1000 resultados para psicologia escolar
Diversas propuestas políticas y la literatura científica dominante en nuestro estado parten de la afirmación racista que una proporción elevada de alumnado inmigrante es causa del fracaso escolar. Así, la distribución equilibrada del alumnado o la organización del aula adaptándola a los distintos niveles y necesidades de su alumnado son propuestas que intentan solventar la desigualdad educativa existente. Sin embargo, la comunidad científica internacional ya hace décadas demostró que esas soluciones han generado el efecto contrario del que se proponía: fracaso escolar, más desigualdad y racismo. Si bien es cierto que los datos nos indican un mayor fracaso educativo en aquellos centros con alumnado inmigrante, lo que en este artículo nos interrogamos es sobre las actuaciones educativas que se implementan en lugar de atribuir la causa a la etnia. Analizando la experiencia que nos ofrece la Comunidad de Aprendizaje"Mare de Déu de Montserrat" (Terrassa-Barcelona) dónde más de la mitad de su alumnado es inmigrante, constatamos que cuando se introducen medidas de éxito (nos detendremos en grupos interactivos y en la formación de familiares), el nivel educativo aumenta sin necesidad de reducir el número de inmigrantes.
Éxito y fracaso escolar conviven diariamente en la escuela. Uno es oportunidad parael otro y viceversa. Combinando la teoría de las fortalezas del carácter, identidad narrativa,teoría de la autodeterminación y otros constructos con metodologías audiovisuales, el programainvita a jóvenes a descubrir sus recursos personales y reescribir su biografía a partir deellos, de modo de finalmente proyectarlos hacia el futuro en un Proyecto de Vida positivo yrealista. Para lograrlo, los alumnos son invitados a auto-observarse, observar a sus compañerosy a entrevistar a sus familiares, aprovechando siempre las representaciones visuales. Estanueva versión de la propia vida queda plasmada en un relato digital, una secuencia de imágenesque retrata la propia vida pasada, presente y futura, sincronizada con un guion que dacuenta del proceso de convertirse en Persona con Fortalezas del Carácter. Se discuten las dificultades,las oportunidades y los desafíos de su implementación en escuelas en Barcelona,Castelldefels y Viladecans.
Aquest treball d’investigació pretén conèixer els factors que condicionen una pràctica instrumental inclusiva en el context escolar i d’aula; un tema poc treballat amb consciència d’universalitat en l’àrea curricular d’Educació Musical. En primer lloc, a la fonamentació teòrica, s’han extret les principals idees de diferents autors que tracten sobre el Disseny Universal, l’Ensenyament Multinivell, el treball cooperatiu i el treball musical amb instrumentació Orff. De cada un d’aquests blocs s’ha realitzat una relació entre aquestes teories i l’aplicació al context musical. Posteriorment, treballant des de la base teòrica, s’ha aplicat una intervenció a nivell escolar de dues setmanes on es pretén identificar els ítems que dificulten o afavoreixen la pràctica instrumental a l’aula i idear alternatives de pràctica instrumental inclusiva.
L’infant ha de tenir l’oportunitat d’estar envoltat per una col·lecció de llibres que el permeti escollir les lectures que necessita a cada moment. L’escola, concretament la biblioteca escolar, ha de possibilitar aquesta trobada mitjançant un fons documental seleccionat a partir de les necessitats i els interessos d’infants i mestres. El present treball pretén recollir algunes recomanacions bàsiques per a la selecció de documents a la biblioteca escolar en un marc teòric inicial. En la segona part del projecte, s’intenta analitzar com es porta a la pràctica aquest procés en el nostre territori a partir de l’anàlisi de tres realitats concretes: la biblioteca escolar, la biblioteca pública i el Seminari de Bibliografia Infantil i Juvenil de l’Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.
Aquest treball tracta sobre l’evolució de la Psicologia en els centres penitenciaris. En el desenvolupament del treball es començarà amb una breu introducció del marc legislatiu que emmarca aquest àmbit per veure quines reformes legislatives s’han donat. A continuació, s’exposaran les funcions que exerceix un psicòleg penitenciari, els instruments i les tècniques més utilitzades, l’itinerari personal que segueixen els interns i quins programes de tractament existeixen en l’actualitat. Seguidament, s’exposarà la part més pràctica que consta de la realització de dues entrevistes [Centre Penitenciari d’Homes de Barcelona (La Model) i Centre Penitenciari Brians 2 de Sant Esteve Sesrovires]. Es finalitzarà amb unes conclusions integrant la teoria i la part pràctica del treball.
Les darreres publicacions sobre els inicis de les tècniques Freinet a les escoles de l’Estat espanyol són una bona oportunitat per conèixer les aportacions dels mestres que van apostar per una renovació pedagògica, i posen de manifest la vigència de les pràctiques del pedagog Célestin Freinet. La nostra aportació recull i relaciona les idees principals d’alguns dels estudis recents sobre les tècniques Freinet, relacionades amb l’aprenentatge del llenguatge, amb l’objectiu de ressenyar alguns aspectes importants de les investigacions i fer un breu repàs a la figura dels mestres que impulsaren l’ús de la impremta a l’escola, la creació de les revistes escolars i els llibres de vida a l’Estat espanyol. Propostes basades en la manipulació, el tempteig experimental, la necessitat d’expressió de l’infant, el foment de la reflexió lingüística i la creativitat, que van renovar l’enfocament de l’aprenentatge de la lectura i l’escriptura i que es reivindiquen com a pràctiques útils actualment. Es pretén contribuir a la difusió del valuós llegat dels mestres que van creure en una escola renovada i, al mateix temps, a la recuperació de les bases del seu ideari pedagògic. La vitalitat de les recerques actuals és una mostra del creixent interès per recuperar les aportacions de Freinet, per conèixer el nostre passat i poder reflexionar sobre la millora de la pràctica docent present i de futur.
In the past years a considerable amount of research has been carried out on the development of theory of mind (ToM) reporting that language and ToM performance are correlated. However it is less clear what aspect of language is related with ToM development. Some studies show a greater influence of semantics aspects, whereas others suggest that sentential complement sentences, a specific aspect of syntax, are crucial for false belief understanding (FB). Yet others argue that pragmatic abilities correlate with FB understanding. The aim of this study is investigate, on the one side, the development of ToM between the ages of 6 and 8 and on the other side, the relationship between some aspects of language and the ToM improvement. Several ToM tasks were administrated to evaluate children’s performance at two different ages (60 participants aged 6 and 8 years) and four tasks to assess language abilities. The results show a significant increase in the understanding of the mind between the ages of 6 and 8. Furthermore, results reveal a significant relationship between syntax and tasks that require FB understanding, while pragmatics is more strongly associated with tasks that involve more complex socio-cognitive understandings
The concepts of molecule and of molecular structure are so central to understand chemical phenomena that seems to be no doubt about the uniqueness of its meanings. Nevertheless, the idea that the world exhibits a multiform structure and that to different spheres of the world correspond different ways of knowing (Berger & Luckmann, 1967) has received support from different areas of scientific inquiry. Bachelard (1940, 1982) showed that a single philosophical doctrine is not enough to describe all the different ways of thinking when we try to explain a single concept. Wooley's question about the possibility of deducing the concept of molecular structure from quantum theory (Wooley, 1978) strengthened the feasibility of thinking the concept of molecule as a profile that encompasses different meanings. Moreover, research on students' learning of scientific concepts have brought to light that students use several ideas to explain scientific and everyday phenomena which are different from those learned in formal schooling. These ideas are not extinguished or replaced by scientific concepts, despite the efforts to do so in science classes. The common sense and scientific ways of understanding and talking about reality seems to be complementary in the same sense of the Bohr's complementarity (Halliday & Martin, 1993). So, we have to include in our profile of the concept of molecule not only scientific but also common sense zones. Drawing from Bachelard's notion of epistemological profile, from the history of science and from the research on children's ideas in science, we have developed the idea of a conceptual profile and used it to analyse basic scientific concepts, such as the concepts of matter and physical states of matter (Mortimer, 1995) and to investigate new ways to teach them. In the present paper, we will discuss the zones that might constitute a conceptual profile of molecule. The need of complementary views to account for the molecular structure in different contexts bring important issues for understanding and teaching chemistry, which will be discussed further in the article.
The main objectives and findings of this first research report are presented in this chapter."The Implementation of the Internet in the Spanish Education System: State of Affairs and Future Prospects" is a large-scale research project that seeks to obtain relevant data about the introduction and dissemination of Information and Communication Technology, particularly the internet, in the practical and organizational general procedures of the Spanish schools and high schools. The project articulates the processes of ICT implementation on the primary and secondary education levels embracing a holistic approach, propped up by an empirical and analytical research methodology. Thus, our survey does not intend to detect which is the impact of ICT on school activities but how all the agents involved in the school community incorporate ICT and what use they make of it. We are especially interested in identifying the teachers' pedagogical and professional uses of ICT, how students use it in their activities and to what extent it contributes in reinforcing teamwork and participation proceedings in the institutions, as well as the relations between the latter and their context. It is also of our interest to know the factors that exert the strongest influence on the way teachers, head teachers and students make use of ICT. Finally, we intend to identify the ways ICT may contribute to the improvementof educational practices.
The main objectives and findings of this first research report are presented in thischapter. "The Implementation of the Internet in the Spanish Education System: State of Affairsand Future Prospects" is a large-scale research project that seeks to obtain relevant data about the introduction and dissemination of Information and Communication Technology, particularly the internet, in the practical and organizational general procedures of the Spanish schools and high schools. The project articulates the processes of ICT implementation on the primary andsecondary education levels embracing a holistic approach, propped up by an empirical and analytical research methodology. Thus, our survey does not intend to detect which is the impact of ICT on school activities but how all the agents involved in the school community incorporate ICT and what use they make of it. We are especially interested in identifying the teachers' pedagogical and professional uses of ICT, how students use it in their activities and to what extent it contributes in reinforcing teamwork andparticipation proceedings in the institutions, as well as the relations between the latter and their context. It is also of our interest to know the factors that exert the strongest influence on the way teachers, head teachers and students make use of ICT. Finally, we intend to identify the ways ICT may contribute to the improvement of educational practices.
xThe aim of this article is to present a contribution of the school knowledge research to Chemistry Teaching. The object of research is school knowledge on physical sciences, considering the existence of a rupture between scientific knowledge and everyday knowledge. The differences between analogies and metaphors and the process of didactic mediation were thoroughly examined. The conclusion is that the process of didactic mediation is built on their own cognitive configurations, which not always make public the private scientific knowledge to certain social groups.
The article summarises a piece of research carried out in the Basque Country involving headmasters and headmistresses who are going to apply for a management position in the 2009-2010 academic year. This study aims to analyse the process to access management in state schools in this region. The results from the research indicate that, depending on the candidates, the suitable management acces procedure involves School Council selection, by process of elimination, depending on the Management Project presented and the academic merits accredited by the candidate to a lesser extent.
The aim of this article is to introduce one of the approaches of research that we consider may contribute to find useful knowledge for prevention of school failure. This approach is in some studies called the study of risk and resilience. The word resilience refers to the capacity of individuals to endure adverse events in their vital experience, without long-term negative or disrupting consequences in their development or socialisation. We present a review of studies that have been carried out with this approach. Then it will be exemplified with a research that intended to identify protective factors of the risk of school failure in at risk adolescents. By means of a qualitative case study approach, this research has allowed us to approach some personal, educational and social factors that seem to have a certain relevance as protective factors of the risk of school failure
En aquest article volem presentar les dades generals obtingudes en dues proves elaborades pel Departament d'Educació per a avaluar les aules d’acollida. Una prova de coneixement de català i una prova d’integració i adaptació escolar