959 resultados para synchronous-scan


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Study of hypersynchronous activity is of prime importance for combating epilepsy. Studies on network structure typically reconstruct the network by measuring various aspects of the interaction between neurons and subsequently measure the properties of the reconstructed network. In sub-sampled networks such methods lead to significant errors in reconstruction. Using rat hippocampal neurons cultured on a multi-electrode array dish and a glutamate injury model of epilepsy in vitro, we studied synchronous activity in neuronal networks. Using the first spike latencies in various neurons during a network burst, we extract various recurring spatio-temporal onset patterns in the networks. Comparing the patterns seen in control and injured networks, we observe that injured networks express a wide diversity in their foci (origin) and activation pattern, while control networks show limited diversity. Furthermore, we note that onset patterns in glutamate injured networks show a positive correlation between synchronization delay and physical distance between neurons, while control networks do not.


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Ferroelectric c-oriented Bi2VO5.5 (BVO) thin films (thickness approximate to 300 nm) were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on corning glass substrates. Nonlinear refractive index (n(2)) and two photon absorption coefficient (beta) were measured by Z-scan technique at 532 nm wavelength delivering pulses with 10 ns duration. Relatively large values of n(2) = 2.05 +/- 0.2 x 10(-10) cm(2)/W and beta = 9.36 +/- 0.3 cm/MW were obtained for BVO thin films. Origin of the large optical nonlinearities in BVO thin films was discussed based on bond-orbital theory of transition metal oxides. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CAELinux is a Linux distribution which is bundled with free software packages related to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The free software packages include software that can build a three dimensional solid model, programs that can mesh a geometry, software for carrying out Finite Element Analysis (FEA), programs that can carry out image processing etc. Present work has two goals: 1) To give a brief description of CAELinux 2) To demonstrate that CAELinux could be useful for Computer Aided Engineering, using an example of the three dimensional reconstruction of a pig liver from a stack of CT-scan images. One can note that instead of using CAELinux, using commercial software for reconstructing the liver would cost a lot of money. One can also note that CAELinux is a free and open source operating system and all software packages that are included in the operating system are also free. Hence one can conclude that CAELinux could be a very useful tool in application areas like surgical simulation which require three dimensional reconstructions of biological organs. Also, one can see that CAELinux could be a very useful tool for Computer Aided Engineering, in general.


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We present a detailed study on the behavior of vinylcyclopropanes as masked donor acceptor system toward the stereoselective synthesis of Z-alkylidenetetrahydrofurans. Results of bromenium catalyzed indirect activation of C-C bond of vinylcyclopropanes and concomitant cyclization to alkylidenetetrahydrofuran and other heterocycles have been discussed. The stereoselective formation of the Z-isomer is strongly controlled by the extent of destabilization of one of the gauche conformers of the vinylcyclopropane. The ring-opening/cyclization step was found to be stereospecific as in the case of DA cyclopropanes. The activation of the C-C bond leads to a tight-carbocation intermediate, which is evident from the complete retention of the stereochemistry. The retention of configuration has been established by a necessary control experiment that rules out the possibility of a double inversion pathway. The present results serve as direct stereochemical evidence in support of a tight ion-pair intermediate versus the controversial S(N)2 pathway. A 2D potential energy scan has been carried out at B3LYP/6-31G(d) level theory to obtain the relative energies of the conformers. The Z-selectivity observed has been explained on the basis of the relative population of the conformers and modeling the intermediate and transition state involved in the reaction at M06-2x/6-31+G(d) level. Energy profile for the cyclization step was modeled considering various possible pathways through which cyclization can happen. The methodology has been successfully demonstrated on vinylcyclobutanes as well.


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In the present study, variable temperature FT-IR spectroscopic investigations were used to characterize the spectral changes in oleic acid during heating oleic acid in the temperature range from -30 degrees;C to 22 degrees C. In order to extract more information about the spectral variations taking place during the phase transition process, 2D correlation spectroscopy (2DCOS) was employed for the stretching (C?O) and rocking (CH2) band of oleic acid. However, the interpretation of these spectral variations in the FT-IR spectra is not straightforward, because the absorption bands are heavily overlapped and change due to two processes: recrystallization of the ?-phase and melting of the oleic acid. Furthermore, the solid phase transition from the ?- to the a-phase was also observed between -4 degrees C and -2 degrees C. Thus, for a more detailed 2DCOS analysis, we have split up the spectral data set in the subsets recorded between -30 degrees C to -16 degrees C, -16 degrees C to 10 degrees C, and 10 degrees C to 22 degrees C. In the corresponding synchronous and asynchronous 2D correlation plots, absorption bands that are characteristic of the crystalline and amorphous regions of oleic acid were separated.


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Dodecagonal (12-sided) space vector pulsewidth modulation (PWM) schemes are characterized by the complete absence of (6n +/- 1)th-order harmonics (for odd n) in the phase voltages, within the linear modulation range and beyond, including over-modulation. This paper presents a new topology suitable for the realization of such multilevel inverter schemes for induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading two-level inverters with flying-capacitor-inverter fed floating H-bridge cells. Now, any standard IM may be used to get the dodecagonal operation which hitherto was possible only with open-end winding IM. To minimize the current total harmonic distortion (THD), a strategy for synchronous PWM is also proposed. It is shown that the proposed method is capable of obtaining better THD figures, compared to conventional dodecagonal schemes. The topology and the PWM strategy are validated through analysis and subsequently verified experimentally.


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Identical parallel-connected converters with unequal load sharing have unequal terminal voltages. The difference in terminal voltages is more pronounced in case of back-to-back connected converters, operated in power-circulation mode for the purpose of endurance tests. In this paper, a synchronous reference frame based analysis is presented to estimate the grid current distortion in interleaved, grid-connected converters with unequal terminal voltages. Influence of carrier interleaving angle on rms grid current ripple is studied theoretically as well as experimentally. Optimum interleaving angle to minimize the rms grid current ripple is investigated for different applications of parallel converters. The applications include unity power factor rectifiers, inverters for renewable energy sources, reactive power compensators, and circulating-power test set-up used for thermal testing of high-power converters. Optimum interleaving angle is shown to be a strong function of the average of the modulation indices of the two converters, irrespective of the application. The findings are verified experimentally on two parallel-connected converters, circulating reactive power of up to 150 kVA between them.


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This paper deals with line protection challenges experienced in system having substantial wind generation penetration. Two types of WTGU: Doubly Fed (DFIG) and Squirrel Cage (SCIG) Induction Generators are simulated and connected to grid with single circuit transmission line. The paper summarizes analytical investigations carried out on the impedance seen by distance relays by varying fault resistances and grid short circuit MVA, for the protection of such transmission lines during faults. The results are also compared with systems having conventional synchronous machine connected to the grid.


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Space vector based PWM strategies for three-level inverters have a broader choice of switching sequences to generate the required reference vector than triangle comparison based PWM techniques. However, space vector based PWM involves numerous steps which are computationally intensive. A simplified algorithm is proposed here, which is shown to reduce the computation time significantly. The developed algorithm is used to implement synchronous and asynchronous conventional space vector PWM, synchronized modified space vector PWM and an asynchronous advanced bus-clamping PWM technique on a low-cost dsPIC digital controller. Experimental results are presented for a comparative evaluation of the performance of different PWM methods.


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We show that the third order optical nonlinearity of 15-atom gold clusters is significantly enhanced when in contact with indium tin oxide (ITO) conducting film. Open and close aperture z-scan experiments together with non-degenerate pump-probe differential transmission experiments were done using 80 fs laser pulses centered at 395 nm and 790 nm on gold clusters encased inside cyclodextrin cavities. We show that two photon absorption coefficient is enhanced by an order of magnitude as compared to that when the clusters are on pristine glass plate. The enhancement for the nonlinear optical refraction coefficient is similar to 3 times. The photo-induced excited state absorption using pump-probe experiments at pump wavelength of 395 nm and probe at 790 nm also show an enhancement by an order of magnitude. These results attributed to the excited state energy transfer in the coupled gold cluster-ITO system are different from the enhancement seen so far in charge donor-acceptor complexes and nanoparticle-conjugate polymer composites.


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In this paper, we analyze the coexistence of a primary and a secondary (cognitive) network when both networks use the IEEE 802.11 based distributed coordination function for medium access control. Specifically, we consider the problem of channel capture by a secondary network that uses spectrum sensing to determine the availability of the channel, and its impact on the primary throughput. We integrate the notion of transmission slots in Bianchi's Markov model with the physical time slots, to derive the transmission probability of the secondary network as a function of its scan duration. This is used to obtain analytical expressions for the throughput achievable by the primary and secondary networks. Our analysis considers both saturated and unsaturated networks. By performing a numerical search, the secondary network parameters are selected to maximize its throughput for a given level of protection of the primary network throughput. The theoretical expressions are validated using extensive simulations carried out in the Network Simulator 2. Our results provide critical insights into the performance and robustness of different schemes for medium access by the secondary network. In particular, we find that the channel captures by the secondary network does not significantly impact the primary throughput, and that simply increasing the secondary contention window size is only marginally inferior to silent-period based methods in terms of its throughput performance.


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Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are necessary in applications which require grid synchronization. Presence of unbalance or harmonics in the grid voltage creates errors in the estimated frequency and angle of a PLL. The error in estimated angle has the effect of distorting the unit vectors generated by the PLL. In this paper, analytical expressions are derived which determine the error in the phase angle estimated by a PLL when there is unbalance and harmonics in the grid voltage. By using the derived expressions, the total harmonic distortion (THD) and the fundamental phase error of the unit vectors can be determined for a given PLL topology and a given level of unbalance and distortion in the grid voltage. The accuracy of the results obtained from the analytical expressions is validated with the simulation and experimental results for synchronous reference frame PLL (SRF-PLL). Based on these expressions, a new tuning method for the SRF-PLL is proposed which quantifies the tradeoff between the unit vector THD and the bandwidth of the SRF-PLL. Using this method, the exact value of the bandwidth of the SRF-PLL can be obtained for a given worst case grid voltage unbalance and distortion to have an acceptable level of unit vector THD. The tuning method for SRF-PLL is also validated experimentally.


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Before installation, a voltage source converter is usually subjected to heat-run test to verify its thermal design and performance under load. For heat-run test, the converter needs to be operated at rated voltage and rated current for a substantial length of time. Hence, such tests consume huge amount of energy in case of high-power converters. Also, the capacities of the source and loads available in the research and development (R&D) centre or the production facility could be inadequate to conduct such tests. This paper proposes a method to conduct heat-run tests on high-power, pulse width modulated (PWM) converters with low energy consumption. The experimental set-up consists of the converter under test and another converter (of similar or higher rating), both connected in parallel on the ac side and open on the dc side. Vector-control or synchronous reference frame control is employed to control the converters such that one draws certain amount of reactive power and the other supplies the same; only the system losses are drawn from the mains. The performance of the controller is validated through simulation and experiments. Experimental results, pertaining to heat-run tests on a high-power PWM converter, are presented at power levels of 25 kVA to 150 kVA.


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Perception of operator influences ultrasound image acquisition and processing. Lower costs are attracting new users to medical ultrasound. Anticipating an increase in this trend, we conducted a study to quantify the variability in ultrasonic measurements made by novice users and identify methods to reduce it. We designed a protocol with four presets and trained four new users to scan and manually measure the head circumference of a fetal phantom with an ultrasound scanner. In the first phase, the users followed this protocol in seven distinct sessions. They then received feedback on the quality of the scans from an expert. In the second phase, two of the users repeated the entire protocol aided by visual cues provided to them during scanning. We performed off-line measurements on all the images using a fully automated algorithm capable of measuring the head circumference from fetal phantom images. The ground truth (198.1 +/- 1.6 mm) was based on sixteen scans and measurements made by an expert. Our analysis shows that: (1) the inter-observer variability of manual measurements was 5.5 mm, whereas the inter-observer variability of automated measurements was only 0.6 mm in the first phase (2) consistency of image appearance improved and mean manual measurements was 4-5 mm closer to the ground truth in the second phase (3) automated measurements were more precise, accurate and less sensitive to different presets compared to manual measurements in both phases. Our results show that visual aids and automation can bring more reproducibility to ultrasonic measurements made by new users.


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This study investigates the application of support vector clustering (SVC) for the direct identification of coherent synchronous generators in large interconnected multi-machine power systems. The clustering is based on coherency measure, which indicates the degree of coherency between any pair of generators. The proposed SVC algorithm processes the coherency measure matrix that is formulated using the generator rotor measurements to cluster the coherent generators. The proposed approach is demonstrated on IEEE 10 generator 39-bus system and an equivalent 35 generators, 246-bus system of practical Indian southern grid. The effect of number of data samples and fault locations are also examined for determining the accuracy of the proposed approach. An extended comparison with other clustering techniques is also included, to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach in grouping the data into coherent groups of generators. This effectiveness of the coherent clusters obtained with the proposed approach is compared in terms of a set of clustering validity indicators and in terms of statistical assessment that is based on the coherency degree of a generator pair.