926 resultados para standard vector control scheme


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A number of authors have proposed clinical trial designs involving the comparison of several experimental treatments with a control treatment in two or more stages. At the end of the first stage, the most promising experimental treatment is selected, and all other experimental treatments are dropped from the trial. Provided it is good enough, the selected experimental treatment is then compared with the control treatment in one or more subsequent stages. The analysis of data from such a trial is problematic because of the treatment selection and the possibility of stopping at interim analyses. These aspects lead to bias in the maximum-likelihood estimate of the advantage of the selected experimental treatment over the control and to inaccurate coverage for the associated confidence interval. In this paper, we evaluate the bias of the maximum-likelihood estimate and propose a bias-adjusted estimate. We also propose an approach to the construction of a confidence region for the vector of advantages of the experimental treatments over the control based on an ordering of the sample space. These regions are shown to have accurate coverage, although they are also shown to be necessarily unbounded. Confidence intervals for the advantage of the selected treatment are obtained from the confidence regions and are shown to have more accurate coverage than the standard confidence interval based upon the maximum-likelihood estimate and its asymptotic standard error.


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This paper considers methods for testing for superiority or non-inferiority in active-control trials with binary data, when the relative treatment effect is expressed as an odds ratio. Three asymptotic tests for the log-odds ratio based on the unconditional binary likelihood are presented, namely the likelihood ratio, Wald and score tests. All three tests can be implemented straightforwardly in standard statistical software packages, as can the corresponding confidence intervals. Simulations indicate that the three alternatives are similar in terms of the Type I error, with values close to the nominal level. However, when the non-inferiority margin becomes large, the score test slightly exceeds the nominal level. In general, the highest power is obtained from the score test, although all three tests are similar and the observed differences in power are not of practical importance. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The effects of milk protein fortification on the texture and microstructure of cottage cheese curd were evaluated. Protein powder (92.6% protein) was added to the skim milk at a level of 0.4% (w/w) to produce curds. Control curds with no protein powder addition were also produced. These curds were analysed for differences in yield, total solids, curd size, texture and structure. It was found that the addition of protein powder contributed to a significant yield increase, which can be attributed to increased water retention, with better curd size distribution. Control curds were firmer than the fortified curds and the structure showed less open-pore structure as revealed by electron microscopy. However, the addition of dressing masked the textural differences, and a sensory panel was unable to distinguish between cheeses produced from fortified milk and controls.


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In this paper we propose an enhanced relay-enabled distributed coordination function (rDCF) for wireless ad hoc networks. The idea of rDCF is to use high data rate nodes to work as relays for the low data rate nodes. The relay helps to increase the throughput and lower overall blocking time of nodes due to faster dual-hop transmission. rDCF achieves higher throughput over IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF). The protocol is further enhanced for higher throughput and reduced energy. These enhancements result from the use of a dynamic preamble (i.e. using short preamble for the relay transmission) and also by reducing unnecessary overhearing (by other nodes not involved in transmission). We have modeled the energy consumption of rDCF, showing that rDCF provides an energy efficiency of 21.7% at 50 nodes over 802.11 DCF. Compared with the existing rDCF, the enhanced rDCF (ErDCF) scheme proposed in this paper yields a throughput improvement of 16.54% (at the packet length of 1000 bytes) and an energy saving of 53% at 50 nodes.


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The sampling of certain solid angle is a fundamental operation in realistic image synthesis, where the rendering equation describing the light propagation in closed domains is solved. Monte Carlo methods for solving the rendering equation use sampling of the solid angle subtended by unit hemisphere or unit sphere in order to perform the numerical integration of the rendering equation. In this work we consider the problem for generation of uniformly distributed random samples over hemisphere and sphere. Our aim is to construct and study the parallel sampling scheme for hemisphere and sphere. First we apply the symmetry property for partitioning of hemisphere and sphere. The domain of solid angle subtended by a hemisphere is divided into a number of equal sub-domains. Each sub-domain represents solid angle subtended by orthogonal spherical triangle with fixed vertices and computable parameters. Then we introduce two new algorithms for sampling of orthogonal spherical triangles. Both algorithms are based on a transformation of the unit square. Similarly to the Arvo's algorithm for sampling of arbitrary spherical triangle the suggested algorithms accommodate the stratified sampling. We derive the necessary transformations for the algorithms. The first sampling algorithm generates a sample by mapping of the unit square onto orthogonal spherical triangle. The second algorithm directly compute the unit radius vector of a sampling point inside to the orthogonal spherical triangle. The sampling of total hemisphere and sphere is performed in parallel for all sub-domains simultaneously by using the symmetry property of partitioning. The applicability of the corresponding parallel sampling scheme for Monte Carlo and Quasi-D/lonte Carlo solving of rendering equation is discussed.


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This paper considers left-invariant control systems defined on the Lie groups SU(2) and SO(3). Such systems have a number of applications in both classical and quantum control problems. The purpose of this paper is two-fold. Firstly, the optimal control problem for a system varying on these Lie Groups, with cost that is quadratic in control is lifted to their Hamiltonian vector fields through the Maximum principle of optimal control and explicitly solved. Secondly, the control systems are integrated down to the level of the group to give the solutions for the optimal paths corresponding to the optimal controls. In addition it is shown here that integrating these equations on the Lie algebra su(2) gives simpler solutions than when these are integrated on the Lie algebra so(3).


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This note investigates the motion control of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The AUV is modeled as a nonholonomic system as any lateral motion of a conventional, slender AUV is quickly damped out. The problem is formulated as an optimal kinematic control problem on the Euclidean Group of Motions SE(3), where the cost function to be minimized is equal to the integral of a quadratic function of the velocity components. An application of the Maximum Principle to this optimal control problem yields the appropriate Hamiltonian and the corresponding vector fields give the necessary conditions for optimality. For a special case of the cost function, the necessary conditions for optimality can be characterized more easily and we proceed to investigate its solutions. Finally, it is shown that a particular set of optimal motions trace helical paths. Throughout this note we highlight a particular case where the quadratic cost function is weighted in such a way that it equates to the Lagrangian (kinetic energy) of the AUV. For this case, the regular extremal curves are constrained to equate to the AUV's components of momentum and the resulting vector fields are the d'Alembert-Lagrange equations in Hamiltonian form.


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The combination of model predictive control based on linear models (MPC) with feedback linearization (FL) has attracted interest for a number of years, giving rise to MPC+FL control schemes. An important advantage of such schemes is that feedback linearizable plants can be controlled with a linear predictive controller with a fixed model. Handling input constraints within such schemes is difficult since simple bound contraints on the input become state dependent because of the nonlinear transformation introduced by feedback linearization. This paper introduces a technique for handling input constraints within a real time MPC/FL scheme, where the plant model employed is a class of dynamic neural networks. The technique is based on a simple affine transformation of the feasible area. A simulated case study is presented to illustrate the use and benefits of the technique.


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Two algorithms for finding the point on non-rational/rational Bezier curves of which the normal vector passes through a given external point are presented. The algorithms are based on Bezier curves generation algorithms of de Casteljau's algorithm for non-rational Bezier curve or Farin's recursion for rational Bezier curve, respectively. Orthogonal projections from the external point are used to guide the directional search used in the proposed iterative algorithms. Using Lyapunov's method, it is shown that each algorithm is able to converge to a local minimum for each case of non-rational/rational Bezier curves. It is also shown that on convergence the distance between the point on curves to the external point reaches a local minimum for both approaches. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.


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Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Dual Carrier Modulation (DCM) are currently used as the modulation schemes for Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM) in the ECMA-368 defined Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radio platform. ECMA-368 has been chosen as the physical radio platform for many systems including Wireless USB (W-USB), Bluetooth 3.0 and Wireless HDMI; hence ECMA-368 is an important issue to consumer electronics and the users experience of these products. To enable the transport of high-rate USB, ECMA-368 offers up to 480 Mb/s instantaneous bit rate to the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer, but depending on radio channel conditions dropped packets unfortunately result in a lower throughput. This paper presents an alternative high data rate modulation scheme that fits within the configuration of the current standard increasing system throughput by achieving 600 Mb/s (reliable to 3.1 meters) thus maintaining the high rate USB throughput even with a moderate level of dropped packets. The modulation system is termed Dual Circular 32-QAM (DC 32-QAM). The system performance for DC 32-QAM modulation is presented and compared with 16-QAM and DCM1.


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An efficient algorithm is presented for the solution of the steady Euler equations of gas dynamics. The scheme is based on solving linearised Riemann problems approximately and in more than one dimension incorporates operator splitting. The scheme is applied to a standard test problem of flow down a channel containing a circular arc bump for three different mesh sizes.