulo State, through the method of deep drainage applied to the case of a rural road near the outcrop of water. This technique consists in the installation of draining structures in sub-areas of the road surface, or sub-gutter and/or in the platform border in order to conduct the underground flow of water and reduce the loss of sediment in water flow. Therefore, was performed a historic study of use and occupation of land in the municipality of Álvares Machado, portraying transformations of the landscape caused by human action. Geology, geomorphology, pedology and hydrogeology data were collected from the study area in order to establish the conditions that led into the current situation of degradation and formulate an effective intervention strategy for civil works
The current concern with environmental issues by the scientific community, governmental and civil society also brings out the need to recover, preserve and conserve the environment. With this understanding, this work was prepared, which had as one of the main objectives of the historical process of land use and occupancy of the Pontal, since the nineteenth century to the present day. From this, the changes were evident in the types of land use, which rose from native forest to plant crops (permanent and temporary crops) and later as pasture. Through this process of occupation, exploitation of forests and replacement even three, Reserves being brought from the Far West Paulista, through the state government of Sao Paulo, they were almost decimated. Such areas decreed by law to be preserved and conserved, with the rampant occupations, were suffocated by the fakes and illegal occupation of land tenure contracts, leaving the region currently only a few forest fragments and protected areas of State Park Morro do Diabo, PRNP Boa Vista and Ecological Station Black Lion Tamarin. Furthermore, the article emphasizes the main legislation being developed by federal and state levels aimed at protecting natural resources and the effectiveness they had with the passage of time, demonstrating that the conservation of the environment, has several contributions in the law, however, and they are so vast that hinder its application.