977 resultados para persistent ductus arteriosus
Interviewing in professional labor markets is a costly process for firms. Moreover, poor screening can have a persistent negative impact on firms bottom lines and candidates careers. In a simple dynamic model where firms can pay a cost to interview applicants who have private information about their own ability, potentially large inefficiencies arise from information-based unemployment, where able workers are rejected by firms because of their lack of offers in previous interviews. This effect may make the market less efficient than random matching. We show that the first best can be achieved using either a mechanism with transfers or one without transfers.
To report the case of a child with short absences and occasional myoclonias since infancy who was first diagnosed with an idiopathic generalized epilepsy, but was documented at follow-up to have a mild phenotype of glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome. Unlike other reported cases of Glut-1 DS and epilepsy, this child had a normal development as well as a normal head growth and neurological examination. Early onset of seizures and later recognized episodes of mild confusion before meals together with persistent atypical EEG features and unexpected learning difficulties led to the diagnosis. Seizure control and neuropsychological improvements were obtained with a ketogenic diet.
This study is a long-term analysis of a group of patients with infected arthroplasties of the hip or the knee. We identified 28 patients with an infected arthroplasty (22 hips, 6 knees) documented by bacterial culture or on direct examination. At the time of diagnosis and on follow-up (a mean of 46 months after treatment) we evaluated the clinical picture, the radiological appearances of the articulation and the biological parameters. 19/28 patients showed a typical clinical picture, whereas in 9 others the picture was more doubtful. The treatments were 14 two-stage replacements of the arthroplasties, 7 simple resections, 5 conservative treatments and 2 one-stage replacements. On follow-up, 25 patients were considered as cured of their infection and 3 as failures. From a functional viewpoint, 9 patients showed no limitation, whereas 19 were limited in the daily activity. Half of the patients had no pain. Radiology showed that 20/26 evaluated patients had no signs of recurrence. Paraclinical examinations are important in the diagnosis of persistent low grade infections, particularly the demonstration of bacteria by pre-surgical sampling (fine needle aspiration, culture from draining sinuses). In spite of the cure of infection, the functional and painful sequellae are often considerable. As a result of our experience, we recommend a two-stage surgical procedure. Only when the general condition of the patient is poor, or when the infection is not under control, would we envisage an alternative procedure (arthrodesis, girdelstone, conservative).
Astrocytes are responsible for regulating extracellular levels of glutamate and potassium during neuronal activity. Glutamate clearance is handled by glutamate transporter subtypes glutamate transporter 1 and glutamate-aspartate transporter in astrocytes. DL-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartate (TBOA) and dihydrokainate (DHK) are extensively used as inhibitors of glial glutamate transport activity. Using whole-cell recordings, we characterized the effects of both transporter inhibitors on afferent-evoked astrocyte currents in acute cortical slices of 3-week-old rats. When neuronal afferents were stimulated, passive astrocytes responded by a rapid inward current followed by a persistent tail current. The first current corresponded to a glutamate transporter current. This current was inhibited by both inhibitors and by tetrodotoxin. The tail current is an inward potassium current as it was blocked by barium. Besides inhibiting transporter currents, TBOA strongly enhanced the tail current. This effect was barium-sensitive and might be due to a rise in extracellular potassium level and increased glial potassium uptake. Unlike TBOA, DHK did not enhance the tail current but rather inhibited it. This result suggests that, in addition to inhibiting glutamate transport, DHK prevents astrocyte potassium uptake, possibly by blockade of inward-rectifier channels. This study revealed that, in brain slices, glutamate transporter inhibitors exert complex effects that cannot be attributed solely to glutamate transport inhibition.
We develop a model of an industry with many heterogeneous firms that face both financingconstraints and irreversibility constraints. The financing constraint implies that firmscannot borrow unless the debt is secured by collateral; the irreversibility constraint thatthey can only sell their fixed capital by selling their business. We use this model to examinethe cyclical behavior of aggregate fixed investment, variable capital investment, and outputin the presence of persistent idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks. Our model yields threemain results. First, the effect of the irreversibility constraint on fixed capital investmentis reinforced by the financing constraint. Second, the effect of the financing constraint onvariable capital investment is reinforced by the irreversibility constraint. Finally, the interactionbetween the two constraints is key for explaining why input inventories and materialdeliveries of US manufacturing firms are so volatile and procyclical, and also why they arehighly asymmetrical over the business cycle.
We analyze the labor market effects of neutral and investment-specific technologyshocks along the intensive margin (hours worked) and the extensive margin(unemployment). We characterize the dynamic response of unemploymentin terms of the job separation and the job finding rate. Labor market adjustmentsoccur along the extensive margin in response to neutral shocks, along theintensive margin in response to investment specific shocks. The job separationrate accounts for a major portion of the impact response of unemployment. Neutralshocks prompt a contemporaneous increase in unemployment because of asharp rise in the separation rate. This is prolonged by a persistent fall in thejob finding rate. Investment specific shocks rise employment and hours worked.Neutral shocks explain a substantial portion of the volatility of unemploymentand output; investment specific shocks mainly explain hours worked volatility.This suggests that neutral progress is consistent with Schumpeterian creative destruction,while investment-specific progress operates as in a neoclassical growthmodel.
A tese enquadra-se nas discussões sobre as concepções do currículo, como problemática central nos processos de educação e formação, e o papel da Universidade ao longo dos tempos, mormente nos contextos actuais da globalização, conferindo especial relevo às concepções, práxis e tendências que caracterizam a experiência de desenvolvimento curricular na Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV), desde a sua criação, em Novembro de 2006, no seguimento de um percurso de quase três décadas do ensino superior público cabo-verdiano Com o enquadramento teórico da problemática da investigação faz-se uma ampla cartografia da literatura relevante no campo científico dos estudos curriculares, numa abordagem que patenteia a diversidade de conceptualizações do currículo e do desenvolvimento curricular, os principais traços característicos das teorias curriculares que se têm sucedido e ou que rivalizam na busca de hegemonia no sector da educação, bem como as políticas educativas e curriculares que vêm sendo concebidas e realizadas à escala global, dispensando atenção particular às dimensões instituinte e instituída do processo curricular. Ainda que fortemente condicionado pelas concepções e políticas de globalização da educação, a tendência para a uniformização educativa e curricular não constitui uma inevitabilidade, demonstrando-se, pelo contrário, que o processo de desenvolvimento curricular deixa espaços de apropriação e inovação ao nível das instituições educativas, atendendo à diversidade de contextos, expectativas e perspectivas inerentes à dinâmica da realização do currículo. Ainda no plano teórico, ao analisar-se a evolução do conceito ou ideia de Universidade, desde a sua génese até aos tempos actuais, coloca-se em relevo a natureza específica da instituição no âmbito do ensino superior, patenteando o modo como, nos diferentes contextos, a mesma tem procurado afirmar a centralidade do conhecimento e do currículo no cumprimento da sua missão, a despeito de factores e condicionalismos diversos, de entre os quais releva o tipo de relacionamento predominante entre a Universidade, o Estado e o mercado, no âmbito do qual se deve entender a complexidade da crise institucional, na triplicidade das suas manifestações (crise de legitimidade, de hegemonia e de identidade) que atravessa a academia, com reflexos ao nível das tendências para o condicionamento da autonomia, missão e funções da academia, assim como da própria natureza do conhecimento universitário. Na procura de saídas para a crise, que é global e, como tal, se reflecte nas universidades do continente africano, em que se insere Cabo Verde, a Universidade é desafiada a afirmar a sua especificidade institucional, enquanto promotora da alta cultura e da capacidade de pensamento de longo prazo, conciliando, deste modo, as suas funções essenciais ou simbólicas com as que se prendem com a satisfação das necessidades imediatas ou de curto prazo da economia e do mercado. Com base nos pertinentes subsídios teóricos, os estudos empíricos desenvolvem-se segundo a abordagem metodológica de estudo de caso, em que a análise documental e as técnicas de investigação qualitativa e quantitativa permitiram consolidar as evidências sobre: (i) os antecedentes da criação da Uni-CV, através do mapeamento do percurso académico e curricular dos diversos estabelecimentos públicos de ensino superior que precederam a universidade pública, legando a esta o seu património científico, tecnológico e logístico, com as inerentes potencialidades e limitações; (ii) o processo de institucionalização da Uni-CV, com a referencialização das opções estruturantes da organização e gestão da Universidade assim como da política educativa e curricular da Universidade; (iii) a experiência multifacetada de desenvolvimento curricular na novel instituição durante os cinco primeiros anos de funcionamento (2006-2011), correlacionando opções e práxis e evidenciando tendências da sua evolução. Da análise interpretativa dos estudos empíricos realizados, mediante a triangulação dos dados de arquivo e de perspectiva, resulta que a Uni-CV, não obstante as fragilidades persistentes no processo de seu desenvolvimento institucional, tem cumprido a sua missão de forma satisfatória, facto que fica a dever-se quer à adequação das opções, normas e directivas conformadoras da dimensão instituinte do processo curricular, quer ao esforço de realização das prescrições curriculares, sendo, todavia, evidentes os desafios a serem vencidos tendo em vista a consecução da almejada excelência académica, que os Estatutos propugnam, e que passa, nomeadamente, pela melhoria do nível da qualificação do seu corpo docente, pela implementação ou funcionamento efectivo de alguns dos órgãos da academia e pela afirmação da investigação científica como função incontornável para o desempenho cabal das funções de ensino e extensão. De entre as conclusões, sustenta-se que, no processo de integração de Cabo Verde nas redes internacionais de investigação e excelência científica e tecnológica, como, de resto, propugnam os Estatutos da Uni-CV, deve atender-se à especificidade deste pequeno país do Atlântico Médio, tendo em conta as suas fragilidades estruturais, pelo que se impõe algum distanciamento crítico em relação à incorporação de certas opções de política educativa e curricular que emanam de instâncias internacionais, independentemente do seu carácter inovador ou mesmo da sua possível consistência científica e técnica, comprovada em outros contextos.
Diverse sources of GABAergic inhibition are a major feature of cortical networks, but distinct inhibitory input systems have not been systematically characterized in the thalamus. Here, we contrasted the properties of two independent GABAergic pathways in the posterior thalamic nucleus of rat, one input from the reticular thalamic nucleus (nRT), and one "extrareticular" input from the anterior pretectal nucleus (APT). The vast majority of nRT-thalamic terminals formed single synapses per postsynaptic target and innervated thin distal dendrites of relay cells. In contrast, single APT-thalamic terminals formed synaptic contacts exclusively via multiple, closely spaced synapses on thick relay cell dendrites. Quantal analysis demonstrated that the two inputs displayed comparable quantal amplitudes, release probabilities, and multiple release sites. The morphological and physiological data together indicated multiple, single-site contacts for nRT and multisite contacts for APT axons. The contrasting synaptic arrangements of the two pathways were paralleled by different short-term plasticities. The multisite APT-thalamic pathway showed larger charge transfer during 50-100 Hz stimulation compared with the nRT pathway and a greater persistent inhibition accruing during stimulation trains. Our results demonstrate that the two inhibitory systems are morpho-functionally distinct and suggest and that multisite GABAergic terminals are tailored for maintained synaptic inhibition even at high presynaptic firing rates. These data explain the efficacy of extrareticular inhibition in timing relay cell activity in sensory and motor thalamic nuclei. Finally, based on the classic nomenclature and the difference between reticular and extrareticular terminals, we define a novel, multisite GABAergic terminal type (F3) in the thalamus.
A number of existing studies have concluded that risk sharing allocations supported by competitive, incomplete markets equilibria are quantitatively close to first-best. Equilibrium asset prices in these models have been difficult to distinguish from those associated with a complete markets model, the counterfactual features of which have been widely documented. This paper asks if life cycle considerations, in conjunction with persistent idiosyncratic shocks which become more volatile during aggregate downturns, can reconcile the quantitative properties of the competitive asset pricing framework with those of observed asset returns. We begin by arguing that data from the Panel Study on Income Dynamics support the plausibility of such a shock process. Our estimates suggest a high degree of persistence as well as a substantial increase in idiosyncratic conditional volatility coincident with periods of low growth in U.S. GNP. When these factors are incorporated in a stationary overlapping generations framework, the implications for the returns on risky assets are substantial. Plausible parameterizations of our economy are able to generate Sharpe ratios which match those observed in U.S. data. Our economy cannot, however, account for the level of variability of stock returns, owing in large part to the specification of its production technology.
We discuss a unified theory of directed technological change and technologyadoption that can shed light on the causes of persistent productivity differencesacross countries. In our model, new technologies are designed in advanced countries and diffuse endogenously to less developed countries. Our framework is richenough to highlight three broad reasons for productivity differences: inappropriatetechnologies, policy-induced barriers to technology adoption, and within-countrymisallocations across sectors due to policy distortions. We also discuss the effectsof two aspects of globalization, trade in goods and migration, on the wealth ofnations through their impact on the direction of technical progress. By doing so,we illustrate some of the equalizing and unequalizing forces of globalization.
We set up a dynamic model of firm investment in which liquidity constraintsenter explicity into the firm's maximization problem. The optimal policyrules are incorporated into a maximum likelihood procedure which estimatesthe structural parameters of the model. Investment is positively related tothe firm's internal financial position when the firm is relatively poor. This relationship disappears for wealthy firms, which can reach theirdesired level of investment. Borrowing is an increasing function of financial position for poor firms. This relationship is reversed as a firm's financial position improves, and large firms hold little debt.Liquidity constrained firms may be unused credits lines and the capacity toinvest further if they desire. However the fear that liquidity constraintswill become binding in the future induces them to invest only when internalresources increase.We estimate the structural parameters of the model and use them to quantifythe importance of liquidity constraints on firms' investment. We find thatliquidity constraints matter significantly for the investment decisions of firms. If firms can finance investment by issuing fresh equity, rather than with internal funds or debt, average capital stock is almost 35% higher overa period of 20 years. Transitory shocks to internal funds have a sustained effect on the capital stock. This effect lasts for several periods and ismore persistent for small firms than for large firms. A 10% negative shock to firm fundamentals reduces the capital stock of firms which face liquidityconstraints by almost 8% over a period as opposed to only 3.5% for firms which do not face these constraints.
In this paper I present a model in which production requires two types of labor inputs: regular productive tasks and organizational capital, which is accumulated by workers performing organizational tasks. By allocating more workers from organizational to productive tasks, firms can temporarily increase production without hiring. The availability of this intensive margin of labor adjustment, in combination with adjustment costs along the extensive margin (search frictions, firing costs, training costs), makes it optimal to delay employment adjustments. Simulations indicate that this mechanism is quantitatively important even if only a small fraction of workers perform organizational tasks, and explains why the hiring rate is persistent and why employment is slow to recover after the end of a recession.
The standard deviations of capital flows to emerging countries are 80 percent higher than those to developed countries. First, we show that very little of this difference can be explained by more volatile fundamentals or by higher sensitivity to fundamentals. Second, we show that most of the difference in volatility can be accounted for by three characteristics of capital flows: (i) capital flows to emerging countries are more subject to occasional large negative shocks ( crises ) than those to developed countries, (ii) shocks are subject to contagion, and (iii) the most important one shocks to capital flows to emerging countries are more persistent than those to developed countries. Finally, we study a number of country characteristics to determine which are most associated with capital flow volatility. Our results suggest that underdevelopment of domestic financial markets, weak institutions, and low income per capita, are all associated with capital flow volatility.
This paper shows how risk may aggravate fluctuations in economies with imperfect insurance and multiple assets. A two period job matching model is studied, in which risk averse agents act both as workers and as entrepreneurs. They choose between two types of investment: one type is riskless, while the other is a risky activity that creates jobs.Equilibrium is unique under full insurance. If investment is fully insured but unemployment risk is uninsured, then precautionary saving behavior dampens output fluctuations. However, if both investment and employment are uninsured, then an increase in unemployment gives agents an incentive to shift investment away from the risky asset, further increasing unemployment. This positive feedback may lead to multiple Pareto ranked equilibria. An overlapping generations version of the model may exhibit poverty traps or persistent multiplicity. Greater insurance is doubly beneficial in this context since it can both prevent multiplicity and promote risky investment.