966 resultados para patent databases
OBJECTIVE: To update trends in mortality from coronary heart diseases (CHD) and cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) over the period 1981-2004 in Europe, the USA, Latin America, Japan and other selected areas of the world. METHODS: Age-standardized mortality rates were derived from the World Health Organization database. Joinpoint analysis was used to identify significant changes in trends. RESULTS: In the European Union (27 countries), CHD mortality in men declined from 139/100,000 in 1985-1989 to 93/100,000 in 2000-2004 (-33%). In women, the fall was from 61/100,000 to 44/100,000 (-27%). In this area, a decline by over 30% was also registered in CVD mortality for both sexes. In the Russian Federation and other countries of the former Soviet Union, CHD rates in 2000-2004 were exceedingly high, around 380/100,000 men and 170/100,000 women in Russia, 430 for men and 240 for women in Ukraine, 420 and 200 in Belarus. For CVD, a similar situation was registered, with mortality rates of 226/100,000 for men and 159/100,000 for women in 2004 in the Russian Federation, and more than 24% increase since the late 1980s for men and 15% for women. CHD and CVD mortality continued to decline in most Latin American countries, Australia and other areas considered, including Asia (even if with marked differences). CONCLUSION: Although mortality from CHD and CVD continues to decline in several areas of the world including most countries of Europe and of the America providing data and Australia, unfavourable trends were still observed in the Russian Federation and other countries of the former Soviet Union, whose recent rates remain exceedingly high.
Rhesus monkeys (macaca mulatta) were infected subcutaneously with 1.0 x 10**4 to 1.5 x 10**4 metacyclic trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi (Colombian strain). Parasitological and immunological parameters were evaluated in these animals for periods of 1 month to over 3 years. a chagona was observed between the 3 rd and the 13th day after infection (a.i) and patent parasitaemia between the 13th and 59th day a.i.. Thereafter, parasites were demonstrated only by haemoculture and/or xenodiagnosis. Circulating specifc IgM and IgC antibodies were observed as early as in the 2nd week a. i. IgG levels persisted until the end of the expriment, but IgM antibodies were detectable nine months a. i. Haematological alterations comprised leucocytosis and lymphocytosis. Eletrocardiographic alterations were minor and transient, similar to those observe in non-lethal human acute Chagas' myocarditis. Myocarditis and myositis, characterized by multiple foci of lympho-histiocyte inflammatory infiltrate, were present in monkeys sacrificed on the 41 th, 70th and 76 th day but not in the animal sacrificed 3 years and 3 months a. i.. The results suggest that Chagas' disease in rhesus monkeys reproduces the acute and indeterminate phases of human Chagas' disease.
Des de que començà aquest projecte, el grup de recerca ha intentat aprofundir el coneixement de la Catalunya de la Guerra del Francès (1808 -1814) a partir d’una òptica britànica. El grup pretenia així desenvolupar la relació que es va establir entre els catalans i els britànics al llarg de tota la guerra, des dels primers contactes permesos per la presència de la flota britànica en la costa catalana fins a la intervenció de forces britàniques en territori català. D’aquesta manera, i primerament, el grup inicià la consulta de les bases de dades i catàlegs catalans i britànics per a completar el nostre llistat de referències arxivístiques i bibliogràfiques. El segon pas van ésser les tres estades d’investigació que entre el 2006 i el 2007 es van fer a Anglaterra, principalment a Londres. La investigació es realitzà a la British Library, al Institute of Historical Research of the School of Advanced Studies de la University of London, al National Maritime Museum i als National Archives of the United Kingdom. A continuació, el grup analitzà la informació recollida de la lectura de fonts primàries i bibliogràfiques en aquests centres de recerca. Finalment, el grup creu que la intensa relació que es va establir entre les dues parts, reflecteix la importància que les autoritats britàniques van donar a Catalunya, i que el seu aïllament amb el centre polític del bàndol patriota va permetre que desenvolupés les seves pròpies dinàmiques i cronologies, encara que s’integraven en el desenvolupament general de la guerra.
We study the functional specialization whereby some countries contribute relatively more inventors vs. organizations in the production of inventions at a global scale. We propose a conceptual framework to explain this type of functional specialization, which posits the presence of feedbacks between two distinct sub-systems, each one providing inventors and organizations. We quantify the phenomenon by means of a new metric, the “inventor balance”, which we compute using patent data. We show that the observed imbalances, which are often conspicuous, are determined by several factors: the innovativeness of a country relative to its level of economic development, relative factor endowments, the degree of technological specialization and, last, cultural traits. We argue that the “inventor balance” is a useful indicator for policy makers, and its routine analysis could lead to better informed innovation policies.
El panorama internacional sobre la protecció de les varietats vegetals, en concret el sistema de patents europeu i el de protecció d'obtencions vegetals (UPOV), la seva regulació i abast a la llum de la Jurisprudència de l'Oficina Europea de Patents (OEP) i del “Cas Bròcoli”; número de Patent Europea EP 1 069 819.
DNA-based techniques are important tools for species assignment, in particular when identification with morphological criteria is difficult. The aim of this study was to genetically determine the species identity of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) populations from western and northern Switzerland (Swiss Plateau), this area being frequently subjected to introductions of species or sub-species from south of the Alps. We sequenced 261 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene from 24 samples of tree frogs from the Swiss Plateau, Ticino (southern Switzerland) and the Dombes region (Ain, France), and compared them with homologous sequences retrieved from DNA databases. The phylogenetic analyses revealed two distinct clades. The first one is represented by samples of Green tree frog (Hyla arborea) from the Swiss Plateau, France, Germany and Greece, confirming the current knowledge about the species' distribution. The second clade includes samples belonging to the Italian tree frog (Hyla intermedia) from south of the Alps (Ticino and Italy), and unexpectedly from the Grangettes site in western Switzerland. These results suggest the introduction of the Italian tree frog H. intermedia north of the Alps, and raise questions about the management of the Grangettes protected area.
The development in C3H mice of thirteen strains of Trypanosoma cruzi belonging to different zymodemes ans schizodemes was studied. Host mortality, virulence, histiotropism, parasitemia and polymorphism of the parasites were recorded. The strains were grouped into: a) high virulence - causing 100% mortality and characterized by predominance of bery broad trypomastigotes in the bloodstream at the end of infection; b) medium virulence - causing no mortality and with a predominance of broad trypomastigotes; c) low virulence - causing no mortality with blood forms not described due to the very low parasitemia. During 18 months maintenance the parasitemia curves were kept constant for all strains except one. A direct correlation between either zymodeme or schizodeme and experimental biological properties of T. cruzi strains was not found. However, the parasitemia was subpatent and patent for strains from zymodeme C and the others respectively. Furthermore the high virulence seems to be related to one of two shizodemes found within zymodeme B strains. All strains presenting patent parasitemia independent of shizodeme and ymodeme showed a myotropism towards heart and skeletal muscle with varible inflammatory intensity. The present study confirmed the heterogeneity found by isoenzyme and K-DNA patterns among the strains of T. cruzi isolated from chagasic patients in Bambuí, Minas Gerais State, Brasil.
This study presents a first attempt to extend the “Multi-scale integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism (MuSIASEM)” approach to a spatial dimension using GIS techniques in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona. We use a combination of census and commercial databases along with a detailed land cover map to create a layer of Common Geographic Units that we populate with the local values of human time spent in different activities according to MuSIASEM hierarchical typology. In this way, we mapped the hours of available human time, in regards to the working hours spent in different locations, putting in evidence the gradients in spatial density between the residential location of workers (generating the work supply) and the places where the working hours are actually taking place. We found a strong three-modal pattern of clumps of areas with different combinations of values of time spent on household activities and on paid work. We also measured and mapped spatial segregation between these two activities and put forward the conjecture that this segregation increases with higher energy throughput, as the size of the functional units must be able to cope with the flow of exosomatic energy. Finally, we discuss the effectiveness of the approach by comparing our geographic representation of exosomatic throughput to the one issued from conventional methods.
En termes de temps d'execució i ús de dades, les aplicacions paral·leles/distribuïdes poden tenir execucions variables, fins i tot quan s'empra el mateix conjunt de dades d'entrada. Existeixen certs aspectes de rendiment relacionats amb l'entorn que poden afectar dinàmicament el comportament de l'aplicació, tals com: la capacitat de la memòria, latència de la xarxa, el nombre de nodes, l'heterogeneïtat dels nodes, entre d'altres. És important considerar que l'aplicació pot executar-se en diferents configuracions de maquinari i el desenvolupador d'aplicacions no port garantir que els ajustaments de rendiment per a un sistema en particular continuïn essent vàlids per a d'altres configuracions. L'anàlisi dinàmica de les aplicacions ha demostrat ser el millor enfocament per a l'anàlisi del rendiment per dues raons principals. En primer lloc, ofereix una solució molt còmoda des del punt de vista dels desenvolupadors mentre que aquests dissenyen i evaluen les seves aplicacions paral·leles. En segon lloc, perquè s'adapta millor a l'aplicació durant l'execució. Aquest enfocament no requereix la intervenció de desenvolupadors o fins i tot l'accés al codi font de l'aplicació. S'analitza l'aplicació en temps real d'execució i es considra i analitza la recerca dels possibles colls d'ampolla i optimitzacions. Per a optimitzar l'execució de l'aplicació bioinformàtica mpiBLAST, vam analitzar el seu comportament per a identificar els paràmetres que intervenen en el rendiment d'ella, com ara: l'ús de la memòria, l'ús de la xarxa, patrons d'E/S, el sistema de fitxers emprat, l'arquitectura del processador, la grandària de la base de dades biològica, la grandària de la seqüència de consulta, la distribució de les seqüències dintre d'elles, el nombre de fragments de la base de dades i/o la granularitat dels treballs assignats a cada procés. El nostre objectiu és determinar quins d'aquests paràmetres tenen major impacte en el rendiment de les aplicacions i com ajustar-los dinàmicament per a millorar el rendiment de l'aplicació. Analitzant el rendiment de l'aplicació mpiBLAST hem trobat un conjunt de dades que identifiquen cert nivell de serial·lització dintre l'execució. Reconeixent l'impacte de la caracterització de les seqüències dintre de les diferents bases de dades i una relació entre la capacitat dels workers i la granularitat de la càrrega de treball actual, aquestes podrien ser sintonitzades dinàmicament. Altres millores també inclouen optimitzacions relacionades amb el sistema de fitxers paral·lel i la possibilitat d'execució en múltiples multinucli. La grandària de gra de treball està influenciat per factors com el tipus de base de dades, la grandària de la base de dades, i la relació entre grandària de la càrrega de treball i la capacitat dels treballadors.
Microarray transcript profiling and RNA interference are two new technologies crucial for large-scale gene function studies in multicellular eukaryotes. Both rely on sequence-specific hybridization between complementary nucleic acid strands, inciting us to create a collection of gene-specific sequence tags (GSTs) representing at least 21,500 Arabidopsis genes and which are compatible with both approaches. The GSTs were carefully selected to ensure that each of them shared no significant similarity with any other region in the Arabidopsis genome. They were synthesized by PCR amplification from genomic DNA. Spotted microarrays fabricated from the GSTs show good dynamic range, specificity, and sensitivity in transcript profiling experiments. The GSTs have also been transferred to bacterial plasmid vectors via recombinational cloning protocols. These cloned GSTs constitute the ideal starting point for a variety of functional approaches, including reverse genetics. We have subcloned GSTs on a large scale into vectors designed for gene silencing in plant cells. We show that in planta expression of GST hairpin RNA results in the expected phenotypes in silenced Arabidopsis lines. These versatile GST resources provide novel and powerful tools for functional genomics.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a major disease affecting nearly 280 million people worldwide. Whilst the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to disease are poorly understood, dysfunction of the insulin-producing pancreatic beta-cells is key event for disease development. Monitoring the gene expression profiles of pancreatic beta-cells under several genetic or chemical perturbations has shed light on genes and pathways involved in T2DM. The EuroDia database has been established to build a unique collection of gene expression measurements performed on beta-cells of three organisms, namely human, mouse and rat. The Gene Expression Data Analysis Interface (GEDAI) has been developed to support this database. The quality of each dataset is assessed by a series of quality control procedures to detect putative hybridization outliers. The system integrates a web interface to several standard analysis functions from R/Bioconductor to identify differentially expressed genes and pathways. It also allows the combination of multiple experiments performed on different array platforms of the same technology. The design of this system enables each user to rapidly design a custom analysis pipeline and thus produce their own list of genes and pathways. Raw and normalized data can be downloaded for each experiment. The flexible engine of this database (GEDAI) is currently used to handle gene expression data from several laboratory-run projects dealing with different organisms and platforms. Database URL: http://eurodia.vital-it.ch.
MOTIVATION: Microarray results accumulated in public repositories are widely reused in meta-analytical studies and secondary databases. The quality of the data obtained with this technology varies from experiment to experiment, and an efficient method for quality assessment is necessary to ensure their reliability. RESULTS: The lack of a good benchmark has hampered evaluation of existing methods for quality control. In this study, we propose a new independent quality metric that is based on evolutionary conservation of expression profiles. We show, using 11 large organ-specific datasets, that IQRray, a new quality metrics developed by us, exhibits the highest correlation with this reference metric, among 14 metrics tested. IQRray outperforms other methods in identification of poor quality arrays in datasets composed of arrays from many independent experiments. In contrast, the performance of methods designed for detecting outliers in a single experiment like Normalized Unscaled Standard Error and Relative Log Expression was low because of the inability of these methods to detect datasets containing only low-quality arrays and because the scores cannot be directly compared between experiments. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The R implementation of IQRray is available at: ftp://lausanne.isb-sib.ch/pub/databases/Bgee/general/IQRray.R. CONTACT: Marta.Rosikiewicz@unil.ch SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Peritoneal macrophage activation as measured by H2O2 release and histopathology was compared between Swiss mice and Calomys callosus, a wild rodent, reservoir of Trypanosoma cruzi, during the course of infection with four strains of this parasite. In mice F and Y strain infections result in high parasitemia and mortality while with silvatic strains Costalimai and M226 parasitemia is sub-patent, with very low mortality. H2O2 release peaked at 33,6 and 59 nM/2 x 10(elevado a sexta potência) cells for strains Y and F, respectively, 48 and 50 nM/2 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) for strains Costalimai and M226, at different days after infection. Histopathological findings of myositis, myocarditis, necrotizing artheritis and abscence of macrophage parasitism were foud for strains F and Costalimai. Y strain infection presented moderate myocarditis and myositis, with parasites multiplying within macrophages. In C. callosus all four strains resulted in patent parasitemia wich was eventually overcome, with scarce mortality. H2O2 release for strains Y or F was comparable to that of mice-peaks of 27 and 53 nM/2 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) cells, with lower values for strains Costalimai and M226 - 16.5 and 4.6 nM/2 x 10(elevado a sexta potência)cells, respectively. Histopathological lesions with Y and F strain injected animals were comparable to those of mice at the onset of infections; they subsided completely at the later stages with Y strain and partially with F strain infected C. callosus. In Costalimai infected C. callosus practically no histopathological alterations were observed.
Twenty specimens of Nectomys squamipes born in captivity, were infected with 500 cercariae by the transcutaneous route. Coprologic examinations were carried out from the 5th to 23rd week after infection. On the 7th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 23rd weeks the animals were sacrificed and perfused. The oogram was performed in segments of the small intestine (proximal, medial and distal portions) and the large intestine. The average pre-patent period was of 42 days. The average number of eggs varied from 350 on 6th week, to 800 on the 13th. From the 14th week on, the average number of eggs eliminated was lower than 50 per gram of feces. The recovery of worms kept steady on the 7th, 8th, and 12th week (16.85%; 15.45% and 11.95%), decreasing to 7.70% on the 16th week and 8.45% on the 23rd week. The proportion of male/female worms was about the same on the first two weeks, but from the 12th week on, the proportion was: 1,4/1 on the 12th week; 2,5/1 on the 16thweek and 1,8/1 on the 23rd weekThese observations suggest that N. squamipes may used as an experimental model for schistosomiasis mansoni, to wich it develops resistance mechanism, useful for immunity studies.
The International Molecular Exchange (IMEx) consortium is an international collaboration between major public interaction data providers to share literature-curation efforts and make a nonredundant set of protein interactions available in a single search interface on a common website (http://www.imexconsortium.org/). Common curation rules have been developed, and a central registry is used to manage the selection of articles to enter into the dataset. We discuss the advantages of such a service to the user, our quality-control measures and our data-distribution practices.