1000 resultados para soil reflectance
Herbicides used in Clearfield(r) rice system may persist in the environment, damaging non-tolerant crops sown in succession and/or rotation. These damages vary according to soil characteristics, climate and soil management. The thickness of the soil profile may affect carryover effect; deeper soils may allow these molecules to leach, reaching areas below the roots absorption zone. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the thickness of soil profile in the carryover of imazethapyr + imazapic on ryegrass and non-tolerant rice, sown in succession and rotation to rice, respectively. Lysimeters of different thicknesses (15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 65 cm) were constructed, where 1 L ha-1 of the imazethapyr + imazapic formulated mixture was applied in tolerant rice. Firstly, imidazolinone-tolerant rice was planted, followed by ryegrass and non-tolerant rice in succession and rotation, respectively. Herbicide injury, height reduction and dry weight of non-tolerant species were assessed. There was no visual symptoms of herbicide injury on ryegrass sown 128 days after the herbicide application; however it causes dry weight mass reduction of plants. The herbicides persist in the soil and cause injury in non-tolerant rice, sown 280 days after application, and the deeper the soil profile, the lower the herbicides injury on irrigated rice.
ABSTRACT Crop allelopathy is a potential tool for weed management but allelopathic potential often varies among cultivars and developmental stages of crop. Bioassays were conducted to appraise the allelopathic potential of herbage (incorporated at 8 g kg-1 soil) of different hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars (Millat-2011, AARI-2011, Lasani-2008 and Faisalabad-2008) collected at different crop growth stages [tillering (Z-30), anthesis (Z-60) and maturity (Z-90)] against lambsquarter (Chenopodium album). Mean emergence time taken by lambsquarter was prolonged over control by anthesis and maturity stage herbage of all wheat cultivars. Final emergence percentage was dropped by 3-17% in response to different growth stages of herbage collection. Maximum suppression in shoot (45 and 78%) and root (60 and 90%) length, and seedling dry biomass (65 and 96%) of lambsquarter over control was recorded under the amendment of anthesis and maturity stages herbage of wheat cultivars. Total chlorophyll contents declined in response to herbage collected at anthesis and maturity stage of all wheat cultivars over control. Phenolic contents on the other hand were increased. Activities of enzymatic antioxidants also varied among all wheat cultivars, and declined by the incorporation of tillering, anthesis and maturity stage herbage. Wheat herbage induced lipid peroxidation in lambsquarter seedling and higher malondialdehyde content (0.56 and 0.77 nmol g-1 FW) was observed by the incorporation of wheat cultivars herbage collected at anthesis and maturity stage, respectively. Anthesis and maturity stage herbage of wheat cultivars Millat-2011, AARI-2011 and Lasani-2008 was more phytotoxic than Faisalabad-2008. Moreover, tillering stage herbage of all wheat cultivars had less inhibitory potential against emergence, seedling growth and biochemical attributes of lambsquarter. Wheat herbage amendment increased the soil pH, phenolic, organic carbon and nitrogen contents as compared to control.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the weed community in a raw sugarcane renovation area with three soil managements and peanut sowing in succession. The experiment was conducted during the 2007/08 season on a raw sugarcane area harvested without prior burning in the last five cuts. A randomized block design with treatments arranged in a split plot and arranged in four replications was used. The main treatments consisted of three cropping systems: conventional tillage, minimum tillage and direct planting, and subplots consisted in the absence (resting) or presence of crop rotation with peanuts. After 135 days from planting peanuts and 180 days of sugarcane harvest, the number of weeds m-2 was counted and the shoot dry biomass of the weeds collected was determined. The data were interpreted by analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey's test at 5% probability so that phytosociological indices a, b, c e d were calculated. The use of soil conservation tillage and peanut in rotation with sugarcane in the renovation areas is effective in controlling weeds and suppression of weed species difficult to control like Cyperus rotundus, Commelina bengalensis, Urochloa plantaginea, and Digitaria nuda.
Climate, soil and tree flora relationships in forests in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brasil
ABSTRACT - (Climate, soil and tree flora relationships in forests in the state of São Paulo, southteastern Brasil). With the aim of verifying possible influences of abiotic features on the spatial distribution of forest tree species and families, thirteen surveys in the state of São Paulo were selected, representing different conditions (localization at the extreme coordenates and altitudes, succesional stages, surveying methods). By applying Jaccard's Index to the binary matrices of 806 synonymized specific binomina and 79 families (Cronquist's system) phenograms were constructed using the method of the unweighted pair grouping by mathematical average (UPGMA). The species formed two floristic blocks: hygrophyllous (yearly rainfall greater than 2000 mm without dry season) and mesophyllous (yearly rainfall about 1400 mm with variable dry season). The latter was divided in two other groups: the high-altitudinal (median altitudes higher than 750 m, frost average frequency greater than 3 days/year) and low-altitudinal. Both mesophyllous floristic blocks were subdivided according to soil conditions (texture, eutrophism, acid or allic dystrophism, iron content). At the family level the relations were weak, but also showed the soil nutritional status as a possible constraint to the spatial partition of families.
Vochysia tucanorum Mart. (Vochysiaceae) is a very widely distributed species in the cerrado and forests in Brazil, from the State of Bahia to Paraná. Its seed germination was analysed under eight treatments using different conditions of light and temperature. Up to 73 days, at least ca. 93% of the seeds germinated in all treatments, except under alternating temperatures of 35°/10°C (62%). Light enhanced germination, except under constant temperature of 25°C when seeds are not photoblastic. At this temperature, the highest percentage of germination was found. Initial vegetative growth was analysed by comparing the effects of shading, by means of different percentages of full daylight (100%, 45%, 10.6%, 4.8%), and soils from cerrado and forest. During 123 days, no mortality was recorded and cotyledons persisted on the seedlings of all treatments. In general, the seedlings of V. tucanorum were found to be more or less indifferent to the soil from cerrado or forest and shading seems to promote height increment. However, total dry mass was larger under a radiation of 45% full daylight and smaller under extreme conditions (100% or 4.8% full daylight).
The forest succession after abandonment of slash-and-burn agriculture over calcareous soil in Brazilian Atlantic Forest was assessed. This is one of the world's most threatened Biome, with only 8% remaining. The study area is located over calcareous soil inside the Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park (PETAR), southeast Brazil. The phytossociological survey showed a successional pattern dominated by species of Leguminosae, especially Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) J.F. Macbr. This species occurs in calcareous soils as a substitute of Tibouchina pulchra (Cham.) Cogn. (Melastomataceae) that is the most usual dominant tree species in early succession over acidic soil, which is the most common situation in this Biome. These results are important for a better understanding of Neotropical forest biodiversity and characterize a unique genetic bank in this highly endangered Biome. They are also decisive to support actions regarding rehabilitation of degraded lands and a potential tool for Neotropical forest sustainable management, both inside and around the conservation unit.
Soil islands on rocky surfaces often harbor aggregated vegetation that consists of insular plant communities. These islands are typical of the rocky outcrops and in various parts of Brazil form the so-called "campos rupestres" vegetation. Four of such sites have been selected in the state of Bahia, Northeast Brazil, for this comparative study on floristics and vegetation structure: three areas situated inside the "Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina" (Guiné, Fumaça and "Gerais da Fumaça") and one is at the border of the Environmental Protection Area of "Marimbus-Iraquara" ("Mãe Inácia"). All occurring vegetation islands were studied in four random plots of 10 × 10 m per site. Soil was often shallow, sandy and acidic. Vascular plant species were determined, with respective life forms and canopy coverage areas. The total number of species when all four sites were added was 135, and the number of species per island varied from 2 to 32. The areas of the 214 soil islands varied from 0.015 to 91.9 m², totaling 568 m² in the four sites. Monocotyledon families were dominant, essentially Velloziaceae, as well as Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Cyperaceae. Among the eudicotyledons, dominant families were mainly Clusiaceae, Asteraceae and Melastomataceae. The biological spectra revealed that phanerophytes and hemicryptophytes predominated among the life forms, while chamaephytes had the largest coverage area. Epilithic and desiccant chamaephytes composed the most conspicuous interspecific associations, and were probably related to early successional processes. Sites closest to one another were not the most similar in structure, indicating that other factors more relevant than distance might be involved in the abundance of species in space.
Ferruginous "campos rupestres" are a particular type of vegetation growing on iron-rich primary soils. We investigated the influence of soil properties on plant species abundance at two sites of ferruginous "campos rupestres" and one site of quartzitic "campo rupestre", all of them in "Quadrilátero Ferrífero", in Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. In each site, 30 quadrats were sampled to assess plant species composition and abundance, and soil samples were taken to perform chemical and physical analyses. The analyzed soils are strongly acidic and presented low fertility and high levels of metallic cations; a principal component analysis of soil data showed a clear segregation among sites due mainly to fertility and heavy metals content, especially Cu, Zn, and Pb. The canonical correspondence analysis indicated a strong correlation between plant species abundance and soil properties, also segregating the sites.
Electrokinetics has emerged as a potential technique for in situ soil remediation and especially unique because of the ability to work in low permeability soil. In electrokinetic remediation, non-polar contaminants like most organic compounds are transported primarily by electroosmosis, thus the process is effective only if the contaminants are soluble in pore fluid. Therefore, enhancement is needed to improve mobility of these hydrophobic compounds, which tend to adsorb strongly to the soil. On the other hand, as a novel and rapidly growing science, the applications of ultrasound in environmental technology hold a promising future. Compared to conventional methods, ultrasonication can bring several benefits such as environmental friendliness (no toxic chemical are used or produced), low cost, and compact instrumentation. It also can be applied onsite. Ultrasonic energy applied into contaminated soils can increase desorption and mobilization of contaminants and porosity and permeability of soil through developing of cavitation. The research investigated the coupling effect of the combination of these two techniques, electrokinetics and ultrasonication, in persistent organic pollutant removal from contaminated low permeability clayey soil (with kaolin as a model medium). The preliminary study checked feasibility of ultrasonic treatment of kaolin highly contaminated by persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The laboratory experiments were conducted in various conditions (moisture, frequency, power, duration time, initial concentration) to examine the effects of these parameters on the treatment process. Experimental results showed that ultrasonication has a potential to remove POPs, although the removal efficiencies were not high with short duration time. The study also suggested intermittent ultrasonication over longer time as an effective means to increase the removal efficiencies. Then, experiments were conducted to compare the performances among electrokinetic process alone and electrokinetic processes combined with surfactant addition and mainly with ultrasonication, in designed cylinders (with filtercloth separating central part and electrolyte parts) and in open pans. Combined electrokinetic and ultrasonic treatment did prove positive coupling effect compared to each single process alone, though the level of enhancement is not very significant. The assistance of ultrasound in electrokinetic remediation can help reduce POPs from clayey soil by improving the mobility of hydrophobic organic compounds and degrading these contaminants through pyrolysis and oxidation. Ultrasonication also sustains higher current and increases electroosmotic flow. Initial contaminant concentration is an essential input parameter that can affect the removal effectiveness.
Sugarcane is an important agricultural product of Brazil, with a total production of more than 500 million tons. Knowledge of the bacterial community associated with agricultural crops and the soil status is a decisive step towards understanding how microorganisms influence crop productivity. However, most studies aim to isolate endophytic or rhizosphere bacteria associated with the plant by culture-dependent approaches. Culture-independent approaches allow a more comprehensive view of entire bacterial communities in the environment. In the present study, we have used this approach to assess the bacterial community in the rhizosphere soil of sugarcane at different times and under different nitrogen fertilization conditions. At the high taxonomic level, few differences between samples were observed, with the phylum Proteobacteria (29.6%) predominating, followed by Acidobacteria (23.4%), Bacteroidetes (12.1%), Firmicutes (10.2%), and Actinobacteria (5.6%). The exception was the Verrucomicrobia phylum whose prevalence in N-fertilized soils was approximately 0.7% and increased to 5.2% in the non-fertilized soil, suggesting that this group may be an indicator of nitrogen availability in soils. However, at low taxonomic levels a higher diversity was found associated with plants receiving nitrogen fertilizer. Bacillus was the most predominant genus, accounting for 19.7% of all genera observed. Classically reported nitrogen-fixing and/or plant growth-promoting bacterial genera, such as Azospirillum, Rhizobium, Mesorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, and Burkholderia were also found although at a lower prevalence.
The high demands for sugars and the development of enzymatic technology have increased the production of sweeteners, especially for glucose and fructose syrups. This work describe a technology for glucose and fructose syrups from Brazilian cassava starch using enzymes produced by soil microrganisms isolated from the Brazilian Cerrado soil. Firstly, Aspergillus niger and Streptomyces sp. were isolated from the soil and used as glucoamylase (GA) and glucose isomerase (GI) producer sources. After characterization, GA and GI exhibited optimum pH 4.5 and 8.0, respectively. GA showed maximum activity at 60 ºC and GI at 85 ºC. GA and GI retained 65 and 80%, respectively, of initial activity after 180 minutes of incubation at 60 ºC. The kinetic parameters Km and Vmáx were 0.476 (mg.mL-1) and 8.58 (µmol/minute) for GA and 0.082 (M) and 48.20 (µmol/minute) for GI. The maximum glucose syrups production occurred after 24 hours of reaction with a 98% yield. The production of fructose syrups with 42% (w/v) was reached after 96 hours of reaction.
Protease and α-amylase production by a thermophilic Bacillus sp. SMIA-2 cultivated in liquid cultures containing 0.25% (w/v) starch as a carbon source reached a maximum at 18 hours (47 U.mg-1 Protein) and 36 hours (325 U.mg-1 Protein), respectively. Culture medium supplementation with whey protein concentrate (0.1%, w/v) and corn steep liquor (0.3%, w/v) not only improved the production of both enzymes but also enabled them to be produced simultaneously. Under these conditions, α-amylase and protease production reached a maximum in 18 hours with levels of 401 U.mg-1 protein and 78 U.mg-1 protein, respectively. The compatibility of the enzymes produced with commercial laundry detergent was investigated. In the presence of Campeiro® detergent, α-amylase activity increased while protease activity decreased by about 27%. These enzymes improved the cleaning power of Campeiro® detergent since they were able to remove egg yolk and tomato sauce stains when used in this detergent.
Due to changing cropping practices in perennial grass seed crops in western Oregon, USA, alternative rotation systems are being considered to reduce weed infestations. Information is generally lacking regarding the effects of alternative agronomic operations and herbicide inputs on soil weed seed bank composition during this transition. Six crop rotation systems were imposed in 1992 on a field that had historically produced monoculture perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) seeds. Each system plot was 20 x 30 m, arranged in a randomized complete block design, replicated four times. Twenty to thirty soil cores were sampled in June 1997 from each plot. The weed species composition of the cores was determined by successive greenhouse grow-out assays. In addition to seed density, heterogeneity indices for species evenness, richness, and diversity were determined. The most abundant species were Juncus bufonius L. and Poa annua L. Changes in seed bank composition were due to the different herbicides used for the rotation crop components. Compared to the other rotation systems, no-tillage, spring-planted wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and oat (Avena sativa L.) reduced overall weed seed density and richness, but did not affect weed species evenness or diversity. When meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba Hartweg ex Benth.) succeeded wheat in rotation, weed species richness was unaffected, but evenness and diversity were reduced, compared to the other rotation systems. For meadowfoam in sequence after white clover (Trifolium repens L.), crop establishment method (no-tillage and conventional tillage) had no effect on weed seed species density, evenness, or diversity.
This research aimed to determine the soil seed bank and its relationship with environmental factors that have an influence in the distribution of the vegetation above the ground in an excluded area of natural grassland in the South of Brazil. Most of the 122 identified species in the seed bank were perennials. Data analysis indicated three distinct community groups, according to the size and composition of the soil seed bank in lowlands with permanent wet soils, in lowlands and in other areas. In general, lowlands were characterized by low-fertility soils, high moisture and aluminum contents, being spatially homogeneous habitats and, therefore, more restricted to vegetation heterogeneity than other parts of the relief. Environmental factors most associated with soil seed bank size and composition were relief position and their co-related soil variables such as: soil moisture content, potassium content, organic matter, basic saturation of cation exchange soil capacity, exchangeable basics sum of the soil and clay soil content. According to that, relief position, associated with combined effects of soil chemical properties related to it, determines the observed variation pattern of the soil seed bank, as a reflection of the vegetation above the area.
The objective of the study was to characterize annual ryegrass seed population dynamics, managed for natural re-sowing, in no til systems in rotation with soybean, in different chronosequences An area was cultivated for two years with soybean, left as fallow land for the next two years and then cultivated again with soybean for the next two years. The four chronosequences represented different management periods, two with soybean (6 and 8 years old) and the other two resting (3 and 9 years old). Soil samples were taken every month during one year and divided into two depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm). Vegetation dynamics were also evaluated (number of plants, inflorescences and seedlings). Soil seed bank (SSB) dynamics showed structural patterns in time, with a "storage period" in summer, an "exhausting period" during autumn and a "transition period" in winter and spring. Pasture establishment by natural re-sowing was totally dependent on the annual recruitment of seeds from the soil. The influence of the management practices on the SSB was more important than the number of years that these practices had been implemented. Places where soybean was sown showed the largest SSBs. Most of the seeds overcame dormancy and germinated at the end of the summer and beginning of the autumn, showing a typically transitory SSB, but with a small proportion of persistent seeds