935 resultados para signalling


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The first members of the IQGAP family of proteins were
characterised over 15 years ago. It is now known that these molecules act
at the interface between cellular signalling pathways and the actin
cytoskeleton. They bind to a diverse range of signalling molecules –
including those involved in calcium, GTPase, kinase and growth factor
signalling. One intriguing interaction is that between mammalian
IQGAP1 and the myosin essential light chain isoform, Mlc1sa. Although
this has been demonstrated in vitro, its in vivo role is not known. Indeed,
it would be tempting to dismiss it as an experimental artefact, except for
the existence of a parallel interaction in the budding yeast,
Saccharomyces cerevisae. In this organism, the IQGAP-like protein
(Iqg1p) interacts with a myosin essential light chain (Mlc1p). This interaction is critical for the correct execution of cytokinesis. IQGAP-like
proteins also play key roles in cytokinesis in other fungi. Recent work
implicating mammalian IQGAP1 in cytokinesis may help explain the role
of the interaction in higher eukarytotes.


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The common liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, is a parasite of mammals. In the western world its effects are largely felt on agriculture where infection of cows, sheep and other farm animals is estimated to cause millions of dollars ofif financial losses. In the developing world, the problem is even more serious with an estimated 7 million infected people and many millions more at risk of infection. Calcium signalling is of key importance in all eukaryotic species and recent discoveries of novel types of calcium binding proteins in liver flukes (and related trematodes) suggest that there may be calcium signalling processes which are unique to this group of organisms. If so, these pathways may provide potential targets for the design of novel anthelmintic drugs. Here, we review three main groups of F. hepatica calcium binding proteins: the FH8 family, the calmodulin family (FhCaM1, FhCaM2 and FhCaM3) and the EF-hand/dynein light chain family (FH22, FhCaBP3, FhCaBP4). Considerable information has been gathered on the sequences, predicted structures and biochemical properties of these molecules. The challenge now is to understand their functions in the organism.


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Studies regarding the radiobiological effects of low dose radiation, microbeam irradiation services have been developed in the world and today laser acceleration of protons and heavy ions may be used in radiation therapy. The application of different facilities is essential for studying bystander effects and relating signalling phenomena in different cells or tissues. In particular the use of ion beams results advantageous in cancer radiotherapy compared to more commonly used X-rays, since the ability of ions in delivering lethal amount of doses into the target tumour avoiding or limiting damage to the contiguous healthy tissues. At the INFN-LNS in Catania, a multidisciplinary radiobiology group is strategically structured aimed to develop radiobiological research, finalised to therapeutic applications, compatible with the use of high dose laser-driven ion beams. The characteristic non-continuous dose rates with several orders of magnitude of laser-driven ion beams makes this facility very interesting in the cellular systems' response to ultra-high dose rates with non-conventional pulse time intervals cellular studies. Our group have projected to examine the effect of high dose laser-driven ion beams on two cellular types: foetal fibroblasts (normal control cells) and DU145 (prostate cancer cells), studying the modulation of some different bio-molecular parameters, in particular cell proliferation and viability, DNA damage, redox cellular status, morphological alterations of both the cytoskeleton components and some cell organelles and the possible presence of apoptotic or necrotic cell death. Our group performed preliminary experiments with high energy (60 MeV), dose rate of 10 Gy/min, doses of 1, 2, 3 Gy and LET 1 keV/µm on human foetal fibroblasts (control cells). We observed that cell viability was not influenced by the characteristics of the beam, the irradiation conditions or the analysis time. Conversely, DNA damage was present at time 0, immediately following irradiation in a dose-dependent manner. The analysis of repair capability showed that the cells irradiated with 1 and 2 Gy almost completely recovered from the damage, but not, however, 3 Gy treated cells in which DNA damage was not recovered. In addition, the results indicate the importance of the use of an appropriate control in radiobiological in vitro analysis.


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Inhibition of the PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase)/Akt/mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) and Ras/MEK [MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)/ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) kinase]/ERK pathways for cancer therapy has been pursued for over a decade with limited success. Emerging data have indicated that only discrete subsets of cancer patients have favourable responses to these inhibitors. This is due to genetic mutations that confer drug insensitivity and compensatory mechanisms. Therefore understanding of the feedback mechanisms that occur with respect to specific genetic mutations may aid identification of novel biomarkers that predict patient response. In the present paper, we show that feedback between the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and Ras/MEK/ERK pathways is cell-line-specific and highly dependent on the activating mutation of K-Ras or overexpression c-Met. We found that cell lines exhibited differential signalling and apoptotic responses to PD184352, a specific MEK inhibitor, and PI103, a second-generation class I PI3K inhibitor. We reveal that feedback from the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 to the Ras/MEK/ERK pathway is present in cancer cells harbouring either K-Ras activating mutations or amplification of c-Met but not the wild-type counterparts. Moreover, we demonstrate that inhibition of protein phosphatase activity by OA (okadaic acid) restored PI103-mediated feedback in wild-type cells. Together, our results demonstrate a novel mechanism for feedback between the PI3K/Akt/mTORC1 and the Ras/MEK/ERK pathways that only occurs in K-Ras mutant and c-Met amplified cells but not the isogenic wild-type cells through a mechanism that may involve inhibition of a specific endogenous phosphatase(s) activity. We conclude that monitoring K-Ras and c-Met status are important biomarkers for determining the efficacy of PI103 and other PI3K/Akt inhibitors in cancer therapy.


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Recent in vitro results have shown significant contributions to cell killing from signaling effects at doses that are typically used in radiation therapy. This study investigates whether these in vitro observations can be reconciled with in vivo knowledge and how signaling may have an impact on future developments in radiation therapy.
Methods and Materials
Prostate cancer treatment plans were generated for a series of 10 patients using 3-dimensional conformal therapy, intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), and volumetric modulated arc therapy techniques. These plans were evaluated using mathematical models of survival following modulated radiation exposures that were developed from in vitro observations and incorporate the effects of intercellular signaling. The impact on dose-volume histograms and mean doses were evaluated by converting these survival levels into "signaling-adjusted doses" for comparison.
Inclusion of intercellular communication leads to significant differences between the signalling-adjusted and physical doses across a large volume. Organs in low-dose regions near target volumes see the largest increases, with mean signaling-adjusted bladder doses increasing from 23 to 33 Gy in IMRT plans. By contrast, in high-dose regions, there is a small decrease in signaling-adjusted dose due to reduced contributions from neighboring cells, with planning target volume mean doses falling from 74 to 71 Gy in IMRT. Overall, however, the dose distributions remain broadly similar, and comparisons between the treatment modalities are largely unchanged whether physical or signaling-adjusted dose is compared. Conclusions Although incorporating cellular signaling significantly affects cell killing in low-dose regions and suggests a different interpretation for many phenomena, their effect in high-dose regions for typical planning techniques is comparatively small. This indicates that the significant signaling effects observed in vitro are not contradicted by comparison with clinical observations. Future investigations are needed to validate these effects in vivo and to quantify their ranges and potential impact on more advanced radiation therapy techniques.


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Tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF) can activate NF-?B to induce pro-inflammatory genes but can also stimulate the caspase cascade to promote apoptosis. Here we show that deficiency of the ubiquitin E3 ligase, Pellino3, sensitizes cells to TNF-induced apoptosis without inhibiting the NF-?B pathway. Suppressed expression of Pellino3 leads to enhanced formation of the death-induced signalling complex, complex II, in response to TNF. We show that Pellino3 targets RIP1, in a TNF-dependent manner, to inhibit TNF-induced complex II formation and caspase 8-mediated cleavage of RIP1 in response to TNF/cycloheximide co-stimulation. Pellino3-deficient mice also show increased sensitivity to TNF-induced apoptosis and greatly increased lethality in response to TNF administration. These findings define Pellino3 as a novel regulator of TNF signalling and an important determining factor in dictating whether TNF induces cell survival or death.


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The recognition of microbial pathogens by the innate immune system involves Toll-like receptors (TLRs), which recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns. Different TLRs recognize different pathogen-associated molecular patterns, with TLR-4 mediating the response to lipopolysaccharide from Gram-negative bacteria. All TLRs have a Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain, which is responsible for signal transduction. MyD88 is one such protein that contains a TIR domain. It acts as an adapter, being involved in TLR-2, TLR-4 and TLR-9 signalling; however, our understanding of how TLR-4 signals is incomplete. Here we describe a protein, Mal (MyD88-adapter-like), which joins MyD88 as a cytoplasmic TIR-domain-containing protein in the human genome. Mal activates NF-kappaB, Jun amino-terminal kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-1 and -2. Mal can form homodimers and can also form heterodimers with MyD88. Activation of NF-kappaB by Mal requires IRAK-2, but not IRAK, whereas MyD88 requires both IRAKs. Mal associates with IRAK-2 by means of its TIR domain. A dominant negative form of Mal inhibits NF-kappaB, which is activated by TLR-4 or lipopolysaccharide, but it does not inhibit NF-kappaB activation by IL-1RI or IL-18R. Mal associates with TLR-4. Mal is therefore an adapter in TLR-4 signal transduction.


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Primary familial and congenital polycythaemia (PFCP) is a disease characterized by increased red blood cell mass, and can be associated with mutations in the intracellular region of the erythropoietin (EPO) receptor (EPOR). Here we explore the mechanisms by which EPOR mutations induce PFCP, using an experimental system based on chimeric receptors between epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and EPOR. The design of the chimeras enabled EPOR signalling to be triggered by EGF binding. Using this system we analysed three novel EPOR mutations discovered in PFCP patients: a deletion mutation (Del1377-1411), a nonsense mutation (C1370A) and a missense mutation (G1445A). Three different chimeras, bearing these mutations in the cytosolic, EPOR region were generated; Hence, the differences in the chimera-related effects are specifically attributed to the mutations. The results show that the different mutations affect various aspects related to the signalling and metabolism of the chimeric receptors. These include slower degradation rate, higher levels of glycan-mature chimeric receptors, increased sensitivity to low levels of EGF (replacing EPO in this system) and extended signalling cascades. This study provides a novel experimental system to study polycythaemia-inducing mutations in the EPOR, and sheds new light on underlying mechanisms of EPOR over-activation in PFCP patients.


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Alcohol-induced liver injury is the most common liver disease in which fatty acid metabolism is altered. It is thought that altered NAD+/NADH redox potential by alcohol in the liver causes fatty liver by inhibiting fatty acid oxidation and the activity of tricarboxylic acid cycle reactions. β-Lapachone (βL), a naturally occurring quinone, has been shown to stimulate fatty acid oxidation in an obese mouse model by activating adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). In this report, we clearly show that βL reduced alcohol-induced hepatic steatosis and induced fatty acid oxidizing capacity in ethanol-fed rats. βL treatment markedly decreased hepatic lipids while serum levels of lipids and lipoproteins were increased in rats fed ethanol-containing liquid diets with βL administration. Furthermore, inhibition of lipolysis, enhancement of lipid mobilization to mitochondria and upregulation of mitochondrial β-oxidation activity in the soleus muscle were observed in ethanol/βL-treated animals compared to the ethanol-fed rats. In addition, the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase, but not aldehyde dehydrogenase, was significantly increased in rats fed βL diets. βL-mediated modulation of NAD+/NADH ratio led to the activation of AMPK signaling in these animals. Conclusion: Our results suggest that improvement of fatty liver by βL administration is mediated by the upregulation of apoB100 synthesis and lipid mobilization from the liver as well as the direct involvement of βL on NAD+/NADH ratio changes, resulting in the activation of AMPK signaling and PPARα-mediated β-oxidation. Therefore, βL-mediated alteration of NAD+/NADH redox potential may be of potential therapeutic benefit in the clinical setting.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are members of the TGFβ superfamily of secreted cysteine knot proteins that includes TGFβ1, nodal, activins and inhibins. BMPs were first discovered by Urist in the 1960s when he showed that implantation of demineralized bone into intramuscular tissue of rabbits induced bone and cartilage formation. Since this seminal discovery, BMPs have also been shown to play key roles in several other biological processes, including limb, kidney, skin, hair and neuronal development, as well as maintaining vascular homeostasis. The multifunctional effects of BMPs make them attractive targets for the treatment of several pathologies, including bone disorders, kidney and lung fibrosis, and cancer. This review will summarize current knowledge on the BMP signalling pathway and critically evaluate the potential of recombinant BMPs as pharmacological agents for the treatment of bone repair and tissue fibrosis in patients.


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Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a process whereby epithelial cells undergo transition to a mesenchymal phenotype and contribute directly to fibrotic disease. Recent studies support a role for EMT in cutaneous fibrotic diseases including scleroderma and hypertrophic scarring, though there is limited data on the cytokines and signalling mechanisms regulating cutaneous EMT. We investigated the ability of TGF-β and TNF-α, both over-expressed in cutaneous scleroderma and central mediators of EMT in other epithelial cell types, to induce EMT in primary keratinocytes and studied the signalling mechanisms regulating this process. TGF-β induced EMT in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK cells) and this process was enhanced by TNF-α. EMT was characterised by changes in morphology, proteome (down-regulation of E-cadherin and Zo-1, and up-regulation of vimentin and fibronectin), MMP secretion and COL1α1 mRNA expression. TGF-β and TNF-α in combination activated SMAD and p38 signalling in NHEK cells. P38 inhibition with SB203580 partially attenuated EMT, whereas SMAD inhibition using SB431542 significantly inhibited EMT and also reversed established EMT. These data highlight the retained plasticity of adult keratinocytes and support further studies of EMT in clinically relevant in vivo models of cutaneous fibrosis, and investigation of SMAD inhibition as a potential therapeutic intervention. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Background: Infection-related exacerbations of respiratory diseases are a major health concern; thus understanding the mechanisms driving them is of paramount importance. Despite distinct inflammatory profiles and pathological differences, asthma and COPD share a common clinical facet: raised airway ATP levels. Furthermore, evidence is growing to suggest that infective agents can cause the release of extracellular vesicle (EVs) in vitro and in bodily fluids. ATP can evoke the P2X7/caspase 1 dependent release of IL-1β/IL-18 from EVs; these cytokines are associated with neutrophilia and are increased during exacerbations. Thus we hypothesized that respiratory infections causes the release of EVs in the airway and that the raised ATP levels, present in respiratory disease, triggers the release of IL-1β/IL-18, neutrophilia and subsequent disease exacerbations.

Methods: To begin to test this hypothesis we utilised human cell-based assays, ex vivo murine BALF, in vivo pre-clinical models and human samples to test this hypothesis.

Results: Data showed that in a murine model of COPD, known to have increased airway ATP levels, infective challenge causes exacerbated inflammation. Using cell-based systems, murine models and samples collected from challenged healthy subjects, we showed that infection can trigger the release of EVs. When exposed to ATP the EVs release IL-1b/IL-18 via a P2X7/caspase-dependent mechanism. Furthermore ATP challenge can cause a P2X7 dependent increase in LPS-driven neutrophilia.

Conclusions: This preliminary data suggests a possible mechanism for how infections could exacerbate respiratory diseases and may highlight a possible signalling pathway for drug discovery efforts in this area.


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A significant number of proteins in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes are known to be post-translationally modified by the addition of phosphate, serving as a means of rapidly regulating protein function. Phosphorylation of the amino acids serine, threonine and tyrosine are the focus of the vast majority of studies aimed at elucidating the extent and roles of such modification, yet other amino acids, including histidine and aspartate, are also phosphorylated. Although histidine phosphorylation is known to play extensive roles in signalling in eukaryotes, plants and fungi, roles for phosphohistidine are poorly defined in higher eukaryotes. Characterization of histidine phosphorylation aimed at elucidating such information is problematic due to the acid-labile nature of the phosphoramidate bond, essential for many of its biological functions. Although MSbased strategies have proven extremely useful in the analysis of other types of phosphorylated peptides, the chromatographic procedures essential for such approaches promote rapid hydrolysis of phosphohistidinecontaining peptides. Phosphate transfer to non-biologically relevant aspartate residues during MS analysis further complicates the scenario. © 2013 Biochemical Society.


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Purpose:The Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3 (STAT3) pathway is known to play an important role in inflammation and angiogenesis. STAT3 can be activated by IL-6 family cytokines through the receptor IL-6R/gp130. Increased IL-6 has been detected in the plasma and vitreous in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the STAT3 pathway in the pathogenesis of nAMD.

Methods:Blood cells from nAMD patients (n = 11) and age-, gender-matched healthy controls (n = 13) were stimulated with IL-6 for 20 minutes. The expression of the activated form of STAT3 (p-STAT3) was examined by flow cytometry. The mRNA levels of gp130, IL-6R and the suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3, a negative regulator of p-STAT3) were evaluated by real-time RT-PCR. Laser-induced choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) was performed in WT C57BL/6J mice as well as in the myeloid cell specific SOCS3 deficiency mice i.e., the LysMCre-SOCS3fl/fl mice. STAT3 activation in CNV lesions was examined by western blot. The size of CNV at different times after laser treatment was measured by confocal microscopy of RPE/choroidal flatmounts.

Results:The expression of p-STAT3 in CD11b+ monocytes was significantly increased in nAMD patients compared to healthy controls, although mRNA expression of gp130, IL-6R and SOCS3 did not differ between patients and controls. The expression of p-STAT3 in the retinal and RPE/choroidal tissues was increased at 1 and 3 days after laser treatment. The administration of a STAT3 inhibitor LLL12 significantly suppressed CNV. CD11b+ monocytes from LysMCre-SOCS3fl/fl mice expressed higher levels of p-STAT3 compared to the cells from WT mice. Laser induced CNV developed earlier and were larger in LysMCre-SOCS3fl/fl mice compared to WT C57BL/6J mice.

Conclusions:Our results suggest that STAT3 activation in circulating monocytes may contribute to the development of choroidal neovascularisation in AMD, and targeting the STAT3 pathway may have therapeutic potential in nAMD.


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Signalling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) has been identified as an immune cell receptor for the morbilliviruses, measles (MV), canine distemper (CDV), rinderpest and peste des petits ruminants (PPRV) viruses, while CD46 is a receptor for vaccine strains of MV. More recently poliovirus like receptor 4 (PVRL4), also known as nectin 4, has been identified as a receptor for MV, CDV and PPRV on the basolateral surface of polarised epithelial cells. PVRL4 is also up-regulated by MV in human brain endothelial cells. Utilisation of PVRL4 as a receptor by phocine distemper virus (PDV) remains to be demonstrated as well as confirmation of use of SLAM. We have observed that unlike wild type (wt) MV or wtCDV, wtPDV strains replicate in African green monkey kidney Vero cells without prior adaptation, suggesting the use of a further receptor. We therefore examined candidate molecules, glycosaminoglycans (GAG) and the tetraspan proteins, integrin β and the membrane bound form of heparin binding epithelial growth factor (proHB-EGF),for receptor usage by wtPDV in Vero cells. We show that wtPDV replicates in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing SLAM and PVRL4. Similar wtPDV titres are produced in Vero and VeroSLAM cells but more limited fusion occurs in the latter. Infection of Vero cells was not inhibited by anti-CD46 antibody. Removal/disruption of GAG decreased fusion but not the titre of virus. Treatment with anti-integrin β antibody increased rather than decreased infection of Vero cells by wtPDV. However, infection was inhibited by antibody to HB-EGF and the virus replicated in CHO-proHB-EGF cells, indicating use of this molecule as a receptor. Common use of SLAM and PVRL4 by morbilliviruses increases the possibility of cross-species infection. Lack of a requirement for wtPDV adaptation to Vero cells raises the possibility of usage of proHB-EGF as a receptor in vivo but requires further investigation.