950 resultados para pollen and vegetation


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In the literature, introduced taxa are assumed to be present, more abundant, and occupy greater physical space in portions of ecosystems disturbed by human activity. This study tested this principle in two sites, Short Hills provincial Park ("SHU) and Backus Woods ("B~l"). spatial distribution of introduced taxa of vegetation, isopods, and earthworms was determined with the runs test along 300m transects encompassing gradients of anthropogenic disturbance severity. The hypothesis was that introduced taxa would be aggregated along these transects; the null hypothesis was that they would not be aggregated. The null hypothesis was rejected for the introduced taxa as a unit, and vegetation and earthworms individually. Introduced taxa were aggregated along 53.33% (N~30) and 57.14% (N~21) of the transects in SH and BW (respectively). Introduced vegetation (90.00%, N~10 and 100.00%, N~7) and earthworms (50.00%, N~10 and 50.00%, N~8) were also significantly aggregated within the sites. Introduced isopods, however, were not significantly aggregated at either place (20. 00%, N-=10 and 16. 67%, ~J~6). This study demonstrated that introduced taxa are aggregated within ecosystems disturbed by human activity. However, since introduced isopods were not significantly aggregated it was also shown that taxa respond differently.


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The effec s of relative water level changes in Lake Ontario were detected in the ysical, chemical and biological characteristics of the sediments of the Fifteen, Sixteen and Twenty Mile Creek lagoonal complexes. Regional environmental changes have occurred resulting in the following sequence of sediments in the three lagoons and marsh. From the base up they are; (I) Till,(2) Pink Clay, (3) Bottom Sand, (4) Gyttja, (5) Orange Sandy Silt, (6) Brown Clay and (7) Gray Clay. The till was only encountered in the marsh and channel; however, it is presumed to occur throughout the entire area. The presence of diatoms and sponge spicules, the vertical and ongitudinal uniformity of the sediment and the stratigr ic position of the Pink Clay indicate that it has a glacial or post-glacial lacustrine origin. Overl ng the Pink Clay or Till is a clayey, silty sand to gravel. The downstream fining and unsorted nature of this material indicate that it has a fluvial/deltaic origin. Water levels began rising in the lagoon 3,250 years ago resulting in the deposition of the Gyttja, a brown, organic-rich silty clay probably deposited in a shallow, stagnant environment as shown by the presence of pyrite in the organic material and relatively high proportions of benthic diatoms and grass pollen. Increase in the rate of deposition of the Gyttja on Twenty Mile Creek and a decrease in the same unit on Sixteen Mile Creek is possibly the result of a capture of the Sixteen Mile Creek by the Twenty Mile Creek. The rise in lake level responsible for the onset and transgression of this III unit may have been produced by isostatic rebound; however, the deposition also corresponds closely to a drop in the level of Lake Huron and increased flow through the lower lakes. The o ange Sandy Silt, present only in the marsh, appears to be a buried soil horizon as shown by oxidized roots, and may be the upland equivalant to the Gyttja. Additional deepening resulted in the deposition of Brown Clay, a unit which only occurs at the lakeward end of the three lagoons. The decrease in grass pollen and the relatively high proportion of pelagic diatoms are evidence for this. The deepening may be the result of isostatic rebound; however, the onset of its deposition at 1640 years B.P. is synchronous in the three lagoons and corresponds to the end of the subAtlantic climatic episode. The effects of the climatic change in southern Ontario is uncertain. Average deposition rates of the Brown Clay are similar to those in the upper Gyttja on Sixteen Mile Creek; however, Twenty Mile Creek shows lower rates of the Brown Clay than those in the upper Gyttja. The Gray Clay covers the present bottom of the three lagoons and also occurs in the marsh It is inter1aminated wi sand in the channels. Increases in the rates of deposi ion, high concentrations of Ca and Zn, an Ambrosia rise, and an increase in bioturbation possibly due to the activities of the carp, indicate th this unit is a recent deposit resulting from the activities of man.


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L’érosion éolienne est un problème environnemental parmi les plus sévères dans les régions arides, semi-arides et les régions sèches sub-humides de la planète. L’érosion des sols accélérée par le vent provoque des dommages à la fois localement et régionalement. Sur le plan local, elle cause la baisse des nutriments par la mobilisation des particules les plus fines et de la matière organique. Cette mobilisation est une des causes de perte de fertilité des sols avec comme conséquence, une chute de la productivité agricole et une réduction de la profondeur de la partie arable. Sur le plan régional, les tempêtes de poussières soulevées par le vent ont un impact non négligeable sur la santé des populations, et la déposition des particules affecte les équipements hydrauliques tels que les canaux à ciel ouvert ainsi que les infrastructures notamment de transport. Dans les régions où les sols sont fréquemment soumis à l’érosion éolienne, les besoins pour des études qui visent à caractériser spatialement les sols selon leur degré de vulnérabilité sont grands. On n’a qu’à penser aux autorités administratives qui doivent décider des mesures à prendre pour préserver et conserver les potentialités agropédologiques des sols, souvent avec des ressources financières modestes mises à leur disposition. Or, dans certaines de ces régions, comme notre territoire d’étude, la région de Thiès au Sénégal, ces études font défaut. En effet, les quelques études effectuées dans cette région ou dans des contextes géographiques similaires ont un caractère plutôt local et les approches suivies (modèles de pertes des sols) nécessitent un nombre substantiel de données pour saisir la variabilité spatiale de la dynamique des facteurs qui interviennent dans le processus de l’érosion éolienne. La disponibilité de ces données est particulièrement problématique dans les pays en voie de développement, à cause de la pauvreté en infrastructures et des problèmes de ressources pour le monitoring continu des variables environnementales. L’approche mise de l’avant dans cette recherche vise à combler cette lacune en recourant principalement à l’imagerie satellitale, et plus particulièrement celle provenant des satellites Landsat-5 et Landsat-7. Les images Landsat couvrent la presque totalité de la zone optique du spectre exploitable par télédétection (visible, proche infrarouge, infrarouge moyen et thermique) à des résolutions relativement fines (quelques dizaines de mètres). Elles permettant ainsi d’étudier la distribution spatiale des niveaux de vulnérabilité des sols avec un niveau de détails beaucoup plus fin que celui obtenu avec des images souvent utilisées dans des études environnementales telles que AVHRR de la série de satellites NOAA (résolution kilométrique). De plus, l’archive complet des images Landsat-5 et Landsat-7 couvrant une période de plus de 20 ans est aujourd’hui facilement accessible. Parmi les paramètres utilisés dans les modèles d’érosion éolienne, nous avons identifiés ceux qui sont estimables par l’imagerie satellitale soit directement (exemple, fraction du couvert végétal) soit indirectement (exemple, caractérisation des sols par leur niveau d’érodabilité). En exploitant aussi le peu de données disponibles dans la région (données climatiques, carte morphopédologique) nous avons élaboré une base de données décrivant l’état des lieux dans la période de 1988 à 2002 et ce, selon les deux saisons caractéristiques de la région : la saison des pluies et la saison sèche. Ces données par date d’acquisition des images Landsat utilisées ont été considérées comme des intrants (critères) dans un modèle empirique que nous avons élaboré en modulant l’impact de chacun des critères (poids et scores). À l’aide de ce modèle, nous avons créé des cartes montrant les degrés de vulnérabilité dans la région à l’étude, et ce par date d’acquisition des images Landsat. Suite à une série de tests pour valider la cohérence interne du modèle, nous avons analysé nos cartes afin de conclure sur la dynamique du processus pendant la période d’étude. Nos principales conclusions sont les suivantes : 1) le modèle élaboré montre une bonne cohérence interne et est sensible aux variations spatiotemporelles des facteurs pris en considération 2); tel qu’attendu, parmi les facteurs utilisés pour expliquer la vulnérabilité des sols, la végétation vivante et l’érodabilité sont les plus importants ; 3) ces deux facteurs présentent une variation importante intra et inter-saisonnière de sorte qu’il est difficile de dégager des tendances à long terme bien que certaines parties du territoire (Nord et Est) aient des indices de vulnérabilité forts, peu importe la saison ; 4) l’analyse diachronique des cartes des indices de vulnérabilité confirme le caractère saisonnier des niveaux de vulnérabilité dans la mesure où les superficies occupées par les faibles niveaux de vulnérabilité augmentent en saison des pluies, donc lorsque l’humidité surfacique et la végétation active notamment sont importantes, et décroissent en saison sèche ; 5) la susceptibilité, c’est-à-dire l’impact du vent sur la vulnérabilité est d’autant plus forte que la vitesse du vent est élevée et que la vulnérabilité est forte. Sur les zones où la vulnérabilité est faible, les vitesses de vent élevées ont moins d’impact. Dans notre étude, nous avons aussi inclus une analyse comparative entre les facteurs extraits des images Landsat et celles des images hyperspectrales du satellite expérimental HYPERION. Bien que la résolution spatiale de ces images soit similaire à celle de Landsat, les résultats obtenus à partir des images HYPERION révèlent un niveau de détail supérieur grâce à la résolution spectrale de ce capteur permettant de mieux choisir les bandes spectrales qui réagissent le plus avec le facteur étudié. Cette étude comparative démontre que dans un futur rapproché, l’amélioration de l’accessibilité à ce type d’images permettra de raffiner davantage le calcul de l’indice de vulnérabilité par notre modèle. En attendant cette possibilité, on peut de contenter de l’imagerie Landsat qui offre un support d’informations permettant tout de même d’évaluer le niveau de fragilisation des sols par l’action du vent et par la dynamique des caractéristiques des facteurs telles que la couverture végétale aussi bien vivante que sénescente.


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L’auto-incompatibilité (AI) est la capacité génétiquement déterminée d’une plante fertile de rejeter son propre pollen. Chez les Solanacées l’AI dépend des éléments d’un locus fort complexe (locus S) multigénique. L’élément du locus-S exprimé dans le pistil est une ribonucléase (S-RNase) dont le rôle est de dégrader l’ARN chez le pollen self, tandis que l’élément du locus S exprimé dans le pollen est un ensemble de protéines du type F-box, qui sont normalement impliquées dans la dégradation des protéines. Cependant, comment les S-RNases self restent actives lors des croisements incompatibles et comment les S-RNases non-self sont inactivées lors des croisements compatibles ce n’est encore pas clair. Un modèle propose que les S-RNases non-self soient dégradées lors des croisements compatibles. Un autre modèle propose que toutes les S-RNases, self et non-self, soient d'abord séquestrées à l’intérieur d’une vacuole, et elles y resteraient lors des croisements compatibles. Lors de croisements incompatibles, par contre, elles seraient relâchées dans le cytoplasme, où elles pourront exercer leur action cytotoxique. Notre étude tente de répondre à ces questions. Notamment, nous cherchons à mettre en évidence la localisation vacuolaire et/ou cytoplasmique des S-RNases et leur concentration par immunolocalisation, en utilisant un anticorps ciblant la S11-RNase de Solanum chacoense et la microcopie électronique à transmission. Nos résultats montrent que la densité de marquage observée pour les S-RNases cytoplasmiques est significativement plus haute dans les tubes incompatibles que dans ceux compatibles ce qui nous indique que pour qu’un tube pollinique soit compatible il doit contenir une faible densité de S-RNase cytoplasmique.


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In the present study, the land use over Kerala State and its spatial and temporal variations, spatio-temporal variations of water budget elements, climatic shifts, incidence of droughts and the influence of inter-annual fluctuations of rainfall on area. production and yield of selected crops, have been studied in detail. The thesis consists of seven chapters including the introduction. The first section of the Second Chapter deals with the importance of agrocliinatological studies in general and its application in agricultural land use in particular. It also gives an overview of the short term climatic fluctuations, water balance studies, crop weather relationships, land use patterns and various agricultural indices. This includes a detailed review of available literature in this field. The basic concepts. data used and the methodology adopted in the study forms, the second section of this Chapter. The Third Chapter gives the details of the physical features of the State such as the relief, geology, geomorphologysoils, drainage, and vegetation. The agroclimatology of the State is discussed in detail in Chapter Four. The first Section presents annual and seasonal variations of temperature and rainfall of the State along with a discussion on the water balance of the State. The secondSection of this Chapter deals with the influence of rainfall and water balance elements on various crops. The district-wise general land use pattern of theState and its spatio-temporal variations are discussed in Chapter Five. The first Section of Chapter Six gives an overview of the agricultural land use pattern of the State, cropping patterns, cropping intensity, crop combination and their spatio-temporal variations. The inter-annual variability of water balances of various stations of the State computed using the method of Thornthwaite (1948) and Thornthwaite & Mather (1955) is presented in the second Section of Chapter Six. This also includes a discussion of how the climatic shifts have occurred over the State and the influence of variations of climatic and water balance elements on the crops. The Seventh Chapter gives the summary of the work carried out and the results obtained from the study. Interpretations of the results, conclusions and suggestions made,based on the observations of the study are incorporated in this Chapter.


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Geographically, Taiwan is an Island and situated in the northeast of Asia, on the western side of the Pacific Basin, at the southeast of main China, south of Japan, and north of the Philippines. The main topographic character is the longitudinally oriented mountainous area. More than 200 peaks rise above 3000 m. They departed Taiwan into two lowland areas, an eastern and western plain. Taiwan is departed into subtropical (north area) and tropical zone (south area), which have a warm and humid climate, due to the Tropic of Cancer passing through. The average annual temperature in the lowland amounts to 28°C (7~38°C). The temperate climate also presents in the mountainous areas. The tropical typhoons usually come in summer and bring heavy rain, while the monsoon seasons have an important effect on the regional rainfall distribution. The mean annual rainfall of Taiwan is about 2600 mm (1000~6700 mm); the mountainous areas receive more rain than the lowlands. In Taiwan, according to different temperature and vegetation, the ecological environments were given rise to vertical biotic zonations, and form five major types: highland snowfield, highland meadow, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, and tropical forest. Six National Parks in Taiwan are located in the mountainous areas, in the north, the south, and on Jinmen Island. The National Parks represent about 8.4% of the country area. In this study, the collection sites are situated in Yangmingshan, Shei-Pa, Yushan, and Kenting National Park. Due to the island isolation, the proportions of endemic species are great in Taiwan, which also presents a high biodiversity. There are 4255 species of vascular plants including 1133 endemic. 5936 species in 1276 genera of fungi are hitherto reported in Taiwan. Among them, 233 Corticiaceae species were recorded, over one third (79 species) of them are known only from Taiwan. The first fungal report in Taiwan is about Phytophthora cyperi, published by the Japanese researcher T. Kawakami in 1904. Therefore, the history of research about fungi in Taiwan is more than one hundred years old. An eminent Japanese mycologist K. Sawada made an intensive survey from 1919 to 1959, and reported 2464 fungi species in his eleven volumes of “Descriptive Catalogue of Formosan Fungi”. However, only a few species (21 species in 9 genera) of Corticiaceae were recorded. From 1973, Chen and Lin resumed the study on Corticiaceae, and also some other foreign mycologists contributed for this field after 1980. The German research group lead by Franz Oberwinkler from Tübingen University collected in Taiwan several times. They published a number of new species and new records. Since 1989, S. H. Wu, a Taiwanese mycologist, has published a great amount of reports on corticioid fungi from Taiwan. Corticioid fungi were made up by the large and heterogeneous unnatural family Corticiaceae and other resupinate fungi belonging to other natural families in the Agaricomycetes. Molecular studies have shown that corticioid genera are distributed across all major clades of Agaricomycetes indicating that the corticioid fungi represent a polyphyletic group. They have resupinate fruitbodies and similar habitats. Species are characterized by simple fruitbody, more or less effused, and present smooth, porioid, grandinioid to odontioid hymenial surface. The fruitbodies are differently colored and usually soft to tough. Most of the Corticiaceae species are wood-saprobic organisms and gain the energy from the decomposing of wood-substrate such as cellulose or lignin. Materials for this study were collected by the author and other mycologists in Taiwan during surveys in April and May 1996, and March 2007, using the spring season with its high humidity and warm climate which are optimal conditions for the development of fungi. For assembling, the convenience sampling method was used in this study. This approach was chosen because it enables to detect a high biodiversity in a short time, and also to find species with rare or patchy distribution. The collecting sites from the North to the South include four National Parks and some preserved forests. They cover many different habitats such as low lands and high mountains. Fresh specimens were dried and analysed with a light microscope. 265 specimens belonging to Corticiaceae were studied in this research. Among them, 50 species in 21 genera including 11 new records and 10 new species were described with text and drawing. Four new species are belonging to Hyphodontia (H. sp. nov. 1, H. sp. nov. 2, H. sp. nov. 3, and H. sp. nov. 4), four to Schizopora (Sch. sp. nov. 1, Sch. sp. nov. 2, Sch. sp. nov. 3, and Sch. sp. nov. 4), one in Trechispora (T. sp. nov. 1), and one in Tubulicrinis (T. sp. nov. 1). Species recorded as new are Aleurodiscus amorphus, Botryohypochnus isabellinus, Hyphodontia cineracea, Hyphodontia palmae, Hypochnicium vellereum, Merulius tremellosus, Metulodontia nivea, Paullicorticium ansatum, Phlebia radiata, Phlebiella ardosiaca, and Xylobolus frustulatus. Besides, Botryohypochnus, Merulius, Metulodontia, Paullicorticium, and Xylobolus are also newly recorded genera in Taiwan. The genus Hyphodontia presents the highest diversity with 20 out of 50 species recorded. The second important genus is Hyphoderma, however with only 5 species. This indicates that Hyphodontia and Hyphoderma have a higher ability to develop in variable environments and approximately shows the predominance of these two genera in Taiwanese Corticiaceae. There are 11 new records out of the 50 species recorded, representing 22%. Some species, e.g. Hypochnicium vellereum and Paullicorticium ansatum were in the past recorded only in Europe and North America with cold and temperate climate. The samples of them are for the first time found in the subtropical belt, and display some difference from those of temperate regions. These collections should be molecularly investigated to clarify if they represent the same species of temperate areas. Patchily distributed species, for example Phlebiella ardosiaca, previously known only in Europe, and Hyphodontia palmae collected only in Brazil, were first recorded in different continents. Two possibilities are indicated by these new records: they are worldwide species but very rare to be found, or the Taiwanese specimens are taxonomically different. More survey from other continents and molecular study for these collections should be done in the future to solve this question. The distribution of Corticiaceae in Taiwan presents the variations in the north, central, and south areas and shows the diversity in lowlands and high mountains. The results of this study provide the evidence that the temperate Corticiaceae species displays a wider distribution. Subtropical and tropical taxa probably have also high dispersal capacities, and could possibly be found in the future in neighboring areas such as China, Japan, Korea or South Asia, but this needs further researches. In the total of 50 species, 10 new taxa were described in this study, giving about 20%. Some new species (e.g. Hyphodontia sp. 1, Hyphodontia sp. 2, and Hyphodontia sp. 3) are very similar to known species (Hyphodontia sambuci and Hyphodontia formosana), and the distinctive characters of Schizopora sp. nov. 1 are intermediate between those of Schizopora paradoxa and Hyphodontia flavipora. Thus, these small differences between the new and known species, suggest that the speciation occurred when the fungi migrated into Taiwan, due to the high diversity of environment, and amounts of the endemic plants. Taiwan is an intermediate place for the south (tropical) fungal species to migrate and adapt to north (temperate) regions. The middle and high altitude environments in Taiwan offer good conditions for the fungal speciation and possibly the occurrence of physiological changes to adapt to the temperate climate. Thus Taiwan has an important position for the biogeography of Asia mycobiota. 5936 known species in Taiwan represent about only 20% of the estimated number (24000) of Taiwanese fungal taxa. In this study, the findings (22% new records and 20% new species) indicate that amounts of unknown fungi species are expected in Taiwan. The lack of knowledge indicates that many new species are awaiting description, and fungal survey in Taiwan remains in a Pioneer phase. The last three wide surveys of Corticiaceae researches took place 20 years before this study (Chen & Lin 1977, Lin & Chen 1989, Wu 1990). After previous important contributions, the present taxonomic study comprising 21 genera is the most extensive on Corticiaceae of Taiwan.


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Vor dem Hintergund der Integration des wissensbasierten Managementsystems Precision Farming in den Ökologischen Landbau wurde die Umsetzung bestehender sowie neu zu entwickelnder Strategien evaluiert und diskutiert. Mit Blick auf eine im Precision Farming maßgebende kosteneffiziente Ertragserfassung der im Ökologischen Landbau flächenrelevanten Leguminosen-Grasgemenge wurden in zwei weiteren Beiträgen die Schätzgüten von Ultraschall- und Spektralsensorik in singulärer und kombinierter Anwendung analysiert. Das Ziel des Precision Farming, ein angepasstes Management bezogen auf die flächeninterne Variabilität der Standorte umzusetzen, und damit einer Reduzierung von Betriebsmitteln, Energie, Arbeit und Umwelteffekten bei gleichzeitiger Effektivitätssteigerung und einer ökonomischen Optimierung zu erreichen, deckt sich mit wesentlichen Bestrebungen im Ökogischen Landbau. Es sind vorrangig Maßnahmen zur Erfassung der Variabilität von Standortfaktoren wie Geländerelief, Bodenbeprobung und scheinbare elektrische Leitfähigkeit sowie der Ertragserfassung über Mähdrescher, die direkt im Ökologischen Landbau Anwendung finden können. Dagegen sind dynamisch angepasste Applikationen zur Düngung, im Pflanzenschutz und zur Beseitigung von Unkräutern aufgrund komplexer Interaktionen und eines eher passiven Charakters dieser Maßnahmen im Ökologischen Landbau nur bei Veränderung der Applikationsmodelle und unter Einbindung weiterer dynamischer Daten umsetzbar. Beispiele hiefür sind einzubeziehende Mineralisierungsprozesse im Boden und organischem Dünger bei der Düngemengenberechnung, schwer ortsspezifisch zuzuordnende präventive Maßnamen im Pflanzenschutz sowie Einflüsse auf bodenmikrobiologische Prozesse bei Hack- oder Striegelgängen. Die indirekten Regulationsmechanismen des Ökologischen Landbaus begrenzen daher die bisher eher auf eine direkte Wirkung ausgelegten dynamisch angepassten Applikationen des konventionellen Precision Farming. Ergänzend sind innovative neue Strategien denkbar, von denen die qualitätsbezogene Ernte, der Einsatz hochsensibler Sensoren zur Früherkennung von Pflanzenkrankheiten oder die gezielte teilflächen- und naturschutzorientierte Bewirtschaftung exemplarisch in der Arbeit vorgestellt werden. Für die häufig große Flächenanteile umfassenden Leguminosen-Grasgemenge wurden für eine kostengünstige und flexibel einsetzbare Ertragserfassung die Ultraschalldistanzmessung zur Charakterisierung der Bestandeshöhe sowie verschiedene spektrale Vegetationsindices als Schätzindikatoren analysiert. Die Vegetationsindices wurden aus hyperspektralen Daten nach publizierten Gleichungen errechnet sowie als „Normalized Difference Spectral Index“ (NDSI) stufenweise aus allen möglichen Wellenlängenkombinationen ermittelt. Die Analyse erfolgte für Ultraschall und Vegetationsindices in alleiniger und in kombinierter Anwendung, um mögliche kompensatorische Effekte zu nutzen. In alleiniger Anwendung erreichte die Ultraschallbestandeshöhe durchweg bessere Schätzgüten, als alle einzelnen Vegetationsindices. Bei den letztgenannten erreichten insbesondere auf Wasserabsorptionsbanden basierende Vegetationsindices eine höhere Schätzgenauigkeit als traditionelle Rot/Infrarot-Indices. Die Kombination beider Sensorda-ten ließ eine weitere Steigerung der Schätzgüte erkennen, insbesondere bei bestandesspezifischer Kalibration. Hierbei kompensieren die Vegetationsindices Fehlschätzungen der Höhenmessung bei diskontinuierlichen Bestandesdichtenänderungen entlang des Höhengradienten, wie sie beim Ährenschieben oder durch einzelne hochwachsende Arten verursacht werden. Die Kombination der Ultraschallbestandeshöhe mit Vegetationsindices weist das Potential zur Entwicklung kostengünstiger Ertragssensoren für Leguminosen-Grasgemenge auf. Weitere Untersuchungen mit hyperspektralen Vegetationsindices anderer Berechnungstrukturen sowie die Einbindung von mehr als zwei Wellenlängen sind hinsichtlich der Entwicklung höherer Schätzgüten notwendig. Ebenso gilt es, Kalibrierungen und Validationen der Sensorkombination im artenreichen Grasland durchzuführen. Die Ertragserfassung in den Leguminosen-Grasgemengen stellt einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erstellung einer Ertragshistorie in den vielfältigen Fruchtfolgen des Ökologischen Landbaus dar und ermöglicht eine verbesserte Einschätzung von Produktionspotenzialen und Defizitarealen für ein standortangepasstes Management.


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Perennial plants are the main pollen and nectar sources for bees in the tropical areas where most of the annual flora are burned in dry seasons. Therefore perennial plants constitute the most reliable bio materials for determining and evaluating the beekeeping regions of the Republic of Benin. A silvo-melliferous region (S-MR) is a geographical area characterised by a particular set of homogenous melliferous plants that can produce timber. Using both the prevailing climatic and the agro-ecological conditions six S-MRs could be identified, i.e. the South region, the Common Central region, the Central West region, the Central North region, the Middle North region and the Extreme North region. At the country level, the melliferous plants were dominated by Vitellaria paradoxa which is common to all regions. The most diversified family was the Caesalpiniaceae (12 species) followed by the Combretaceae (10 species) and Combretum being the richest genus. The effect of dominance is particularly high in the South region where Elaeis guineensis alone represented 72.6% of the tree density and 140% of the total plant importance. The total melliferous plant density varied from 99.3 plants ha^(−1) in the Common Central region to 178.0 plants ha^(−1) in the Central West region. On the basis of nectar and pollen source, the best region for beekeeping is the CentralWest region with 46.7% of nectar producing trees, 9.4% of pollen producing trees and 40.6% of plants that issue both, this in opposition to the South region which was characterised by an unbalanced distribution of melliferous trees.


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Potential mining of the pliocene and quaternary geological formations for the aggregate production along the medium course of the Fluvil river is likely to be carried out through gravel pits. The most significant environmental impacts are envisaged to occur during site preparation and extraction of aggregate. Several environmental impacts types have been considered: variation of water table, reduction of soil and vegetation, development of unbalanced land-forms and deterioration of landscape


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La desertificació és un problema de degradació de sòls de gran importància en regions àrides, semi-àrides i sub-humides, amb serioses conseqüències ambientals, socials i econòmiques com a resultat de l'impacte d'activitats humanes en combinació amb condicions físiques i medi ambientals desfavorables (UNEP, 1994). L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi va ser el desenvolupament d'una metodologia simple per tal de poder avaluar de forma precisa l'estat i l'evolució de la desertificació a escala local, a través de la creació d'un model anomenat sistema d'indicators de desertificació (DIS). En aquest mateix context, un dels dos objectius específics d'aquesta recerca es va centrar en l'estudi dels factors més importants de degradació de sòls a escala de parcel.la, comportant un extens treball de camp, analisi de laboratori i la corresponent interpretació i discussió dels resultats obtinguts. El segon objectiu específic es va basar en el desenvolupament i aplicació del DIS. L'àrea d'estudi seleccionada va ser la conca de la Serra de Rodes, un ambient típic Mediterràni inclòs en el Parc Natural del Cap de Creus, NE Espanya, el qual ha estat progressivament abandonat pels agricultors durant el segle passat. Actualment, els incendis forestals així com el canvi d'ús del sòl i especialment l'abandonament de terres són considerats els problemes ambientals més importants a l'àrea d'estudi (Dunjó et al., 2003). En primer lloc, es va realitzar l'estudi dels processos i causes de la degradació dels sòls a l'àrea d'interés. En base a aquest coneixement, es va dur a terme la identificació i selecció dels indicadors de desertificació més rellevants. Finalment, els indicadors de desertificació seleccionats a escala de conca, incloent l'erosió del sòl i l'escolament superficial, es van integrar en un model espaial de procés. Ja que el sòl és considerat el principal indicador dels processos d'erosió, segons la FAO/UNEP/UNESCO (1979), tant el paisatge original així com els dos escenaris d'ús del sòl desenvolupats, un centrat en el cas hipotétic del pas d'un incendi forestal, i l'altre un paisatge completament cultivat, poden ser ambients classificats sota baixa o moderada degradació. En comparació amb l'escenari original, els dos escenaris creats van revelar uns valors més elevats d'erosió i escolament superficial, i en particular l'escenari cultivat. Per tant, aquests dos hipotètic escenaris no semblen ser una alternativa sostenible vàlida als processos de degradació que es donen a l'àrea d'estudi. No obstant, un ampli ventall d'escenaris alternatius poden ser desenvolupats amb el DIS, tinguent en compte les polítiques d'especial interés per la regió de manera que puguin contribuir a determinar les conseqüències potencials de desertificació derivades d'aquestes polítiques aplicades en aquest escenari tan complexe espaialment. En conclusió, el model desenvolupat sembla ser un sistema força acurat per la identificació de riscs presents i futurs, així com per programar efectivament mesures per combatre la desertificació a escala de conca. No obstant, aquesta primera versió del model presenta varies limitacions i la necessitat de realitzar més recerca en cas de voler desenvolupar una versió futura i millor del DIS.


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Extensive fragmentation of the sagebrush shrubsteppe of western North America could be contributing to observed population declines of songbirds in sagebrush habitat. We examined whether habitat fragmentation impacts the reproduction of songbirds in sagebrush edge habitat near agriculture, and if potential impacts vary depending on the adjacent crop type. Specifically, we evaluated whether nest abundance and nest survival varied between orchard edge habitat, vineyard edge habitat, and interior habitat. We then examined whether the local nest predator community and vegetation could explain the differences detected. We detected fewer nests in edge than interior habitat. Nest abundance per songbird was also lower in edge than interior habitat, although only adjacent to vineyards. Nest predation was more frequent in orchard edge habitat than vineyard edge or interior habitat. Predators identified with nest cameras were primarily snakes, however, reduced nest survival in orchard edge habitat was not explained by differences in the abundance of snakes or any other predator species identified. Information theoretic analysis of daily survival rates showed that greater study plot shrub cover and lower grass height at nests were partially responsible for the lower rate of predation-specific daily nest survival rate (PDSR) observed in orchard edge habitat, but additional factors are likely important. Results of this study suggest that different crop types have different edge effects on songbirds nesting in sagebrush shrubsteppe, and that these reproductive edge effects may contribute to observed declines of these species. Habitat managers should avoid the creation of new orchard-sagebrush habitat edges to avoid further impacts on already declining songbird populations.


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Urban flood inundation models require considerable data for their parameterisation, calibration and validation. TerraSAR-X should be suitable for urban flood detection because of its high resolution in stripmap/spotlight modes. The paper describes ongoing work on a project to assess how well TerraSAR-X can detect flooded regions in urban areas, and how well these can constrain the parameters of an urban flood model. The study uses a TerraSAR-X image of a 1-in-150 year flood near Tewkesbury, UK , in 2007, for which contemporaneous aerial photography exists for validation. The DLR SETES SAR simulator was used in conjunction with LiDAR data to estimate regions of the image in which water would not be visible due to shadow or layover caused by buildings and vegetation. An algorithm for the delineation of flood water in urban areas is described, together with its validation using the aerial photographs.


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The s–x model of microwave emission from soil and vegetation layers is widely used to estimate soil moisture content from passive microwave observations. Its application to prospective satellite-based observations aggregating several thousand square kilometres requires understanding of the effects of scene heterogeneity. The effects of heterogeneity in soil surface roughness, soil moisture, water area and vegetation density on the retrieval of soil moisture from simulated single- and multi-angle observing systems were tested. Uncertainty in water area proved the most serious problem for both systems, causing errors of a few percent in soil moisture retrieval. Single-angle retrieval was largely unaffected by the other factors studied here. Multiple-angle retrievals errors around one percent arose from heterogeneity in either soil roughness or soil moisture. Errors of a few percent were caused by vegetation heterogeneity. A simple extension of the model vegetation representation was shown to reduce this error substantially for scenes containing a range of vegetation types.


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The paper discusses the wide variety of ways in which remotely sensed data are being utilized in river flood inundation modeling. Model parameterization is being aided using airborne LiDAR data to provide topography of the floodplain for use as model bathymetry, and vegetation heights in the floodplain for use in estimating floodplain friction factors. Model calibration and validation are being aided by comparing the flood extent observed in SAR images with the extent predicted by the model. The recent extension of this to the observation of urban flooding using high resolution TerraSAR-X data is described. Possible future research directions are considered.