941 resultados para self-assembled quantum dot


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The main aims of my PhD research work have been the investigation of the redox, photophysical and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and their possible uses as functional substrates for the (electro)catalytic production of oxygen and as molecular connectors for Quantum-dot Molecular Automata. While for CNT many and diverse applications in electronics, in sensors and biosensors field, as a structural reinforcing in composite materials have long been proposed, the study of their properties as individual species has been for long a challenging task. CNT are in fact virtually insoluble in any solvent and, for years, most of the studies has been carried out on bulk samples (bundles). In Chapter 2 an appropriate description of carbon nanotubes is reported, about their production methods and the functionalization strategies for their solubilization. In Chapter 3 an extensive voltammetric and vis-NIR spectroelectrochemical investigation of true solutions of unfunctionalized individual single wall CNT (SWNT) is reported that permitted to determine for the first time the standard electrochemical potentials of reduction and oxidation as a function of the tube diameter of a large number of semiconducting SWNTs. We also established the Fermi energy and the exciton binding energy for individual tubes in solution and, from the linear correlation found between the potentials and the optical transition energies, one to calculate the redox potentials of SWNTs that are insufficiently abundant or absent in the samples. In Chapter 4 we report on very efficient and stable nano-structured, oxygen-evolving anodes (OEA) that were obtained by the assembly of an oxygen evolving polyoxometalate cluster, (a totally inorganic ruthenium catalyst) with a conducting bed of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). Here, MWCNT were effectively used as carrier of the polyoxometallate for the electrocatalytic production of oxygen and turned out to greatly increase both the efficiency and stability of the device avoiding the release of the catalysts. Our bioinspired electrode addresses the major challenge of artificial photosynthesis, i.e. efficient water oxidation, taking us closer to when we might power the planet with carbon-free fuels. In Chapter 5 a study on surface-active chiral bis-ferrocenes conveniently designed in order to act as prototypical units for molecular computing devices is reported. Preliminary electrochemical studies in liquid environment demonstrated the capability of such molecules to enter three indistinguishable oxidation states. Side chains introduction allowed to organize them in the form of self-assembled monolayers (SAM) onto a surface and to study the molecular and redox properties on solid substrates. Electrochemical studies on SAMs of these molecules confirmed their attitude to undergo fast (Nernstian) electron transfer processes generating, in the positive potential region, either the full oxidized Fc+-Fc+ or the partly oxidized Fc+-Fc species. Finally, in Chapter 6 we report on a preliminary electrochemical study of graphene solutions prepared according to an original procedure recently described in the literature. Graphene is the newly-born of carbon nanomaterials and is certainly bound to be among the most promising materials for the next nanoelectronic generation.


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In this thesis, elemental research towards the implantation of a diamond-based molecular quantum computer is presented. The approach followed requires linear alignment of endohedral fullerenes on the diamond C(100) surface in the vicinity of subsurface NV-centers. From this, four fundamental experimental challenges arise: 1) The well-controlled deposition of endohedral fullerenes on a diamond surface. 2) The creation of NV-centers in diamond close to the surface. 3) Preparation and characterization of atomically-flat diamondsurfaces. 4) Assembly of linear chains of endohedral fullerenes. First steps to overcome all these challenges were taken in the framework of this thesis. Therefore, a so-called “pulse injection” technique was implemented and tested in a UHV chamber that was custom-designed for this and further tasks. Pulse injection in principle allows for the deposition of molecules from solution onto a substrate and can therefore be used to deposit molecular species that are not stable to sublimation under UHV conditions, such as the endohedral fullerenes needed for a quantum register. Regarding the targeted creation of NV-centers, FIB experiments were carried out in cooperation with the group of Prof. Schmidt-Kaler (AG Quantum, Physics Department, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz). As an entry into this challenging task, argon cations were implanted into (111) surface-oriented CaF2 crystals. The resulting implantation spots on the surface were imaged and characterized using AFM. In this context, general relations between the impact of the ions on the surface and their valency or kinetic energy, respectively, could be established. The main part of this thesis, however, is constituted by NCAFM studies on both, bare and hydrogen-terminated diamond C(100) surfaces. In cooperation with the group of Prof. Dujardin (Molecular Nanoscience Group, ISMO, Université de Paris XI), clean and atomically-flat diamond surfaces were prepared by exposure of the substrate to a microwave hydrogen plasma. Subsequently, both surface modifications were imaged in high resolution with NC-AFM. In the process, both hydrogen atoms in the unit cell of the hydrogenated surface were resolved individually, which was not achieved in previous STM studies of this surface. The NC-AFM images also reveal, for the first time, atomic-resolution contrast on the clean, insulating diamond surface and provide real-space experimental evidence for a (2×1) surface reconstruction. With regard to the quantum computing concept, high-resolution NC-AFM imaging was also used to study the adsorption and self-assembly potential of two different kinds of fullerenes (C60 and C60F48) on aforementioned diamond surfaces. In case of the hydrogenated surface, particular attention was paid to the influence of charge transfer doping on the fullerene-substrate interaction and the morphology emerging from self-assembly. Finally, self-assembled C60 islands on the hydrogen-terminated diamond surface were subject to active manipulation by an NC-AFM tip. Two different kinds of tip-induced island growth modes have been induced and were presented. In conclusion, the results obtained provide fundamental informations mandatory for the realization of a molecular quantum computer. In the process it was shown that NC-AFM is, under proper circumstances, a very capable tool for imaging diamond surfaces with highest resolution, surpassing even what has been achieved with STM up to now. Particular attention was paid to the influence of transfer doping on the morphology of fullerenes on the hydrogenated diamond surface, revealing new possibilities for tailoring the self-assembly of molecules that have a high electron affinity.


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This doctoral thesis explores some of the possibilities that near-field optics can bring to photovoltaics, and in particular to quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSCs). Our main focus is the analytical optimization of the electric field distribution produced in the vicinity of single scattering particles, in order to produce the highest possible absorption enhancement in the photovoltaic medium in their surroundings. Near-field scattering structures have also been fabricated in laboratory, allowing the application of the previously studied theoretical concepts to real devices. We start by looking into the electrostatic scattering regime, which is only applicable to sub-wavelength sized particles. In this regime it was found that metallic nano-spheroids can produce absorption enhancements of about two orders of magnitude on the material in their vicinity, due to their strong plasmonic resonance. The frequency of such resonance can be tuned with the shape of the particles, allowing us to match it with the optimal transition energies of the intermediate band material. Since these metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) are to be inserted inside the cell photovoltaic medium, they should be coated by a thin insulating layer to prevent electron-hole recombination at their surface. This analysis is then generalized, using an analytical separation-of-variables method implemented in Mathematica7.0, to compute scattering by spheroids of any size and material. This code allowed the study of the scattering properties of wavelengthsized particles (mesoscopic regime), and it was verified that in this regime dielectric spheroids perform better than metallic. The light intensity scattered from such dielectric spheroids can have more than two orders of magnitude than the incident intensity, and the focal region in front of the particle can be shaped in several ways by changing the particle geometry and/or material. Experimental work was also performed in this PhD to implement in practice the concepts studied in the analysis of sub-wavelength MNPs. A wet-coating method was developed to self-assemble regular arrays of colloidal MNPs on the surface of several materials, such as silicon wafers, amorphous silicon films, gallium arsenide and glass. A series of thermal and chemical tests have been performed showing what treatments the nanoparticles can withstand for their embedment in a photovoltaic medium. MNPs arrays are then inserted in an amorphous silicon medium to study the effect of their plasmonic near-field enhancement on the absorption spectrum of the material. The self-assembled arrays of MNPs constructed in these experiments inspired a new strategy for fabricating IBSCs using colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). Such CQDs can be deposited in self-assembled monolayers, using procedures similar to those developed for the patterning of colloidal MNPs. The use of CQDs to form the intermediate band presents several important practical and physical advantages relative to the conventional dots epitaxially grown by the Stranski-Krastanov method. Besides, this provides a fast and inexpensive method for patterning binary arrays of QDs and MNPs, envisioned in the theoretical part of this thesis, in which the MNPs act as antennas focusing the light in the QDs and therefore boosting their absorption


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Diluted nitride self-assembled In(Ga)AsN quantum dots (QDs) grown on GaAs substrates are potential candidates to emit in the windows of maximum transmittance for optical fibres (1.3-1.55 μm). In this paper, we analyse the effect of nitrogen addition on the indium desorption occurring during the capping process of InxGa1−xAs QDs (x = l and 0.7). The samples have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy and studied through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence techniques. The composition distribution inside the dots was determined by statistical moiré analysis and measured by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. First, the addition of nitrogen in In(Ga)As QDs gave rise to a strong redshift in the emission peak, together with a large loss of intensity and monochromaticity. Moreover, these samples showed changes in the QDs morphology as well as an increase in the density of defects. The statistical compositional analysis displayed a normal distribution in InAs QDs with an average In content of 0.7. Nevertheless, the addition of Ga and/or N leads to a bimodal distribution of the Indium content with two separated QD populations. We suggest that the nitrogen incorporation enhances the indium fixation inside the QDs where the indium/gallium ratio plays an important role in this process. The strong redshift observed in the PL should be explained not only by the N incorporation but also by the higher In content inside the QDs


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The influence of the environment on the optical properties of self-assembled In0.5Ga0.5As surface quantum dots is studied as a function of different ambient conditions for sensing applications. Their room temperature photoluminescence (PL) quenches under vacuum and decreases strongly under dry O2 or N2 environments. Nevertheless, they have a strong signal at 1.55 lm in air or in a wet atmosphere. The presence of water molecules in the environment improves the PL intensity likely due to its polar character and therefore its easier adsorption by the surface dangling bonds, leading to a suppression of the non-radiative recombination centers.


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Ultrashort laser pulses from vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) have been receiving much attention in the semiconductor laser community since the first demonstration of sub-ps-pulsed devices more than a decade ago. Originally relying on semiconductor saturable-absorber mirrors for pulse formation, mode-locked operation has not only become accessible by using a variety of saturable absorbers, but also by using a saturable-absorber-free technique referred to as self-mode-locking (SML). Here, we highlight achievements in the field of SML-VECSELs with quantum-well and quantum-dot gain chips, and study the influence of a few VECSEL parameters on the assumed nonlinear lensing behavior in the system. © (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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We propose a family of local CSS stabilizer codes as possible candidates for self-correcting quantum memories in 3D. The construction is inspired by the classical Ising model on a Sierpinski carpet fractal, which acts as a classical self-correcting memory. Our models are naturally defined on fractal subsets of a 4D hypercubic lattice with Hausdorff dimension less than 3. Though this does not imply that these models can be realized with local interactions in R3, we also discuss this possibility. The X and Z sectors of the code are dual to one another, and we show that there exists a finite temperature phase transition associated with each of these sectors, providing evidence that the system may robustly store quantum information at finite temperature.


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This chapter analyses the poly(3-hexylthiophene) self-assembly on carbon nanotubes and the interaction between the two materials forming a new hybrid nanostructure. The chapter starts with a review of the several studies investigating polymers and biomolecules self-assembled on nanotubes. Then conducting polymers and polythiophenes are briefly introduced. Accordingly, carbon nanotube structure and properties are reported in Sect. 3. The experimental section starts with the bulk characterisation of polymer thin films with the inclusion of uniformly distributed carbon nanotubes. By using volume film analysis techniques (AFM, TEM, UV–Vis and Raman), we show how the polymer’s higher degree of order is a direct consequence of interaction with carbon nanotubes. Nevertheless, it is through the use of nanoscale analysis and molecular dynamic simulations that the self-assembly of the polymer on the nanotube surface can be clearly evidenced and characterised. In Sect. 6, the effect of the carbon templating structure on the P3HT organisation on the surface is investigated, showing the chirality-driven polymer assembly on the carbon nanotube surface. The interaction between P3HT and CNTs brings also to charge transfer, with the modification of physical properties for both species. In particular, the alteration of the polymer electronic properties and the modification of the nanotube mechanical structure are a direct consequence of the P3HT p-p stacking on the nanotube surface. Finally, some considerations based on molecular dynamics studies are reported in order to confirm and support the experimental results discussed.


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This work is a theoretical investigation into the coupling of a single excited quantum emitter to the plasmon mode of a V groove waveguide. The V groove waveguide consists of a triangular channel milled in gold and the emitter is modeled as a dipole emitter, and could represent a quantum dot, nitrogen vacancy in diamond, or similar. In this work the dependence of coupling efficiency of emitter to plasmon mode is determined for various geometrical parameters of the emitter-waveguide system. Using the finite element method, the effect on coupling efficiency of the emitter position and orientation, groove angle, groove depth, and tip radius, is studied in detail. We demonstrate that all parameters, with the exception of groove depth, have a significant impact on the attainable coupling efficiency. Understanding the effect of various geometrical parameters on the coupling between emitters and the plasmonic mode of the waveguide is essential for the design and optimization of quantum dot–V groove devices.


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Spontaneous adsorption of 1,8,15,22-tetraaminophthalocyanatocobalt(II) (4α-CoIITAPc) on glassy carbon (GC) electrode leads to the formation of a stable self-assembled monolayer (SAM). Since the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc is redox active, its adsorption on GC electrode was followed by cyclic voltammetry. SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC electrode shows two pairs of well-defined redox peaks corresponding to CoIII/CoII and CoIIIPc−1/CoIIIPc−2. The surface coverage (Γ) value, calculated by integrating the charge under CoII oxidation, was used to study the adsorption thermodynamics and kinetics of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC surface. Cyclic voltammetric studies show that the adsorption of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC electrode has reached the saturation coverage (Γs) within 3 h. The Γs value for the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC electrode was found to be 2.37 × 10−10 mol cm−2. Gibbs free energy (ΔGads) and adsorption rate constant (kad) for the adsorption of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC surface were found to be −16.76 kJ mol−1 and 7.1 M−1 s−1, respectively. The possible mechanism for the self-assembly of 4α-CoIITAPc on GC surface is through the addition of nucleophilic amines to the olefinic bond on the GC surface in addition to a meager contribution from π stacking. The contribution of π stacking was confirmed from the adsorption of unsubstituted phthalocyanatocobalt(II) (CoPc) on GC electrode. Raman spectra for the SAM of 4α-CoIITAPc on carbon surface shows strong stretching and breathing bands of Pc macrocycle, pyrrole ring and isoindole ring. Raman and CV studies suggest that 4α-CoIITAPc is adopting nearly a flat orientation or little bit tilted orientation.


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Recently, halogen···halogen interactions have been demonstrated to stabilize two-dimensional supramolecular assemblies at the liquid–solid interface. Here we study the effect of changing the halogen, and report on the 2D supramolecular structures obtained by the adsorption of 2,4,6-tris(4-bromophenyl)-1,3,5-triazine (TBPT) and 2,4,6-tris(4-iodophenyl)-1,3,5-triazine (TIPT) on both highly oriented pyrolytic graphite and the (111) facet of a gold single crystal. These molecular systems were investigated by combining room-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy in ambient conditions with density functional theory, and are compared to results reported in the literature for the similar molecules 1,3,5-tri(4-bromophenyl)benzene (TBPB) and 1,3,5-tri(4-iodophenyl)benzene (TIPB). We find that the substrate exerts a much stronger effect than the nature of the halogen atoms in the molecular building blocks. Our results indicate that the triazine core, which renders TBPT and TIPT stiff and planar, leads to stronger adsorption energies and hence structures that are different from those found for TBPB and TIPB. On the reconstructed Au(111) surface we find that the TBPT network is sensitive to the fcc- and hcp-stacked regions, indicating a significant substrate effect. This makes TBPT the first molecule reported to form a continuous monolayer at room temperature in which molecular packing is altered on the differently reconstructed regions of the Au(111) surface. Solvent-dependent polymorphs with solvent coadsorption were observed for TBPT on HOPG. This is the first example of a multicomponent self-assembled molecular networks involving the rare cyclic, hydrogen-bonded hexamer of carboxylic groups, R66(24) synthon.


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Structural and rheological features of a series of molecular hydrogels formed by synthetic bile salt analogues have been scrutinized. Among seven gelators, two are neutral compounds, while the others are cationic systems among which one is a tripodal steroid derivative. Despite the fact that the chemical structures are closely related, the variety of physical characteristics is extremely large in the structures of the connected fibers (either plain cylinders or ribbons), in the dynamical modes for stress relaxation of the associated SAFINs, in the scaling laws of the shear elasticity (typical of either cellular solids or fractal floc-like assemblies), in the micron-scale texture and the distribution of ordered domains (spherulites, crystallites) embedded in a random mesh, in the type of nodal zones (either crystalline-like, fiber entanglements, or bundles), in the evolution of the distribution and morphology of fibers and nodes, and in the sensitivity to added salt. SANS appears to be a suitable technique to infer all geometrical parameters defining the fibers, their interaction modes, and the volume fraction of nodes in a SAFIN. The tripodal system is particularly singular in the series and exhibits viscosity overshoots at the startup of shear flows, an “umbrella-like” molecular packing mode involving three molecules per cross section of fiber, and scattering correlation peaks revealing the ordering and overlap of 1d self-assembled polyelectrolyte species.


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Uusien polymeeripohjaisten teknologioiden ja materiaalien myötä räätälöityjen polymeerien tarve on kasvanut. Viime vuosituhannen lopussa kehitetyt kontrolloidut polymerointimenetelmät ovat avanneet uusia mahdollisuuksia paitsi monimutkaisten polymeerien synteesiin, myös itsejärjestyvyyteen perustuvien funktionaalisten nanorakenteiden suunnitteluun ja valmistukseen. Nämä voivat jäljitellä luonnossa esiintyviä rakenteita, joita muodostavat esimerkiksi lipidit ja proteiinit. Itsejärjestyvät molekyylit ovat usein amfifiilisiä eli ne koostuvat hydrofiilisistä ja hydrofobisista osista ja polymeereissä nämä osat voivat olla omina lohkoinaan, jolloin puhutaan amfifiilisistä lohko- tai blokkikopolymeereistä. Riippuen järjestyneiden rakenteiden koostumuksesta ja muodosta, amfifiilisiä blokkikopolymeerejä on tutkittu tai jo käytetty nanoteknologiassa, elastomeereissä, voiteluaineissa, pinta-aktiivisina aineina, lääkkeenannostelussa, maaleissa, sekä elektroniikka-, kosmetiikka- ja elintarviketeollisuudessa. Tavallisimmin käytetyt amfifiiliset blokkikopolymeerit ovat olleet lineaarisia, mutta viime aikoina tutkimus on suuntautunut kohti monimutkaisempia rakenteita. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi tähtipolymeerit. Tähtimäisissä polymeereissä miselleille tyypillinen ydin-kuori-rakenne säilyy hyvin alhaisissakin polymeerikonsentraatioissa, koska polymeeriketjut ovat kiinni toisissaan yhdessä pisteessä. Siten ne ovat erityisen kiinnostavia tutkimuskohteita erilaisten hydrofobisten orgaanisten yhdisteiden sitomiseksi ja vapauttamiseksi. Tässä työssä on tarkasteltu amfifiilisten tähtipolymeerien itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksissa sekä kokeellisesti ja tietokonesimulaatioin. Työ koostuu kahdesta osasta: tähtipolymeerien synteesistä makrosyklisillä initiaattoreilla ja amfifiilisten tähtimäisten blokkikopolymeerien ominaisuuksien tutkimisesta.


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In this paper, we study the Einstein's photoemission from III-V, II-VI, IV-VI and HgTe/CdTe quantum well superlattices (QWSLs) with graded interfaces and quantum well effective mass superlattices in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field on the basis of newly formulated dispersion relations in the respective cases. Besides, the same has been studied from the afore-mentioned quantum dot superlattices and it appears that the photoemission oscillates with increasing carrier degeneracy and quantizing magnetic field in different manners. In addition, the photoemission oscillates with film thickness and increasing photon energy in quantum steps together with the fact that the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation will introduce new physical ideas and new experimental findings under different external conditions. The influence of band structure is apparent from all the figures and we have suggested three applications of the analyses of this paper in the fields of superlattices and microstructures.


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Composite of anatase titania (TiO2) nanospheres and carbon grown and self-assembled into micron-sized mesoporous spheres via a solvothermal synthesis route are discussed here in the context of rechargeable lithium-ion battery. The morphology and carbon content and hence the electrochemical performance are observed to be significantly influenced by the synthesis parameters. Synthesis conditions resulting in a mesoporous arrangement of an optimized amount carbon and TiO2 exhibited the best lithium battery performance. The first discharge cycle capacity of carbon-titania mesoporous spheres (solvothermal reaction at 150 degrees C at 6 h, calcination at 500 degrees C under air, BET surface area 80 m(2)g(-1)) was 334 mAhg(-1) (approximately 1 Li) at current rate of 0.066 Ag-1. High storage capacity and good cyclability is attributed to the nanostructuring of TiO2 (mesoporosity) as well as due to formation of a percolation network of carbon around the TiO2 nanoparticles. The micron-sized mesoporous spheres of carbon-titania composite nanoparticles also show good rate cyclability in the range (0.066-6.67) Ag-1.