939 resultados para rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars


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Growth rates of etiolated Avena sativa coleoptiles in pH 7.0 buffered medium are stimulated in a synergistic manner by IAA and 320 ~l/l carbon dioxide. The suggestion that carbon dioxide stimulated growth involves dark fixation is supported by the ability of 1 mM malate to replace carbon dioxide, with neither factor able to stimulate growth in the presence of the other (Bown, Dymock and Aung, 1974). The regulation of Avena coleoptile growth by ethylene has been investigated in the light of this data and the well documented antagonism between carbon dioxide and ethylene in the regulation of developmental processes. The influence of various permutations of ethylene, IAA, carbon dioxide and malate on the rates of growth, l4c-bicarbonate incorporation, l4C-bicarbonate fixation, and malate decarboxylation have been investigated. In the presence of 320 ~l/l carbon dioxide, 10.8 ~l/l ethylene inhibited growth both in the absence and presence of 20 ~M IAA with inhibition times, of 8-10 and 12-13 minutes respectively. In contrast ethylene inhibition of growth was not significant in the absence of growth stimulation by CO2 or 1 mM malate, and the normal growth increases in response to CO2 and malate were blocked by the simultaneous application of ethylene. The rates of incorporation and dark fixation of l4C-bicerbonate were not measurably. influenced by ethylene, IAA or malate, either prior to or during the changes in growth ,ates induced by these agents. The data does not support the hypothesis that ethylene inhibition of growth results from an inhibition of dark fixation, but suggests that ethylene may inhibit a process which is subsequent to fixation.


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Niagara Peninsula of Ontario is the largest viticultural area in Canada. Although it is considered to be a cool and wet region, in the last decade many water stress events occurred during the growing seasons with negative effects on grape and wine quality. This study was initiated to understand and develop the best strategies for water management in vineyards and those that might contribute to grape maturity advancement. The irrigation trials investigated the impact of time of initiation (fruit set, lag phase and veraison), water replacement level based on theoretical loss through crop evapotranspiration (ETc; 100,50 and 25%) and different irrigation strategies [partial root zone drying (PRD) versus regulated deficit irrigation (RD!)] on grape composition and wine sensory profiles. The irrigation experiments were conducted in a commercial vineyard (Lambert Vineyards Inc.) located in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, from 2005 through 2009. The two experiments that tested the combination of different water regimes and irrigation time initiation were set up in a randomized block design as follows: Baco noir - three replicates x 10 treatments [(25%, 50% and 100% of ETc) x (initiation at fruit set, lag phase and veraison) + control]; Chardonnay - three replicates x seven treatments [(25%, 50% and 100% of ETc) x (initiation at fruit set and veraison) + control]. The experiments that tested different irrigation strategies were set up on two cultivars as follows: Sauvignon blanc - four replicates x four treatments [control, fully irrigated (100% ETc), PRD (100% ETc) and RDI (25% ETc)]; Cabemet Sauvignon - four replicates x five treatments [control, fully irrigated (100% ETc), PRD (100% ETc), RDI (50% ETc) and RDI (25% ETc)]. The controls in each experiment were nonirrigated. The irrigation treatments were compared for many variables related to soil water status, vine physiology, berry composition, wine sensory profile, and hormone composition [(abscisic acid (ABA) and its catabolites]. Soil moisture profile was mostly affected by irrigation treatments between 20 and 60 em depth depending on the grapevine cultivar and the regime of water applied. Overall soil moisture was consistently higher throughout the season in 100 and 50% ETc compare to the control. Transpiration rates and leaf temperature as well as shoot growth rate were the most sensitive variables to soil water status. Drip irrigation associated with RDI treatments (50% ETc and 25% ETc) had the most beneficial effects on vine physiology, fruit composition and wine varietal typicity, mainly by maintaining a balance between vegetative and reproductive parts of the vine. Neither the control nor the 100 ETc had overall a positive effect on grape composition and wine sensory typicity. The time of irrigation initiation affected the vine physiology and grape quality, the most positive effect was found in treatments initiated at lag phase and veraison. RDI treatments were overall more consistent in their positive effect on grape composition and wine varietal typicity comparing to PRD treatment. The greatest difference between non-irrigated and irrigated vines in most of the variables studied was found in 2007, the driest and hottest season of the experimental period. Soil water status had a greater and more consistent effect on red grapevine cultivars rather than on white winegrape cultivars. To understand the relationships among soil and plant water status, plant physiology and the hormonal profiles associated with it, abscisic acid (ABA) and its catabolites [phaseic acid (PA), dihydrophaseic acid (DPA), 7-hydroxy-ABA (TOH-ABA), 8' -hydroxy-ABA, neophaseic acid and abscisic acid glucose ester (ABA-GE)] were analyzed in leaves and berries from the Baco noir and Chardonnay irrigation trials over two growing seasons. ABA and some of its catabolites accurately described the water status in the vines. Endogenous ABA and some of its catabolites were strongly affected in Baco noir and Chardonnay by both the water regime (i.e. ET level) and timing of irrigation initiation. Chardonnay grapevines produced less ABA in both leaves and berries compared to Baco noir, which indicated that ABA synthesis is also cultivar dependant. ABA-GE was the main catabolite in treatments with high water deficits, while PA and DPA were higher in treatments with high water status, suggesting that the vine produced more ABA-GE under water deficits to maintain rapid control of the stomata. These differences between irrigation treatments with respect to ABA and catabolites were particularly noticeable in the dry 2007 season. Two trials using exogenous ABA investigated the effect of different concentrations of ABA and organs targeted for spraying, on grape maturation and berry composition of Cabemet Sauvignon grapevines, in two cool and wet seasons (2008-2009). The fIrst experiment consisted of three replicates x three treatments [(150 and 300 mg/L, both applications only on clusters) + untreated control] while the second experiment consisted in three replicates x four treatments [(full canopy, only clusters, and only leaves sprayed with 300 ppm ABA) + untreated control]. Exogenous ABA was effective in hastening veraison, and improving the composition of Cabemet Sauvignon. Ability of ABA to control the timing of grape berry maturation was dependant on both solution concentration and the target organ. ABA affected not only fruit composition but also yield components. Berries treated with ABA had lower weight and higher skin dry mass, which constitutes qualitative aspects desired in the wine grapes. Temporal advancement of ripening through hormonal control can lead to earlier fruit maturation, which is a distinct advantage in cooler areas or areas with a high risk of early frost occurrence. Exogenous ABA could provide considerable benefits to wine industry in terms of grape composition, wine style and schedule activities in the winery, particularly in wet and cool years. These trials provide the ftrst comprehensive data in eastern North America on the response of important hybrid and Vitis vinifera winegrape cultivars to irrigation management. Results from this study additionally might be a forward step in understanding the ABA metabolism, and its relationship with water status. Future research should be focused on ftnding the ABA threshold required to trigger the ripening process, and how this process could be controlled in cool climates.


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Nigella sativa ou cumin noir est une plante et un condiment populaires. Les graines de N. sativa sont très utilisées en médecine traditionnelle des pays nord africains pour le traitement du diabète. Cependant, les mécanismes d'actions cellulaires et mo©culaires via lesquels cette plante exerce son effet euglycémiant restent encore mal compris. Le but de notre étude est d'examiner €™effet de N. sativa sur la sécrétion d’insuline, le transport de glucose et sur les voies de signalisation impliquées dans €™homéostasie et le métabolisme de glucose, en utilisant des essais biologiques sur des cultures cellulaires murines (cellules β pancréatiques βTC, myoblastes C2C12, hépatocytes H4IIE et adipocytes 3T3-L1) et des études in vivo chez le rat normoglycémique et le Meriones shawi (rongeur) diabétique. Chez les cellules β pancréatiques, N. sativa a augmenté leur prolifération ainsi que la sécrétion basale et gluco-stimu©e de €™insuline. N. sativa a augmenté aussi la prise de glucose de 50% chez les cellules musculaires alors que chez les cellules graisseuses, la prise de glucose est augmentée jusqu’au 400%. Les expériences d’immunobuvardage de type western ont montré que N. sativa stimule les voies de signalisation de €™insuline (Akt et ERKs) et aussi celle insulino-indépendante (AMPK) chez les cellules C2C12. Par contre, chez les 3T3-L1, €™augmentation de transport de glucose est plutôt reliée à une activation de la voie de peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ). Chez les hépatocytes, N. sativa augmente la stimulation des protéines intracellulaires Akt et 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Cette activation de €™AMPK est associée à un effet découpleur de la plante au niveau de la phosphorylation oxydative mitochondriale. Par ailleurs, chez les Meriones shawi diabétiques, N. sativa diminue graduellement la glycémie à jeun ainsi que la réponse glycémique (AUC) à une charge orale en glucose (OGTT) pour atteindre des valeurs semblables aux animaux témoins après quatre semaines de traitement. Une amélioration du profile lipidique est observée autant chez les Meriones shawi diabétiques que chez les rats normaux. Au niveau mo©culaire, N. sativa augmente le contenu musculaire en glucose transporter 4 Glut4 et la phosphorylation de €™acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase ACC dans le muscle so©aire et le foie chez les Mériones shawi diabétiques. Par contre, chez le rat normal, on assiste à une stimulation des voies de signalisation de €™insuline (Akt et ERK) au niveau hépatique. En conclusion, nous avons confirmé €™action insulinotropique de N. sativa au niveau des cellules β pancréatiques et mis en évidence un effet proliférateur pouvant potentiellement s’avérer utile pour contrecarrer la perte de masse cellulaire observée chez les diabétiques. Notre étude a également mis en évidence pour la première fois que N. sativa exerce son activité antidiabétique par une combinaison d’effets insulino-mimétiques et insulino-sensibilisateurs directs permettant ainsi d’augmenter le transport de glucose des tissus périphériques. Cette action de N. sativa est liée à une stimulation des voies de signalisation intracellulaires insulinodépendantes et -indépendantes (AMPK) chez le muscle squelettique et le foie alors qu’elle passe par la voie des PPARγ au niveau du tissu adipeux. Finalement, €™Ã©tude in vivo vient confirmer €™effet antidiabétique de N. sativa. Notre apport novateur se situe au niveau de la démonstration que €™activité antidiabétique de N. sativa chez le Meriones shawi diabétique est la résultante des mêmes activités que celles déterminées au niveau de €™Ã©tude in vitro. En effet, N. sativa active la voie de €™AMPK, améliore la sensibilité à €™insuline et augmente €™insulinémie. Notre étude montre aussi que N. sativa possède une activité antilipidémiante. Ces résultats confirment le bien-fondé de l'utilisation ethnopharmacologique de N. sativa comme traitement du diabète et des perturbations du métabolisme lipidique qui y sont associées. De plus, les actions p©iotropiques de N. sativa en font un traitement alternatif ou comp©mentaire du diabète très prometteur qui encouragent à présent la tenue d’études cliniques de bonne qualité.


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Ce mémoire réunit trois romans de la série Les Chroniques de vampires de la populaire écrivaine américaine Anne Rice (The Vampire Lestat, Memnoch the Devil et Blood Canticle) afin d'étudier l'évolution de sa critique de la religion à travers l'écriture. Une analyse précise et comp¨te de Lestat de Lioncourt, le personnage principal de la série, est faite afin de mieux comprendre l'impact de la transformation spirituelle du protagoniste sur l'ensemble de l'oeuvre de Rice. Dans The Vampire Lestat, le rejet de toute forme de croyances religieuses de la part de Lestat ainsi que la déconstruction et l'érotisation de rituels religieux traditionnels ref¨tent l'influence de l'athéisme. Memnoch the Devil représente la transition entre le refus de croire de Lestat et son retour subséquent à la religion catholique. Finalement, Blood Canticle symbolise le retour vers la foi du protagoniste et de l'auteur, en plus de marquer la fin des Chroniques de vampires de Rice. L'analyse s'inspire d'é©ments biographiques afin de démontrer l'importance de la religion dans les récits de Rice, sans toutefois considérer ses romans comme des autobiographies.


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Cette recherche porte sur €™acte d’invitation au mariage eta pour but,d’abord, de révéler les caractéristiques de tel acte dans les cartes d’invitation en français et en vietnamien puis d’identifier des ressemblances et des différences qui sont culturellement déterminées. Pour ce faire, nous avons décrit la formulation et le fonctionnement pragmatique des cartes d’invitation au mariage dans les deux langues du point de vue de la politesse linguistique. Le résultat de €™analyse nous a permis, par la suite, d’identifierles particularités dans la formulation des cartes ainsi que dansles stratégies de politesse privi©giées dans les deux communautés française et vietnamienne. Cette étude nous amène à conclure qu’à la différence de €™individualité qui caractérise la culture occidentale y compriscelle de la France, les Vietnamiens, de tradition de riziculture, mettent beaucoup plus d’importance sur le respect de €™honneur, et ont peur de perdre la face, de faire perdre celle de €™autre, d’être différents des autres, d’être hors du commun. Par conséquent,ils optent très souvent pour des modèles traditionnels de cartes d’invitation sans trop d’é©ments de personnalisation et privi©gient la politesse positive.


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The morphological and biochemical response of calli and seedlings of different rice cultivars were compared under acid saline conditions. Calli of both tolerant and sensitive varieties showed severe stress symptoms like browning and necrosis, but the onset of stress symptoms was delayed in Pokkali. Seedlings of Pokkali showed minimal stress symptoms in lower salinities, and curling and senescence of older leaves in higher salinities although plants revived on amelioration of stress. Seedlings of the other varieties showed severe stress symptoms even at low salinities and plant death at higher salinities. Salt stress induced accumulation of the putative osmoprotectant proline in calli and seedlings of all varieties. Proline accumulation was higher in sensitive varieties than in Pokkali. These results indicate that proline accumulation is not directly correlated with salt tolerance in rice.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, einen Beitrag zur Resistenzforschung bei Tomaten gegenüber P. infestans zu leisten, um erste Grundlagen für eine mögliche Züchtungsstrategie auf Basis unterschiedlicher quantitativer Resistenzen zu erarbeiten. Hierzu wurde untersucht, inwieweit unterschiedliche qualitative und quantitative Resistenzen bei Tomatenb¤ttern und -früchten vorliegen, und ob hierfür verantwortliche Mechanismen identifiziert werden können. Zudem wurde untersucht, ob isolatspezifische quantitative Resistenzen identifiziert werden können. Zu diesem Zweck wurde mit einer erweiterten Clusteranalyse, basierend auf einer modifizierten Sanghvi-T2 Distanz, ein statistisches Verfahren entwickelt, welches die Identifikation von quantitativen, isolatspezifischen Resistenzen unter der Berücksichtigung der Variabilität ermöglicht. Des weiteren wurde geprüft, inwieweit zwischen den Resistenzausprägungen auf dem Blatt und den Resistenzausprägungen auf der Frucht ein Zusammenhang besteht und inwieweit die im Labor beobachteten Resistenzen unter Freilandbedingungen eine Rolle spielen. Im Labortest wurde die qualitative und quantitative Blattresistenz von 109 Akzessionen aus elf Lycopersicon und Solanum Arten gegenüber zwölf unterschiedlich aggressiven und teilweise auch unterschiedlich virulenten P. infestans Isolaten untersucht (Kap. 3). Die Früchte von 38 Tomatensorten wurden auf ihre Resistenz gegenüber drei P. infestans Isolaten geprüft. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss der Fruchtnachreife auf die Resistenzeigenschaften der Tomatenfrüchte gegenüber P. infestans analysiert (Kap. 4). Insgesamt 40 Sorten wurden auch unter Feldbedingungen auf Blatt- und Fruchtbefall untersucht (Kap. 5). Die frühen Stadien der Infektion von Tomatenb¤ttern mit P. infestans Sporangien wurden mikroskopisch bei acht Tomatensorten mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Reaktionsprofilen und drei Isolaten untersucht (Kap. 6). Hierzu wurden die Entwicklungsstadien von P. infestans Sporangien nach 24h, 48h und 60h nach der Inokulation auf und im Blatt mit der Calcofluor und der KOH - Anilin Blau Färbung sichtbar gemacht. Das Auftreten und die Lokalisation von H2O2 im Blatt nach 48h und 60h nach der Inokulation in Reaktion auf die Infektion wurde mithilfe einer DAB (3,3′ - Diaminobenzidine) Färbung untersucht. Es wurden einige, z.T. auch wahrscheinlich neue, qualitative Blattresistenzen gegenüber P. infestans gefunden, jedoch war keine der 109 Akzessionen vollständig resistent gegenüber allen Isolaten. Für die quantitative Resistenz von B¤ttern lagen in vielen Fällen isolatspezifische Unterschiede vor. Die Sorte x Isolat Interaktionen konnten mit Hilfe der erweiterten Clusteranalyse erfolgreich analysiert werden und die Akzessionen in Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Resistenzprofilen bzgl. der Interaktion mit den Isolaten und des Resistenzniveaus eingeteilt werden. Für die Fruchtresistenz konnten keine qualitativen Resistenzen gegenüber den drei getesteten Isolaten gefunden werden. Im Gegensatz dazu unterschieden sich die Tomatensorten in ihrer quantitativen Resistenz und Sorten und Isolate interagierten signifikant. Auch für die Fruchtresistenz konnten Gruppen mit unterschiedlichen quantitativen Reaktionsprofilen gebildet werden. Insgesamt nimmt die Anfälligkeit von Tomatenfrüchten mit zunehmender Reife kontinuierlich und signifikant ab. Unter Laborbedingungen korrelierten nur die Sporulationskapazität der Früchte und der prozentuale Blattbefall. Im Feldversuch über zwei Jahre und mit bis zu 40 Tomatensorten war der Zusammenhang hoch signifikant, jedoch asymptotisch, d.h. bereits bei sehr geringem Blattbefall war der Fruchtbefall sehr hoch. Bei den Tomatenherkünften, die sowohl im Labor als auch im Feld auf ihre Anfälligkeit getestet wurden, erschienen die Blattanfälligkeiten ähnlich, während kein klarer Zusammenhang zwischen der Fruchtanfälligkeit im Feld und im Labor bestand. Die Entwicklung von P. infestans auf der Blattoberf¤che war unabhängig von der Sorte. Sowohl beim Eindringen und der Etablierung von P. infestans ins Blatt als auch bei der damit verbunden H2O2 Aktivität im Wirt wurden deutliche isolat- und sortenspezifische Effekte gefunden, die aber nur zum Teil mit den quantitativen Unterschieden der Blattresistenz korrespondierten. Sorten, die bei hoher Resistenz unterschiedliche Reaktionsprofile aufweisen, sind grundsätzlich interessante Kreuzungspartner, um die quantitative Resistenz gegenüber P. infestans zu verbessern. Hier sind vor allem Sorten, die sich auch in ihrer H2O2 Aktivität unterscheiden von Interesse.


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Poor adaptation to climate change is a major threat to sustainable rice production in Nigeria. Determinants of appropriate climate-change adaptation strategies used by rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria have not been fully investigated. In this study, the determinants of climate change adaptation strategies used by rice farmers in Southwestern Nigeria were investigated. Data were obtained through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and field survey conducted in the study areas. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as percentage and regression analysis. The major climate change adaptation strategies used by the respondents included; planting improved rice variety such as Federal Agricultural Research Oryza (FARO) (80.5 %), seeking early warning information (80.9 %), shifting planting date until the weather condition was favourable (99.1 %), and using chemical fertilizer on their farms in order to maintain soil fertility (20.5 %). The determinants of climate change adaptation strategies used by the farmers, included access to early warning information (β=43.04), access to fertilizer (β=5.78), farm plot size (β=–12.04) and access to regular water supply (β=–24.79). Climate change adaptation required provision of incentives to farmers, training on drought and flood control, and the use of improved technology to obtain higher yield.


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En este trabajo se ha estudiado el potencial tanto los filamentos de cáñamo como de la cañamiza como refuerzo/carga del polipropileno. La modificación de estos materiales se realiza para lograr una mayor compatibilidad con la matriz polimérica. Se evaluaron las propiedades mecánicas de las resistencias a tracción e impacto, de los materiales compuestos reforzados tanto de filamento como de cañamiza. Los filamentos de cáñamo poseen suficiente capacidad de refuerzo en los materiales compuestos basado en polipropileno debido a sus propiedades intrínsecas, siendo una buena alternativa como material de refuerzo. Así, la adición de MAPP (polipropileno modificado con anhídrido maleico) conduce a materiales compuestos con unas resistencias a tracción de hasta el 70% de las que se obtienen con compuestos de PP reforzados con fibra de vidrio. Mientras que la cañamiza ha actuado como una carga en la matriz, incrementado significativamente la rigidez de los materiales compuestos.


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Silicon release from rice straw and amorphous silica when shaken in solution with five Sri Lankan soils was studied indirectly using sorption isotherms and changes in concentration and directly using straw in dialysis bags examined using electron microscopy. The aim was to further our understanding of the processes and factors affecting the release of straw-Si in soils and its availability to rice. The soils (alfisols and ultisols) shaken with 0.1 M NaCl (5 g per 125 mL for 250 days) produced concentrations of 1 - 4 mg L-1 of monosilicic acid-Si. Amorphous silica added to these suspensions (36.5 mg, containing 17 mg Si) raised the concentrations to 20 - 40 mg L-1, and added rice straw (0.5 g, containing 17 mg Si) gave 10 - 25 mg L-1. Sorption isotherms (7 days equilibrations) were used to calculate from the concentrations the amounts of Si released ( 24 - 38% and 8 - 21%, respectively). Both materials gave about 40 mg L-1 of monosilicic acid-Si plus 30 mg L-1 of disilicic acid-Si when shaken in solution alone (5 g per 125 mL). Straw in dialysis bags ( 0.5 g per 25 mL in 0.1 M NaCl) was shaken in soil suspension ( 5 g per 100 mL) for 60 days. Similar concentrations and releases were measured to those obtained above. About one fifth of the mass of straw was lost by decomposition in the first 15 days. A chloroform treatment prevented decomposition, but Si release was unaffected. Disintegration continued throughout the experiments, with phytoliths being exposed and dissolved. Compared to the rate of release from straw into solution without soil, the release of Si into soil suspensions was increased during the first 20 days by adsorption on the soil, but was then reduced probably through the effect of Fe and Al on the phytolith surfaces. The extent of this blocking effect varied between soils and was not simply related to soil pH.


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Silicon release from rice straw and amorphous silica when shaken in solution with five Sri Lankan soils was studied indirectly using sorption isotherms and changes in concentration and directly using straw in dialysis bags examined using electron microscopy. The aim was to further our understanding of the processes and factors affecting the release of straw-Si in soils and its availability to rice. The soils (alfisols and ultisols) shaken with 0.1 M NaCl (5 g per 125 mL for 250 days) produced concentrations of 1 - 4 mg L-1 of monosilicic acid-Si. Amorphous silica added to these suspensions (36.5 mg, containing 17 mg Si) raised the concentrations to 20 - 40 mg L-1, and added rice straw (0.5 g, containing 17 mg Si) gave 10 - 25 mg L-1. Sorption isotherms (7 days equilibrations) were used to calculate from the concentrations the amounts of Si released ( 24 - 38% and 8 - 21%, respectively). Both materials gave about 40 mg L-1 of monosilicic acid-Si plus 30 mg L-1 of disilicic acid-Si when shaken in solution alone (5 g per 125 mL). Straw in dialysis bags ( 0.5 g per 25 mL in 0.1 M NaCl) was shaken in soil suspension ( 5 g per 100 mL) for 60 days. Similar concentrations and releases were measured to those obtained above. About one fifth of the mass of straw was lost by decomposition in the first 15 days. A chloroform treatment prevented decomposition, but Si release was unaffected. Disintegration continued throughout the experiments, with phytoliths being exposed and dissolved. Compared to the rate of release from straw into solution without soil, the release of Si into soil suspensions was increased during the first 20 days by adsorption on the soil, but was then reduced probably through the effect of Fe and Al on the phytolith surfaces. The extent of this blocking effect varied between soils and was not simply related to soil pH.


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Consumption of green leafy vegetables is associated with reduced risk of several types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. These beneficial effects are attributed to a range of phytochemicals including flavonoids and glucosinolates, both of which are found in high levels in Brassicaceous crops. Rocket is the general name attributed to cultivars of Eruca sativa and Diplotaxis tenufolia, known as salad rocket and wild rocket, respectively. We have shown that different light levels during the cultivation period of these crops have a significant impact on the levels of flavonoids present in the crop at harvest, with over 15-fold increase achieved in quercetin, isorhamnetin, and cyanidin in high light conditions. Postharvest storage further affects the levels of both flavonoids and glucosinolates, with cyanidin increasing during shelf life and some glucosinolates, such as glucoiberverin, being reduced over the same storage period. In vitro assays using human colon cell lines demonstrate that glucosinolate-rich extracts of Eruca sativa cv. Sky, but not Diplotaxis tenufolia cv. Voyager, confer significant resistance to oxidative stress on the cells, which is indicative of the chemoprotective properties of the leaves from this species. Our findings indicate that both pre and postharvest environment and genotypic selection, when developing new lines of Brassicaceous vegetables, are important considerations with the goal of improving human nutrition and health.


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In this article we examine sources of technical efficiency for rice farming in Bangladesh. The motivation for the analysis is the need to close the rice yield gap to enable food security. We employ the DEA double bootstrap of Simar and Wilson (2007) to estimate and explain technical efficiency. This technique overcomes severe limitations inherent in using the two-stage DEA approach commonly employed in the efficiency literature. From a policy perspective our results show that potential efficiency gains to reduce the yield gap are greater than previously found. Statistically positive influences on technical efficiency are education, extension and credit, with age being a negative influence.


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Improved upland rice cultivars introduced in Volta Region, Ghana, have been perceived to store poorly compared to farmers' traditional cultivars. A survey was conducted in 2003 in the Hohoc district of this region, where a participatory Varietal Selection programme had started in 1997, to gain insight into fanners' seed production and storage practices that are likely to affect seed quality in storage. Farmers rated keeping quality (p < 0.001), tolerance to storage pests (p < 0.001), seed quality (p < 0.001) and establishment of their local cultivars Kawomo, Viono and Wuwulili as much better than the improved cultivar IDSA 85. Initial seed moisture content ranged from 12.8 to 18% and germination from 0 to 82%. There was a significant relationship between seed moisture content and duration of drying prior to storage (p < 0.001) and storage method (p = 0.015). Germination loss in storage was rapid at high moisture content and slow at low moisture content. Between 60 and 80% of seeds germinated after six Months storage at 12.8% moisture content. The viability equation predicted accurately germination of farmer-saved seed stored under ambient temperature in Ghana. Except for the japonica rice cultivar WAB 126-18-HB, the traditional cultivars Kawomo, Viono and Wuwulili survived better in storage than improved cultivars. There is a need to improve seed quality of improved cultivars if farmers are to benefit from their higher yields and grain quality and to improve storage practices.


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Despite record national output in the early years of this decade there is widespread concern that rice yields in Bangladesh are below those attainable, and that given future population growth this may constrain achievement of food security and poverty reduction objectives. A frequent response to this problem is that farmers could close the gap between actual farm yields and potential yields identified in field trials if farmers who are technically inefficient could improve their current farming practices. This paper estimates and explains technical efficiency for a sample of rice farmers in Bangladesh employing Bayesian methods. The results provide insights into the distribution of technical efficiency and identify important influences on rice growing.