997 resultados para tissue stages


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Aims:This study was carried out to evaluate the feasibility of two different methods to determine free flap perfusion in cancer patients undergoing major reconstructive surgery. The hypotheses was that low perfusion in the flap is associated with flap complications. Patients and methods: Between August 2002 and June 2008 at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery, and at the PET Centre, Turku, 30 consecutive patients with 32 free flaps were included in this study. The perfusion of the free microvascular flaps was assessed with positron emission tomography (PET) and radioactive water ([15O] H2O) in 40 radiowater injections in 33 PET studies. Furthermore, 24 free flaps were monitored with a continuous tissue oxygen measurement using flexible polarographic catheters for an average of three postoperative days. Results: Of the 17 patients operated on for head and neck (HN) cancer and reconstructed with 18 free flaps, three re-operations were carried out due to poor tissue oxygenation as indicated by ptiO2 monitoring results and three other patients were reoperated on for postoperative hematomas in the operated area. Blood perfusion assessed with PET (BFPET) was above 2.0 mL / min / 100 g in all flaps and a low flap-to-muscle BFPET ratio appeared to correlate with poor survival of the flap. Survival in this group of HN cancer patients was 9.0 months (median, range 2.4-34.2) after a median follow-up of 11.9 months (range 1.0-61.0 months). Seven HN patients of this group are alive without any sign of recurrence and one patient has died of other causes. All of the 13 breast reconstruction patients included in the study are alive and free of disease at a median follow-up time of 27.4 months (range 13.9-35.7 months). Re-explorations were carried out in three patients due data provided by ptiO2 monitoring and one re-exploration was avoided on the basis of adequate blood perfusion assessed with PET. Two patients had donorsite morbidity and 3 patients had partial flap necrosis or fat necrosis. There were no total flap losses. Conclusions: PtiO2 monitoring is a feasible method of free flap monitoring when flap temperature is monitored and maintained close to the core temperature. When other monitoring methods give controversial results or are unavailable, [15O] H2O PET technique is feasible in the evaluation of the perfusion of the newly reconstructed free flaps.


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Volatiles produced by plantlets of Alpinia zerumbet were obtained by means of simultaneous distillation-extraction (SDE). The effects of indole-3-acetic acid, kinetin, thidiazuron and 6-benzylaminopurine on leaf and root volatile composition obtained by tissue cultures were investigated. A higher content of b-pinene and a lower content of sabinene were observed in leaf volatile of plantlets cultured in control, IAA and IAA+ TDZ media, as compared with those of donor plants. In vitro conditions were favorable to increase caryophyllene content. Volatile compounds from the root were characterized mainly by camphene, fenchyl-acetate and bornyl acetate; which constitute about 60% of total volatile.


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Haavan jyväiskudoksen muodostuminen – Hydroksiapatiittipinnoi-tetun selluloosasienen vaikutus solujen erilaistumiseen paranemisprosessin aikana Etsittäessä uusia luun bioyhteensopivia täytemateriaaleja selluloosasieni päällystettiin luun koostumusta muistuttavalla runsaasti piitä sisältävällä hydroksiapatiittikerroksella. Vastoin odotuksia hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettu selluloosa ei parantanut luun kasvua, vaan päinvastoin ylläpiti tulehdusta ja sidekudossolujen hakeutumista vamma-alueelle. Ihon alle implantoituna sama sienimateriaali edisti merkittävästi haavan verekkään jyväiskudoksen kasvua. Tämän löydöksen perusteella hydroksiapatiittipinnoitetun selluloosasienen vaikutusta haavan soluihin paranemisprosessin aikana tutkittiin tarkemmin ja havaittiin, että tulehdussolujen lisäksi sieniin kertyi tavallista enemmän sekä hematopoieettisia että mesenkymaalisia kantasoluja. Hematopoieettiset kantasolut sijaitsevat luuytimessä lähellä luun sisäpintaa. Luun hydroksiapatiitista vapautuu kalsiumioneja luun jatkuvan fysiologisen uudismuodostuksen ja hajottamisen yhteydessä. Kantasolut etsiytyvät luuytimeen kalsiumia aistivien reseptorien välityksellä. Koska luun pintakerrosta muistuttavasta hydroksiapatiittipinnoitteesta vapautuu kalsiumia, tämän ajateltiin toimivan selityksenä sille, että hematopoieettiset kantasolut hakeutuvat runsaslukuisesti juuri hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettuihin selluloosasieniin. Tämän hypoteesin mukaisesti hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettujen selluloosapalkkien läheisyydestä löydettiin suuria määriä kalsiumreseptoreja sisältäviä soluja. Jatkotutkimuksissa todettiin lisäksi, että hematopoieettiset kantasolut pystyivät sienissä erilaistumaan hemoglobiinia tuottaviksi soluiksi. Havaittujen punasolulinjan merkkiaineiden perusteella näyttäisikin siltä, että haavan paranemiskudoksessa tapahtuu paranemisen aikana ekstramedullaarista erytropoieesia. Nämä soluja ohjaavat vaikutukset saattavat olla hyödyllisiä vaikeasti paranevien haavojen hoidossa.


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Currently, numerous high-throughput technologies are available for the study of human carcinomas. In literature, many variations of these techniques have been described. The common denominator for these methodologies is the high amount of data obtained in a single experiment, in a short time period, and at a fairly low cost. However, these methods have also been described with several problems and limitations. The purpose of this study was to test the applicability of two selected high-throughput methods, cDNA and tissue microarrays (TMA), in cancer research. Two common human malignancies, breast and colorectal cancer, were used as examples. This thesis aims to present some practical considerations that need to be addressed when applying these techniques. cDNA microarrays were applied to screen aberrant gene expression in breast and colon cancers. Immunohistochemistry was used to validate the results and to evaluate the association of selected novel tumour markers with the outcome of the patients. The type of histological material used in immunohistochemistry was evaluated especially considering the applicability of whole tissue sections and different types of TMAs. Special attention was put on the methodological details in the cDNA microarray and TMA experiments. In conclusion, many potential tumour markers were identified in the cDNA microarray analyses. Immunohistochemistry could be applied to validate the observed gene expression changes of selected markers and to associate their expression change with patient outcome. In the current experiments, both TMAs and whole tissue sections could be used for this purpose. This study showed for the first time that securin and p120 catenin protein expression predict breast cancer outcome and the immunopositivity of carbonic anhydrase IX associates with the outcome of rectal cancer. The predictive value of these proteins was statistically evident also in multivariate analyses with up to a 13.1- fold risk for cancer specific death in a specific subgroup of patients.


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A field experiment conducted with the irrigated rice cultivar BRS Formoso, to assess the efficiency of calcinated serpentinite as a silicon source on grain yield was utilized to study its effect on leaf blast severity and tissue sugar levels. The treatments consisted of five rates of calcinated serpentinite (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 Mg.ha-1) incorporated into the soil prior to planting. The leaf blast severity was reduced at the rate of 2.96% per ton of calcinated serpentinite. The total tissue sugar content decreased significantly as the rates of serpentinite applied increased (R² = 0.83). The relationship between the tissue sugar content and leaf blast severity was linear and positive (R² = 0.81). The decrease in leaf blast severity with increased rates of calcinated serpentinite was also linear (R²= 0.96) and can be ascribed to reduced sugar level.


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Subcellular changes are relevant to understand plant organogenesis and embryogenesis in the early stages of cell development. The cytology during cell development in tissue culture is however still poorly characterized. This study aimed to characterize the ultrastructural differences related to callogenesis of anthers, ovaries, leaf and nodal segments of Inga vera Willd. subsp. Affinis (DC.) T.D. Penn. Flower buds, nodal segments and leaves were disinfected and inoculated in test tubes containing MS medium with 3% sucrose and 4.5µM 2.4-D, except for leaf callogenesis, where 9µM of this auxin was used, and for the callogenesis of anthers and ovaries, where the culture medium was enriched with 0.25% activated charcoal and 90µM PVP. After 45 days in culture medium, the anther, ovary, leaf and nodal segment calli were fixed in Karnovisky and prepared for visualization by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructural differences were observed among the callus cells of anthers, ovaries, segments and leaves. There was no evidence of somatic embryo formation in the anther, leaf and nodal segment calli, in spite of some embryogenic characteristics in the cells. The ovary calli, with indications of embryo formation, seem to be the most responsive explant source for embryogenesis.


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ABSTRACTThis study aimed to analyze the vertical and diameter structure and the spatial distribution pattern of Bauhinia cheilantha in two Caatinga fragments in Sergipe, Brazil, at different regeneration stages. Thirty plots were demarcated in area I (Canindé de São Francisco and Poço Redondo), which has vegetation regeneration, and 25 plots in area II (Porto da Folha) with preserved vegetation, both having 400 m2. All B. cheilanthaindividuals had their height and circumference (circumference at breast height > 6 cm) measured. Possible differences in height and diameter at breast height were tested in the two populations by using Student’s T-test. The distribution pattern of species was calculated through Payandeh’s index. We sampled 154 B. cheilantha individuals, equivalent to 33.3% of the plots in area I and in 1,027 individuals in area II, totaling 100% frequency. Height and the diameter of the two populations were statistically different, where AI achieved all values lower than AII. The spatial distribution pattern of B. cheilantha found in both areas was aggregate, with values of 11.85 and 9.00, respectively. Thus, it became clear that the population in AII is at a more advanced successional status than AI, due to its longer conservation time.


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The experiment was performed in the experimental area of the Engineering Department Federal University of Lavras, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. It aimed at identifying the adequate irrigation management of the greenhouse-cultivated Japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). complete randomized design, with four levels of soil water potential (15; 30; 60 e 120 kPa) at two phenological phases (vegetative and reproductive), and 5 replications. Overall, the results showed decrease of yield according to increase of soil water potentials. During the reproductive stage, Japanese cucumber plants were more sensitive to water deficit, resulting in further decrease in yield compared to applied water deficit during the vegetative stage of the culture.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality and the production of biogas and biofertilizer obtained from biodigester supplied with pig feces in the initial, growing and finishing stages, fed with diets formulated based on corn or sorghum. Twenty bench biodigesters were used with hydraulic retention time of 30 days and daily loads that contained 4 to 6% of total solids (TS) and 3.6 to 5.2% of volatile solids (VS). In the effluent of the biodigesters, mean levels of TS were observed ranging between 1.6 and 2.0% and of VS between 1.2 and 1.6%. The mean reductions of TS were 57.7 to 64.7% and of VS from 61.7 to 69.0%, and there was only difference in the finishing phase, in which the major averages reductions were produced by the biodigesters supplied with feces from animals fed with diets based on corn. In biodigesters supplied with feces from animals in the initial and growing stages fed with diets based on corn, were observed higher average productions of biogas and the greatest average potentials of biogas production. The average potentials obtained were 0.033; 0.181; 0.685; 0.788 and 1.132 m³ per kg of affluent, manure, TS added, VS added and VS reduced, respectively. No differences were found on the average content of methane in the biogas between diets and stages. The average concentrations of nutrients N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu in the biodigester affluent and effluent, ranged between diets and stages.


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In this study it was evaluated the effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and Organic Loading Rate (OLR) on the performance of UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactors in two stages treating residual waters of swine farming. The system consisted of two UASB reactors in pilot scale, installed in series, with volumes of 908 and 188 L, for the first and second stages (R1 and R2), respectively. The HRT applied in the system of anaerobic treatment in two stages (R1 + R2) was of 19.3, 29.0 and 57.9 h. The OLR applied in the R1 ranged from 5.5 to 40.1 kg CODtotal (m³ d)-1. The average removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total suspended solids (TSS) ranged, respectively, from 66.3 to 88.2% and 62.5 to 89.3% in the R1, and from 85.5 to 95.5% and 76.4 to 96.1% in the system (R1 + R2). The volumetric production of methane in the system (R1 + R2) ranged from 0.295 to 0.721 m³CH4 (m³ reactor d)-1. It was found that the OLR applied were not limiting to obtain high efficiencies of CODtotal and TSS removal and methane production. The inclusion of the UASB reactor in the second stage contributed to increase the efficiencies of CODtotal and TSS removal, especially, when the treatment system was submitted to the lowest HRT and the highest OLR.


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In this study it was evaluated the efficiency of the treatment of wet-processed coffee wastewater in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors in two stages, in bench scale, followed by post-treatment with activated sludge in batch. The first UASB reactor was submitted to an hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 6.2 d and organic loading rates (OLR) of 2.3 and 4.5g CODtotal (L d)-1, and the second UASB reactor to HRT of 3.1 d with OLR of 0.4 and 1.4g CODtotal (L d)-1. The average values of the affluent CODtotal increased from 13,891 to 27,926mg L-1 and the average efficiencies of removal of the CODtotal decreased from 95 to 91%, respectively, in the UASB reactors in two stages. The volumetric methane production increased from 0.274 to 0.323L CH4 (L reactor d)-1 with increment in the OLR. The average concentrations of total phenols in the affluent were of 48 and 163mg L-1, and the removal efficiencies in the UASB reactors in two stages of 92 and 90%, respectively, and increased to 97% with post-treatment. The average values of the removal efficiencies of total nitrogen and phosphorus were of 57 to 80% and 44 to 60%, respectively, in the UASB reactors in two stages and increased to 91 and 84% with the post-treatment.


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The performance of two upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors was evaluated in pilot scale (908 and 188 L), installed in series (R1 and R2), fed with swine wastewater with TSS around 5 and 13 g L-1. The UASB reactors were submitted to HDT of 36 and 18 h with VOL of 5.5 to 34.4 g COD (L d)-1 in the R1 and HDT of 7.5 e 3.7 h with VOL from 5.1 to 45.2 g COD (L d)-1 in the R2. The average removal efficiencies of COD ranged from 55 to 85% in the R1 and from 43 to 57% in the R2, resulting in values from 82 to 93% in the UASB reactors in two stage. Methane concentrations in the biogas were 69 to 74% with specific production from 0.05 to 0.27 L CH4 (g removedCOD)-1 in the R1 and of 0.10 to 0.12 L CH4 (g removedCOD)-1 in the R2. The average removal efficiencies were 61 to 75% for totalP, 39 to 69% for KN, 82 to 93% for orgN and 20 to 94% for Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn. The amN concentration were not reduced indicating the need to post-treatment for effluent disposal into water bodies. There were reductions of total coliforms from 99.8123 to 99.9989% and of thermotolerant coliforms from 99.9725 to 99.9999%. The conditions imposed to the UASB reactors in two stage provided high conversions of removedCOD into methane (up to 77%) and reductions of organic an inorganic pollution loads from swine wastewater.


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ABSTRACT Surfactant use in spray solutions has a major advantage of reducing droplet surface tension and increasing deposition. We aimed to evaluate droplet deposition on cattail plants (Typha subulata) using food coloring (Brilliant Blue - FD & C-1) as marker added to spray solution at two different growth stages: vegetative (4 leaves) and flowering (5 leaves). The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replications and five plants per plot (16.2-L tanks). Treatments consisted of adding into spray solutions Brilliant Blue alone (control), Brilliant Blue + 0.5% v/v Aterbane and Brilliant Blue + 0.01% v/v Silwet. Spraying was performed by a pressurized CO2 sprayer at 220 kPa using two Teejet XR 8002 nozzles at a spray volume of 200 L ha-1. We observed that surfactant addition provided uniform deposition of spray solution on T. subulata plants at both growth stages compared to treatments without surfactant. However, this product has not increased spray deposits on cattail leaves at both stages.


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This thesis focuses on tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 4 (TIMP4) which is the newest member of a small gene and protein family of four closely related endogenous inhibitors of extracellular matrix (ECM) degrading enzymes. Existing data on TIMP4 suggested that it exhibits a more restricted expression pattern than the other TIMPs with high expression levels in heart, brain, ovary and skeletal muscle. These observations and the fact that the ECM is of special importance to provide the cardiovascular system with structural strength combined with elasticity and distensibility, prompted the present molecular biologic investigation on TIMP4. In the first part of the study the murine Timp4 gene was cloned and characterized in detail. The structure of murine Timp4 genomic locus resembles that in other species and of the other Timps. The highest Timp4 expression was detected in heart, ovary and brain. As the expression pattern of Timp4 gives only limited information about its role in physiology and pathology, Timp4 knockout mice were generated next. The analysis of Timp4 knockout mice revealed that Timp4 deficiency has no obvious effect on the development, growth or fertility of mice. Therefore, Timp4 deficient mice were challenged using available cardiovascular models, i.e. experimental cardiac pressure overload and myocardial infarction. In the former model, Timp4 deficiency was found to be compensated by Timp2 overexpression, whereas in the myocardial infarct model, Timp4 deficiency resulted in increased mortality due to increased susceptibility for cardiac rupture. In the wound healing model, Timp4 deficiency was shown to result in transient retardation of re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds. Melanoma tumor growth was similar in Timp4 deficient and control mice. Despite of this, lung metastasis of melanoma cells was significantly increased in Timp4 null mice. In an attempt to translate the current findings to patient material, TIMP4 expression was studied in human specimens representing different inflammatory cardiovascular pathologies, i.e. giant cell arteritis, atherosclerotic coronary arteries and heart allografts exhibiting signs of chronic rejection. The results showed that cardiovascular expression of TIMP4 is elevated particularly in areas exhibiting inflammation. The results of the present studies suggest that TIMP4 has a special role in the regulation of tissue repair processes in the heart, and also in healing wounds and metastases. Furthermore, evidence is provided suggesting the usefulness of TIMP4 as a novel systemic marker for vascular inflammation.


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PURPOSE: We aimed to determine whether clinical examination could adequately ascertain the volume of tissue to be resected during breast-conserving surgery after neoadjuvant therapy. METHODS: We reviewed the clinical reports of 279 patients with histologically diagnosed invasive breast carcinomas treated with neoadjuvant therapy followed by surgery or with primary surgery alone. We estimated volumes of excised tissues, the volume of the tumor mass and the optimal volume required for excision based on 1 cm of clear margins. The actual excess of resected volume was estimated by calculating the resection ratio measured as the volume of the resected specimen divided by the optimal specimen volume. The study endpoints were to analyze the extent of tissue resection and to ascertain the effect of excess resected tissue on surgical margins in both groups of patients. RESULTS: The median tumor diameter was 2.0 and 1.5 cm in the surgery and neoadjuvant therapy groups, respectively. The median volume of resected mammary tissue was 64.3 cm³ in the primary surgery group and 90.7 cm³ in the neoadjuvant therapy group. The median resection ratios in the primary surgery and neoadjuvant therapy groups were 2.0 and 3.3, respectively (p<0.0001). Surgical margin data were similar in both groups. Comparison of the volume of resected mammary tissues with the tumor diameters showed a positive correlation in the primary surgery group and no correlation in the neoadjuvant therapy group. CONCLUSION: Surgeons tend to excise large volumes of tissue during breast-conserving surgery after neoadjuvant therapy, thereby resulting in a loss of the correlation between tumor diameter and volume of the excised specimen.