996 resultados para surface oxygen complexes


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The isotopic composition and diversity of nannofossils were studied in cores from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 525A, 527, 528, and 529 from the Walvis Ridge, South Atlantic to better understand the changes which occurred across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (K/T boundary). The stratigraphic range of the samples is from the Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis Zone in the Maastrichtian to the Heliolithus kleinpelli Zone in the Danian. Nannofossil diversity was high (Shannon-Weaver diversity index, 'H= 2.5-3) in the late Cretaceous, but decreased sharply (H c. 1 ) across the K/T boundary. The delta13C values also decrease across the K/T boundary at the four sites, suggesting a reduction in surface productivity in the South Atlantic concomitant with the reduction in diversity. During the Danian, nannofossil diversity and delta13C show some recovery approximately 500-700 k.y. after the boundary event. However, not until 2.5 Ma after the boundary event did diversity become constant. Diversity values similar to those for the late Cretaceous were not attained again in the early Paleocene interval studied. Carbon isotopic compositions similar to those from the Cretaceous were not attained until 4.5 Ma after the K/T event.


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Stable isotope analysis of two species (or groups of species) of planktonic foraminifers: Globigerinoides ruber (or G. obliquus and G. obliquus extremus) and Globigerina bulloides (or G. falconensis and G. obesa) from ODP Hole 653A and Site 654 in the Tyrrhenian basin, records the Pliocene-Pleistocene glacial history of the Northern Hemisphere. The overall increase in mean d18O values through the interval 4.6-0.08 Ma is 1.7 per mil for G. bulloides and 1.5 per mil for G. ruber. The time interval 3.1-2.5 Ma corresponds to an important phase of 18O enrichment for planktonic foraminifers. In this interval, glacial d18O values of both species G. bulloides and G. ruber increase by about l per mil, this increase being more progressive for G. ruber than for G. bulloides. The increase of interglacial d18O values is higher for G. bulloides (1.5 per mil) than for the Gruber group (1 per mil). These data suggest a more pronounced seasonal stratification of the water masses during interglacial phases. Large positive d18O fluctuations of increasing magnitude are also recorded at 2.25 and 2.15 Ma by G bulloides and appear to be diachronous with those of Site 606 in the Atlantic Ocean. Other events of increasing d18O values are recorded between 1.55 and 1.3 Ma, at 0.9 Ma, 0.8 Ma, and near 0.34 Ma. In the early Pliocene the d18O variability recorded by the planktonic species G. bulloides was higher in the Mediterranean than in the Atlantic at the same latitude. This suggests that important cyclic variations in the water budget of the Mediterranean occurred since that time. Step increases in the d18O variability are synchronous with those of the open ocean at 0.9 and 0.34 Ma. The higher variability as well as the higher amplitude of the peaks of 18O enrichment may be partly accounted for by increase of dryness over the Mediterranean area. In particular the high amplitude d18O fluctuations recorded between 3.1 and 2.1 Ma are correlated with the onset of a marked seasonal contrast and a summer dryness, revealed by pollen analyses. Strong fluctuations towards d13C values higher than modern ones are recorded by the G. ruber group species before 1.7 Ma and suggest a high production of phytoplankton. When such episodes of high primary production are correlated with episodes of decreasing 13C content of G. bulloides, they are interpreted as the consequence of a higher stratification of the upper water masses resulting itself from a marked seasonality. Such episodes occur between 4.6 and 4.05 Ma, 3.9 and 3.6 Ma, and 3.25 and 2.66 Ma. The interval 2.66-1.65 Ma corresponds to a weakening of the stratification of the upper water layers. This may be related to episodes of cooling and increasing dryness induced by the Northern Hemisphere Glaciations. The Pleistocene may have been a less productive period. The transition from highly productive to less productive surface waters also coincides with a new step increase in dryness and cooling, between 1.5 and 1.3 Ma. The comparison of the 13C records of G ruber and G. bulloides in fact suggests that a high vertical convection became a dominant feature after 2.6 Ma. Increases in the nutrient input and the stratification of the upper water masses may be suspected, however, during short episodes near 0.86 Ma (isotopic stage 25), 0.57-0.59 Ma (isotopic stage 16), 0.49 Ma (isotopic stage 13), 0.4-0.43 Ma (isotopic stage 11), and 0.22 and 0.26 Ma (part of isotopic stage 7 and transition 7/8). In fact, changes in the C02 balance within the different water masses of the Tyrrhenian basin as well as in the local primary production did not follow the general patterns of the open ocean.


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This study investigates changes in the upper water column hydrography at Site 851 of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean since the late Pliocene, using the oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of three species of planktonic foraminifers, each calcifying at different depths in the photic zone. The upper ocean seasonal hydrography in this region responds to the seasonally changing trade winds and thus is expected to respond to past changes in trade winds. One major change occurs at about 1.5 Ma, when the thermocline adjusts from a deep position to a shallower position. The thermocline remains in a relatively shallow position throughout the record up to recent time, with slight variations occurring synchronously with glacial/interglacial stages. In glacials, SSTs are probably a few degrees cooler and the thermocline is slightly deeper. From our knowledge of seasonal and interannual adjustments of the thermocline in this location, a deeper thermocline might be interpreted as either a decrease in the strength of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) that results from lower mean wind strength or an increase in the Equatorial Countercurrent (ECC), which results from an increase in the strength of the southeasterly trade winds. A major shift from higher to lower carbon isotope values occurred at about 1.9 Ma, marking a transition to reduced planktonic-benthic d13C differences after 1.9 Ma. The carbon isotopic data indicate that changes in the carbon isotopic composition of intermediate upwelling water occurs at higher frequencies than the glacial/interglacial changes in ice volume.


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We present a 15 kyr sea surface temperature (SST) record for a high sedimentation rate core (KNR51-29GGC) from the Feni Drift off of Ireland, based on an organic geochemical technique for paleotemperature estimation, U37 K'. We compare the U37 K' temperature record to planktonic foraminiferal delta18O and foraminiferal assemblage SST estimates from the same sample horizons. U37 K' gives SST estimates of 13°C for the early deglacial and 18°C for the Holocene and Recent, whereas assemblages give estimates of 9°C and 13°C, respectively. As in nearby core V23-81, we find Ash Zone 1, the Younger Dryas increase in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral abundance, and maximum abundance of this species during glaciation. N. pachyderma dextral oxygen isotopic analyses have a late glacial to interglacial range of 1.5 per mil. A reduction of about 1 per mil in delta18O occurred at about 12 ka, whereas U37 K' and the foraminiferal fauna indicate a 2°C warming. This implies a 0.9 per mil salinity effect on delta18O which we attribute to meltwater freshening. All three parameters indicate cooling during the Younger Dryas. U37 K' SST estimates show that the major shift from deglacial to interglacial temperatures occurred after the Younger Dryas in termination 1b, in contrast to the assemblage data, which show this jump in SST at the end of the glaciation during termination Ia. Differences between the two SST estimators, which may result from their different (floral versus faunal) sources, are more pronounced between transitions Ia and Ib. This may reflect different habitats under the unusual sea surface conditions of the deglaciation.


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Paleoceanographic variability at southern high latitude Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 747 was investigated in this study through the interval which spans the Middle Miocene Climate Transition (MMCT). Between 15.0 and 12.2 million years ago (Ma), foraminiferal d18O records derived from both benthic (Cibicidoides spp.) and planktonic taxa (Globorotalia praescitula and Globigerina bulloides) reveal a history of changes in water column thermal and salinity structure and a strong imprint of seasonality. Prior to the MMCT, in the interval between 14.35 and 13.9 Ma, G. bulloides displays relatively high d18O values similar to those of G. praescitula, interpreted to indicate weakening of the thermocline and/or increased seasonality with cooler early-spring and/or late-fall temperatures. Following this interval, G. bulloidesd18O values diverge significantly from benthic and G. praescitula values, with G. bulloides values remaining relatively low for at least 600 kyr following the benthic foraminiferal d18O shift during the MMCT at ~13.9 Ma. This divergence in d18O records occurs in direct association with the Mi3 cooling and glaciation event and may suggest: (1) a strengthening of the vertical temperature gradient, with greater cooling of deep waters than surface waters, (2) changes in the depth habitat of G. bulloides, (3) changes in the dominant season of G. bulloides calcification, (4) modification of surface-water d18O values in association with enhanced sea-ice formation, (5) increased surface-water carbonate ion concentration, and/or (6) a significant decrease in surface-water salinity across the MMCT. The first of these possible scenarios is not likely, particularly in light of recent Mg/Ca evidence for significant surface-water cooling in the Southern Ocean associated with the MMCT. Of the remaining possibilities, we favor a change in surface salinity to explain the observed trends in d18O values and hypothesize that surface salinity may have decreased by up to 2 salinity units at ~13.9 Ma. In this scenario, the development of a lower-salinity Antarctic surface layer coincided with regional cooling of both surface and deep waters of the Southern Ocean during the Mi3 glaciation of East Antarctica, and contributed into the dominance of Neogloboquadrina spp. between 13.8 and 13.2 Ma. Additionally, the distinct patterns observed in planktonic foraminiferal d18O records spanning the MMCT correspond with changes in the vertical d13C gradient between planktonic and benthic foraminiferal records and major changes in planktonic foraminiferal assemblages at Site 747, providing further evidence of the environmental significance of this climatic transition.


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Benthic oxygen and carbon isotopic results from a depth transect on Maud Rise, Antarctica, provide the first evidence for Warm Saline Deep Water (WSDW) in the Paleogene oceans. Distinct reversals occur in the oxygen isotopic gradient between the shallower Hole 689B (Eocene depth ~1400 m; present-day depth 2080 m) and the deeper Hole 690B (Eocene depth ~2250 m; present-day depth 2914 m). The isotopic reversals, well developed by at least 46 Ma (middle middle Eocene), existed for much of the remaining Paleogene. We do not consider these reversals to be artifacts of differential diagenesis between the two sites or to have resulted from other potentially complicating factors. This being so, the results show that deep waters at Hole 690B were significantly warmer than deep waters at the shallower Hole 689B. A progressive decrease and eventual reversal in benthic to planktonic delta18O gradients in Hole 690B, demonstrate that the deeper waters became warmer relative to Antarctic surface waters during the Eocene. The warmer deep waters of the Paleogene are inferred to have been produced at middle to low latitudes, probably in the Tethyan region which contained extensive shallow-water platforms, ideal sites for the formation of high salinity water through evaporative processes. The ocean during the Eocene, and perhaps the Paleocene, is inferred to have been two-layered, consisting of warm, saline deep waters formed at low latitudes and overlain by cooler waters formed at high latitudes. This thermospheric ocean, dominated by halothermal circulation we name Proteus. The Neogene and modern psychrospheric ocean Oceanus is dominated by thermohaline circulation of deep waters largely formed at high latitudes. An intermediate condition existed during the Oligocene, with a three-layered ocean that consisted of cold, dense deep waters formed in the Antarctic (Proto-AABW), overlain by warm, saline deep waters from low latitudes, and in turn overlain by cool waters formed in the polar regions. This we name Proto-oceanus which combined both halothermal and thermohaline processes. The sequence of high latitude, major, climatic change inferred from the oxygen isotopic records is as follows: generally cooler earlier Paleocene; warming during the late Paleocene; climax of Cenozoic warmth during the early Eocene and continuing into the early middle Eocene; cooling mainly in a series of steps during the remainder of the Paleogene. Superimposed upon this Paleogene pattern, the Paleocene/Eocene boundary is marked by a brief but distinct warming that involved deep to surface waters and a reduction in surface to deep carbon and oxygen isotopic gradients. This event coincided with major extinctions among the deep-sea benthic foraminifers as shown by Thomas (1990 doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.113.123.1990). Salinity has played a major role in deep ocean circulation, and thus paleotemperatures cannot be inferred directly from the oxygen isotopic composition of Paleogene benthic foraminifers without first accounting for the salinity effect.


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Oxygen isotopic (d18O) climatic stratigraphy and radiocarbon chronology, at high resolution, have been used to establish an age model for Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1017E, a continuous 25-m sequence of hemipelagic sediments from the continental slope (956 m water depth), east of Point Arguella, Southern California. The upper part of Hole 1017E from ~33 ka (7.445 mbsf) was dated using 13 calendar-corrected radiocarbon ages of mixed planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. Benthic oxygen isotopic stratigraphy records a continuous 130-k.y. sequence ranging from marine isotope Stage 6 to the present day. The benthic d18O curve, representing the last two interglacial and glacial cycles, closely resembles the well-dated, deep-sea reference sequence, providing a detailed chronologic framework. Sedimentation rates remained relatively constant throughout the sequence at ~18 cm/k.y. and were sufficiently rapid to provide considerable potential for high-resolution paleoceanographic/paleoclimatic investigations. Planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopic stratigraphy based on the surface-dwelling form Globigerina bulloides defines an almost complete sequence of interstadial/stadial oscillations (Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles [D/O]). Combined use of radiocarbon chronology, deep-sea oxygen isotopic datums, and visual pattern matching has enabled us to identify the sequence of D/O cycles as described for the Greenland (GRIP2) ice core. This has strengthened the stratigraphic framework for the last 60 k.y. in the sequence as a basis for further paleoenvironmental investigations.


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High-resolution records from IMAGES core MD95-2011 in the eastern Norwegian Sea provide evidence for relatively large- and small-scale high-latitude climate variability throughout the Holocene. During the early and mid-Holocene a situation possibly driven by consistent stronger westerlies increased the eastward influence of Arctic intermediate and near-surface waters. For the late Holocene a relaxation of the atmospheric forcing resulted in increased influence of Atlantic water. The main changes in Holocene climate show no obvious connection to changing solar irradiance, and spectral analysis reveals no consistent signature for any periodic behavior of Holocene climate at millennial or centennial timescales. There are, however, indications of consistent multidecadal variability.


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The Volga River discharge consists of the waters transferred by fast currents through channels and the waters which are passing through the shallow areas of the delta overgrown by cane. Using the hydrochemical data, it is possible to track distribution of the waters modified by 'biofilters' of macrophytes in the delta shallows starting from the external edge of the delta. The main distinctive features of these waters are the high content of dissolved oxygen, the abnormally high values of the pH, and the low content of dissolved inorganic carbon (both total and as CO2). These waters extend in the shape of 1 to 3-km-wide strips at a distance of 20-40 km from the outer border of the delta. The analysis of the data obtained during the expeditions run by the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2003-2009, along with archived and published data, show that such 'modified' waters occur almost constantly along the outer edge of the Volga River delta.