995 resultados para work ethos
Oriundo da fusão de pensamentos de duas dissertações de Mestrado, o presente trabalho propõe-se a averiguar as relações e inter-relações existentes entre ethos e cultura como base real de um presumível contrato de convivência e sobrevivência do gênero humano nas atuais circunstâncias. Subsiste o fato de que o espetáculo do progresso científico não conseguiu conter a inquietude no ser humano, que continua na sua busca por respostas para os por quês da vida. O Ensino Religioso surge, neste contexto, como área de conhecimento que propõe um debruçar-se sobre as questões fundamentais da existência humana. O enraizamento da transcendência é a cultura. E, se a transcendência se expressa para a maioria dos indivíduos através da religião, torna-se imprescindível para a educação trabalhar o fenômeno religioso como elemento que compõe e constitui a identidade do sujeito. Buscar a conexão existente entre ethos e cultura significa ir ao encontro das expectativas de fundo da humanidade no seu modo de ser, de perceber e conceber a realidade, o tempo e a transcendência. Tudo isso no contexto da multiculturalidade, no qual o docente, no seu papel de mediador, deve estar preparado para compreender e fazer compreender as inúmeras faces, símbolos e significados das várias religiões ou orientações filosóficas presentes na sua sala de aula, nesta busca pelo Absoluto e pela Verdade, inerente a todo o ser humano, por mais diversa que seja a sua cultura.
This paper discusses an ongoing project that aims at improving the potential for resilience of a system responsible for the planning of rail engineering work delivery. It focuses on the use of a human factors based approach as a way to achieve this end. In particular, the paper discusses the initial data collected by means of interviews and how this process gave way to a two fold goal: Understanding how the planning process works in reality and identifying any critical aspects of the system from a Resilience Engineering perspective. Given the nature of the process under study, information flows and communication issues have been given particular attention throughout the data collection and analysis stages. Initial data confirms that the planning process is greatly reliant on the capability of people using their knowledge and skills to communicate in a dynamic informational environment. Finally, the added value of the interviews is discussed from a human factors perspective and as a mean towards the aim of better understanding resilience in rail engineering planning.
This paper discusses an ongoing project that aims at improving the potential for resilience of a system responsible for the planning of rail engineering work delivery. This is being addressed by means of a methodology based on the observation and analysis of “real” planning activities, using resilience engineering concepts as a background. Interviews with planners have been carried out to provide an overview of the planning process and steer more in-depth investigation. Analysis of historic information and observation of planners’ main activities is underway. Given the nature of the process under study, information flows and communication issues have been given particular attention throughout the data collection and analysis stages. Initial data confirms that the planning process is greatly reliant on the capability of people using their knowledge and skills to communicate in a dynamic informational environment. Evidence was found of communication breakdowns at the boundaries of different planning levels and teams. The fact that the process is divided amongst several different areas of the organisation, often with different goals and needs, creates potential sources of conflict and tension.
The work on Social Memory, focused on the biographic method and the paths of immaterial Heritage, are the fabric that we have chosen to substantiate the idea of museum. The social dimensions of memory, its construction and representation, are the thickness of the exhibition fabric. The specificity of museological work in contemporary times resembles a fine lace, a meticulous weaving of threads that flow from time, admirable lace, painstaking and complex, created with many needles, made up of hollow spots and stitches (of memories and things forgotten). Repetitions and symmetries are the pace that perpetuates it, the rhythmic grammar that gives it body. A fluid body, a single piece, circumstantial. It is always possible to create new patterns, new compositions, with the same threads. Accurately made, properly made, this lace of memories and things forgotten is always an extraordinary creation, a web of wonder that expands fantasy, generates value and feeds the endless reserve of the community’s knowledge, values and beliefs.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate current materials given to parents of new hearing aid users.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate current materials given to parents of new hearing aid users.
El debate sobre el modelo civilizatorio de la modernidad de Occidente, consu economía concentradora y excluyente, y su matriz económico energética petrolera y extractivista no sustentable, ha reavivado en los escenarios políticos y académicos de la salud la discusión de la propuesta del buen vivir inscrita en las nuevas constituciones de Bolivia y Ecuador. Ante la crisis social, sanitaria y ambiental producida por la imposición de una economía de la muerte, y la consiguiente multiplicación de modos de vivir malsanos, se discuten aquí las tesis de Bolívar Echeverría sobre la base material de la vida y la cultura, como una herramienta para evaluar históricamente los desempeños de los gobiernos de las izquierdas realmente existentes, y trabajar un modelo de transición histórica y el indispensable remozamiento de la conciencia crítica desde una visión radicalmente renovadora, pero que mire la realidad sin dogmatismo, sin estridencias míticas y con un sentido de profunda autocrítica.
Cecília Donnangelo es sin duda una de las figuras mayores del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano sobre la salud. Reavivar su memoria será siempre importante, pero lo es más ahora que la América Latina atraviesa por una etapa de presión ideológica hacia un neo-funcionalismo, que forma parte del ethos tecnocrático del capitalismo del siglo XXI y que ha invadido lamentablemente también la salud colectiva. El propósito de este breve ensayo es enfocar la importancia de sus esclarecedores argumentos sobre los disensos y paradigmas contrapuestos de la epidemiología, terreno en el que sus preocupaciones coinciden con problemas que varios de nosotros hemos trabajado, en el afán de construir una visión crítica sobre la realidad.