952 resultados para partido político


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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This work has as main objetive to analyze fiscal/tax collection of municipalities after the political-administrative decentralization in Brazil and its new role in this scenario, bringing up the competition for Decasa Sugar and Alcohol between the municipalities of Caiuá and Maraba Paulista in the context of expansion sugarcane cultivation in the Presidente Prudente Geographic Micro Region. The analysis has considered the geographic scales, in order to highlight the power relations on local/regional territory, determined by the Agroenergy Policy Guidelines in Brazil (2006-2011). The two municipalities have from the point of view economic dynamics, irrelevence, proven through the São Paulo Index of Social Responsibility (IPRS), maximizing the importance of the constitutional transfers, such as Participation Fund of Municipalities (FPM). Given this situation, we analyze the four taxes raised by the experts as the most impactful for municipal tax collection before the presence of sugarcane activity: the Territorial Urban Property Tax (IPTU), the Tax on Services of any Nature (ISSQN), the Tax Vehicles owned Motor (IPVA) and the Operations tax on the Circulation of Goods and on Transport Services Rendered Interstate and Intermunicipal (ICMS). It was verified, that only the ISSQN can be seen as an indicator increase in fiscal/tax collection before the presence sugarcane activity...


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A Suécia está entre os países desenvolvidos que mais obtiveram êxito na construção do seu Estado de Bem-Estar Social (Welfare State). Esta instituição amadureceu durante os Anos Dourados do Capitalismo (1945 - 1975). O sucesso na sua construção pode estar ligado a uma série de fatores, como: o contexto internacional de Bretton Woods; as raízes históricas do país, com suas especificidades institucionais, econômicas e sociais; a atuação do Partido Social Democrata sueco, que contou com a participação de Gunnar Myrdal, um grande pensador econômico e um dos maiores teóricos referentes ao Welfare State; o Modelo Rehn-Meidner, que foi elaborado na década de 1950 e visou crescimento econômico, pleno emprego, controle inflacionário e equalização da renda simultaneamente através de políticas macroeconômicas contracionistas, Políticas Ativas no Mercado de Trabalho e Política de Salário Solidário. Dado tudo isto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é entender o processo de desenvolvimento do país e do seu Welfare State, analisando as medidas adotadas no período de 1950 a 1975, com particular interesse em identificar as possíveis influências que o Modelo Rehn-Meidner e o pensamento econômico e político de Gunnar Myrdal tiveram na escolha das políticas que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do país. Além disso, será analisado o ambiente internacional da época, bem como a História da Suécia, com a finalidade de identificar se e como outros fatores contribuíram para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico da Suécia e do seu Estado de Bem-Estar Social


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This study aimed to analyze the process of developing and implementing a politicalpedagogical project for rural schools in the city of Araraquara, focusing on one of the schools served. This is an ethnographic qualitative study. The instruments of data collection were participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. It was observed are a change in the community organization throughout the process, with regard to a more active attitude on the part of its members, who have pursued other means to claim the fulfillment of their demands by the Government and relevant institutions, which points to the pedagogical character of participation in the movement to fight for the education they desire. It was also noticed a process of re-signification by the subjects, of their own community identity while seated in an agrarian reform project, as well as a more effective participation of those in everyday life and school organization. It was also observed changes in indicators of school, with an increase in the achievement of students as well as reducing the dropout rate to zero, and the reduction of absenteeism of teachers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper examines the conceptions of democracy in the Brazilian left among 1930-1935, in particular those expressed in the manifestos of the National Liberative Alliance (ANL) and the texts written by Luis Carlos Prestes, Virgínio Santa Rosa and Caio Prado Jr. I argue that the Brazilian left started from a common troubled field, according to which land concentration represented the biggest obstacle to genuine political expression of the Brazilian people. Despite the convergence towards land reform, designed as a sine qua non condition to democracy in Brazil, the left has developed two different answers to the practical implementation of the principle of the people's government: the first, which I call altruist vanguard, which is more emphasized on texts of Virgínio Santa Rosa and Luís Carlos Prestes, and the second, the Republican participacionismo, which is explored on the writings of Caio Prado Jr. and ambiguously in the manifests of the National Liberative Alliance.


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This study aims to analyze the possibilities of integration of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning in a school of public elementary school Municipal Araraquara. This is a survey based on a qualitative approach, which has a strategy Case Study. Made an analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines and Policy Project (PPP) school selected, in order to check how the school addresses the issue of the use of new technologies in the educational process. For the analysis of the Curriculum Guidelines and Educational Policy Project found that the school has studied a concern to make use of ICT in teaching and learning, featuring an awareness of the importance of technology in education, but does not describe ways to integrate curricularmente them. The integration of new technologies into the curriculum requires a systematic reflection about their goals, their technical and content chosen. Not only is working with new technologies aimed at digital inclusion of students, but we need to integrate the school into their curricular, integrate them into the process of teaching and learning. Today ICT configure themselves into a new form of language, essential for knowledge representation and, if so, their presence in the school curriculum is crucial.


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Environmental education (EE), a critical component to face the environmental crisis, must be present in formal education in a continuous, permanent and transversal way. Studies show, however, that EE occurs, often, in a sporadic and discontinuous way, and that it is mainly linked to Sciences. The objective of this study was to investigate the inclusion of environmental subjects in the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) of a rural school, in Araraquara, SP. Through documentary analysis of the PPP, proposals for the Environmental Education for the last years of elementary education were examined. The results allowed the understanding, in a complex and contextualized way, of aspects related to the presence of environmental subjects in the school curriculum. They reveal that the suggestion of working with Environment attend the recommendations of the conference of Tbilisi and of Brazilian National Curriculum (PCN).


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A tradição do novo conservadorismo nos EUA foi determinante para a ampliação do debate político durante as últimas décadas, uma vez que, a partir da década de 1950 inseriu e fomentou uma série de ideias que, até então, pareciam excluídas e marginalizadas da discussão política devido ao grande sucesso eleitoral do modelo liberal creditado ao Partido Democrata. Para aprofundar esse debate, o artigo discute a importância da campanha eleitoral de Barry Goldwater, em 1964, e sua relação com a consolidação do movimento conservador no país, compreendendo como a partir dela amarrou-se uma aliança entre variadas correntes que compunham o espectro conservador, o que possibilitou ao Partido Republicano disputar novamente as eleições em um patamar de igualdade com o partido rival. Para realizar essa análise, em um primeiro momento, partimos de uma abordagem sobre o sistema federalista, com o intuito de compreender alguns de seus princípios básicos e sua influência na formação dos EUA como nação. Esse debate serve como base para uma releitura melhor contextualizada em torno de temas presentes na campanha de 1964, principalmente, no que se refere as propostas em torno do papel do Estado e relacionadas ao discurso em defesa dos interesses dos estados e da defesa da Constituição recorrentes no pleito eleitoral estadunidense. Junto a isso, aprofundamos a análise sobre as correntes que compunham o conservadorismo no país, demonstrando como elas, embora fossem muitas vezes antagônicas, se acomodaram em um projeto político conservador.


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The history and formation of the government in Brazil was, and still is, a central object of study in several fields of knowledge. Albeit with varied approaches highlight was given in the literature for two central reforms occurred between mid 1930s and mid 1990s This perception establishes a long history of Brazilian public administration, putting in their two extreme nodal points of this trajectory: the creation of DASP and the action of the MARE. Each of these institutional projects is directly linked to the conception of the role and performance of the Brazilian public administration instruments, as well as the goals to be achieved, revealing the intimate connection with the coeval political debate of each period. Based on this scenario, the objective of this study is to analyze the role of DASP as a strategic instrument in a Brazilian public "intelligentsia" in construction during the 1930s, strongly associated with a political project of modernization of Brazilian society


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In this paper, we aim at describing and assessing Environmental Education in Pedagogical Policy Projects (PPP) drawn by eight elementary schools belonging to the city school network of the city of Araraquara, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. A framework was designed to detail references to topics and activities related to the environment contained in the respective PPP. Next, the information obtained was recorded under two categories: a) content and activities, and b) theoretical background. It was found that, although seven out of the eight PPP studied pointed to work towards environment-related topics, they do not enable the theoretical and methodological grounds behind their programmed actions be identified.