966 resultados para tunnel reinforcement


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A cooperative game played in a sequential manner by a pair of learning automata is investigated in this paper. The automata operate in an unknown random environment which gives a common pay-off to the automata. Necessary and sufficient conditions on the functions in the reinforcement scheme are given for absolute monotonicity which enables the expected pay-off to be monotonically increasing in any arbitrary environment. As each participating automaton operates with no information regarding the other partner, the results of the paper are relevant to decentralized control.


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This report is all about ventilation fans (exhaust fans) used on tunnel ventilated meat chicken sheds. The report has two themes: reviewing the performance and efficiency of new fans currently available in Australia; and identifying methods to assess fans and help to identify fans that are underperforming.


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An attempt is made to study the fracture behavior of ferrocement beams using J-integral and critical crack opening displacement approaches. Ferrocement beams with three different relative notch depths and different percentages of mesh reinforcement were tested in four-point bending (third-point loading). The experimental results were used to evaluate the apparent J-integral and CODc values. Results show that the apparent J-integral does not seem to follow any particular trend in variation with notch depth, but is sensitive to the increase of mesh reinforcement. Hence, the apparent J-integral appears to be a useful fracture criterion for ferrocement. The computed values of CODt are found to be dependent on the depth of notch and, thus, cannot possibly be considered as a suitable fracture criterion for ferrocement.


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In this paper, for the first time, the effects of energy quantization on single electron transistor (SET) inverter performance are analyzed through analytical modeling and Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that energy quantization mainly changes the Coulomb blockade region and drain current of SET devices and thus affects the noise margin, power dissipation, and the propagation delay of SET inverter. A new analytical model for the noise margin of SET inverter is proposed which includes the energy quantization effects. Using the noise margin as a metric, the robustness of SET inverter is studied against the effects of energy quantization. A compact expression is developed for a novel parameter quantization threshold which is introduced for the first time in this paper. Quantization threshold explicitly defines the maximum energy quantization that an SET inverter logic circuit can withstand before its noise margin falls below a specified tolerance level. It is found that SET inverter designed with CT:CG=1/3 (where CT and CG are tunnel junction and gate capacitances, respectively) offers maximum robustness against energy quantization.


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The in vivo pediculicidal effectiveness of 1% and 2% formulations of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil (TTO) against sheep chewing lice (Bovicola ovis) was tested in two pen studies. Immersion dipping of sheep shorn two weeks before treatment in both 1% and 2% formulations reduced lice to non detectable levels. No lice were found on any of the treated sheep despite careful inspection of at least 40 fleece partings per animal at 2, 6, 12 and 20 weeks after treatment. In the untreated sheep louse numbers increased from a mean (+/- SE) of 2.4 (+/- 0.7) per 10 cm fleece part at 2 weeks to 12.3 (+/- 4.2) per part at 20 weeks. Treatment of sheep with 6 months wool by jetting (high pressure spraying into the fleece) reduced louse numbers by 94% in comparison to controls at two weeks after treatment with both 1% and 2% TTO formulations. At 6 and 12 weeks after treatment reductions were 94% and 91% respectively with the 1% formulation and 78% and 84% respectively with the 2% formulation. TTO treatment also appeared to reduce wool damage in infested sheep. Laboratory studies indicated that tea tree oil 'stripped' from solution with a progressive reduction in concentration as well as volume as more wool was dipped, indicating that reinforcement of active ingredient would be required to maintain effectiveness when large numbers of sheep are treated. The results of these studies suggest significant potential for the development of ovine lousicides incorporating TTO. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A perturbation technique is used to determine the stress concentration around reinforced curvilinear holes in thin pressurized spherical shells. Starting from the governing differential equations for thin shallow spherical shells, a solution is first obtained for a circular hole. The solution for an arbitrary shaped curvilinear hole is then obtained as a first-order perturbation over the circular hole solution using the conformal mapping technique. The effects of a large number of parameters involved in the design of a reinforcement around cutouts in shells are studied. The problems of symmetric and eccentric reinforcements are also considered. The results obtained would be very helpful in the design of an efficient reinforcement for elliptical and square holes in thin shallow spherical shells.


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A new rock mass classification scheme, the Host Rock Classification system (HRC-system) has been developed for evaluating the suitability of volumes of rock mass for the disposal of high-level nuclear waste in Precambrian crystalline bedrock. To support the development of the system, the requirements of host rock to be used for disposal have been studied in detail and the significance of the various rock mass properties have been examined. The HRC-system considers both the long-term safety of the repository and the constructability in the rock mass. The system is specific to the KBS-3V disposal concept and can be used only at sites that have been evaluated to be suitable at the site scale. By using the HRC-system, it is possible to identify potentially suitable volumes within the site at several different scales (repository, tunnel and canister scales). The selection of the classification parameters to be included in the HRC-system is based on an extensive study on the rock mass properties and their various influences on the long-term safety, the constructability and the layout and location of the repository. The parameters proposed for the classification at the repository scale include fracture zones, strength/stress ratio, hydraulic conductivity and the Groundwater Chemistry Index. The parameters proposed for the classification at the tunnel scale include hydraulic conductivity, Q´ and fracture zones and the parameters proposed for the classification at the canister scale include hydraulic conductivity, Q´, fracture zones, fracture width (aperture + filling) and fracture trace length. The parameter values will be used to determine the suitability classes for the volumes of rock to be classified. The HRC-system includes four suitability classes at the repository and tunnel scales and three suitability classes at the canister scale and the classification process is linked to several important decisions regarding the location and acceptability of many components of the repository at all three scales. The HRC-system is, thereby, one possible design tool that aids in locating the different repository components into volumes of host rock that are more suitable than others and that are considered to fulfil the fundamental requirements set for the repository host rock. The generic HRC-system, which is the main result of this work, is also adjusted to the site-specific properties of the Olkiluoto site in Finland and the classification procedure is demonstrated by a test classification using data from Olkiluoto. Keywords: host rock, classification, HRC-system, nuclear waste disposal, long-term safety, constructability, KBS-3V, crystalline bedrock, Olkiluoto


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High resolution electron microscopic studies show that bismuth forms intergrowth tungsten bronzes containing varying widths of the WO3 slab and one-tunnel wide HTB strips.


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Recently established moderate size free piston driven hypersonic shock tunnel HST3 along with its calibration is described here. The extreme thermodynamic conditions prevalent behind the reflected shock wave have been utilized to study the catalytic and non-catalytic reactions of shock heated test gases like Ar, N2 or O2 with different material like C60 carbon, zirconia and ceria substituted zirconia. The exposed test samples are investigated using different experimental methods. These studies show the formation of carbon nitride due to the non-catalytic interaction of shock heated nitrogen gas with C60 carbon film. On the other hand, the ZrO2 undergoes only phase transformation from cubic to monoclinic structure and Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 in fluorite cubic phase changes to pyrochlore (Ce2Zr2O7±δ) phase by releasing oxygen from the lattice due to heterogeneous catalytic surface reaction.


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Drag reduction studies are conducted using a flat disc tipped aerospike for a 120-degree apex angle blunt cone model in high enthalpy flows. Accelerometer based force balance is used for the drag force measurement in the newly established free piston driven shock tunnel, HST3. Drag reduction upto about 58 percent has been achieved for Mach 8 flow of 5 MJ/kg specific enthalpy at zero degree angle of attack.


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Counterflow supersonic jet is used as a drag reduction device during the experiments in free piston driven shock tunnel, HST3. Accelerometer based force balance is employed to measure the drag force experienced by the 60-degree apex angle blunt cone model without and with the supersonic jet opposing the hypersonic flow. It is observed that the drag force decreases with increase in injection pressure ratio until the critical injection pressure is reached. Maximum reduction in drag force of 44 percent is recorded at the critical injection pressure ratio 22.36. Further increase in injection pressure ratio has reduced the percentage drag reduction. Change in nature of the flowfield around the model has also been observed across the critical injection pressure ratio.


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Experimental results on the effect of energy deposition using an electric arc discharge, upstream of a 60° half angle blunt cone configuration in a hypersonic flow is reported.Investigations involving drag measurements and high speed schlieren flow visualization have been carried out in hypersonic shock tunnel using air and argon as the test gases; and an unsteady drag reduction of about 50% (maximum reduction) has been observed in the energy deposition experiments done in argon environment. These studies also show that the effect of discharge on the flow field is more pronounced in argon environment as compared to air, which confirms that thermal effects are mainly responsible for flow alteration in presence of the discharge.


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Numerical and experimental studies of a supersonic jet (Helium) inclined at 45 degrees to a oncoming Mach 2 flow have been carried out. The numerical study has been used to arrive at a geometry that could reduce an oncoming Mach 5.75 flow to Mach 2 flow and in determining the jet parameters. Experiments are carried out in the IISc. hypersonic shock tunnel HST2 at similar conditions obtained from numerical studies. Flow visualization studies carried out using Schlieren technique clearly show the presence of the bow shock in front of the jet exposed to supersonic cross flow. The jet Mach number is experimentally found to be approximate to 3. Visual observations show that the jet has penetrated up to 60% of the total height of the chamber.


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Forward facing circular nose cavity of 6 mm diameter in the nose portion of a generic missile shaped bodies is proposed to reduce the stagnation zone heat transfer. About 25% reduction in stagnation zone heat transfer is measured using platinum thin film sensors at Mach 8 in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel. The presence of nose cavity does not alter the fundamental aerodynamic coefficients of the slender body. The experimental results along with the numerically predicted results is also discussed in this paper.


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This ‘how to’ guide provides readers with method to measure fan performance and energy efficiency of fans installed in meat chicken sheds. These methods are also useful for identifying fans that are under-performing or require maintenance. For more information about fan energy efficiency, a complementary report is available on the RIRDC website ‘Review of fan efficiency in meat chicken sheds’ (RIRDC Publication No. 15/018). A spreadsheet was also developed under this project for comparing and ranking fans against others in terms of energy efficiency, air flow and costs (‘Tunnel Ventilation Fan Comparison Spreadsheet’), and is available on the RIRDC website.