967 resultados para periódicos


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The signal-to-noise ratio and image uniformity analysis parameters are very important in quality control of an MRI scanner. They are measured in regular tests with phantoms. In these tests, however, used to quadrature coil, which has been most widely used clinically, and, therefore, was replaced in the procedures for body coil. In order to understand the difference between these two parameters in these coils, the study aimed to analyze the images acquired from four different phantoms in the same equipment under the same conditions for comparison purposes. With these results, it can be concluded that the body coil signal-to-noise ratio has always smaller than the quadrature in any projection, whereas the image uniformity is larger


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The computed tomography, devised by Godfrey Hounsfield and Allan Cormack, is in its fourth decade of the clinical use and has presented to be a very useful tool in the diagnosis of several pathologies. For this reason, its use is increasing each day, due to technological progress since its creation. Due to be more and more utilized, the equipment must be in good operating conditions, because it is subject to variance and wearing, damage the quality of diagnosis. To evaluate whether the performance of the scanner remains constant along the time and the dose received by the patient is within the desired limits, periodic tests of quality control must be performed. For this subject, the regulation 453 (June 01, 1998) was created, which determines the need of the implementation of a program for quality assurance (PGQ), where, in addition to the tests of quality control, are established the necessary measurements for the proper functioning of the equipment, generating a trustworthy diagnosis, reducing the dose for the patient and the costs. In this document, are presented tests of quality control carried out in hospitals of the city of Sao Paulo carried out together with the Technical Section of Applications by Imaging Diagnostic (STADI) of the Institute of Electrotechnics and Energy of the University of São Paulo (IEE/USP)


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The increase in the elderly population has been significant in recent years in Brazil, with the growth in the relative share of the population aged 65 or more, which was 4.8% in 1991 and reaching 7.4% in 2010, this occurred mainly due to the growth of the adult population, especially also for the increased participation of the elderly population (IBGE, 2010). This situation has challenges of political, social, economic and mainly related to the health of the elderly population. The practice of physical activity, especially gymnastics, are offered to the population as a means of improving the health and quality of life (BURINI, 2005; MATSUDO, 2002; MAZO, 2003). From this context, this course conclusion work aims to report gymnastics programs developed in Denmark for the elderly population and reflect on the differences and similarities with the Brazilian fitness programs for seniors presented in the literature. The method used to develop this work of completion will review the literature on physical activity programs for seniors and, in particular, gymnastics, developed in Brazil and published in national Physical Education, minimum classification B2 (CAPES, 2012 ). Parallel to this, the description of fitness programs directed to older people in Denmark, as an account of personal experience of five months in Folk High School Gymnastik og Idraetshojskolen Viborg / Denmark. In the results of the study, were founded eight projects of physical activity of elderly people in the articles. Compared with the Brazilian projects studied, and observed Danish, they differ primarily the goals of the programs, which directly influences the activities conducted training. The frequency is similar but the Danish culture of physical exercise, makes Denmark people want to practice more activities off-hours programs. Another equally important aspect that emerges... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A indústria de software se destaca por sua transversalidade em diversas cadeias produtivas. Também é de importante relevância para o desenvolvimento de um parque industrial consolidado, uma vez que, apresenta-se como peça chave no desenvolvimento das atividades ligadas a micro-eletrônica. Todavia, é um produto que possui características diferenciadas dos demais produtos manufaturados. Ou seja, é formado por uma seqüência de conhecimentos lógicos que delimitam quais são as funções que o produto irá desempenhar, tal formação concede um caráter de imaterialidade a este. O caráter imaterial e a dificuldade de mensurar o real valor agregado do software, devido a sua transversalidade, instigam a curiosidade para investigar os reais benefícios que o setor pode gerar para a estrutura produtiva de um determinado país. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar as grandes empresas de software e principalmente analisar os tipos de atividades que são desenvolvidas mundialmente por estas. Procura também analisar as atividades offshoring, isto é, aquelas que são realizadas por empresas multinacionais em outros países levando em conta a sua estratégia global. Busca também dar uma ênfase nas atividades realizadas no Brasil, com isto procura mapear o papel dos países em desenvolvimento nestas atividades. A metodologia será desenvolvida a partir de coleta do material bibliográfico, com dois propósitos distintos: entender os tipos de atividades do setor, dinâmica concorrencial, etapas do processo produtivo, evolução histórica e mercado; e também um estudo do processo de internacionalização, focando o fenômeno de offshoring e as estratégias competitivas das empresas do setor. O acompanhamento dos relatórios anuais das empresas da amostra e de notícias veiculadas em periódicos especializados levará a elaboração de “Dossiês Corporativos”... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A lógica instantânea da sociedade informacional não permite que a maioria dos meios de comunicação abra espaço para a história de vida das fontes jornalísticas, muito menos das anônimas. A instantaneidade com que os fatos têm de chegar ao receptor não é compatível com o exercício jornalístico que busca a densidade, o aprofundamento das relações sociais. “Aluga-se meu apego: a história de vida dos anunciantes de Classificados” busca apontar uma alternativa para o jornalismo oficial e superficial. Trata-se de um livro-reportagem de perfil que tenta mapear traços e mudanças da identidade dos anônimos, apontando-os como agentes sociais de suas próprias vidas e das vidas alheias. A partir dos preceitos da psicologia social e da antropologia, busca-se definir a identidade como um processo socialmente construído e sujeito a constantes mutações. Embuído dessa premissa, o Jornalismo Literário aparece como opção que permite o aprofundamento na cobertura dos fatos e a contextualização dos fenômenos decorrentes dele. O conteúdo do livro-reportagem possui dez perfis que contam fragmentos da vida, dos anseios e das angústias de anunciantes dos Classificados do Jornal da Cidade de Bauru (SP) que coabitam o município com as fontes oficiais utilizadas pelos jornais mas que, porém, não têm a mesma visibilidade nem são encarados como fundamentais para nossa realidade


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Radiotherapy is a multidisciplinary speciality which uses complex equipment and radiation sources for delivery of treatment, using high-energy ionizing radiation to treat cancer at several stages of complexity. Since radiation therapy is a technique which involves a precalculated radiation dose, it shall be established quality assurance programs that provide an efficient and safety treatment. The International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) report No. 50 has recommended dose uniformity between 5% of the prescribed dose throughout the region of interest. This is one of the most primordial points that justify the importance of a suitable attendance of the equipments quality and performance. For quality control, the medical physicist will be involved with establishing and running a Quality Control Program (QCP). He must adapt or develop the procedures of equipment acceptance and commissioning, besides verifying the use of principles and accepted protocols of national and international reports to assure the correct quality, quantity, and placement of radiation during the performance of a radiological procedure, establishing adequate protocols to ensure accurate patient dosimetry. This present work consists of a description of the activities carried through the Sectors of Radiation Therapy of the Hospital of Clinics of the Campinas State University (Unicamp), particularly in the implementation of the Quality Control Program


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Esta pesquisa procurou investigar os trabalhos já publicados em revistas, periódicos, artigos científicos, livros e outros meios de comunicação, informações sobre a obesidade infantil, desde seu surgimento, métodos de prevenção e tratamentos adequados para evitar que a epidemia da obesidade continue a se alastrar em nosso país. O objetivo final desta pesquisa e revisão bibliográfica, foi o desenvolvimento de uma cartilha infantil, voltada para pais e alunos de escolas do ensino básico, a fim de alertá-los sobre a obesidade infantil, utilizando diversas gravuras e linguagem simplificada, para que tanto adultos quanto crianças possam compreender o conteúdo da cartilha. Os indivíduos obesos sofrem devido a diversos problemas, além dos problemas relacionados a saúde em geral, ainda são estigmatizados em nossa sociedade que valoriza mais a aparência que a saúde física, para isso a problemática da imagem corporal também foi abordada na cartilha. Temas como alimentação, atividade física, lazer, cuidados dos pais, doenças associadas e o crescente aumento da obesidade infantil no Brasil foram abordados, entre outros


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The society went through several transformations, especially technological. With the democratization of the Internet and social media, forms of relationships have turned up in between brand and consumer. Thus, marketing availed human characteristics in order to meet and interact with the consumer. So many print magazines have created profiles on Facebook and Twitter with the primary intent of disseminating original content and become a channel of dialogue with the reader. This research aims to reflect on the role of journalist as brand managers and social media acting as a magazine brand strength ening strategy. The research will examine the Todateen magazine, teen magazine focused on class C, and their profiles from Facebook and Twitter as a way to expand the relationship with the reader, to humanize the brand and strengthen the identity of the magazine. The methodologies used are exploratory and analytical to, first, discuss the issues: magazine journalism, media convergence, web journalism, social media, corporate communications, branding and marketing, and then analyze the Todateen case, describing the print media, the website, Twitter and Facebook


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Com o avanço da mídia televisiva e recentemente da internet, o jornalismo impresso parece estar perdendo força mercadológica, com tiragens cada ano menores. Em busca de novas formas de atrair o leitor e de obter maiores lucros, revistas brasileiras tentam modificar o tradicional texto jornalístico, puramente informativo, para um texto com nova linguagem, que possibilitasse a humanização dos relatos da notícia. Essa nova forma de escrever o texto jornalístico foi batizada no Brasil, nas últimas décadas, de jornalismo literário. Com influências do New Journalism americano, o jornalismo literário parece ter se tornado um fenômeno editorial no Brasil, com o surgimento de revistas que se dedicavam ao gênero e com o lançamento de coleções de livros por importantes editoras brasileiras. Entretanto, as pesquisas de avaliação desse novo jornalismo, tanto na área de comunicação, quanto na das letras, não têm atentado para a necessidade de contemplar a natureza literária para se avaliar a produção textual do dito jornalismo literário. Esta monografia tem como proposta estudar analiticamente a presença da literariedade no jornalismo literário brasileiro contemporâneo, avaliando textos do gênero Perfil das revistas Piauí e Brasileiros. Para isso, recorreremos às contribuições analíticas da teoria da literatura e do que já vem sendo publicado sobre jornalismo literário no Brasil


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There is a need for ongoing evaluation of the researchers not only engineering and production in all areas of knowledge engineering. To check the quality and veracity of scientific production, the CNPq is a brazillian government agency designed to evaluate researchers, classify them and give the encouragement and incentive for their research. This study quantifies the CNPq researchers in the field of Production Engineering according to the time of operation in research, number of guidelines for masters and doctoral, number of articles in national and international journals or magazines and congresses. The classification of these researchers, according to the proposed quantification, is confronted with the level of research they have in CNPq. The researcher starts his career at level 2, after it spending levels for 1D, 1C, 1B reaches to the highest level 1A. The main conclusion to be drawn from this study is that excellent researchers with a significant number of guidelines, bitter years in the early levels because of the rules of the CNPq which only allows a researcher to achieve the highest levels after many years of research


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Fuel cells are a very promising solution to the problems of power generation and emission of pollutant to the environment, excellent to be used in stationary application and mobile application too. The high cost of production of these devices, mainly due to the use of noble metals as anode, is a major obstacle to massive production and deployment of this technology, however the use of intermetallic phases of platinum combined with other metals less noble has been evaluated as electrodes in order to minimize production costs and still being able to significantly improve the catalytic performance of the anode. The study of intermetallic phases, exclusively done by experimental techniques is not complete and demand that other methods need to be applied to a deeper understanding of the behavior geometric properties and the electronic structure of the material, to this end the use of computer simulation methods, which have proved appropriate for a broader understanding of the geometric and electronic properties of the materials involved, so far not so well understood.. The use of computational methods provides answers to explain the behavior of the materials and allows assessing whether the intermetallic may be a good electrode. In this research project was used the Quantum-ESPRESSO package, based on the DFT theory, which provides the self-consistent field calculations with great precision, calculations of the periodic systems interatomic force, and other post-processing calculations that points to a knowledge of the geometric and electronic properties of materials, which may be related to other properties of them, even the electrocatalytic. The electronic structure is determined from the optimized geometric structure of materials by analyzing the density of states (DOS) projected onto atomic orbital, which determines the influence of the electrocatalytic properties of the material... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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It is a systematic literature review, wich aimed to analyze documents, as is the inclusion of the family in Mental Health Services. To do so was based on a literature in the database of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS). And the documents were selected from the question which funded the research to evaluate the contribution of scientific research published in journals in the period 2000 to 2011. Data analysis reveals that the government's efforts in having the family as an ally, not a recent phenomenon. But this is a process that depends not only on government, also depends on the professionals involved and of their own families, and other factors. It is concluded that much remains to be done, both in terms of research for the topic, the actions in the reality of such a process


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This study aimed at analyzing the scientific production on health care humanization in intensive-care and emergency units based on publications in national journals. Therefore, this is an integrative review of the national literature. The online database Literatura Latino-Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde - Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS) based on the Health Virtual Library (BVS) platform was used to select articles. The final sample in this review consisted of 21 articles. The presentation of results and data discussion was descriptively performed and divided into three themes: communication with relatives and the team, caregiver humanization and, finally, the difficulties faced to implement humanization. As regards communication, it is seen by the authors as a fundamental strategy to ensure quality in intensive care, and it is placed as a central axis in the humanization policy. Concerning caregiver humanization, the physical and mental overload resulting from the work process in these units are factors that interfere with personal relations between team members as well as with that between team members and patients. Among the difficulties faced for implementing humanized care for critical patients are the units’s physical and organizational structures, technology and health care professionals’ education, which is centered on the biomedical model. It was concluded that communication is considered to be fundamental for humanization of the care provided to critical patients, since it allows for the development of a network of meanings between patients, the team, families and the establishment. In order to implement care with humanized actions in urgency and emergency sectors, particularly in ICUs, it is necessary to change organizational culture and value health care professionals