987 resultados para riduzione simplettica, Calogero-Moser
Die Nutzung der sekundären Sozialisationsinstanz Schule durch die Kinder – wie sie darin zurechtkommen, in welcher Weise sie von ihr profitieren – hängt vom sozialen, kulturellen und ökonomischen Kapital der Familie ab. Bourdieu (1983) spricht hier von Habitus. Der Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft auf die schulischen Leistungen konnte in vielen Untersuchungen nachgewiesen werden (z.B. Coradi Vellacott 2007). Bereits bei Kindergarten- und Schuleintritt unterscheiden sich die Kinder in sprachlichen und mathematischen Kompetenzbereichen, insbesondere weil sie in ihren Familien unterschiedliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten erfahren (Moser & Bayer, 2010). Schlechtere Startbedingungen durchziehen alle Lebensbereiche – in der Schule, im Wohnumfeld oder bei der Freizeitgestaltung an weiteren institutionellen Bildungsorten. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob es dem Bildungssystem gelingt, diese Unterschiede zu kompensieren. Verschiedene Studien zeigen, dass es der Schule nicht im erhofften Umfang gelingt, die primären Disparitäten zu kompensieren. Damit dies besser gelingen kann, müssen sich die Bildungsinstitutionen und die Familie zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts an die veränderten gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen anpassen. Damit sie auch in der Zukunft ihrer Kernaufgabe – Kinder auf ihrem Weg des Erwachsenwerdens zu unterstützen – gerecht werden können. Der Tagesschule in der Schweiz werden in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Literatur verbreitet pädagogische Möglichkeiten eingeräumt, die dargestellte Situation im Bildungssystem zu verbessern (Holtappels, 2006). Die Tagesschule soll ermöglichen, weg von einer reinen Unterrichtsschule hin zu einer Schule als Erfahrungs- und Lebensraum zu kommen. In einer solchen Schule sollen – nebst der Förderung von kognitiven Kompetenzen aller Schülerinnen und Schüler (Schulleistung) – eine individuelle Förderung, soziales Lernen sowie insbesondere eine Erhöhung der Chancengerechtigkeit im Bildungssystem im Fokus stehen (Herzog, 2009). Im Hinblick auf Letzteres erhofft man sich durch eine ganztägige Bildung und Betreuung eine kompensatorische Wirkung hinsichtlich sozialer Disparitäten. Ganztägige Bildung und Betreuung für Schulkinder kann in Form einer Tagesschule oder mit Blockzeitenunterricht und zusätzlichen Bildungs- und Betreuungsangeboten an oder ergänzend zur Schule realisiert werden. Unter einer Tagesschule versteht man heute in der Schweiz überwiegend eine schulische Institution mit einem den ganzen Tag abdeckenden Angebot. Sie setzt sich aus dem Unterricht und (Tagesschul-)Angeboten wie Mittagessen, Hausaufgabenbetreuung, freiem Spiel, geleiteten Sequenzen und Kursen u.a. zusammen. Teilweise verschmelzen die beiden Teile im Schultag (Schüpbach, 2010).
OBJECTIVE: Assessment and treatment of psychological distress in cancer patients was recognized as a major challenge. The role of spouses, caregivers, and significant others became of salient importance not only because of their supportive functions but also in respect to their own burden. The purpose of this study was to assess the amount of distress in a mixed sample of cancer patients and their partners and to explore the dyadic interdependence. METHODS: An initial sample of 154 dyads was recruited, and distress questionnaires (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Symptom Checklist 9-Item Short Version and 12-Item Short Form Health Survey) were assessed over four time points. Linear mixed models and actor-partner interdependence models were applied. RESULTS: A significant proportion of patients and their partners (up to 40%) reported high levels of anxiety, depression, psychological distress, and low quality of life over the course of the investigation. Mixed model analyses revealed that higher risks for clinical relevant anxiety and depression in couples exist for female patients and especially for female partners. Although psychological strain decreased over time, the risk for elevated distress in female partners remained. Modeling patient-partner interdependence over time stratified by patients' gender revealed specific effects: a moderate correlation between distress in patients and partners, and a transmission of distress from male patients to their female partners. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide empirical support for gender-specific transmission of distress in dyads coping with cancer. This should be considered as an important starting point for planning systemic psycho-oncological interventions and conceptualizing further research.
In 1999, all student teachers at secondary I level at the University of Bern who had to undertake an internship were asked to participate in a study on learning processes during practicum: 150 students and their mentors in three types of practicum participated—introductory practicum (after the first half‐year of studies), intermediate practicum (after two years of studies) and final practicum (after three years of studies). At the end of the practicum, student teachers and mentors completed questionnaires on preparing, teaching and post‐processing lessons. All student teachers, additionally, rated their professional skills and aspects of personality (attitudes towards pupils, self‐assuredness and well‐being) before and after the practicum. Forty‐six student teachers wrote daily semi‐structured diaries about essential learning situations during their practicum. Results indicate that in each practicum students improved significantly in preparing, conducting and post‐processing lessons. The mentors rated these changes as being greater than did the student teachers. From the perspective of the student teachers their general teaching skills also improved, and their attitudes toward pupils became more open. Furthermore, during practicum their self‐esteem and subjective well‐being increased. Diary data confirmed that there are no differences between different levels of practicum in terms of learning outcomes, but give some first insight into different ways of learning during internship.
Ziel des Projekts "Lernen im Praktikum" (vgl. Hascher & Moser, 1999; Moser & Hascher, 2000) war, die Lernprozesse im Praktikum während der Ausbildung am Sekundarlehramt der Universität Bern differenzieren und erklären zu können. Ein zentrales, wenn auch nicht überraschendes Ergebnis dabei war, dass die Betreuung durch die Praktikumslehrer/innen für die Lernprozesse von Studierenden sehr wichtig ist. Im nachfolgenden Beitrag werden nun die Rollen der Praktikumslehr- Personen und ihre Unterstützungsformen näher beleuchtet. Dazu wird sowohl auf die quantitative als auch die qualitative Studie, sowohl auf die Sicht der Studierenden als auch auf die Perspektive der Praktikumsleiter/innen Bezug genommen. Ebenso werden schwierige Aspekte der Betreuung im Praktikum diskutiert.
Heart rate and breathing rate fluctuations represent interacting physiological oscillations. These interactions are commonly studied using respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) of heart rate variability (HRV) or analyzing cardiorespiratory synchronization. Earlier work has focused on a third type of relationship, the temporal ratio of respiration rate and heart rate (HRR). Each method seems to reveal a specific aspect of cardiorespiratory interaction and may be suitable for assessing states of arousal and relaxation of the organism. We used HRR in a study with 87 healthy subjects to determine the ability to relax during 5 day-resting periods in comparison to deep sleep relaxation. The degree to which a person during waking state could relax was compared to somatic complaints, health-related quality of life, anxiety and depression. Our results show, that HRR is barely connected to balance (LF/HF) in HRV, but significantly correlates to the perception of general health and mental well-being as well as to depression. If relaxation, as expressed in HRR, during day-resting is near to deep sleep relaxation, the subjects felt healthier, indicated better mental well-being and less depressive moods.
BACKGROUND Switzerland had the highest life expectancy at 82.8 years among the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in 2011. Geographical variation of life expectancy and its relation to the socioeconomic position of neighbourhoods are, however, not well understood. METHODS We analysed the Swiss National Cohort, which linked the 2000 census with mortality records 2000-2008 to estimate life expectancy across neighbourhoods. A neighbourhood index of socioeconomic position (SEP) based on the median rent, education and occupation of household heads and crowding was calculated for 1.3 million overlapping neighbourhoods of 50 households. We used skew-normal regression models, including the index and additionally marital status, education, nationality, religion and occupation to calculate crude and adjusted estimates of life expectancy at age 30 years. RESULTS Based on over 4.5 million individuals and over 400 000 deaths, estimates of life expectancy at age 30 in neighbourhoods ranged from 46.9 to 54.2 years in men and from 53.5 to 57.2 years in women. The correlation between life expectancy and neighbourhood SEP was strong (r=0.95 in men and r=0.94 women, both p values <0.0001). In a comparison of the lowest with the highest percentile of neighbourhood SEP, the crude difference in life expectancy from skew-normal regression was 4.5 years in men and 2.5 years in women. The corresponding adjusted differences were 2.8 and 1.9 years, respectively (all p values <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Although life expectancy is high in Switzerland, there is substantial geographical variation and life expectancy is strongly associated with the social standing of neighbourhoods.
In spring 2012 CERN provided two weeks of a short bunch proton beam dedicated to the neutrino velocity measurement over a distance of 730 km. The OPERA neutrino experiment at the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory used an upgraded setup compared to the 2011 measurements, improving the measurement time accuracy. An independent timing system based on the Resistive Plate Chambers was exploited providing a time accuracy of ∼1 ns. Neutrino and anti-neutrino contributions were separated using the information provided by the OPERA magnetic spectrometers. The new analysis profited from the precision geodesy measurements of the neutrino baseline and of the CNGS/LNGS clock synchronization. The neutrino arrival time with respect to the one computed assuming the speed of light in vacuum is found to be δtν≡TOFc−TOFν=(0.6±0.4 (stat.)±3.0 (syst.)) ns and δtν¯≡TOFc−TOFν¯=(1.7±1.4 (stat.)±3.1 (syst.)) ns for νμ and ν¯μ, respectively. This corresponds to a limit on the muon neutrino velocity with respect to the speed of light of −1.8×10−6<(vν−c)/c<2.3×10−6 at 90% C.L. This new measurement confirms with higher accuracy the revised OPERA result.