956 resultados para peri-
Purpose: Three-dimensional finite element analysis was used to evaluate the effect of vertical and angular misfit in three-piece implant-supported screw-retained fixed prostheses on the biomechanical response in the peri-implant bone, implants, and prosthetic components. Materials and Methods: Four three-dimensional models were fabricated to represent a right posterior mandibular section with one implant in the region of the second premolar (2PM) and another in the region of the second molar (2M). The implants were splinted by a three-piece implant-supported metal-ceramic prosthesis and differed according to the type of misfit, as represented by four different models: Control = prosthesis with complete fit to the implants; UAM (unilateral angular misfit) = prosthesis presenting unilateral angular misfit of 100 pm in the mesial region of the 2M; UVM (unilateral vertical misfit) = prosthesis presenting unilateral vertical misfit of 100 pm in the mesial region of the 2M; and TVM (total vertical misfit) = prosthesis presenting total vertical misfit of 100 pm in the platform of the framework in the 2M. A vertical load of 400 N was distributed and applied on 12 centric points by the software Ansys, ie, a vertical load of 150 N was applied to each molar in the prosthesis and a vertical load of 100 N was applied at the 2PM. Results: The stress values and distribution in peri-implant bone tissue were similar for all groups. The models with misfit exhibited different distribution patterns and increased stress magnitude in comparison to the control. The highest stress values in group UAM were observed in the implant body and retention screw. The groups UVM and TVM exhibited high stress values in the platform of the framework and the implant hexagon, respectively. Conclusions: The three types of misfit influenced the magnitude and distribution of stresses. The influence of misfit on peri-implant bone tissue was modest. Each type of misfit increased the stress values in different regions of the system. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:788-796
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In implant therapy, a peri-implant bone resorption has been noticed mainly in the first year after prosthesis insertion. This bone remodeling can sometimes jeopardize the outcome of the treatment, especially in areas in which short implants are used and also in aesthetic cases. To avoid this occurrence, the use of platform switching (PS) has been used. This study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical concept of PS with relation to stress distribution using two-dimensional finite element analysis. A regular matching diameter connection of abutment-implant (regular platform group [RPG]) and a PS connection (PS group [PSG]) were simulated by 2 two-dimensional finite element models that reproduced a 2-piece implant system with peri-implant bone tissue. A regular implant (prosthetic platform of 4.1 mm) and a wide implant (prosthetic platform of 5.0 mm) were used to represent the RPG and PSG, respectively, in which a regular prosthetic component of 4.1 mm was connected to represent the crown. A load of 100 N was applied on the models using ANSYS software. The RPG spreads the stress over a wider area in the peri-implant bone tissue (159 MPa) and the implant (1610 MPa), whereas the PSG seems to diminish the stress distribution on bone tissue (34 MPa) and implant (649 MPa). Within the limitation of the study, the PS presented better biomechanical behavior in relation to stress distribution on the implant but especially in the bone tissue (80% less). However, in the crown and retention screw, an increase in stress concentration was observed.
The aim of this study was to analyze the main aspects that influence the aesthetics of single immediate implant-supported restorations through a literature review on the MEDLINE database. It was observed that immediate implant-supported restorations present clinical success with aesthetic predictability demonstrated by the literature. Proper patient selection and diagnostic and multidisciplinary planning are essential and should be associated to technical ability of professional and knowledge concerning the biology of peri-implant tissues. It is suggested that provisional restoration should be immediately inserted after implant fixation to guide healing of gingival tissues with a proper emergence profile besides psychologic comfort for a patient due to immediate aesthetic reestablishment.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The health of a peri-implant tissue is a critical factor for the long-term success of treatment with extraoral implants. However, infection and inflammation may occur and lead to implant loss and prostheses failure. Therefore, some postsurgical care as hygiene with soap and water, soft toothbrush, and Superfloss type dental floss and medication with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic are suggested to avoid complications. In addition, a thin and smooth layer of subcutaneous tissue in the peri-implant area should be preserved during implant insertion to favor the assistance recommended in this phase.
Background: the failure of osseointegration in oral rehabilitation has gained importance in current literature and in clinical practice. The integration of titanium dental implants in alveolar bone has been partly ascribed to the biocompatibility of the implant surface oxide layer. The aim of this investigation was to analyze the surface topography and composition of failed titanium dental implants in order to determine possible causes of failure.Methods: Twenty-one commercially pure titanium (cpTi) implants were retrieved from 16 patients (mean age of 50.33 +/- 11.81 years). Fourteen implants were retrieved before loading (early failures), six after loading (late failures), and one because of mandibular canal damage. The failure criterion was lack of osseointegration characterized as dental implant mobility. Two unused implants were used as a control group. All implant surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectrometer x-ray (EDS) to element analysis. Evaluations were performed on several locations of the same implant.Results: SEM showed that the surface of all retrieved implants consisted of different degrees of organic residues, appearing mainly as dark stains. The surface topography presented as grooves and ridges along the machined surface similar to control group. Overall, foreign elements such as carbon, oxygen, sodium, calcium, silicon, and aluminum were detected in failed implants. The implants from control group presented no macroscopic contamination and clear signs of titanium.Conclusion: These preliminary results do not suggest any material-related cause for implant failures, although different element composition was assessed between failed implants and control implants.
Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate clinical and radiographic changes that occur around dental implants inserted in different levels in relation to crestal bone under different restoration protocols.Methods: Thirty-six implants were inserted in the edentulous mandible of six mongrel dogs. Each implant was assigned to an experimental group according to the distance from the top of the implant to the crestal bone: Bone Level (at crestal bone level), Minus 1 (1 mm below crestal bone), or Minus 2 (2 mm below crestal bone). Each hemimandible was submitted to a restoration protocol: conventional (prosthesis was installed 120 days after implant placement, including 30 days with healing cap) or immediate (prosthesis was installed 24 hours after implant placement). Fixed partial prostheses were installed bilaterally in the same day. After 90 days, clinical and radiographic parameters were evaluated.Results: As long as the implants were inserted in more apical positions, the first bone-to-implant contact (fBIC) was positioned more apically (P<0.05). However, the apical positioning of the implants did not influence the ridge loss or the position of the soft tissue margin (PSTM) (P>0.05). In addition, in immediately restored sites, the PSTM was located significantly more coronally than that in conventionally restored sites (P=0.02).Conclusions: Despite the more apical positioning of the fBIC, the height of the peri-implant soft tissues and ridge was not jeopardized. Moreover, the immediate restoration protocol was beneficial to the maintenance of the PSTM. Further studies are suggested to evaluate the significance of these results in longer healing periods.
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate histometric changes around dental implants inserted at different levels in relation to the crestal bone, under different loading conditions.Material and methods: Thirty-six implants were inserted in the edentulous mandible of six mongrel dogs. Each implant was assigned to an experimental group according to the distance from the top of the implant to the crestal bone: Bone Level (at the crestal bone level), Minus 1 (1 mm below the crestal bone) or Minus 2 group (2 mm below the crestal bone). Each hemimandible was submitted to a loading protocol: conventional or immediate restoration. After 90 days, the animals were killed. Specimens were processed, and measurements were performed concerning the length of soft and hard peri-implant tissues. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Student's t test (alpha=5%).Results: Among conventionally restored sites, the distance from the most coronal position of soft tissue margin (PSTM) and first bone-implant contact (fBIC) was greater for Minus 2 than for Bone Level and Minus 1 sites (P=0.03), but significant differences were not observed among immediately restored sites. Differences among groups were not observed concerning the PSTM, and the distance from the implant-abutment junction to fBIC. Greater amounts of lateral bone loss were observed for conventionally than for immediately restored sites (P=0.006).Conclusions: These findings suggest that the apical positioning of the top of the implant may not jeopardize the position of soft peri-implant tissues, and that immediate restoration can be beneficial to minimize lateral bone loss. Further studies are suggested to evaluate the clinical significance of these results in longer healing periods.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Between 2000 and 2004, 170 sand flies were captured in urban or peri-urban areas of the Rio Claro city, SP, Brazil. Nyssomyia neivai, the main LTA vector species in São Paulo territory, corresponded to 124 specimens (72,94%) of the total number of captured insects. Incidence of American Cutaneous (LTA) and Visceral leishmaniasis (LVA) is increasing in human and dogs in São Paulo State. Rio Claro city is located in the center-east region of the State. During 2001 and 2003, two cases of alochtonus canine LVA and an autochthonous case of canine LTA were locally diagnosed. Results indicate the risk of LVA establishment in this region. Possible role of alternative vectors in leishmaniasis transmission is discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os efeitos e o potencial sinergismo entre a clonidina, um agonista alfa2-adrenérgico, e a ropivacaína ainda não foram estudados em pacientes sob anestesia peridural. O objetivo da pesquisa foi estudar os efeitos da associação da clonidina com a ropivacaína, nas características do bloqueio peridural. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo duplamente encoberto, 60 pacientes distribuídos em dois grupos de 30 pacientes. No grupo G controle, foi usada apenas a ropivacaína a 0,75% (150 mg) na anestesia peridural; no grupo G clonidina, foram utilizadas clonidina (300 µg) e ropivacaína a 0,75% (150 mg) na anestesia peridural. Foram analisados os seguintes atributos: bloqueio analgésico completo (tempo de latência), instalação do bloqueio motor, duração dos bloqueios analgésico e motor, nível máximo do bloqueio analgésico, nível de consciência, necessidade de analgesia e sedação complementar no per-operatório, ocorrência de hipotensão arterial no per e pós-operatórios, intensidade da dor pós-operatória, duração da analgesia e efeitos colaterais. RESULTADOS: A clonidina (300 µg), por via peridural, não influenciou a latência (p > 0,05); porém prolongou a duração dos bloqueios analgésico e motor (p < 0,0001) e a analgesia pós-operatória (p < 0,001). A proporção de hipotensão arterial foi pequena e semelhante entre os grupos, mas houve maior incidência de bradicardia (p < 0,02) e sedação (p < 0,001) no grupo que utilizou a clonidina. A incidência de tremores foi menor no grupo da clonidina (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Nas condições deste estudo e nas doses empregadas, pode-se concluir que há sinergismo evidente entre a clonidina e a ropivacaína na anestesia peridural. A clonidina aumenta a duração dos bloqueios analgésico e motor da anestesia peridural com a ropivacaína e prolonga a analgesia pós-operatória. A clonidina apresenta como vantagens adicionais, o aumento da sedação dos pacientes e a redução na incidência de tremores, mas aumenta a ocorrência de bradicardia.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A utilização das drogas agonistas dos alfa2-adrenoceptores para controlar a pressão arterial e freqüência cardíaca, propiciar menores respostas hemodinâmicas à intubação e extubação traqueal e poupar anestésicos já está difundida na literatura desde a introdução da clonidina. O desenvolvimento de agentes providos de maior seletividade alfa2-adrenoceptora que, por isso, determinam menos efeitos adversos, como a dexmedetomidina, recentemente liberada para utilização clínica, possibilitou que ocorressem maior sedação e analgesia com o seu uso. Despertou-se, então, o interesse em sua utilização como substitutos dos opióides, conhecidos por determinarem potente analgesia e sedação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a analgesia promovida pela dexmedetomidina e pelo sufentanil, utilizados em infusões contínuas durante anestesias de procedimentos otorrinolaringológicos e de cabeça e pescoço. MÉTODO: Os 60 pacientes estudados foram divididos em dois grupos de 30: G1, recebendo sufentanil e G2, dexmedeto- midina, na indução e manutenção anestésicas. Para a manutenção da anestesia utilizaram-se, também, o óxido nitroso e o propofol, em infusão contínua alvo-controlada. Foram avaliados os parâmetros hemodinâmicos (pressões arteriais sistólica e diastólica e freqüência cardíaca), tempos de despertar e de extubação após interrupção do propofol, locais onde foram extubados os pacientes, sala de operação (SO) ou sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (SRPA), tempo de permanência na SRPA, índice de Aldrete e Kroulik e as complicações apresentadas na SO e SRPA. RESULTADOS: G1 apresentou menores valores de pressões arteriais sistólica, diastólica e freqüência cardíaca, tempos de despertar e extubação maiores, maior número de extubações na SRPA, maior tempo de permanência na SRPA, valores mais baixos para Aldrete e Kroulik na alta da SRPA e mais complicações per e pós-operatórias. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização de dexmedetomidina como analgésico per-operatório apresentou melhores resultados que a de sufentanil, nos procedimentos selecionados neste trabalho, com relação à estabilidade hemodinâmica e às condições de despertar e de recuperação anestésica.