961 resultados para soluble (instant) coffee
El presente trabajo de graduación comprende el diseño de un estudio de factibilidad técnico- económico para la creación y comercialización de un nuevo producto “café soluble” que permita incrementar la rentabilidad de la Cooperativa El Espino De R.L. ubicada en el Departamento de la Libertad, Municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán. Para llevar a cabo la estructuración del estudio técnico- económico, fué necesario realizar una investigación de campo en el municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán departamento de La Libertad, conociendo por parte del consumidor final y las personas encargadas de las tiendas locales, las opiniones en cuanto a las expectativas que puedan tener al adquirir una nueva marca de café soluble. Dentro de dicho estudio se realizaron encuestas para las cuales; se elaboraron dos cuestionarios, uno dirigido a un universo conformado de consumidores finales y otro dirigido a las tiendas del Municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán, ambos cuestionarios se estructuraron con preguntas semi abiertas y cerradas, esto facilitó la realización de un diagnóstico tanto del mercado como de la situación actual de la Cooperativa El Espino de RL, permitiendo conocer el entorno tanto interno como externo del sujeto en estudio; así mismo la entrevista estuvo dirigida al Sr. José Elías Escalante (Presidente de La Cooperativa). La información obtenida fué un referente para generar estrategias que permitan la colocación del producto en el mercado y cumplir con las expectativas de los clientes, tanto a nivel de tiendas como de consumidores. Después de analizar la información documental y la investigación de campo del Municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán Dpto. de La Libertad, se concluyó que: Existe un mercado que se encuentra satisfecho con el café soluble que actualmente consumen, pero estos estarían dispuestos adquirir nuevas marcas que puedan llegar a penetrar el mercado ya existente. Existe la viabilidad de mercado considerando que el consumo de café soluble en el municipio es elevado, por lo tanto el proyecto cuenta con un mercado para poder desarrollarse, el proyecto es viable tecnológicamente, pues existen las condiciones técnicas para poder ejecutar el proyecto sin los inconvenientes, de la maquinaria, materia prima, e instalaciones. El proyecto será factible económicamente, pues de acuerdo al estudio económico realizado este reflejaría incremento en sus utilidades a partir del año uno, del proyecto. Por lo que se recomienda: Establecer las estrategias de comercialización para cubrir el mercado meta para el proyecto dentro del municipio de Antiguo Cuscatlán, y sus respectivos canales de distribución, tomando en cuenta los niveles de producción y los procesos con los que estrictamente debe cumplir el producto. Será de suma importancia tomar en cuenta los presupuestos y demás proyecciones financieras efectuadas, pues facilitaría la toma de decisiones del proyecto, en cuanto al manejo eficiente en sus recursos y obtener una mayor rentabilidad, con el monitoreo de sus ingresos. Con este trabajo se espera contribuir en las diferentes áreas que el estudio lo requiere, brindando una propuesta para incrementar la rentabilidad de La Cooperativa El Espino De RL.
Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Nanoscale.
Microclimate, development and productivity of robusta coffee shaded by rubber trees and at full sun.
Existem poucos estudos sobre arborização de café conilon com seringueira. Objetivou-se avaliar o microclima, desenvolvimento e produtividade do cafeeiro conilon cultivado a pleno sol e sob sombreamento proporcionado pela seringueira. O experimento foi composto por uma lavoura de café conilon (Coffea canephora), cultivada a pleno sol e outra lavoura de café consorciada com seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis). A seringueira e o cafeeiro foram plantados no sentido Leste/Oeste, em Jaguaré, Espírito Santo, Brasil. Avaliou-se a luminosidade, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, concentração foliar de nutrientes, medição dos internódios dos ramos plagiotrópicos e ortotrópicos, área foliar, índice relativo de clorofila, e a produtividade do cafeeiro. O sombreamento influenciou diretamente no microclima, reduzindo a temperatura do ar no verão e no inverno e aumentando a umidade relativa. A luminosidade no verão teve uma redução media de 905 lumens ft-2 ao longo de todo dia, equivalente a 72,49%, e no inverno de 1665 lumens ft-2, equivalente a 88,04%. O sombreamento proporcionou maior estiolamento dos ramos plagiotrópicos e ortotrópicos, bem como maior expansão foliar. A concentração foliar de Fe e Mn foram maiores no cafeeiro arborizado. A clorofila b e total estimada foram maior no cafeeiro cultivado a pleno sol. O denso sombreamento oferecido pela seringueira nas condições estudadas proporcionou perdas na produtividade do cafeeiro, contudo, ocorre a formação da seringueira.
In Colombia coffee production is facing risks due to an increase in the variability and amount of rainfall, which may alter hydrological cycles and negatively influence yield quality and quantity. Shade trees in coffee plantations, however, are known to produce ecological benefits, such as intercepting rainfall and lowering its velocity, resulting in a reduced net-rainfall and higher water infiltration. In this case study, we measured throughfall and soil hydrological properties in four land use systems in Cauca, Colombia, that differed in stand structural parameters: shaded coffee, unshaded coffee, secondary forest and pasture. We found that throughfall was rather influenced by stand structural characteristics than by rainfall intensity. Lower throughfall was recorded in the shaded coffee compared to the other systems when rain gauges were placed at a distance of 1.0 m to the shade tree. The variability of throughfall was high in the shaded coffee, which was due to different canopy characteristics and irregular arrangements of shade tree species. Shaded coffee and secondary forest resembled each other in soil structural parameters, with an increase in saturated hydraulic conductivity and microporosity, whereas bulk density and macroporosity decreased, compared to the unshaded coffee and pasture. In this context tree-covered systems indicate a stronger resilience towards changing rainfall patterns, especially in mountainous areas where coffee is cultivated.
Coffea sp. is cultivated in large areas, using both conventional and organic management. However, information about the sustainability of these two management systems is still deficient. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physical properties of soil cultivated with Conilon coffee (C. canephora) under organic and conventional management. Two areas cultivated with Conilon coffee (under organic and conventional management) and a fragment of Atlantic forest, used as a reference, were selected for the experiment. Soil granulometry, hydraulic conductivity, water retention curve, resistance to penetration, porosity, optimal hydric interval, and other physical characteristics were measured at depths of 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 cm. The data was submitted to multivariate and descriptive statistical analyses. Higher similarity was observed between the soil cultivated with Conilon coffee under organic management and the Atlantic forest soil. Soil resistance to penetration at 10, 30, 100, 500 and 1500 kPa, macro porosity, density and total porosity were the main physical properties that differentiated both management systems studied. The non-use of agricultural machinery and the addition of organic matter may be the main reasons for higher soil sustainability observed under organic management when compared with the conventional system.
Specialty coffees can be differentiated in various ways, including the environmental conditions in which they are produced and the sensory composition of the drink. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of altitude, slope exposure and fruit color on the sensory attributes of cafes of the region of Matas de Minas. Sampling points were georeferenced in four altitude ranges (< 700 m; 700 < x> 825 m, 825 < x < 950 m and > 950 m) of the coffee crop; two fruit colors of var. Catuaí (yellowand red); and two slope exposures (North-facing and South-facing). Coffee fruit at the cherry stage were processed andsubmitted to sensory analysis. The sensory attributes evaluated were overall perception, clean cup, balance, aftertaste, sweetness, acidity , body and flavor, which made up the final score. The scores were examined by ANOVA and means werecompared by the Tukey test (p < 0.05). From the sensory standpoint, coffee fruits of both colors are similar, as well as the cof fees from both slope exposures when these factors were analyzed separately . However , at higher altitudes, Y ellow Catuaí produces coffees with better sensory quality . Similarly , coffees from North-facing slopes, at higher altitudes produce better quality cup. The altitude is the main factor that interferes with coffee quality in the area. All factors together contribute tothe final quality of the beverage produced in the region of Matas de Minas.
Based upon qualitative parameters experiments, this study aims to investigate how the elements of the environment, where the coffee is produced, contribute to the final quality of the product. For the analyses, it was used approximately one kilogram of coffee cherry samples collected in 14municipalities previously chosen on the East side of the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The coffee cherry samples were collected and analyzed for each of the two varieties in four levels of altitude for each exposure side of the mountain in relation to the Sun. The quality of the coffee was evaluated through the analysis of its physical characteristics and sensory analysis, popularly known as "Test of drink or Cupping" carried out by three tasters that belonging to the group of Q -Graders, according to the rules of national and international competitions of the Brazilian Association of Special Coffees (BSCA). Were performed analysis by means descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and multivariate analysis, all of them aiming to study the individual sensor y characteristics of quality of the coffee beverage from the ?Matas de Minas? region. Path coefficient analysis also was carried out for the partition of the phenotypic correlation coefficients into measures of direct and indirect effects, in order to determine the individual sensory characteristics that playeda major role in the beverage final score. The results demonstrat e that it is not possible to concl usively establish the differences among coffees evaluated with basis on varieties and environmental factors previously cited. It can be concluded that it is not recommended to associate the quality of coffee only to a specific factor whether from the environment or being it a specific of the culture of coffee. However, the cafes that were evaluated had intrinsic quality, which were derived from the specific characteristics of the ?Matas de Minas? region where they were grown.
Under land and climate change scenarios, agriculture has experienced water competitions among other sectors in the São Paulo state, Brazil. On the one hand, in several occasions, in the northeastern side of this state, nowadays sugar-cane is expanding, while coffee plantations are losing space. On the other hand, both crops have replaced the natural vegetation composed by Savannah and Atlantic Coastal Forest species. Under this dynamic situation, geosciences are valuable tools for evaluating the large-scale energy and mass exchanges between these diffe rent agro-ecosystems and the lower atmosphere. For quantification of the energy balance components in these mixed agro-ecosystems, the bands 1 and 2 from the MODIS product MOD13Q1 we re used throughout SA FER (Surface Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving) algorithm, which was applied together with a net of 12 automatic weather stations, during the year 2015 in the main sugar cane and coffee growing regions, located at the no rtheastern side of the state. The fraction of the global solar radiation (R G ) transformed into net radiation (Rn) was 52% for sugar cane and 53% for both, coffee and natural vegetation. The respective annual fractions of Rn used as λ E were 0.68, 0.87 and 0.77, while for the sensible heat (H) fluxes they were 0.27, 0.07 and 0.16. From April to July, heat advection raised λ E values above Rn promoting negative H, however these effects were much and less strong in coffee and sugar cane crop s, respectively. The smallest daily Rn fraction for all agro-ecosystems was for the soil heat flux (G), with averages of 5%, 6% and 7% in sugar cane, coffee and natural vegetation. From the energy balance analyses, we could conclude that, sugar-cane crop presented lower annual water consumption than that for coffee crop , what can be seen as an advantage in situations of water scarcity. However, the replacement of natural vegetation by su gar cane can contribute for warming th e environment, while when this occur with coffee crop there was noticed co oling conditions. The large scale modeling satisfactory results confirm the suitability of using MODIS products togeth er with weather stations to study the energy balance components in mixed agro-ecosystems under land-use and climate change conditions.
Nell’ottica di una limitazione dello sfruttamento di fonti fossili, della diminuzione delle emissioni di gas serra e dell’introduzione, nel mercato energetico, di dispositivi fotovoltaici organici (OPVs) che permettano di sfruttare l’energia solare conferendo leggerezza e flessibilità alle celle fotovoltaiche, è stato sintetizzato un nuovo polialchiltiofene contenente unità elettron-donatrici e accettrici in catena principale, da testare come strato fotoattivo all’interno di un dispositivo OPV. In particolare, a partire da 1,6-dibromoesano e 3-bromotiofene, è stato preparato 4,7-bis(3-(6-bromoesil)tiofen-2-il)-2,1,3-benzotiadiazolo mediante reazione di cross-coupling di Suzuki con l’estere pinacolico dell'acido 2,1,3-benzotiadiazolo-4,7-bis(boronico) e, successivamente, polimerizzato via metodo ossidativo con FeCl3. Il polimero ottenuto, poli(4,7-bis(3-(6-bromoesil)tiofen-2-il)-2,1,3-benzotiadiazolo), è stato caratterizzato mediante analisi TGA, DSC, FTIR-ATR, GPC, 1H-NMR e UV-Vis. Verrà, in seguito, post-funzionalizzato con tributilfosfina per ottenere un polimero ionico solubile in acqua o in solventi polari, al fine di evitare l’impiego di solventi aromatici o clorurati durante la deposizione del film polimerico all’interno della cella fotovoltaica.
The need to use renewable energy sources, due to the massive production of pollution for the energy production, has led to the development of new technologies for the use of solar energy. The purpose of this thesis project is to synthesize and characterize new thiophene-based polymeric materials processable in water, a green solvent, for the construction of organic solar cells, promising and versatile devices used for the production of electric energy. For this, a highly regioregular polymer was synthesized through GRIM polymerization (Grignard Metathesis Polymerization) on which a study was performed to identify the optimal reaction time.
Il progressivo esaurimento delle risorse fossili e l’incremento delle problematiche ambientali legate al rilascio di gas serra contribuiscono alla ricerca e all’utilizzo di fonti energetiche alternative. In questo scenario, i dispositivi fotovoltaici organici (OPVs) rappresentano uno dei modi più affascinanti e promettenti per trasformare l’energia solare, una riserva energetica potenzialmente inesauribile, a costo nullo e non inquinante, in energia elettrica. Materiali organici utilizzabili in questi dispositivi sono i polimeri π-coniugati. In quest’ottica, il lavoro è stato focalizzato sulla preparazione di due nuovi polimeri: il primo, contenente unità elettron-donatrici e accettrici in catena principale, ottenuto via polimerizzazione ossidativa in presenza di FeCl3 e successivamente post-funzionalizzato con tributilfosfina per renderlo ionico e idrosolubile; il secondo, a base di politiofene non ionico ma polare, avente funzionalità eteree nelle catene laterali, preparato sfruttando il metodo GRIM. Questi materiali sono stati caratterizzati mediante analisi spettroscopiche e verranno successivamente testati all’interno di celle solari fotovoltaiche organiche aventi configurazione SMOSCs (il primo) e BHJ (il secondo).