991 resultados para strategic intelligence


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Denna rapport behandlar vilka egenskaper som är viktiga att ta hänsyn till vid val av rapportverktyg inom området Business Intelligence. Begreppet BI är relativt omfattande och syftar till färdigheter, teknologier, applikationer och metoder av systematisk och vetenskaplig art som en organisation använder för att bättre förstå sin verksamhet, sin omgivning och omvärld. Rapportverktyg utgör således en mindre del i en större kedja av processer för att stödja beslutstagande.Landstinget Dalarna har anlitat Sogeti, som har varit vår uppdragsgivare för detta examensarbete, för att implementera BI i sin verksamhet och vår studie har sitt ursprung i att Landstinget Dalarna idag har ett stort behov av olika typer av rapporter i många olika delar av organisationen. Rapportbehovet har visat sig vara omfattande och för att lätta på arbetsbördan för de systemutvecklare som skapar rapporter har funderingar framkommit att det skulle kunna vara en bra lösning att låta användarna inom Landstinget Dalarna själva skapa en del av sina egna rapporter. Målet med arbetet är att ge de systemutvecklare som arbetar i projektet riktlinjer kring vilka egenskaper olika rapportverktyg innehar för att de enklare skall kunna avgöra vilket som är lämpligast att använda. De verktyg som i denna studie jämförs med varandra är Report Builder 3.0, PowerPivot samt Dashboard Designer 2010, samtliga från Microsoft.För att göra denna jämförelse mellan olika rapportverktyg krävs bra underlag för att kunna förstå vilka egenskaper som är relevanta att fokusera på samt om några egenskaper väger tyngre än andra.Efter att ha utfört intervjuer med systemutvecklare som arbetar med BI har vi kunnat skapa oss en tydligare bild av detta område. Egenskaperna har sammanställts för att användas i vår jämförelse mellan de olika rapportverktygen. Att dessa egenskaper är av vikt bekräftas till viss del av den teori som finns på området. De egenskaper som främst visar sig vara viktiga i valet är vilken befintlig plattform som används, verktygets möjlighet att skapa interaktiva rapporter samt vilken typ av användare verktyget riktar sig till. Även andra egenskaper visar sig vara viktiga att ta hänsyn till, men då främst beroende på vilka krav som ställs. Resultatet av den praktiska jämförelsen mellan de olika rapportverktygen visar att verktygen till viss del överlappar varandra i funktionalitet samtidigt som de är anpassade för olika typer av användare och plattformar. De utgör allihop delar i Microsofts BI-pussel som på olika sätt skall bidra till att alltid kunna täcka upp de krav som kan finnas beroende på behov och förutsättningar. Samtidigt visar det sig att jämförda rapportverktyg besitter vissa generella egenskaper som gör att verktygen i stora drag klarar, om än på olika sätt, att skapa snarlika rapporter.


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In order for town centres to manage increased competition in retailing, co-operation between stakeholders in a strategic alliance has become more important. A typical set of stakeholders in a strategic alliance for strengthening retailingare retailers, local authorities and property owners. The roles of retailer’sand local authorities’ are well researched. However, the role of property owners is not. The aim of this paper seeks to unfold the role of property owners in a strategic alliance. This is a case study of a medium-sized town in which semi-structured interviews with different stakeholders were conducted. In the chosen town there is a TCM alliance co-operation at work. The above mentioned stakeholders are possible members in an alliance. The case studied shows a fragmented property owner market with no dominant property owner, as it is in many medium-sized towns. Our study shows that many stakeholders look at the role of property owners as crucial for town centre development. However, property owners do not see that they can significantly contribute to or benefit from the development.The main reasons for this opinion are that they consider themselves as not having enough resources or the capability to influence the town development.


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This book is a collection of papers originally presented at a workshop entitled 'After Nine Eleven: Ethics in the Time of Terror' hosted by Monash University on 24 June 2005. The workshop participants included members of the Ethics of War and Peace (EWAP) working group which was inaugurated at the first Oceanic Conference on International Studies in July 2004. EWAP provides a cross-disciplinary forum for scholars and non-academic professionals to exchange and debate ideas on topics including the ethics of armed intervention, the Just War, pacifist ethics, international humanitarian law, ethics in the military profession, and the relationship between law, ethics and politics.

The chapters within this book examine themes including 'lesser evils' and 'dirty hands' in the fight against terrorism, the ethics of intelligence gathering, humanitarian intervention, terrorism and the North-South divide, cultural equality as a response to terrorism, human rights and counterterrorism legislation, and the ethics of defending against 'bioterrorism'. 

Contributors include Alex Bellamy and Richard Devetak (University of Queensland), Baogang He (Deakin University), Christopher Michaelsen (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe), Jeremy Moses (University of Canterbury), Christian Enemark and Hugh Smith (University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy).


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Although the flexible delivery of training in the workplace has become a favoured policy position for training authorities in both Britain and Australia, this article reviews research that indicates neither learners nor their workplaces are well prepared. Drawing on the author's own research and that from the broader literature, the article develops a model for the preparation of learners and workplaces for flexible delivery of training. Deriving from the proposed model, the article suggests a wide range of strategies that may be used in preparing learners and workplaces for successful engagement with the flexible delivery of training.


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In 1998 the author published a paper entitled ‘Current Issues and limitations in using the Internet for Teaching and Learning’ [1] that acknowledged the new educational possibilities provided by the Internet, while at the same time sought to identify the limitations and related issues of going on-line in education. As predicted, the passage of time and the advancement of technology have ameliorated many of the identified limitations, and, have brought new issues to the fore. This paper re-visits the area of important strategic issues in using the Internet for education, giving an overview of equity and access, infrastructure and costs, copyright and plagiarism, content development, libraries and on-line information access, and other strategic issues. As in the earlier paper, this paper draws on the experiences of the author in conventional and off-campus university teaching in engineering.


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The development of a comprehensive, adequate and representative reserve system is an objective of all Australian states and territories. In Victoria, land purchase is one means of increasing the reservation levels of some of the State’s most endangered ecosystems. This article outlines the biological features of some new land purchases for addition to the Victorian protected area system.


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In New Zealand, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a very important role in the economy by their contribution to both employment and gross domestic product. Addressing issues pertinent to SMEs is of paramount importance in driving this sector forward. Information Technology (IT) emerges as one main enabler for SMEs in automating their operations, seeking new opportunities and enhancing their strategic business positioning in local and international markets. However, the inability of SMEs to handle the dynamic nature of IT due to problems inherent in their size, structure and resources, makes it difficult for them to take appropriate decisions to benefit from the IT technologies. The advent of eCommerce (EC) has only compounded this problem. One way out of this complex situation is to outsource the IT and EC technology requirements by the SMEs. This study endeavours to identify the pattern of IT and EC outsourcing issues of SMEs within New Zealand. This research attempts to identify the main driver for IT/EC outsourcing in SMEs as well as to explore the problems of IT outsourcing and makes suggestions for further research in this crucial sector.


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This article reports on the development of a new measure entitled: Reactions to Teaching Situations to indicate levels of emotional intelligence among beginning teachers. This article discusses the concept of emotional intelligence and defends the development of such a measure specifically related to the situations in the teaching environment, an environment where emotional intelligence is considered to influence a teachers' thoughts and actions. The measure was found to have acceptable reliability and a range of individual differences was reported. Gender differences were found where female teachers reported greater likelihood of demonstrating emotional intelligence compared to male teachers. There was partial support for the four branch model of emotional intelligence. The discussion includes some projections for these findings and for the use of this measure with more experienced teachers.


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The development of a comprehensive, adequate and representative (CAR) reserve system is the key objective of the National Reserve System, and is supported by all Australian States and Territories. In Victoria, purchase of private land for incorporation into the protected area system of parks and
reserves is one of the only means of protecting some of the State’s most endangered ecosystems. This article outlines the ecological attributes of private land purchased for addition to the Victorian protected area system between 2002 and 2004.


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Integrated coastal management (ICM) has been slowly accepted over the last decade as a unifying approach for coastal planning and management throughout the world. Coastal planning aimed at achieving the objectives of ICM can be implemented by varying processes and faces many challenges. One major challenge for coastal planning is to adapt the well-developed theoretical principles of ICM to practical and understandable outcomes in local areas. Associated with this challenge is the need to balance coastal planning objectives for conservation and economic development of a nation or state/province with the objectives of the local community. This article describes a three-tiered approach to coastal planning in Victoria, Australia, which will be of value to other countries, particularly those with subnational coastal planning jurisdictions. This approach not only has the aim of balancing subnational (e.g., state government) and local objectives, but also of applying the theoretical concept of ICM in practice on the ground. In addition, the approach sets out to achieve a sense of ownership of the planning process by local communities by maximizing their involvement at all levels of planning and also by making the state strategy as easy to understand and follow as possible.


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This article explores ways of characterizing different dimensions and levels of scientific reasoning in early elementary school children, in the context of open explorations. The article focuses on children's performance on three probes which involve using evidence to generate and evaluate knowledge claims. A number of dimensions have been used to characterize children's approaches to exploration and knowledge construction, which demonstrate the interrelationship between conceptual knowledge and scientific reasoning. Children differed markedly across these dimensions, yet individual children were relatively consistent in their approach to the tasks. The major differences in performance are linked to fundamental distinctions in the way ideas are viewed in relation to evidence.