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Raised blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have identified 47 distinct genetic variants robustly associated with BP, but collectively these explain only a few percent of the heritability for BP phenotypes. To find additional BP loci, we used a bespoke gene-centric array to genotype an independent discovery sample of 25,118 individuals that combined hypertensive case-control and general population samples. We followed up four SNPs associated with BP at our p < 8.56 × 10(-7) study-specific significance threshold and six suggestively associated SNPs in a further 59,349 individuals. We identified and replicated a SNP at LSP1/TNNT3, a SNP at MTHFR-NPPB independent (r(2) = 0.33) of previous reports, and replicated SNPs at AGT and ATP2B1 reported previously. An analysis of combined discovery and follow-up data identified SNPs significantly associated with BP at p < 8.56 × 10(-7) at four further loci (NPR3, HFE, NOS3, and SOX6). The high number of discoveries made with modest genotyping effort can be attributed to using a large-scale yet targeted genotyping array and to the development of a weighting scheme that maximized power when meta-analyzing results from samples ascertained with extreme phenotypes, in combination with results from nonascertained or population samples. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and transcript expression data highlight potential gene regulatory mechanisms at the MTHFR and NOS3 loci. These results provide candidates for further study to help dissect mechanisms affecting BP and highlight the utility of studying SNPs and samples that are independent of those studied previously even when the sample size is smaller than that in previous studies.
Leptin, a peripheral signal synthetized by the adipocyte to regulate energy metabolism, can also be produced by placenta, where it may work as an autocrine hormone. We have previously demonstrated that leptin promotes proliferation and survival of trophoblastic cells. In the present work, we aimed to study the molecular mechanisms that mediate the survival effect of leptin in placenta. We used the human placenta choriocarcinoma BeWo and first trimester Swan-71 cell lines, as well as human placental explants. We tested the late phase of apoptosis, triggered by serum deprivation, by studying the activation of Caspase-3 and DNA fragmentation. Recombinant human leptin added to BeWo cell line and human placental explants, showed a decrease on Caspase-3 activation. These effects were dose dependent. Maximal effect was achieved at 250 ng leptin/ml. Moreover, inhibition of endogenous leptin expression with 2 µM of an antisense oligonucleotide, reversed Caspase-3 diminution. We also found that the cleavage of Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase-1 (PARP-1) was diminished in the presence of leptin. We analyzed the presence of low DNA fragments, products from apoptotic DNA cleavage. Placental explants cultivated in the absence of serum in the culture media increased the apoptotic cleavage of DNA and this effect was prevented by the addition of 100 ng leptin/ml. Taken together these results reinforce the survival effect exerted by leptin on placental cells. To improve the understanding of leptin mechanism in regulating the process of apoptosis we determined the expression of different intermediaries in the apoptosis cascade. We found that under serum deprivation conditions, leptin increased the anti-apoptotic BCL-2 protein expression, while downregulated the pro-apoptotic BAX and BID proteins expression in Swan-71 cells and placental explants. In both models leptin augmented BCL-2/BAX ratio. Moreover we have demonstrated that p53, one of the key cell cycle-signaling proteins, is downregulated in the presence of leptin under serum deprivation. On the other hand, we determined that leptin reduced the phosphorylation of Ser-46 p53 that plays a pivotal role for apoptotic signaling by p53. Our data suggest that the observed anti-apoptotic effect of leptin in placenta is in part mediated by the p53 pathway. In conclusion, we provide evidence that demonstrates that leptin is a trophic factor for trophoblastic cells.
The family Acrochordiceratidae Arthaber, 1911 ranges in age from latest Spathian to the middle/late Anisian boundary, and it represents a major component of ammonoid faunas during that time. The middle Anisian genus Acrochordiceras Hyatt, 1877 is the most widespread taxon of the family and occurs abundantly worldwide within the low paleolatitude belt. However, there is a profusion of species names available for Acrochordiceras. This excessive diversity at the species level essentially results from the fact that sufficiently large samples were not available, thus leading to a typological approach to its taxonomy. Based on new extensive collections obtained from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) Fossil Hill Member (Star Peak Group, north-west Nevada) for which a high resolution biostratigraphic frame is available, the taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the genus Acrochordiceras Hyatt, 1877 is herein revised with respect to its intra-specific variation. Morphological and biometric studies (c. 550 bedrock-controlled specimens were measured) show that only one species occurs in each stratigraphic level. Continuous ranges of intra-specific variation of studied specimens enable us to synonymize Haydenites Diener, 1907, Silesiacrochordiceras Diener, 1916 and Epacrochordiceras Spath, 1934 with Acrochordiceras Hyatt, 1877. Three stratigraphically successive species are herein recognized in the low paleolatitude middle Anisian faunas from Nevada: A. hatschekii (Diener, 1907), A. hyatti Meek, 1877 and A. carolinae Mojsisovics, 1882. Moreover, an assessment of intra-specific variation of the adult size range does not support recognition of a dimorphic pair (Acrochordiceras and Epacrochordiceras) as previously suggested by other workers (Epacrochordiceras is the compressed and weakly ornamented end-member variant of Acrochordiceras). The successive middle Anisian species of Acrochordiceras form an anagenetic lineage characterized by increasing involution, adult size and intra-specific variation. This taxonomic revision based on new bedrock-controlled collections is thus an important prerequisite before studying the evolution of the group.
BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is largely regarded to be initiated from left atrial (LA) dilatation, with subsequent dilatation of the right atrium (RA) in those who progress to chronic AF. We hypothesized that in adult patients with right-sided congenital heart disease (CHD) and AF, RA dilatation will predominate with subsequent dilatation of the left atrium, as a mirror image. METHODS: Adult patients with diagnosis of right-sided, ASD or left-sided CHD who had undergone an echocardiographic study and electrocardiographic recording in 2007 were included. RA and LA area were measured from the apical view. AF was diagnosed from a 12-lead electrocardiogram or Holter recording. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify predictors of AF and linear regression models were performed to measure relationship between RA and LA area and AF. RESULTS: A total of 291 patients were included in the study. Multivariate analysis showed that age (p=0.0001), RA (p=0.025) and LA area (p=0.0016) were significantly related to AF. In patients with pure left-sided pathologies, there was progressive and predominant LA dilatation that paralleled the development of AF from none to paroxysmal to chronic AF. In patients with pure right-sided pathologies, there was a mirror image of progressive and predominant RA dilatation with the development of AF. CONCLUSION: We observed a mirror image atrial dilatation in patients with right sided disease and AF. This may provide novel mechanistic insight as to the origin of AF in these patients and deserves further studying in the form of targeted electrophysiological studies.
Our essay aims at studying suitable statistical methods for the clustering ofcompositional data in situations where observations are constituted by trajectories ofcompositional data, that is, by sequences of composition measurements along a domain.Observed trajectories are known as “functional data” and several methods have beenproposed for their analysis.In particular, methods for clustering functional data, known as Functional ClusterAnalysis (FCA), have been applied by practitioners and scientists in many fields. To ourknowledge, FCA techniques have not been extended to cope with the problem ofclustering compositional data trajectories. In order to extend FCA techniques to theanalysis of compositional data, FCA clustering techniques have to be adapted by using asuitable compositional algebra.The present work centres on the following question: given a sample of compositionaldata trajectories, how can we formulate a segmentation procedure giving homogeneousclasses? To address this problem we follow the steps described below.First of all we adapt the well-known spline smoothing techniques in order to cope withthe smoothing of compositional data trajectories. In fact, an observed curve can bethought of as the sum of a smooth part plus some noise due to measurement errors.Spline smoothing techniques are used to isolate the smooth part of the trajectory:clustering algorithms are then applied to these smooth curves.The second step consists in building suitable metrics for measuring the dissimilaritybetween trajectories: we propose a metric that accounts for difference in both shape andlevel, and a metric accounting for differences in shape only.A simulation study is performed in order to evaluate the proposed methodologies, usingboth hierarchical and partitional clustering algorithm. The quality of the obtained resultsis assessed by means of several indices
Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) is a relevant conifer species for studying adaptive responses to drought and fire regimes in the Mediterranean region. In this study, we performed Illumina next-generation sequencing of two phenotypically divergent Aleppo pine accessions with the aims of (i) characterizing the transcriptome through Illumina RNA-Seq on trees phenotypically divergent for adaptive traits linked to fire adaptation and drought, (ii) performing a functional annotation of the assembled transcriptome, (iii) identifying genes with accelerated evolutionary rates, (iv) studying the expression levels of the annotated genes and (v) developing gene-based markers for population genomic and association genetic studies. The assembled transcriptome consisted of 48,629 contigs and covered about 54.6 Mbp. The comparison of Aleppo pine transcripts to Picea sitchensis protein-coding sequences resulted in the detection of 34,014 SNPs across species, with a Ka /Ks average value of 0.216, suggesting that the majority of the assembled genes are under negative selection. Several genes were differentially expressed across the two pine accessions with contrasted phenotypes, including a glutathione-s-transferase, a cellulose synthase and a cobra-like protein. A large number of new markers (3334 amplifiable SSRs and 28,236 SNPs) have been identified which should facilitate future population genomics and association genetics in this species. A 384-SNP Oligo Pool Assay for genotyping with the Illumina VeraCode technology has been designed which showed an high overall SNP conversion rate (76.6%). Our results showed that Illumina next-generation sequencing is a valuable technology to obtain an extensive overview on whole transcriptomes of nonmodel species with large genomes.
BACKGROUND: Nicotine dependence is the major obstacle for smokers who want to quit. Guidelines have identified five effective first-line therapies, four nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs)--gum, patch, nasal spray and inhaler--and bupropion. Studying the extent to which these various treatments are cost-effective requires additional research. OBJECTIVES: To determine cost-effectiveness (CE) ratios of pharmacotherapies for nicotine dependence provided by general practitioners (GPs) during routine visits as an adjunct to cessation counselling. METHODS: We used a Markov model to generate two cohorts of one-pack-a-day smokers: (1) the reference cohort received only cessation counselling from a GP during routine office visits; (2) the second cohort received the same counselling plus an offer to use a pharmacological treatment to help them quit smoking. The effectiveness of adjunctive therapy was expressed in terms of the resultant differential in mortality rate between the two cohorts. Data on the effectiveness of therapies came from meta-analyses, and we used odds ratio for quitting as the measure of effectiveness. The costs of pharmacotherapies were based on the cost of the additional time spent by GPs offering, prescribing and following-up treatment, and on the retail prices of the therapies. We used the third-party-payer perspective. Results are expressed as the incremental cost per life-year saved. RESULTS: The cost per life-year saved for only counselling ranged from Euro 385 to Euro 622 for men and from Euro 468 to Euro 796 for women. The CE ratios for the five pharmacological treatments varied from Euro 1768 to Euro 6879 for men, and from Euro 2146 to Euro 8799 for women. Significant variations in CE ratios among the five treatments were primarily due to differences in retail prices. The most cost-effective treatments were bupropion and the patch, and, then, in descending order, the spray, the inhaler and, lastly, gum. Differences in CE between men and women across treatments were due to the shape of their respective mortality curve. The lowest CE ratio in men was for the 45- to 49-year-old group and for women in the 50- to 54-year-old group. Sensitivity analysis showed that changes in treatment efficacy produced effects only for less-well proven treatments (spray, inhaler, and bupropion) and revealed a strong influence of the discount rate and natural quit rate on the CE of pharmacological treatments. CONCLUSION: The CE of first-line treatments for nicotine dependence varied widely with age and sex and was sensitive to the assumption for the natural quit rate. Bupropion and the nicotine patch were the two most cost-effective treatments.
SNARE complexes are required for membrane fusion in the endomembrane system. They contain coiled-coil bundles of four helices, three (Q(a), Q(b), and Q(c)) from target (t)-SNAREs and one (R) from the vesicular (v)-SNARE. NSF/Sec18 disrupts these cis-SNARE complexes, allowing reassembly of their subunits into trans-SNARE complexes and subsequent fusion. Studying these reactions in native yeast vacuoles, we found that NSF/Sec18 activates the vacuolar cis-SNARE complex by selectively displacing the vacuolar Q(a) SNARE, leaving behind a Q(bc)R subcomplex. This subcomplex serves as an acceptor for a Q(a) SNARE from the opposite membrane, leading to Q(a)-Q(bc)R trans-complexes. Activity tests of vacuoles with diagnostic distributions of inactivating mutations over the two fusion partners confirm that this distribution accounts for a major share of the fusion activity. The persistence of the Q(bc)R cis-complex and the formation of the Q(a)-Q(bc)R trans-complex are both sensitive to the Rab-GTPase inhibitor, GDI, and to mutations in the vacuolar tether complex, HOPS (HOmotypic fusion and vacuolar Protein Sorting complex). This suggests that the vacuolar Rab-GTPase, Ypt7, and HOPS restrict cis-SNARE disassembly and thereby bias trans-SNARE assembly into a preferred topology.
Importa si una guerra civil es combat com un conflicte irregular, convencional o simètric no convencional? En altres paraules, tenen les “tecnologies de la rebel·lió” un impacte sobre la gravetat d’una guerra, la seva durada o el seu resultat? Aquest treball mostra que els conflictes irregulars duren més que els altres tipus de conflicte, mentre els convencionals tendeixen a ser més greus en termes de letalitat al camp de batalla. D’altra banda, els conflictes irregulars tendeixen a ser guanyats pels governs, mentre els altres són més propensos a acabar en empat. Substancialment, aquests resultats ens ajuden a donar sentit a l’evolució de les guerres civils, les quals tendeixen a ser més curtes, més intenses i més difícils per als governs. Teòricament, aquests resultats donen suport a la importància de la tecnologia de rebel·lió a l’estudiar la gravetat, la durada i els resultats de les guerres civils; a més, contribueixen a una millor comprensió de la contribució històrica de la guerra irregular a la construcció de l’Estat i al canvi social.
Staphylococcus aureus est un pathogène humain majeur ayant développé des résistances contre la quasi totalité des antibiotiques disponibles, incluant la très importante famille des β- lactamines. La résistance à cette classe d'antibiotiques est conférée par la « Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec » (SCCmec), qui est un élément génétique mobile capable de s'insérer dans le chromosome bactérien et capable d'être transféré horizontalement chez d'autres staphylocoques. Le mécanisme moléculaire impliqué dans ce transfert horizontal demeure largement inconnu. L'une des premières étapes du transfert est l'excision du SCC mec du chromosome bactérien. Cette excision est promue par des enzymes codées par l'élément SCCmec lui- même et appelées de ce fait « Cassette Chromosome Recombinases » (Ccr). L'un des buts de ce travail de thèse a été de comprendre la régulation de l'expression des gènes codant pour les Ccr recombinases. En utilisant des outils moléculaires originaux, nous avons été en mesure de démontrer en premier lieu que les Ccr recombinases étaient exprimées de façon « bistable », c'est à dire qu'uniquement quelques pourcents de cellules dans une population exprimaient ces gènes à un temps donné. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons également démontré que l'expression de ces gènes était régulée par des facteurs étrangers au SCC mec. L'expression bistable des recombinases est un concept important. Effectivement, cela permet à la majorité des cellules d'une population de conserver l'élément SCC mec, alors que seulement une petite fraction le perd afin de le rendre disponible pour un transfert. Ainsi, alors que l'élément SCC mec continue de se propager avec la multiplication des bactéries Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline (SARM), il peut être simultanément transmis à des souches susceptibles (Staphylococcus aureus susceptible à la méticilline, SASM), entraînant l'apparition de nouveaux SARM. De façon très intéressante, le fait que cette bistabilité est contrôlée par les bactéries, et non le SCCmec lui-même, montre que la décision de transférer ou non la cassette SCC mec appartient à la bactérie. En conséquence, il doit exister dans la nature des souches qui sont plus ou moins aptes à effectuer ce transfert. En nous appuyant sur ces observations, nous avons montré que l'excision du SCC mec était effectivement régulée de façon très étroite au cours de la division cellulaire, et ne se passait que pendant un temps limité au début de la croissance. Ce résultat est compatible avec une régulation génétique commandée par la densité cellulaire, qui pourrait être dépendante de la production de signaux extracellulaires, du type que l'on rencontre dans le quorum sensing. Les signaux hypothétiques entraînant l'excision du SCC mec restent inconnus à l'heure actuelle. La connaissance de ces signaux pourrait se révéler très importante afin de développer des stratégies pour interférer avec la dissémination de la résistance au β-lactamines. Deux sujets additionnels ont été logiquement investigués au vu de ces premiers résultats. Premièrement, si certaines souches de SARM sont plus ou moins aptes à déclencher l'excision du SCC mec, de même certaines souches de SASM devraient être plus ou moins aptes à acquérir cet élément. Deuxièmement, afin d'étudier ces mécanismes de transfert au niveau épidémiologique, il nous a été nécessaire de développer des outils nous permettant d'explorer le phénomène à une plus large échelle. Concernant le premier point, il a été postulé que certains SASM seraient réfractaires à l'intégration génomique d'un SCC mec en raison de polymorphismes particuliers à proximité du site d'insertion chromosomique (attB). En étudiant plus de 40 isolais de S. aureus, provenant de porteurs sains, nous avons confirmé ce polymorphisme dans l'environnement à'attB. De plus, nous avons pu montrer que ces régions polymorphiques ont évolué parallèlement à des groupes phylogénétiques bien connus. Ainsi, si des telles régions réfractaires à l'intégration de SCC mec existent, celles-ci devraient ségréger dans des complexes clonaux bien définis qui devraient être facilement identifiables au niveau épidémiologique. Concernant le second point, nous avons été capables de construire un système rapporteur de l'excision du SCCmec, en utilisant un plasmide à faible copie. Ce système consistait en un promoteur fort et un gène codant pour une protéine verte fluorescente (GFP) sous le contrôle d'un promoteur fort séparés à l'aide d'un élément SCC artificiel portant trois terminateurs de transcription. Ainsi, la fluorescence ne s'exprime que si l'élément SCC est excisé du plasmide. Ce système a été testé avec succès dans plusieurs types de staphylocoques, et est actuellement évalué dans d'autres souches et conditions stimulant ou inhibant l'excision. De manière générale, cette dissertation représente parcours scientifique à travers plusieurs aspects d'un problème de santé publique majeur en rapport avec la résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques. Ce travail s'attaque à des problèmes fondamentaux concernant le transfert horizontal de l'élément SCC mec. De plus, il s'intéresse à des aspects plus généraux de cet élément génétique mobile qui pourraient se révéler très importants en terme de mouvement de gènes au sein des staphylocoques, voir d'autres bactéries gram-positives. Finalement ce travail de thèse met en place le fondamentaux requis pour des recherches futures visant à interférer avec le transfert horizontal de la résistance aux β-lactamines. - Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen. Moreover, S. aureus have developed resistance to almost all available antibiotics, including the important family of β-lactam molecules. Intrinsic resistance to β-lactams is conferred by the Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec (SCCmec), which is a mobile genomic island that inserts into the staphylococcal chromosome and can be horizontally transferred into other staphylococci. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in this horizontal transfer into naïve strains. One of the first steps in SCC mec horizontal transfer is its excision from the chromosome. Excision is mediated by recombinase enzymes that are encoded by SCC mec itself, and named accordingly Ccr recombinases - for Cassette Chromosome recombinases. One goal of this thesis was to understand the regulation these recombinase genes. By using original molecular tools we could demonstrate first that the Ccr recombinases were expressed in a "bistable" manner, i.e. in only few percentages of the bacterial cells at a given time, and second that they were regulated by determinants that were not encoded on the SCC mec element, but elsewhere on the staphylococcal genome. "Bistable" expression Ccr recombinases is an important concept. It allows SCC mec to be excised and thus available for horizontal transfer, while ensuring that only some cells, but not the whole population, loose their valuable SCC mec genes. Thus, while the SCC mec element expands with the multiplication of the MRSA colony, it can simultaneously be transmitted into methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA), which convert into new MRSA. Most interestingly, the fact that bistability was regulated by the cells, rather than by SCC mec, indicates that it was the choice of the bacteria to trigger or not SCC mec transfer. As a consequence, there must be, in nature, staphylococcal strains that are more or less prone to sustain SCC mec transfer. Following these seminal observations we found that excision was indeed tightly regulated during bacterial division, and occurred only during a limited period of time at the beginning of bacterial growth. This is compatible with cell-density mediated gene regulation, and may depend on the production of extracellular signal molecules that transmit appropriate orders to neighboring cells, such as in quorum sensing. The potential signal triggering SCCmec excision is as yet unknown. However, it could be critical in promoting the horizontal transfer of methicillin resistance, or for the possible development of means to interfere with it. Two additional hypothesis were logically investigated in the view of these first results. First, if some strains of MRSA might be more prone than others to promote SCC mec excision, then some strains of MS SA might be more or less prone to acquire the element as well. Second, to investigate these multiple mechanisms at an epidemiological level, one would need to develop tools amenable to explore S. aureus strains at a larger scale. Regarding the first issue, it was postulated by others that some MSSA might be refractory to SCC mec integration because they had peculiar DNA polymorphisms in the vicinity of the site-specific chromosomal entry point {attB) of SCC mec. By studying >40 S. aureus isolates from healthy carriers, we confirmed the polymorphism of the attB environment. Moreover, we could show that these polymorphic regions co-evolved with well-known phylogenic clonal clusters. Therefore, if SCCwec-refractory attB environments exist, then they would segregate in well- defined S. aureus clonal clusters that would be easy to identify at the epidemiological level. Regarding the second issue, we were able to construct a new excision reporter system in a low copy number S. aureus plasmid. The reporter system consists in a strong promoter driving a green fluorescent protein {gfp) gene, separated by an artificial SCC-like element carrying three transcriptional terminators. Thus, fluorescence is not expressed unless the SCC-like element is excised. The system has been successfully tested in several aureus and non- aureus staphylococci, and is now being applied to more strains and various excision- triggering or inhibiting conditions. Altogether the dissertation is a scientific journey through various aspects of a salient medical problem with regard to antibiotic resistance and public health threat. The research work tackles fundamental issues about the mechanisms of horizontal transfer of the SCC mec element. Moreover, it also addresses more general features of this mobile element, which could be of larger importance with regard to gene trafficking in staphylococci, and maybe other gram-positive bacteria. Finally, the dissertation sets the fundamentals for future work and possible new ways to interfere with the horizontal transfer of methicillin resistance.
L'activité humaine affecte particulièrement la biodiversité, qui décline à une vitesse préoccupante. Parmi les facteurs réduisant la biodiversité, on trouve les espèces envahissantes. Symptomatiques d'un monde globalisé où l'échange se fait à l'échelle de la planète, certaines espèces, animales ou végétales, sont introduites, volontairement ou accidentellement par l'activité humaine (par exemple lors des échanges commerciaux ou par les voyageurs). Ainsi, ces espèces atteignent des régions qu'elles n'auraient jamais pu coloniser naturellement. Une fois introduites, l'absence de compétiteur peut les rendre particulièrement nuisibles. Ces nuisances sont plus ou moins directes, allant de problèmes sanitaires (p. ex. les piqûres très aigües des fourmis de feu, originaires d'Amérique du Sud et colonisant à une vitesse fulgurante les USA, l'Australie ou la Chine) à des nuisances sur la biodiversité (p. ex. les ravages de la perche du Nil sur la diversité unique des poissons Cichlidés du Lac Victoria). Il est donc important de pouvoir prévenir de telles introductions. De plus, pour le biologiste, ces espèces représentent une rare occasion de pouvoir comprendre les mécanismes évolutifs et écologiques qui expliquent le succès des envahissantes dans un monde où les équilibres sont bouleversés. Les modèles de niche environnementale sont un outil particulièrement utile dans le cadre de cette problématique. En reliant des observations d'espèces aux conditions environnementales où elles se trouvent, ils peuvent prédire la distribution potentielle des envahissantes, permettant d'anticiper et de mieux limiter leur impact. Toutefois, ils reposent sur des hypothèses pas évidentes à démontrer. L'une d'entre elle étant que la niche d'une espèce reste constante dans le temps, et dans l'espace. Le premier objectif de mon travail est de comparer si la niche d'une espèce envahissante diffère entre sa distribution d'origine native et celle d'origine introduite. En étudiant 50 espèces de plantes et 168 espèces de Mammifères, je démontre que c'est le cas et que par corolaire, il est possible de prédire leurs distributions. La deuxième partie de mon travail consiste à comprendre quelles seront les interactions entre le changement climatiques et les envahissantes, afin d'estimer leur impact sous un climat réchauffé. En étudiant la distribution de 49 espèces de plantes envahissantes, je démontre que les montagnes, régions relativement préservée par ce problème, deviendront bien plus exposées aux risques d'invasions biologiques. J'expose aussi comment les interactions entre l'activité humaine, le réchauffement climatique et les espèces envahissantes menacent la vigne sauvage en Europe et propose des zones géographiques particulièrement adaptée pour sa conservation. Enfin, à une échelle beaucoup plus locale, je montre qu'il est possible d'utiliser ces modèles de niches le long d'une rivière à une échelle extrêmement fine (1 mètre), potentiellement utile pour rationnaliser des mesures de conservations sur le terrain. - Biodiversity is significantly negatively affected by human activity. Invasive species are one of the most important factors causing biodiversity's decline. Intimately linked to the era of global trade, some plant or animal species can be accidentally or casually introduced with human activity (e.g. trade or travel). In this way, these species reach areas they could never reach through natural dispersal. Once naturalized, the lack of competitors can make these species highly noxious. Their effect is more or less direct, from sanitary problems (e.g. the harmful sting of Fire Ants, originating from South America and now spreading throughout USA, China and Australia) or can affect biodiversity (e.g. the Nile perch, devastating the one of the richest hotspot of Cichlid fishes diversity in Lake Victoria). It is thus important to prevent such harmful introductions. Moreover, invasive species represent for biologists one of the rare occasions to understand the evolutionary and ecological mechanisms behind the success of invaders in a world where natural equilibrium is already disturbed. Environmental niche models are particularly useful to tackle this problematic. By relating species observation to the environmental conditions where they occur, they can predict the potential distribution of invasive species, allowing a better anticipation and thus limiting their impact. However, they rely on strong assumption, one of the most important being that the modeled niche remains constant through space and time. The first aim of my thesis is to quantify the difference between the native and the invaded niche. By investigating 50 plant and 168 mammal species, I show that the niche is at least partially conserved, supporting for reliable predictions of invasive' s potential distributions. The second aim of my thesis is to understand the possible interactions between climate change and invasive species, such as to assess their impact under a warmer climate. By studying 49 invasive plant species, I show that mountain areas, which were relatively preserved, will become more suitable for biological invasions. Additionally, I show how interactions between human activity, global warming and invasive species are threatening the wild grapevine in Europe and propose geographical areas particularly adapted for conservation measures. Finally, at a much finer scale where conservation plannings ultimately take place, I show that it is possible to model the niche at very high resolution (1 meter) in an alluvial area allowing better prioritizations for conservation.
This paper investigates the factors in_uencing grade performance in two different high school tracks (academic and vocational), including the effect of the amount of work achieved while studying. The empirical strategy analyzes grade progression through the outcomes, passing, repeating and dropping out, conditioning on previous outcomes, and dealing with the endogeneity introduced by the working variable. The analysis is based on a unique Spanish data with information on schooling and labor histories. Findings show that working reduces performance in both tracks, mainly during the first year, although the ffects are less detri- mental in the vocational path. Additionally, good performance in compulsory education, at- tending a private high school, or having high-educated parents improve outcomes, particularly in academic high school.
Oxidative metabolism of isolated toad skin epithelium (Bufo viridis) was investigated in vitro under open-circuit conditions using the spectrophotometric oxyhemoglobin micromethod. This highly sensitive technique has been adapted for studying several epithelia in parallel and for detecting possible regional variations of oxygen uptake in individual epithelium. Changes in the proportion of mitochondria-rich cells (MRC) by ionic acclimation affected oxidative metabolism under nontransporting condition. After acclimation of animals to either NaNO3 or NaCl solutions (100 mmol/l, for greater than 2 wk), the number of MRC per square millimeter in epithelia from nonacclimated and NaNO3- and NaCl-acclimated animals was 350 +/- 113, 460 +/- 196, and 107 +/- 52, respectively. O2 uptake of nonacclimated and NaNO3-acclimated epithelia was significantly higher than that of NaCl-acclimated epithelia (i.e., 0.89 and 0.90 vs. 0.57 nmol O2.h-1.mm-2, respectively). The correlation established between O2 uptake and number of MRC allowed evaluation of the respiration rate of one single MRC, i.e., approximately 1 pmol O2/h. The lowest mitochondrial oxidative activity was found in the epithelia from NaCl-acclimated toads where the uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (50 mumols/l) had the highest relative stimulatory effect (+114%). Acetazolamide (50 mumols/l), a potent inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase mainly present in the MRC, reduced selectively by 31% O2 uptake of the MRC-rich epithelia (NaNO3 acclimated). O2 uptake increased significantly by approximately 80% when basolateral pH increased from 5.8 to 7.8, but did not depend on apical pH. These findings indicate that under nontransporting (open-circuit) conditions, aerobic metabolism of the isolated toad skin epithelium is related to the density and/or characteristics of the MRC.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
This project report has been writen by four international students studying at the university of Vitus Bering Denmark. Its purpose is to provide a closer view on the establishment of a new company, producing software applications, in particular SAP applications. We started our work from a problem, that was finding a new way to manage projects and for this reason our focus has been on a particular kind of program, enabling the companies and the workers to control their projects and the hours spent by each employee on each project.
Background: Splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) is an uncommon, butpotentially life-threatening disease. Aim of this ISTH based registryis to improve the knowledge on SVT by studying a large, international,unselected population.Methods: Consecutive patients with objectively diagnosed SVT areeligible for the registry. Information on clinical presentations, diagnosticapproaches, risk factors, therapeutic approaches, and recurrencesof SVT, bleedings and deaths at a 2 year follow up are enteredon a website database (www.svt.altervista.org). We planned a samplesize of 500 patients, including all sites of thrombosis.Results: As of December 31st, 2010, 429 patients with SVT (85.8%of the planned sample) have been enrolled at 25 centres from sevencountries. The mean age is 52.6 years (range 16-85 years); 62.2% aremales, 67.8% are Caucasians, and 31.2% Asians. SVT occurred inmultiple vein segments in 36.4% of patients, 40.5% of patients hadisolated portal vein thrombosis, 11.9% of patients had mesentericvein thrombosis, 7.5% had supra-hepatic vein thrombosis, and 3.6%had splenic vein thrombosis. Abdominal pain was the most commonsymptom occurring in 56.6% of the patients; 9.5% of patients hadgastrointestinal bleeding at the time of diagnosis; 25.4% of patientswith SVT were asymptomatic. Mean time between onset of symptomsand diagnosis was 7.4 days. Objective diagnosis was obtained withabdominal CT in 79.9% of patients. Most common risk factors atthe time of diagnosis included cancer (24.1%), cirrhosis (23.1%), andhematological disorders (15.4%); in 15.9% of patients SVT was idiopathic.Most patients were treated with anticoagulant drugs: 30.8%with parenteral drugs only, 56.9% with parenteral drugs followed byvitamin K antagonists.Conclusions: SVT is a major challenge for experts in thrombosis andhemostasis. Large collaborative studies are necessary to improve theunderstanding and the management of this heterogeneous disease.