989 resultados para university performance


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Three groups of steer calves totaling 480 head were sorted into smaller and larger frame sizes, and those groups were sorted into groups with more and less backfat. There was no difference in age among the four sorted groups. The larger steers and steers with less fat had faster rates of gain and tended to have superior feed efficiencies. Steers with more initial fat were fed fewer days. The larger framed steers and steers with less fat had heavier carcasses, less carcass backfat, more yield grade 1 carcasses and a lower percentage of Choice carcasses, but they also had greater value per carcass when evaluated using a grid paying premiums for quality and yield grades. The greatest profit to the feedyard was realized from the smaller framed steers and those with less initial backfat. For similar profit it was calculated that the larger steers should have been discounted as feeders $3.50 per hundred compared with the smaller steers and the steers with more fat discounted $5.00 per hundred compared with those having less initial fat. The results of this study suggest that sorting based on initial fat thickness may have more potential for enhancing the value of finished cattle than sorting based on frame score.


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A 192-day experiment involving 144 young Angus steers fed growing and finishing diets containing 20% corn gluten feed was conducted to evaluate feeding a soluble source of readily available cobalt. No benefits were observed in rate of gain, feed intake or carcass value by feeding the available source of cobalt.


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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of daily feeding a live microbial preparation containing two live organisms to finishing cattle. One organism was a lactobacillus, and the other was a propionibacterium, thought to work in concert to improve fermentation in the rumen and overall digestion. The study was conducted with Angus steers with an average initial weight of 550 lbs that were fed a finishing ration containing 50% wet corn gluten feed on a dry basis for 184 days. Feeding the microbial product improved daily gain and feed efficiency 1.7% and 2.4%, respectively, but the differences were not statistically significant. The microbial preparation increased carcass weights 1% but had no effects on quality or yield grades. It is concluded that potential benefits of this product are more likely to be greater when cattle are fed high grain rations rather than diets containing high concentrations of corn gluten feed.


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Seasonal lamb supply has been established as one of the major hindrances to the American sheep industry. The ability to consistently lamb ewes on an accelerated production system offers additional benefits of reduced maintenance costs, more uniform cash flow along with reduced labor and facility demands. Previous work at McNay with spring breeding indicated that light priming rams regardless of genetic base improved conception rates, however, MGA feeding postweaning gave inconsistent and sometimes depressed reproductive activity in ewes. This study was conducted to evaluate the use of MGA in late lactation and a single PG600 injection at weaning, either individually or in combination.


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Forty-four Hampshire (H) and 41 Suffolk (S) ewes were allotted within breed to one of four treatment groups (VitA, VitE, VitAE, and Control) to evaluate the effect of supplemental vitamin E and A on reproductive performance of ewes mated on pasture or in drylot. Beginning two weeks before the mating period, ewes received 0 or 300 IU of vitamin E every 14 days and 0 or 250,000 IU of vitamin A every 28 days. Hampshire ewes remained on pasture during the mating period, whereas S ewes were moved to drylot. Treatment did not affect ovulation rate (OR), embryonic loss (EL), fetal loss (FL) or litter size (LS) of H ewes. Embryonic loss was higher (P<.05) in the H yearlings and two-year olds than in older ewes. Litter size was lower (P<.01) for H yearlings compared with other age groups. Suffolk ewes in the VitE group exhibited a lower (P<.01) OR than S ewes in other treatment groups, but no effect of treatment was observed for EL, FL, or LS. Although S yearling ewes did not differ from ewes of other age groups for OR and EL, they did produce fewer (P<.05) lambs. Analysis of serum samples revealed that H yearling ewes exhibited lower (P<.05) serum a-tocopherol levels than older H ewes. In addition, H ewes had a higher (P<.05) serum a-tocopherol level than S ewes at the beginning of study when they were managed as one group. Even though age and breed influenced certain reproductive parameters, results of this study indicate little effect of supplemental vitamin E and A on the overall reproductive efficiency of ewes mated on pasture or in drylot.


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Forty Hampshire and 40 Suffolk ewes were allotted to one of four groups (VitA, VitE, VitA&E, Control) in a 2 x 2 factorial treatment arrangement to evaluate the effect of supplemental vitamin E (0 or 300 IU) and vitamin A (0 or 250,000 IU) on reproductive performance. Laparoscopy and ultrasonography were used to measure ovulation rate, embryonic loss, and fetal loss. Serum profiles of a-tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A) also were monitored. There were no differences (P>.05) among treatment groups in any reproductive trait. Suffolk ewes exhibited a higher (P<.02) ovulation rate than Hampshire ewes, and yearling ewes incurred higher (P<.001) embryonic loss than other age groups, resulting in a lower (P<.001) litter size. Serum levels of a-tocopherol were higher (P<.05) for Hampshire than for Suffolk ewes and were lower (P<.001) in yearling ewes versus ewes two years of age and older. Serum levels of a-tocopherol declined (P<.01) throughout the study in VitA and Control ewes but remained unchanged in VitE and VitA&E ewes. Serum level of retinol remained unchanged in VitA ewes, whereas the level increased (P<.01) initially in VitE, VitA&E, and Control ewes before declining toward initial levels. Correlations were detected between ovulation rate and the change of pre-mating a-tocopherol serum level (r=-.29; P<.02), the change in pre-mating retinol serum level (r=-.50; P<.02) and the interval from vitamin A injection (r=-.60; P<.05). These data indicate significant influences of breed, age, and treatment on a-tocopherol and retinol serum levels in ewes and suggest that the timing of vitamin A administration may influence ovulation rate; however, vitamin supplementation, administered at random stages of the estrous cycle, was unable to alter flock reproductive performance.


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Four groups of yearling heifers representing different frame sizes—small, medium, and large Angus and medium Simmental—were fed high-grain finishing diets to average Low Choice quality grade. Half the heifers were implanted with estrogen and trenbolone acetate. Backfat and ribeye area were measured by ultrasound four times during the study to assess growth of muscle and fat. Increasing frame size resulted in increased feed intake, greater rates of gain, and a trend towards reduced feed conversion. Greater returns would have been realized from each of the four groups had they been sold in a premium market based on yield grade rather than the conventional grade and yield market. Increasing frame size resulted in greater returns to the value-based market. Implants increased rate of gain and improved feed conversion but did not result in significantly greater returns to the value-based market compared with the grade and yield market. Ribeye area and backfat increased with body weight and time on feed. Increase in ribeye area was linear with time, whereas accumulation of backfat was exponential. Rate of increase in area of ribeye tended to increase and backfat tended to decrease as frame size increased. Implants increased rate of increase in ribeye area but had no effect on rate of deposition of subcutaneous fat. Equations describing growth of ribeye area and backfat for each group predicted average growth for the heifers but did not predict growth of individual heifers. Final carcass yield grade was related to initial thickness of backfat but not to initial ribeye area. These results indicate that the type of cattle selected to be fed for a premium market based on yield grade is important to the success of the program. More work is needed to develop growth equations from ultrasound measurements, but ultrasound will likely be a useful tool in selecting feeder cattle for a value-based market.


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Twenty crossbred steers were used to evaluate bovine somatotropin (bST) and an anabolic steroid implant, Revalor-S® (REV), to improve growth and increase carcass leanness. During the first 70 days on feed, bST-treated steers tended to improve live weight gains, consume more feed, and numerically improve feed utilization for growth. The implanted steers grew faster and utilized feed better than steers not implanted with REV. The improvement in gain and feed utilization for growth was maintained throughout the feeding period for REV-implanted steers. At slaughter, REV steers had heavier carcasses which resulted in more pounds of muscle, bone, and fat. When adjusted for hot carcass weight, bST increased leanness of the carcass as evident by the increased weight of the semitendinosus muscle, more pounds of dissected lean, and fewer pounds of dissected fat. Thus, REV and bST can be used to improve growth performance and increase carcass leanness.


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The effect of MGA in mixed pens of steers and heifers was evaluated over a three-year period at the ISU Armstrong Research Farm near Lewis, Iowa. Two pens of approximately 40 head were fed diets with or without MGA in each of three replications. Estrus and riding activity was monitored using the Heat Watchâ system. At slaughter, in addition to routine carcass data collection, a rib sample was collected from each carcass for tenderness evaluation. There was no effect on dry matter intake due to MGA treatment. Mixed-sex pens that were fed MGA were 4% more efficient than controls. MGA-fed steers gained similarly to control steers. MGA fed heifers gained 8% faster than control heifers. MGA highly reduced measures of estrus and riding activity throughout the feeding period. MGA feeding improved marbling and tenderness measured in both steers and heifers. These data suggest that MGA has potential to improve performance, quality grade and tenderness in mixed pens of steers and heifers.


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A study was conducted to evaluate early weaning of beef calves at 60-70 days of age on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. One hundred twenty steer calves sired by either Simmental or Angus sires were weaned at an average age of 67 (early weaned, EW) or 147 (late weaned, LW) days. Calves were allotted to 16 feedlot pens by weaning treatment and sire breed at approximately 750-800 lb. EW calves were heavier (P < .05) in initial feedlot weight. There were no differences due to weaning age on daily gain, dry matter intake, feed efficiency or slaughter weights. Simmental steers required more days on feed than Angus steers (P < .05). Early-weaned calves had a higher percent intramuscular fat (5.7 vs. 5.1%), higher average marbling scores (Small78 vs. Small20, P < .05), a higher percentage of cattle grading average USDA Choice and higher (38% vs. 14%, P < .05) and a higher percentage of USDA Prime (10% vs. 0%, P < .05). These data confirm observations in previous studies that early weaning and placing calves on a higher grain diet improves marbling at slaughter. In this study, the effect was shown in calves weaned at an average of 67 days.


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The effect of Prosponse® yeast supplement fed to newly arrived steers was evaluated at the ISU Armstrong Research Farm near Lewis, Iowa. Four pens of approximately 32 head were fed similar diets with 2 pens receiving yeast supplement and 2 pens not. Calves were weighed on delivery to the feedlot and allocated on weight and sire. Calves were on test 34 days. There was no effect on daily gain or feed to gain. Dry matter intake trended higher for the yeast supplemented calves (P=.10). These data suggest that yeast supplement may improve dry matter intake in newly arrived feedlot calves.


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Nine Iowa State University veterinary medical students completed SPA records on herds from Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota. The Iowa herds were included in the SPA summary for Iowa, but the six North and South Dakota herds were summarized separately. These six herds had an average herd size of 371 cows and had a financial return to capital, labor and management of $175 per cow. Total financial cost per cow averaged $286 for these herds with a range of $211 to $388. Feed utilized averaged 4,442 pounds of dry matter per cow and the average pounds of calf produced per exposed female was 506 pounds.


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One non bt-corn hybrid (Pioneer 3489) and three btcorn hyrids (Pioneer 34RO7, Novartis NX6236, and Novartis N64-Z4) were planted in replicated 7.1-acre fields. After grain harvest, fields were stocked with 3 mature cows in midgestation to be strip-grazed as four paddocks over 126 days. Six similar cows were allotted to replicated drylots. All cows were fed hay as necessary to maintain a condition score of 5 on a 9-point scale. Cows were condition-scored biweekly and weighed monthly. Forage yield and weathering losses were determined by sampling one 4-m2 location per grazed or ungrazed paddock in each field with a minimum total of 2 locations of grazed or ungrazed forage per field. To measure forage selection during grazing, samples of grazed forage were collected from the rumen of one fistulated steer that grazed for 2 hours after ruminal evacuation. Non-bt-corn hybrids had greater (P<.05) infestation of corn borers in the upper stalk, lower stalk and ear shank than bt-corn hybrids. However, there were no differences in grain yields or dropped grain between hybrids. Crop residue dry matter, organic matter and in vitro digestible dry matter yields at the initiation of grazing did not differ between corn hybrids. Dry matter, organic matter and in vitro digestible dry matter losses tended (P<.10) to be greater from the NX6236 and N64-Z4 hybrids than from the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids and were greater (P<.05) from grazed than non-grazed areas of the fields. At the initiation of grazing, dry matter concentrations of the crop residues from the NX6236 and N64-Z4 hybrids tended to be lower than those from the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids. Crop residues from the NX6236 and N64-74 hybrids had lower concentrations of acid detergent fiber (P<.05) and acid detergent lignin (P=.07) and higher concentrations of in vitro digestible organic matter than the 3489 and 34RO7 hybrids. Over the grazing season, corn hybrid did not affect mean rates of change in forage composition. The concentration of in vitro digestible organic matter in forage selected by steers after two weeks of grazing did not differ. However, steers grazing corn crop residues consumed forage with higher (P<.05) concentrations of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen than steers fed hay. The acid detergent fiber concentration of forage selected by steers grazing the 3489 and N64-Z4 hybrids was lower (P < .05) than concentrations from the 34RO7 and NX6236 hybrids. In order to maintain similar body condition score changes, cows grazing crop residues from the 3489, 34RO7, NX6236, and N64-Z4 hybrids required 650, 628, 625, and 541 kg hay DM/cow compared with a hay requirement of 1447 kg hay DM/cow for cows maintained in a drylot.


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In sport psychology research about emotional contagion in sport teams has been scarce (Reicherts & Horn, 2008). Emotional contagion is a process leading to a specific emotional state in an individual caused by the perception of another individual’s emotional expression (Hatfield, Cacioppo & Rapson, 1994). Apitzsch (2009) described emotional contagion as one reason for collapsing sport teams. The present study examined the occurrence of emotional contagion in dyads during a basketball task and the impact of a socially induced emotional state on performance. An experiment with between-subjects design was conducted. Participants (N=81, ♀=38, M=21.33 years, SD=1.45) were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions, by joining a confederate to compose a same gender, ad hoc team. The team was instructed to perform a basketball task as quickly as possible. The between-factor of the experimental design was the confederate’s emotional expression (positive or negative valence). The within-factor was participants’ emotional state, measured pre- and post-experimentally using PANAS (Krohne, Egloff, Kohlmann & Tausch, 1996). The basketball task was video-taped and the number of frames participants needed to complete the task was used to determine the individual performance. The confederate’s emotional expression was appraised in a significantly different manner across both experimental conditions by participants and video raters (MC). Mixed between-within subjects ANOVAs were conducted to examine the impact of the two conditions on participants’ scores on the PANAS subscales across two time periods (pre- and post-experimental). No significant interaction effects but substantial main effects for time were found on both PANAS subscales. Both groups showed an increase in positive and a reduction in negative PANAS scores across these two time periods. Nevertheless, video raters assessment of the emotional states expressed by participants was significantly different between the positive (M=3.23, SD=0.45) and negative condition (M=2.39, SD=0.53; t=7.64, p<.001, eta squared=.43). An independent-samples t-test indicated no difference in performance between conditions. Furthermore, no significant correlation between the extent of positive or negative emotional contagion and the number of frames was observed. The basketball task lead to an improvement of the emotional state of participants, independently of the condition. Even though participants PANAS scores indicated a tendency to emotional contagion, it was not statistically significant. This could be explained by the low task duration of approximately three minutes. Moreover, the performance of participants was unaffected by the experimental condition or the extent of positive or negative emotional contagion. Apitzsch, E. (2009). A case study of a collapsing handball team. In S. Jern & J. Näslund (Eds.), Dynamics within and outside the lab. Proceedings from The 6th Nordic Conference on Group and Social Psychology, May 2008, Lund, pp. 35-52. Hatfield, E., Cacioppo, J. T. & Rapson, R. L. (1994). Emotional contagion. Cambridge: University Press. Krohne, H. W., Egloff, B., Kohlmann, C.-W. & Tausch, A. (1996). Untersuchungen mit einer deutschen Version der „Positive und Negative Affect Schedule“ (PANAS). Diagnostica, 42 (2), 139-156. Reicherts, M. & Horn, A. B. (2008). Emotionen im Sport. In W. Schlicht & B. Strauss (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Grundlagen der Sportpsychologie (Bd. 1) (S. 563-633). Göttingen: Hogrefe.