999 resultados para síndrome dos ovários policísticos


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Introdução: A Síndrome de Morquio A (MPS IVA) é um Erro Inato do Metabolismo do grupo das Doenças Lisossômicas. Esta patologia é caracterizada pelo acúmulo e excreção de queratan e condroitin sulfato devido à deficiência da enzima lisossomal Galactose–6 sulfatase (GALNS; E.C. É uma doença rara cuja incidência varia entre 1:45.000 e 1:640.000. Os aspectos clínicos predominantes estão relacionados com o sistema osteo-articular com efeitos secundários sobre o sistema nervoso central, embora não haja déficit cognitivo. Os achados clínicos, evidentes a partir dos 2 anos, direcionam as análises bioquímicas para confirmação do diagnóstico através de avaliação dos glicosaminoglicanos urinários e de ensaios enzimáticos específicos. A doença é herdada de forma autossômica recessiva. O cDNA revela uma região codificante com 1566 nucleotídeos, que determina uma proteína com 522 aminoácidos. O gene contém 14 exons e foi mapeado em 16q24.3. Já foram descritas 148 mutações e 16 polimorfismos. O gene apresenta grande heterogeneidade molecular, sendo que 46,1% das mutações ocorreram menos de três vezes. Objetivo Identificar as mutações presentes no gene da GALNS em pacientes brasileiros com diagnóstico bioquímico para a MPS IVA; verificar se as mutações novas encontradas são causadoras do fenótipo patológico; e padronizar as técnicas de PCR e SSCP para análise do gene da GALNS. Materiais e Métodos: Seis casos-índice tiveram todo o gene da GALNS amplificados por PCR, seguido de seqüenciamento. Para as mutações novas, primers foram confeccionados para os respectivos exons e a patogenicidade testada por análise de freqüência em 100 controles normais. Condições de PCR e SSCP foram determinadas para cada um dos 4 exons com mutações novas. Sete pacientes novos com diagnóstico bioquímico foram analisados para os exons com as condições pré-estabelecidas. Os controles e pacientes com padrão alterado no gel de SSCP foram seqüenciados. Resultados: Em relação aos seis casos-índice 11 dos 12 alelos tiveram a alteração identificada, revelando seis mutações diferentes. Destas, quatro eram novas (p.G116S, p.N164T, p.L307P e p.S341R) e duas já descritas (p.R386C e p.G139S).Dos 100 controles analisados para cada exon nenhum apresentou o mesmo padrão de migração da amostra mutada, mas foram encontradas novas alterações (p.A107A, p.Y108Y e p.P357P). Entre os pacientes novos, sete dos 14 alelos foram identificados (p.N164T, p.G301C e uma mudança do quadro de leitura). Discussão: As quatro mutações novas identificadas foram consideradas patogênicas uma vez que não estavam presentes nos controles, indicando uma freqüência menor que 1% nesse grupo. As mutações p.G116S, p.N164T e p.G301C (freqüências de 14,3%, 14,3% e 19,0% dos alelos, respectivamente) foram consideradas recorrentes, além das já descritas e também recorrentes p.G139S e p.R386C. Nos quatro exons padronizados encontramos 40% das mutações descritas. Entre as diferentes mutações encontradas em nossos casos-índice uma nova (p.G116S) e duas já descritas (p.G139S e p.R386C) se localizam em regiões CpG. Conclusões: Foram identificadas alterações moleculares em 11 dos 12 alelos de seis pacientes brasileiros com MPS IVA, sendo que as quatro mutações novas encontradas puderam ser classificados como patogênicas; as técnicas de PCR e SSCP para os 4 exons do gene da GALNS foram padronizadas.


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Os objectivos gerais deste trabalho foram: (1) estimar a magnitude dos respectivos efeitos genéticos e ambientais nos indicadores da síndrome metabólica; (2) estimar a prevalência da síndrome metabólica nos gémeos monozigóticos e dizigóticos; e (3) estimar o risco de agregação nos indicadores da síndrome metabólica. A amostra envolveu 414 sujeitos madeirenses, nomeadamente 207 pares de gémeos (84 pares de gémeos monozigóticos e 123 pares de gémeos dizigóticos), dos 3 aos 18 anos, que participaram no projecto de investigação: "Influências Genéticas e Envolvimento na Actividade Física, Aptidão e Saúde – O Estudo de Famílias da Madeira" (GEAFAS). A síndrome metabólica teve por base as recomendações do Adult Treatment Panel III (2001), com os pontos de corte propostos por Ferranti et al. (2004). As estimativas de heritabilidade revelaram efeitos genéticos em todos os indicadores da SM: perímetro da cintura (a2 = 0.80), seguida dos triglicerídeos (a2 = 0.61), pressão arterial sistólica (a2 = 0.59), glicose (a2 = 0.55) e colesterol HDL (a2 = 0.34). As estimativas dos efeitos do ambiente único da glicose, pressão arterial sistólica, triglicerídeos, colesterol HDL e perímetro da cintura foram 0.45, 0.41, 0.39, 0.22 e 0.20, respectivamente. O ambiente comum reportou uma estimativa de 0.44 para o colesterol HDL. Foi encontrada uma prevalência da síndrome metabólica de 4.1%, 2.4% para os gémeos monozigóticos e de 5.3% para os gémeos dizigóticos. O colesterol HDL foi o factor de risco mais prevalecente (22.9%). Os gémeos monozigóticos apresentam um maior risco de agregação da síndrome metabólica. Da amostra total, 48.1% das crianças e adolescentes apresentou no mínimo um factor de risco. As crianças e adolescentes madeirenses demonstraram uma etiologia multifactorial nos componentes da síndrome metabólica incluindo os factores genéticos e ambientais. A prevalência da SM foi baixa. Os dados sugerem agregação familiar no risco dos diferentes indicadores da síndrome metabólica.


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FEHR, Guilherme Lotierso et al. Efetividade dos exercícios em cadeia cinética aberta e cadeia cinética fechada no tratamento da síndrome da dor femoropatelar. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, [s.l], v. 12, n. 2, p.66-70, mar./abr. 2006. Bimestral. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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A síndrome de Cogan é entidade multissistêmica rara caracterizada por ceratite intersticial associada à disfunção áudio-vestibular e possível surdez irreversível classificada em duas formas clínicas: típica e atípica. Há discordância na literatura quanto à presença de acometimento corneano na forma atípica. Uma paciente de 32 anos queixando-se de hiperemia e dor ocular, fotofobia e baixa da acuidade visual no olho direito, associada à perda súbita de audição à esquerda, vômitos, diarréia, oligúria, dor na orofaringe e febre. História prévia de semelhante acometimento do olho esquerdo e audição direita. Havia intensa hiperemia conjuntival, esclerite nodular, episclerite e infiltrados circulares no estroma corneano. A paciente recebeu pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona e ciclofosfamida. Evoluiu com grande melhora ocular, porém com resposta auditiva pobre. O caso reportado pode constituir forma típica da síndrome de Cogan (de acordo com autores que defendem o nãoacometimento corneano na forma atípica) com alguns achados característicos da forma atípica ou um caso da forma atípica da síndrome de Cogan (para aqueles que defendem o acometimento corneano na forma atípica). O diagnóstico diferencial também é discutido


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Trata-se de um caso clínico que teve como objetivo traçar diagnósticos, intervenções e resultados de enfermagem em um paciente com Síndrome de Marfan internado na unidade de terapia intensiva no pós-operatório de correção de aneurisma de aorta. Foi desenvolvido em um Hospital Universitário, localizado no município de Natal-Brasil, em abril de 2011. Entre os principais diagnósticos de enfermagem identificados, destaca-se: Débito Cardíaco Diminuído; Risco de Infecção; Dor Aguda; Risco de Glicemia Instável; Integridade da Pele Prejudicada e Ansiedade. Percebeu-se que a aplicação do processo de enfermagem neste paciente contribuiu para delimitar o campo de atuação específico da enfermagem, bem como identificar os cuidados prioritários, contribuindo para uma melhoria na qualidade da assistência


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This paper aims to verify the Burnout´s possibilities of incidence, finding the creating dimensions and comparing with the socio-demographics characteristics of the researched professionals. This quantitative-descriptive search has a population of 197 workers of 23 nourishing companies in Rio Grande do Norte. This population is predominantly male, younger than 28 years old, single, relatively instructed (57,07% with complete high school) and having just started their current job since 79% of the interviewees are in the company less than six years. The AUDITORIA DO SISTEMA HUMANO (ASH) model, utilized for investigation and developed for the Spaniards Quijano and Navarro in 1999, has several dimensions about human resources management and the organizational effectiveness, but only makes part of the research in 19 questions Burnout referring. It was used factorial analyses with extraction method, varimax rotation and Kaiser normalization with the intuition to define the creating dimensions of the syndrome, they were evaluated with Cronbach Alpha coefficient after extraction. The dimensions found through the factorial analyses were: emotional exhaustion, physical exhaustion and vitality. The accumulated explanation value reached 65,30% of total variation. The data socio-demographics don t justify the syndrome appearance, because the T test and ANOVA showed irrelevant values. It has been also observed that the founded dimensions were different of the Maslach sociopsychological perspective (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional realization) allowing comparison with others researches and the possibility to develop new ones with workers from different assistance areas. These new researches are important, since the syndrome refers to chronic labor stress consequences and any professional is favorable to Burnout, harmful to the company as to the collaborators


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This research verifies the influence of the self-efficacy level on burnout syndrome incidence in relation to nursing professionals from private hospitals located in the Municipality of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte. The nature of the research was descriptive, and the used data analysis method was quantitative which was developed through SPSS computational package, version 17.0. The used instrument for the investigation was Maslach-Burnout Inventory (MBI), and the General Perceived Self-efficacy Scale (GPSES) was applied to a sample formed from 230 nursing professionals. The statistic techniques to data analysis were: frequency analysis; factor analysis; Cronbach.s alpha; Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test (KMO); Bartlett efericity test; percentual analysis; Spearman rank correlation analysis; and simple regression. The achieved factors from factor analysis of MBI were the same, taking into account the dimensions which Maslach initially suggested to the instrument (emotional exhaustion, lack of personal realization, and depersonalization). However, one highlights that the low internal consistence of the depersonalization dimension can occur from people.s difficulty (caused by cultural aspects) of assuming this attitude in their work environment. Through GSE, it was achieved a factor which confirmed the unidimensionality showed by the author of the instrument. In relation to the syndrome incidence, it was verified that about 50% of the researched sample presented burnout syndrome evidence. Referring to self-efficacy level, about 65% of the researched sample presented low level of self-efficacy, what can be explained by the work characteristics of these professionals. In relation to the self-efficacy influence on the Burnout syndrome, it was verified that self-efficacy can be one of the aspects which influences occupational stress chronification (burnout), mainly to the personal realization dimension. Therefore, the researched hospital organizations need reflect about their attitudes in respect to their professionals, since the numbers showed a dangerous tendency regarding a predisposition to burnout syndrome of their staff, what implies not only a significant amount of individuals who can present high levels of emotional exhaustion, lack of personal realization, and depersonalization, but also the fact that this group presents low level of self-efficacy


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Burnout is a psychological syndrome triggered in response to continuous exposure to interpersonal stressors. It is considered a multifactorial construct, which is commonly characterized by three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, dehumanization, and lack of personal accomplishment.This study aimed to verify if the three characteristics of burnout (exhaustion, lack of dehumanization and personal accomplishment) are present in people working as guides Tourism in Natal - RN. It is a descriptive and quantitative study. 109 subjects were surveyed. Data collection was done through the use of questionnaires, the instrument used was the characterization of the Burnout Scale (ECB) created and validated in Brazil by Trocoli and Tamayo (2000). In order to analyze data we used descriptive statistics, analysis of core measures, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, multiple discriminant and Spearman correlation. Factor analysis identified four factors that explain 58.3% of the total variance. Those factors were named exhaustion, deception, avoidance, and dehumanization. The reliability of the instrument, as measured by Cronbach's Alpha was 0.918, which is considered excellent reliability. The 109 subjects were grouped into three cluster, which had the deception, avoidance, and dehumanization as discriminant. It is possible to conclude that the characteristics of burnout syndrome are present in the studied population where 19 people are on the high level of burnout, moderate in 32 and 56 in the light. The correlations between socio-demographic variables studied and the dimensions of burnout, were few and weak. The variable leave for health reasons in the study appeared to be related to feelings of exhaustion and avoidance behavior appeared related to younger individuals and who work only in the activity of Receptive Tourism Guide. Verification of the incidence of burnout in individuals surveyed suggest the need to adopt intervention strategies are individual, organizational and / or combined


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Objective: To determine the clinical maternal and neonatal outcomes in HELLP syndrome patients treated with dexamethasone who either developed renal injury or renal insufficiency and to identify predictive values of urea and creatinine for the identification of subjects with HELLP syndrome at risk of developing renal insufficiency. Methods: Non-radomized intervention study of dexamethasone use in HELLP syndrome. A total of 62 patients were enrolled at Maternidade Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC). Patients received a total of 30 mg of dexamethasone IV, in three doses of 10 mg every 12 hours. A clinical and laboratory follow up were performed at 24, 48 and 72 hours. Patients were followed up to 6 months after delivery. Patients were grouped in accordance to renal function, i.e, normal and some type of renal lesion. Renal lesion was considered when creatinine was equal or greater than 1.3 mg/dl and diuresis less than 100 ml in 4 hours period and renal insufficiency was defined when dialysis was needed. Results: A total of 1230 patients with preeclampsia were admitted at MEJC. Of those 62 (5%) developed HELLP syndrome. There was no statistical difference in the groups with renal involvement or normal renal function with respect to the demographics, type of anesthesia used and delivery, and weight of the newborn. An improvement in the AST, ALT, LDH, haptoglobine, antithrombine, fibrinogenen and platelets was observed within 72 hours after dexamethosone use. There was a significant increase in the diuresis within the interval of 6 hours before the delivery and 24 hours after it. Of the 62 patients, 46 (74. 2%) had normal renal function and 16 (25.8%) evolved with renal lesion, with 5 (8.1%) needing dialysis. These 5 patients who received dialysis recovered the xi renal function. The delay in administering dexamethasone increased in 4.6% the risk of development of renal insufficiency. Patients with renal insufficiency had received significantly more blood products than subjects without renal lesion (p=0.03). Diuresis, leukocytes, uric acid, urea, creatinine were significantly different between the groups with normal renal function, renal lesion and renal insufficiency. The levels of creatinine 1.2mg/dl and uric acid 51mg/dl, at admission are predictive of subjects who will evolve with renal lesion (p<0.001). Maternal mortality was 3.2%. None of the subjects with renal insufficiency evolved with chronic renal disease. Conclusions: Dexamethasone in patients with HELLP syndrome seems to reduce significantly the hepatic microthrombosis and normalize hemostasis as seen by improvement of liver function. Renal injury can be considered, in HELLP syndrome, when creatinine levels are greater than 1.3 mg/dl and diuresis less than 100 ml/h in interval of 4 hours. The level of creatinine greater than 1.2 mg/dl and urea greater than 51mg/dl are predictive of subjects with HELLP syndrome who will develop renal injury. Patients who receive more red cell packs develop renal insufficiency. Finally, the delay in administering dexamethasone increases the risk of developing renal insufficiency