986 resultados para underground cables


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This study aims to prove the economic feasibility of the installation of mechanical compression chillers on plastic injection molding machines in order to reduce the production cycle time of toothbrush cables in a specific case study. This evidence was confirmed by the comparative analysis of the system replaced and the new system installed. The old system had only one closed loop cooling tower which pumped chilled water to the injection molds, and the new system has the same tower sending cold water to the condensers of individual chillers installed on each injection machine. We conducted an analysis of energy efficiency in each system, showing that in terms of thermal efficiency virtually nothing has changed, but in terms of electricity demand the new system consumes 60.3 kW more. We conducted an analysis of machine productivity for both systems, showing a much higher productivity of the new system due to reduced cycle times caused by the presence of chillers and their greater cooling capacities. Equipped with data such as electricity rates, increases in operating costs and initial investments, the increase in consumption and demand of electricity plus the cycle time reduction were also calculated over so the simple payback 1 year and 2 months was reached


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With the increasing demand for electricity, the retraining of transmission lines is necessary despite environmental restrictions and crossings in densely populated areas to build new transmission and distribution lines. Solution is reuse the existent cables, replacing the old conductor cables for new cables with higher capacity power transmission, and control of sag installed. The increasing demand for electrical power has increased the electric current on the wires and therefore, it must bear out temperatures of 150°C or more, without the risk of the increasing sag beyond the established limits. In the case of long crossings or densely populated areas, sag is due to high weight of the cable on clearance. The cable type determines the weight, sag, height and the towers dimensions, which are the items that most influence the investment of the transmission line. Hence, to reduce both cost of investment and maintenance of the line, the use of a lighter cable can reduce both number and the height of the towers, with financial return on short and long term. Therefore, in order to increase the amount of transmitted energy and reduce the number of built towers and sag, is recommended in the current work substitute the current core material (steel or aluminium) for alternatives alloys or new materials, in this case a composite, which has low density, elevated stiffness (elasticity module), thus apply the pultruded carbon fiber with epoxy resin as matrix systems and perform the study of the kinetics of degradation by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), according to their respective standards


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The lack of proper planning in intervention works of runoff water on rural properties and rural public roads leads to economic damage and loss of environmental quality. The impact of the action without technical base is soil erosion, siltation of water sources, loss of the quality and availability of water, invalidating areas for cultivation and livestock. The conservation of headwaters requires beyond regeneration of the environmental characteristics the repair and management of the degraded watercourse in order to control erosion. This graduate work in Environmental Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Presidente Prudente proposes a headwater recuperation and management in rural area of Álvares Machado municipality, São Paulo State, through the method of deep drainage applied to the case of a rural road near the outcrop of water. This technique consists in the installation of draining structures in sub-areas of the road surface, or sub-gutter and/or in the platform border in order to conduct the underground flow of water and reduce the loss of sediment in water flow. Therefore, was performed a historic study of use and occupation of land in the municipality of Álvares Machado, portraying transformations of the landscape caused by human action. Geology, geomorphology, pedology and hydrogeology data were collected from the study area in order to establish the conditions that led into the current situation of degradation and formulate an effective intervention strategy for civil works


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The cultivation of grapes is one of the most traditional cultures and the world's oldest one. In Brazil, cultivars occupy an area of approximately 90 thousand hectares, covering the south, southeast and northeast, in latitudes ranging from 30 º 56 '15''S up to 5 º 11' 15''S. The culture of the vine may be the target of the attack of some diseases and pests, and currently the main concern for growers is the subterranean mealybug, Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Hemiptera: Margarodidae), known as pearl-ground. This arthropod infests the roots causing a progressive languish of the vine, even causes its death. In southern Brazil it is known that some species of ants can disperse pearl-ground for short distances, however, there is no information about that in the State of Sao Paulo. Thus, it is extremely important to perform studies with this focus on wine regions in this State. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the species of underground ant community in different grape varieties found in vineyards in the town of São Roque – SP, Brazil. With that purpose, samples were collected within one year. We used underground pitfalls spread across twelve points. In each of the points were placed two traps, one containing honey and the other containing sardine as attractive. The results revealed the presence of three morphospecies of ants in Niágara Rosada and four in other grape varieties, there was no significant difference in the species richness among the cultivars (Kruskal-Wallis - 0.33, p = 0.5). In both trials, the most frequent species was Brachymyrmex sp.4, suggesting that there is no dominance of distinct species of Niágara Rosada and the other grape varieties. There was no dissimilarity in species richness of the ones visiting honey or sardines (Kruskal-Wallis - 0.08, p = 0.7) and the analysis of variance indicated a great similarity in species richness between the rainy and dry seasons (Kruskal-Wallis - 0.09, p = 0.7)


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In the last decades it has been observed a substantial developing of the electrical energy demand in the societies all over the World. In consequence the electrical energy distribution companies are increasing the quantity of electrical energy through the electrical energy conductor cables, which had grown the sag in the towers of energy transmission. Furthermore, the construction of more transmission towers brings a lot of troubles due environmental protection laws. In this way, looking forward to increase the quantity of electrical energy transmitted through electrical cables conductors, reduce the need of constructing new transmission towers and the sag in them, we suggest in this work the replace of the traditional core of the conductors cables commonly used, made of steel, by a core made by a composite material, which one is made by carbon fibers pultruded with polymeric resins as matrix. In a order to evaluate if the resins more commonly used in structural composites can be applied as matrix to make possible to use the composite material as a core, we made carbon fibers systems pultruded with epoxy, phenolic and polyester resins as matrix and a mechanic and physic-chemistry characterization was done on the systems by Tensile and Poisson tests, differential sprobe calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), following their correspondents standards


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Therebar of aluminum 1350 AA produced by CBA are used inthe manufacture of wires and cables for electric power transmission, which marketshows increasingly favorableto aluminum due to itslow densityand high electrical conductivity, but to ensure that this materialmeets all specifications of projectsfor electricity transmission, it must have homogeneity in the chemicaland mechanicalproperties.One of the points of improvement in the process of rod production isreducing the high variation of the limitof tensile strengthalong the coils, therefore, this work seeks a better understanding of the factors that significantly influence the mechanical properties of rebar, specifically assessing the influence oftemperatureat the output of the coils, which can cause a recovery effect on the material andif thereare relevantdifferences between the two modes of rebar production: auto and manual.Samples of six coils have been specifically produced forthis study, which weresubsequently subjected to different annealing temperatures for one hour and ten minutes, similar to what occurs in the output of the coil from the machine. The tensile tests showed that aluminum 1350 AA is significantly influenced by temperature, whose behavior was very similar to that presented in the literature. It was found that the phenomenon of recovery occurred more significantly at high temperatures. Through the optical electron microscope Zeiss, 18 surface maps were made with 100x magnification for each sample in different conditions and the images were analyzed using entropy and fractal dimension, aiming to relate the condition of surface hardening on mechanical property of the samples in that condition. The results showed that these methods can be applied, provided they do not have any kind of imperfection on the surface, once they can influence the results. The study concluded that a more efficient cooling is required in ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The most usual method to fix supports that hold the vast majority of electrical cables on an aircraft is accomplished by using, for this purpose, rivets. However, this procedure may some cause some inconveniences such as the need of effecting holes in the structure that is intended to fix these supports, thus decreasing resistance of the structure. In order to have an alternative to seek an increase in the performance of structured materials, the aircraft industry, like other industries, have been studying the use of collage as a method of replacing this usual forms. Against this backdrop, this paper aims to assess the strength and durability of a joint bonded using the adhesive EA9394, manufactured by company Henkel Corporation, and perform a careful survey of the mechanical performance of riveted structures, taking into account different types of conditioning environment and thus create a database that can be used by the aerospace industry


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Leaking of hydrocarbon in fuel underground storage tanks constitute object of concern for urban environmental management, because therefore they provoke damages to the physical, biological and socioeconomic environment. Though laws that regulate this essential activity exist, aiming at to prevent contamination with hydrocarbon, we observe that this still happens. This fact evidences that the selection of places for installation of gas stations has not considered the characteristics of the natural environment, implying in more critical consequences associated to the leaking. The objective of this work is to elaborate a chart applied to the gas stations in Rio Claro/SP. The determination of the Index of Environmental Sensitivity for elaboration of such chart was carried through breaking the selection of factors of Environmental Sensitivity of physical, biological and socioeconomic environment. The balance of these factors was given by means of Ad hoc consultation. The crossing of the information was carried through using the method of overlapping of overlays. The result is a chart that shows us areas with classes of high, middle and low Environmental Sensitivity. One gives credit that this type of material can be used as criterion in the selection of adjusted areas for installations of new gas stations and management of the already installed gas stations. The diagnosis of the current situation of the gas stations in the area and recommendations had also been elaborated.


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Population growth, together with the gradual social ascent in Brazil, reflects at the growing need for better use of urban spaces. In this context, the amount of new buildings to meet the demand in property market, the needs for creating new roads and highways, among others, make the use of geotechnical works and, more specifically, retaining walls, more and more common. One of the simplest solutions for underground works is the use of retaining structures using tie back walls for soil support, therefore, the present work deals with this kind of structures. This paper proposes the use of FTOOL software testing in predicting deformations in tie back walls, by comparing simulations of the presented model to a real and measured deformation case in Guabirotuba Formation (PR). The results showed the importance of defining the parameters such as stiffness and curtain geometry, as well as the definition of representative loads acting on it. Also, it was pointed out that the passive response of the steel rods depends on the horizontal displacement of the wall. The study concluded that the program generates very representative results when compared to field data and seems to be a promising tool for tie back structures displacement predictions


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The present work aims to prepare a study of selectivity and coordination in an isolated electrical system with the aid of computer software PTW (Power Tools for Windows). Based on appropriate protection standards, on equipment data and the survey of the curves of “time versus current” (Time Current Curve – TCC), may be defined protection settings to leave the system selective, coordinated and properly protected. Definitions of adjustments are made taking into account the data of, so called, thermal curves of the equipment, which take into account the rated current and the supportability of short-circuit current of the equipment and cables involved in the installation in question. For that we use the tools provided by the PTW in which an industrial electrical circuit is simulated, presenting and discussing the results. With that validates the software PTW, taking it as a great tool helper implementation the coordination and selectivity study


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Distribution networks are formed by long lines that carry electricity substations to homes and industries. These lines have associated impedance and depending on operating conditions of the network these impedances may vary. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the effects observed in studies of voltage drop, short circuit and electrical losses, when considered the drivers sequence impedances used in primary distribution network at different temperatures. Therefore, it is initially presented a calculation methodology and details the factors that influence the final values. The methodology presented tackles in a practical way the main factors that directly or indirectly influence the values of the impedances as an emblematic example and will be properly dealt with throughout the paper is the effect of temperature on the values of the sequence impedances. More specifically is dealt with the case of XLPE cables protected, by having a higher maximum operating temperature than the operating temperature of the network. The effects observed in the power flow generated when considering the impedance values at both temperatures were analyzed. The impedance drivers tend to increase with increasing temperature. Thus the impedance of the conductor XLPE protected will tend to be greater for the maximum operating temperature for which the operating temperature of the network, resulting in greater voltage drop and higher electrical losses


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)