943 resultados para pension plans


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Introduction The world is changing! It is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. As cliché as it may sound the evidence of such dynamism in the external environment is growing. Business-as-usual is more of the exception than the norm. Organizational change is the rule; be it to accommodate and adapt to change, or instigate and lead change. A constantly changing environment is a situation that all organizations have to live with. What makes some organizations however, able to thrive better than others? Many scholars and practitioners believe that this is due to the ability to learn. Therefore, this book on developing Learning and Development (L&D) professionals is timely as it explores and discusses trends and practices that impact organizations, the workforce and L&D professionals. Being able to learn and develop effectively is the cornerstone of motivation as it helps to address people’s need to be competent and to be autonomous (Deci & Ryan, 2002; Loon & Casimir, 2008; Ryan & Deci, 2000). L&D stimulates and empowers people to perform. Organizations that are better at learning at all levels; the individual, group and organizational level, will always have a better chance of surviving and performing. Given the new reality of a dynamic external environment and constant change, L&D professionals now play an even more important role in their organizations than ever before. However, L&D professionals themselves are not immune to the turbulent changes as their practices are also impacted. Therefore, the challenges that L&D professionals face are two-pronged. Firstly, in relation to helping and supporting their organization and its workforce in adapting to the change, whilst, secondly developing themselves effectively and efficiently so that they are able to be one-step ahead of the workforce that they are meant to help develop. These challenges are recognised by the CIPD, as they recently launched their new L&D qualification that has served as an inspiration for this book. L&D plays a crucial role at both strategic (e.g. organizational capability) and operational (e.g. delivery of training) levels. L&D professionals have moved from being reactive (e.g. following up action after performance appraisals) to being more proactive (e.g. shaping capability). L&D is increasingly viewed as a driver for organizational performance. The CIPD (2014) suggest that L&D is increasingly expected to not only take more responsibility but also accountability for building both individual and organizational knowledge and capability, and to nurture an organizational culture that prizes learning and development. This book is for L&D professionals. Nonetheless, it is also suited for those studying Human Resource Development HRD at intermediate level. The term ‘Human Resource Development’ (HRD) is more common in academia, and is largely synonymous with L&D (Stewart & Sambrook, 2012) Stewart (1998) defined HRD as ‘the practice of HRD is constituted by the deliberate, purposive and active interventions in the natural learning process. Such interventions can take many forms, most capable of categorising as education or training or development’ (p. 9). In fact, many parts of this book (e.g. Chapters 5 and 7) are appropriate for anyone who is involved in training and development. This may include a variety of individuals within the L&D community, such as line managers, professional trainers, training solutions vendors, instructional designers, external consultants and mentors (Mayo, 2004). The CIPD (2014) goes further as they argue that the role of L&D is broad and plays a significant role in Organizational Development (OD) and Talent Management (TM), as well as in Human Resource Management (HRM) in general. OD, TM, HRM and L&D are symbiotic in enabling the ‘people management function’ to provide organizations with the capabilities that they need.


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«Supervision pédagogique, examens ministériels, resserrement des programmes (...) sont à la mode du jour du système éducatif québécois». De tous les éléments de ce système, le cégep semble davantage visé. On le presse de rendre des comptes sur la qualité de ses enseignements. Qu'il suffise de rappeler à ce sujet l'impact qu'a eu dans les collèges et dans le public québécois en général, l'avènement médiatique provoqué par la parution du premier palmarès des cégeps dans la revue Actualités. Presque quotidiennement, les journaux nous entretiennent des problèmes que soulèvent les cégeps. Tout encore récemment le président du Conseil de la jeunesse ne craignait pas d'affirmer dans le journal La Presse, «que les collèges sont incapables de s'autocritiquer et de s'auto-évaluer et n'ont de comptes à rendre à personne». Il n'en fallait pas davantage pour que le Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la science convoque une Commission parlementaire sur l'enseignement collégial pour l'automne 1992. Il existe pourtant au cégep de nombreux lieux où s'exerce la supervision. C'est le cas par exemple des plans de cours que les professeurs sont tenus de rédiger à chaque début de session d'enseignement pour leurs groupes d'étudiants. Cette opération renferme en elle-même plusieurs étapes qui nécessitent diverses interventions de supervision de direction et d'assistance. […]


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A Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is a plan to reduce the risk of safety hazards in food. The HACCP System identifies potential biological, chemical and physical hazards from the time the food enters the facility to when it is served. The Hazard Analysis identifies critical control points based on the ingredients, raw materials and processes. Control measures are then identified, implemented and monitored to ensure the ongoing safety of the finished products.


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Este trabajo enfatiza el uso de la literatura en Clases EFL. La literatura es usada como una técnica para enseñar las cuatro destrezas básicas: lectura, habilidad de escuchar, escritura y la producción oral. Provee herramientas para mejorar vocabulario, pronunciación y estructuras gramaticales. El leer literatura provee beneficios enlistados en este documento. Además, algunas desventajas también son presentadas. La falta de: capacitación de profesores, interés por parte de los estudiantes y material propio de lectura, hacen de la literatura una tarea difícil de completar. Seleccionar el material correcto para una Clase EFL es el aspecto más importante para generar el interés por la lectura en los estudiantes. En este caso los adolescentes son el objetivo de este estudio. “The Canterbury Tales” por Geoffrey Chaucer, es la obra en la cual este proyecto está basado. La obra literaria de Geoffrey Chaucer “The Canterbury Tales” le da al lector la oportunidad de imaginar una cultura diferente, el comportamiento de las personas, sentimientos, diversión y moralejas con las que las personas se identifican. Quince planificaciones de clase adaptadas de “The Canterbury Tales” es la mejor herramienta para cultivar el interés por la lectura. Las más importantes sub-destrezas son mostradas en estas planificaciones. Cada una de estas sub-destrezas demuestra actividades sugeridas que pueden ser practicadas dentro del aula. La incorporación de la lectura en una Clase EFL facilita el trabajo del profesor con estudiantes quienes encontraran en la lectura facilidad y diversión.


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The TOMO-ETNA experiment was devised to image of the crust underlying the volcanic edifice and, possibly, its plumbing system by using passive and active refraction/reflection seismic methods. This experiment included activities both on-land and offshore with the main objective of obtaining a new high-resolution seismic tomography to improve the knowledge of the crustal structures existing beneath the Etna volcano and northeast Sicily up to Aeolian Islands. The TOMO ETNA experiment was divided in two phases. The first phase started on June 15, 2014 and finalized on July 24, 2014, with the withdrawal of two removable seismic networks (a Short Period Network and a Broadband network composed by 80 and 20 stations respectively) deployed at Etna volcano and surrounding areas. During this first phase the oceanographic research vessel “Sarmiento de Gamboa” and the hydro-oceanographic vessel “Galatea” performed the offshore activities, which includes the deployment of ocean bottom seismometers (OBS), air-gun shooting for Wide Angle Seismic refraction (WAS), Multi-Channel Seismic (MCS) reflection surveys, magnetic surveys and ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) dives. This phase finished with the recovery of the short period seismic network. In the second phase the Broadband seismic network remained operative until October 28, 2014, and the R/V “Aegaeo” performed additional MCS surveys during November 19-27, 2014. Overall, the information deriving from TOMO-ETNA experiment could provide the answer to many uncertainties that have arisen while exploiting the large amount of data provided by the cutting-edge monitoring systems of Etna volcano and seismogenic area of eastern Sicily.


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Includes index.


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The high population density and tightly packed nature of some city centres make emergency planning for these urban spaces especially important, given the potential for human loss in case of disaster. Historic and recent events have made emergency service planners particularly conscious of the need for preparing evacuation plans in advance. This paper discusses a methodological approach for assisting decision-makers in designing urban evacuation plans. The approach aims at quickly and safely moving the population away from the danger zone into shelters. The plans include determining the number and location of rescue facilities, as well as the paths that people should take from their building to their assigned shelter in case of an occurrence requiring evacuation. The approach is thus of the location–allocation–routing type, through the existing streets network, and takes into account the trade-offs among different aspects of evacuation actions that inevitably come up during the planning stage. All the steps of the procedure are discussed and systematised, along with computational and practical implementation issues, in the context of a case study – the design of evacuation plans for the historical centre of an old European city.


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"Renseignements bibliographiques": p. [393]-397.


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The origins of the ‘planning’ lie in the regional sciences and attempts to undertake social engineering of land use occupancy.
Over the last 100 years planning, as a discipline, has variously dabbled in design on the margins with urban design and neourbanism, but has stayed staunchly in the applied science and social science realms. This penchant detrimentally affects its graduates abilities to holistically appreciate and envision the consequences of their decisions-making and plan-making, to convey strength of conviction and expertise to the community, but also to establish a solid basis upon which its professional practice applications and decision-making paradigms successfully articulate equity and comprehensiveness of rational land use and development planning and decision-making. While planning re-learnt how to legitimately evaluate design and aesthetics into planning in the 1960s through the emergent McHargian ecological design paradigm, quickly embracing it as a consequence of major environmental land use disasters that occurred ‘on its watch’ that were demonstrable failures of its claimed insight and professional responsibilities, it has struggled as a discipline to embrace design as an integral technology in its daily operations and expressed ‘territory’ of professional responsibility. This paper reviews this legacy and then charts some emergent patterns in the teaching and practice of planning in Australia that are attempting to re-position design as a legitimate and integral part of the knowledge and skills of a professional planners.