970 resultados para non-additive effect


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bservations of the Rossiter–McLaughlin (RM) effect provide information on star–planet alignments, which can inform planetary migration and evolution theories. Here, we go beyond the classical RM modeling and explore the impact of a convective blueshift that varies across the stellar disk and non-Gaussian stellar photospheric profiles. We simulated an aligned hot Jupiter with a four-day orbit about a Sun-like star and injected center-to-limb velocity (and profile shape) variations based on radiative 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of solar surface convection. The residuals between our modeling and classical RM modeling were dependent on the intrinsic profile width and v sin i; the amplitude of the residuals increased with increasing v sin i and with decreasing intrinsic profile width. For slowly rotating stars the center-to-limb convective variation dominated the residuals (with amplitudes of 10 s of cm s−1 to ~1 m s−1); however, for faster rotating stars the dominant residual signature was due a non-Gaussian intrinsic profile (with amplitudes from 0.5 to 9 m s−1). When the impact factor was 0, neglecting to account for the convective center-to-limb variation led to an uncertainty in the obliquity of ~10°–20°, even though the true v sin i was known. Additionally, neglecting to properly model an asymmetric intrinsic profile had a greater impact for more rapidly rotating stars (e.g., v sin i = 6 km s−1) and caused systematic errors on the order of ~20° in the measured obliquities. Hence, neglecting the impact of stellar surface convection may bias star–planet alignment measurements and consequently theories on planetary migration and evolution.


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Previous research has found that behavioural synchrony between people leads to greater prosocial tendencies towards co-performers. In this study we investigated the scope of this prosocial effect: does it extend beyond the performance group to an extended in-group (extended parochial prosociality) or even to other people in general (generalized prosociality)? Participants performed a simple rhythmic movement either in time (synchrony condition) or out of time (asynchrony condition) with each other. Before and during the rhythmic movement, participants were exposed to a prime that made salient an extended in-group identity. After the task, half the participants had the opportunity to help an extended in-group member; the other half had the opportunity to help an out-group member. We found a main effect of our synchrony manipulation across both help targets suggesting that the prosocial effects of synchrony extend to non-performers. Furthermore, there was a significantly higher proportion of participants willing to help an out-group member after moving collectively in synchrony. This study shows that under certain intergroup contexts synchrony can lead to generalized prosociality with performers displaying greater prosociality even towards out-group members.


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As propriedades funcionais dos materiais ferroeléctricos tais como a polarização reversível, piroelectricidade, piezoelectricidade, elevada actividade óptica não linear e comportamento dieléctrico não linear são fundamentais para a sua aplicação em sensores, microactuadores, detectores de infravermelhos, filtros de fase de microondas e memórias não-voláteis. Nos últimos anos, motivado pelas necessidades industriais de redução do tamanho dos dispositivos microelectrónicos, aumentando a eficiência volumétrica, tem sido feito um grande esforço ao nível da investigação para desenvolver estruturas ferroeléctricas à escala micro- e nano- métrica. É sabido que a redução de tamanho em materiais ferroeléctricos afecta significamente as suas propriedades. Neste sentido e considerando que foi previsto teoreticamente por cálculos ab initio que estruturas do tipo nanocilindros e nanodiscos apresentariam um novo tipo de ordem ferroeléctrica e, na expectativa de alcançar conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de uma nova geração de dispositivos microelectróncos, existe um grande interesse em desenvolver métodos de fabrico de nanoestruturas ferroeléctricas unidimensionais (1D) tais como nanocilindros e nanotubos. As estratégias de fabrico de nanoestruturas 1D até agora descritas na literatura indicam claramente as dificuldades inerentes à sua preparação. Existem duas grandes vias de síntese destas nanoestruturas: i) o método “topdown” que consiste na redução de tamanho de um dado material até à obtenção duma estrutura 1D; e ii) o método “bottom-up” em que átomos, iões e moléculas são agrupados para formar um material 1D. O método “top down” envolve em geral técnicas de desgaste, como o uso do feixe de electrões, que apesar de permitirem elevada precisão no posicionamento e no controlo do tamanho, falham em termos de resolução, exigem muito tempo e causam facilmente defeitos que deterioram as propriedades físicas destes materiais. Na metodologia “bottom up” a utilização de moléculas ou estruturas “molde” tem sido a mais explorada. As estructuras 1D podem também ser preparadas sem recorrer a “moldes”. Neste caso a agregação orientada é promovida pelo recurso a aditivos que controlam o crescimento dos cristais em direcções preferenciais. Neste contexto, neste trabalho utilizaram-se duas estratégias “bottom up” de baixo custo para a preparação de nanopartículas de titanato de bário (BaTiO3) com morfologia controlada: 1) síntese química (em solução e em fase vapor) com utilização de nanotubos de titanato TiNTs) como “moldes” e precursores de titânio 2) síntese química em solução com presença de aditivos. Os nanotubos de titanato de sódio foram preparados por síntese hidrotermal. Como existiam muitas dúvidas acerca da natureza estrutural e do mecanismo de formação dos NTs, a parte inicial do trabalho foi dedicada à realização de um estudo sistemático dos parâmetros intervenientes na síntese e à caracterização da sua estrutura e microestrutura. Foi demonstrado que os NTs têm a fórmula geral A2Ti2O5 (A = H+ or Na+), e não TiO2 (anátase) com defendido por vários autores na literatura, e podem ser preparados por método hidrotermal em meio fortemente alcalino usando como fonte de titânio TiO2 comercial na forma de anátase ou rútilo. A menor reactividade do rútilo exige temperaturas de síntese superiores ou tempos de reacção mais longos. A forma tubular resulta do tratamento hidrotermal e não de processos de lavagem e neutralização subsequentes. Se os NTs forem tratados após a síntese hidrotérmica em água a 200 ºC, transformam-se em nanocilindros. Uma das partes principais desta tese consistiu na investigação do papel dos NTs de titanato no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3. O potencial funcionamento dos NTs como “moldes” para além de precursores foi testado em reacção com hidróxido de bário em síntese em solução e por reacção com um precursor orgânico de bário em fase vapor. Tendo por base os estudos cinéticos realizados, bem como as alterações estruturais e morfológicas das amostras, é possível concluir que a formação do BaTiO3 a partir de NTs de titanato de sódio, ocorre por dois mecanismos dependendo da temperatura e tempo de reacção. Assim, a baixa temperatura e curto tempo de reacção verifica-se que se formam partículas dendríticas de BaTiO3 cuja superfície é bastante irregular (“wild”) e que apresentam estrutura pseudo-cúbica. Estas partículas formam-se por reacção topotáctica na fronteira dos nanotubos de titanato de sódio. A temperaturas mais altas e/ou reacções mais longas, a reacção é controlada por um mecanismo de dissolução e precipitação com formação de dendrites de BaTiO3 tetragonais com superfície mais regular (“seaweed”). A microscopia de força piezoeléctrica mostrou que as dendrites “seaweeds“ possuem actividade piezoeléctrica superior à das dendrites “wild”, o que confirma o papel desempenhado pela estrutura e pela concentração de defeitos na rede na coerência e ordem ferroeléctrica de nanoestruturas. Os nossos resultados confirmam que os NTs de titanato não actuam facilmente como “moldes” na síntese em solução de BaTiO3 já que a velocidade de dissolução dos NTs em condições alcalinas é superior à velocidade de formação do BaTiO3. Assumindo que a velocidade de reacção dos NTs com o precursor de bário é superior em fase vapor, efectuou-se a deposição de um precursor orgânico de bário por deposição química de vapor sobre um filme de NTs de titnato de sódio depositados por deposição electroforética. Estudou-se a estabilidade dos NTs nas diferentes condições do reactor. Quando os NTs são tratados a temperaturas superiores a 700 ºC, ocorre a transformação dos NTs em nanocilindros de anatase por um mecanismo de agregação orientada. Quando se faz a deposição do precursor de bário, seguida de calcinação a 700 ºC em atmosfera oxidante de O2, verifica-se que a superficie dos NTs fica coberta com nanocristais de BaTiO3 independentemente da concentração de bário. O papel dos NTs de titanato no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3 em fase vapor é assim descrito pela primeira vez. Em relação à metodologias de crescimento de partículas na ausência de “moldes” mas com aditivos fez-se um estudo sistemático utilizando 5 aditivos de natureza differente. As diferenças entre aditivos foram sistematizadas tendo em conta as diferenças estruturais e morfológicas verificadas. Está provado que os aditivos podem funcionar como modificadores de crescimento cristalino por alteração do seu padrão de crescimento ou por alteração da cinética de crescimento das faces cristalográficas do cristal. Entre os aditivos testados verificou-se que o ácido poliacrilíco adsorve em faces específicas do BaTiO3 alterando a cinética de crescimento e induzindo a agregação orientada das partículas. O polivinilpirrolidona, o docecilsulfato de sódio e hidroxipropilmetilcelulose actuam mais como inibidores de crescimento do que como modificadores do tipo de crescimento. A D-frutose aumenta a energia de activação da etapa de nucleação não ocorrendo formação de BaTiO3 para as mesmas condições dos outros aditivos. Esta tese clarifica o papel dos NTs de titanato de sódio enquanto precursores e “moldes” no crescimento anisotrópico de BaTiO3 em solução e em fase vapor. É feita também a abordagem do controlo morfológico do BaTiO3 através do uso de aditivos. As estratégias de preparação de BaTiO3 propostas são de baixo custo, reprodutíveis e fáceis de efectuar. Os resultados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão da relação tamanho – morfologia – propriedade em materiais ferroeléctricos nanométricos com vista à sua potencial aplicação.


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Graças aos desenvolvimentos na área da síntese de nanomaterais e às potentes técnicas de caracterização à nanoescala conseguimos hoje visualizar uma nanopartícula (NP) como um dispositivo de elevado potencial terapêutico. A melhoria da sua efectividade terapêutica requer no entanto o aprofundamento e sistematização de conhecimentos, ainda muito incipientes, sobre toxicidade, selectividade, efeitos colaterais e sua dependência das próprias características físico-químicas da NP em análise. O presente trabalho, elegendo como alvo de estudo uma substância considerada biocompatível e não tóxica, a hidroxiapatite (Hap), pretende dar um contributo para esta área do conhecimento. Definiram-se como metas orientadoras deste trabalho (i) estudar a síntese de nanoparticulas de Hap (Hap NP), e a modificação das características físico-químicas e morfológicas das mesmas através da manipulação das condições de síntese; (ii) estudar a funcionalização das Hap NP com nanoestruturas de ouro e com ácido fólico, para lhes conferir capacidades acrescidas de imagiologia e terapêuticas, particularmente interessantes em aplicações como o tratamento do cancro (iii) estudar a resposta celular a materiais nanométricos, com propriedades físico-químicas diversificadas. No que se refere à síntese de Hap NP, comparam-se dois métodos de síntese química distintos, a precipitação química a temperatura fisiológica (WCS) e a síntese hidrotérmica (HS), em meios aditivados com ião citrato. A síntese WCS originou partículas de tamanho nanométrico, com uma morfologia de agulha, pouco cristalinas e elevada área superficial especifica. A síntese HS à temperatura de 180ºC permitiu obter partículas de dimensões também nanométricas mas com área específica inferior, com morfologia de bastonete prismático com secção recta hexagonal e elevada cristalinidade. Com o objectivo de aprofundar o papel de algumas variáveis experimentais na definição das características finais das partículas de hidroxiapatite, designadamente o papel do ião citrato (Cit), variou-se a razão molar [Cit/Ca] da solução reagente e o tempo de síntese. Demonstrou-se que o ião citrato e outras espécies químicas resultantes da sua decomposição nas condições térmicas (180ºC) de síntese tem um papel preponderante na velocidade de nucleação e de crescimento dessas mesmas partículas e por conseguinte nas características físico-químicas das mesmas. Elevadas razões [Cit/Ca] originam partículas de dimensão micrométrica cuja morfologia é discutida no contexto do crescimento com agregação. Com o objectivo de avaliar a citotoxicidade in vitro das nanopartículas sintetizadas procedeu-se à esterilização das mesmas. O método de esterilização escolhido foi a autoclavagem a 121º C. Avaliou-se o impacto do processo de esterilização nas características das partículas, verificando-se contrariamente às partículas WCS, que as partículas HS não sofrem alterações significativas de morfologia, o que se coaduna com as condições de síntese das mesmas, que são mais severas do que as de esterilização. As partículas WCS sofrem processos de dissolução e recristalização que se reflectem em alterações significativas de morfologia. Este estudo demonstrou que a etapa de esterilização de nanopartículas para aplicações biomédicas, por autoclavagem, pode alterar substancialmente as propriedades das mesmas, sendo pois criticamente importante caracterizar os materiais após esterilização. Os estudos citotoxicológicos para dois tipos de partículas esterilizadas (HSster e WCSster) revelaram que ambas apresentam baixa toxicidade e possuem potencial para a modelação do comportamento de células osteoblásticas. Tendo em vista a funcionalização da superfície das Hap NP para multifunções de diagnóstico e terapia exploraram-se condições experimentais que viabilizassem o acoplamento de nanopartículas de ouro à superfície das nanopartículas de Hidroxiapatite (Hap-AuNP). Tirando partido da presença de grupos carboxílicos adsorvidos na superfície das nanopartículas de Hap foi possível precipitar partículas nanométricas de ouro (1,5 a 2,5 nm) na superfície das mesmas adaptando o método descrito por Turkevich. No presente trabalho as nanopartículas de Hap funcionaram assim como um template redutor do ouro iónico de solução, propiciando localmente, na superfície das próprias nanopartículas de Hap, a sua redução a ouro metálico. A nucleação do ouro é assim contextualizada pelo papel redutor das espécies químicas adsorvidas, designadamente os grupos carboxílicos derivados de grupos citratos que presidiram à síntese das próprias nanopartículas de Hap. Estudou-se também a funcionalização das Hap NP com ácido fólico (FA), uma molécula biologicamente interessante por ser de fácil reconhecimento pelos receptores existentes em células cancerígenas. Os resultados confirmaram a ligação do ácido fólico à superfície das diferentes partículas produzidas HS e Hap-AuNPs. Graças às propriedades ópticas do ouro nanométrico (efeito plasmão) avaliadas por espectroscopia vis-UV e às potencialidades de hipertermia local por conversão fototérmica, as nanoestruturas Hap-AuNPs produzidas apresentam-se com elevado interesse enquanto nanodispositivos capazes de integrar funções de quimio e terapia térmica do cancro e imagiologia. O estudo da resposta celular aos diversos materiais sintetizados no presente trabalho foi alvo de análise na tentativa de se caracterizar a toxicidade dos mesmos bem como avaliar o seu desempenho em aplicações terapêuticas. Demonstrou-se que as Hap NP não afectam a proliferação das células para concentrações até 500 g/ml, observando-se um aumento na expressão genética da BMP-2 e da fosfatase alcalina. Verificou-se também que as Hap NP são susceptíveis de internalização por células osteoblásticas MG63, apresentando uma velocidade de dissolução intracelular relativamente reduzida. A resposta celular às Hap-AuNP confirmou a não citotoxicidade destas partículas e revelou que a presença do ouro na superfície das Hap NP aumenta a taxa proliferação celular, bem como a expressão de parâmetros osteogénicos. No seu conjunto os resultados sugerem que os vários tipos de partículas sintetizadas no presente estudo apresentam também comportamentos interessantes para aplicações em engenharia de tecido ósseo.


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The increasing interest in coral culture for biotechnological applications, to supply the marine aquarium trade, or for reef restoration programs, has prompted researchers to optimize coral culture protocols, with emphasis to ex situ production. When cultured ex situ, the growth performance of corals can be influenced by several physical, chemical and biological parameters. For corals harbouring zooxanthellae, light is one of such key factors, as it can influence the photosynthetic performance of these endosymbionts, as well as coral physiology, survival and growth. The economic feasibility of ex situ coral aquaculture is strongly dependent on production costs, namely those associated with the energetic needs directly resulting from the use of artificial lighting systems. In the present study we developed a versatile modular culture system for experimental coral production ex situ, assembled solely using materials and equipment readily available from suppliers all over the world; this approach allows researchers from different institutions to perform truly replicated experimental set-ups, with the possibility to directly compare experimental results. Afterwards, we aimed to evaluate the effect of contrasting Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) levels, and light spectra emission on zooxanthellae photochemical performance, through the evaluation of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (monitored non-invasively and non-destructively through Pulse Amplitude Modulation fluorometry, PAM), chlorophyll a content (also determined non-destructively by using the spectral reflectance index Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI), photosynthetic and accessory pigments, number of zooxanthellae, coral survival and growth. We studied two soft coral species, Sarcophyton cf. glaucum and Sinularia flexibilis, as they are good representatives of two of the most specious genera in family Alcyoniidae, which include several species with interest for biotechnological applications, as well as for the marine aquarium trade; we also studied two commercially important scleractinian corals: Acropora formosa and Stylophora pistillata. We used different light sources: hydrargyrum quartz iodide (HQI) lamps with different light color temperatures, T5 fluorescent lamps, Light Emitting Plasma (LEP) and Light Emitting Diode (LED). The results achieved revealed that keeping S. flexibilis fragments under the same light conditions as their mother colonies seems to be photobiologically acceptable for a short-term husbandry, notwithstanding the fact that they can be successfully stocked at lower PAR intensities. We also proved that low PAR intensities are suitable to support the ex situ culture S. cf. glaucum in captivity at lower production costs, since the survival recorded during the experiment was 100%, the physiological wellness of coral fragments was evidenced, and we did not detect significant differences in coral growth. Finally, we concluded that blue light sources, such as LED lighting, allow a higher growth for A. formosa and S. pistillata, and promote significant differences on microstructure organization and macrostructure morphometry in coral skeletons; these findings may have potential applications as bone graft substitutes for veterinary and/or other medical uses. Thus, LED technology seems to be a promising option for scleractinian corals aquaculture ex situ.


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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a member of the class of phospholipids, and is distributed among all cells of mammalians, playing important roles in diverse biological processes, including blood clotting and apoptosis. When externalized, PS is a ligand that is recognized on apoptotic cells. It has been considered that before externalization PS is oxidized and oxPS enhance the recognition by macrophages receptors, however the knowledge about oxidation of PS is still limited. PS, like others phospholipids, has two fatty acyl chains and one polar head group, in this case is the amino acid serine. The modifications in PS structure can occur by oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acyl chains and by glycation of the polar head group, due to free amine group, thus increasing the susceptibility to oxidative events. The main goal of this work was to characterize and identify oxidized and glycoxidized PS, contributing to the knowledge of the biological role of oxidation products of PS, as well as of glycated PS, in immune and inflammatory processes. To achieve this goal, PS standards (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho- L-serine (POPS), 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (DPPS), 1- palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PLPS) and 1-palmitoyl-2- arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PAPS)) and glycated PS (PAPS and POPS) were induced to oxidize in model systems, using different oxidant reagents: HO• and 2,2'-azobis-2-methyl-propanimidamide dihydrochloride (AAPH) . The detailed structural characterization of the oxidative products was performed by ESI-MS and MS/MS coupled to separation techniques such as off line TLC-MS and on line LC-MS, in order to obtained better characterization of the larger number of PS and glycated PS oxidation products. The results obtained in this work allowed to identify several oxidation products of PS and glycated PS with modifications in unsaturated fatty acyl chain. Also, oxidation products formed due to structural changes in the serine polar head with formation of terminal acetamide, terminal hydroperoxyacetaldehyde.and terminal acetic acid (glycerophosphacetic acid, GPAA) were identified. The mass spectrometric specific fragmentation pathway of each type of oxidation product was determined using different mass spectrometry approaches. Based on the identified fragmentation pathways, targeted lipidomic analysis was performed to detect oxidation products modified in serine polar head in HaCaT cell line treated with AAPH. The GPAA was detected in HaCaT cells treated with AAPH to induce oxidative stress, thus confirming that modifications in PS polar head is possible to occur in biological systems. Furthermore, it was found that glycated PS species are more prone to oxidative modifications when compared with non glycated PS. During oxidation of glycated PS, besides the oxidation in acyl chains, new oxidation products due to oxidation of the glucose moiety were identified, including PS advanced glycation end products (PSAGES). To investigate if UVA oxidative stress exerted changes in the lipidome of melanoma cell lines, particularly in PS profile, a lipidomic analysis was performed. The lipid profile was obtained using HILIC-LC-MS and GC-MS analysis of the total lipid extracts obtained from human melanoma cell line (SKMEL- 28) after UVA irradiation at 0, 2 and 24 hours. The results did not showed significant differences in PS content. At molecular level, only PS (18:0:18:1) decreased at the moment of irradiation. The most significant changes in phospholipids content occurred in phosphatidylcholines (PC) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) classes, with an increase of mono-unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), similarly as observed for the fatty acid analysis. Overall, these data indicate that the observed membrane lipid changes associated with lipogenesis after UVA exposure may be correlated with malignant transformations associated with cancer development and progression. Despite of UVA radiation is associated with oxidative damage, in this work was not possible observe oxidation phospholipids. The anti/pro-inflammatory properties of the oxidized PLPS (oxPLPS) versus non-oxidized PLPS were tested on LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. The modulation of intracellular signaling pathways such as NF-kB and MAPK cascades by oxPLPS and PS was also examined in this study. The results obtained from evaluation of anti/pro-inflammatory properties showed that neither PLPS or oxPLPS species activated the macrophages. Moreover only oxidized PLS were found to significantly inhibit NO production and iNOS and il1β gene transcription induced by LPS. The analysis at molecular level showed that this was the result of the attenuation of LPS-induced c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p65 NF-kB nuclear translocation. Overall these data suggest that oxPLPS, but not native PLPS, mitigates pro-inflammatory signaling in macrophages, contributing to containment of inflammation during apoptotic cell engulfment. The results obtained in this work provides new information on the modifications of PS, facilitating the identification of oxidized species in complex samples, namely under physiopathologic conditions and also contributes to a better understanding of the role of oxPS and PS in the inflammatory response, in the apoptotic process and other biological functions.


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An experimental study aimed at assessing the influence of redundancy and neutrality on the performance of an (1+1)-ES evolution strategy modeled using Markov chains and applied to NK fitness landscapes is presented. For the study, two families of redundant binary representations, one non-neutral family which is based on linear transformations and that allows the phenotypic neighborhoods to be designed in a simple and effective way, and the neutral family based on the mathematical formulation of error control codes are used. The results indicate whether redundancy or neutrality affects more strongly the behavior of the algorithm used.


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In situ observations of clam dredging showed that the effects of the dredge on the benthic macrofauna may not be constant during a tow. A sand buffer forms in front of the gear approximately 10m after the beginning of a tow, and this pushes the sediment partially aside.In this study, we analyse differences in abundance, the number of taxa present, diversity, and evenness within sections of dredge-tracks in a disturbed, fished area and a non-fished area along the southern coast of Portugal. These areas were sampled by divers before and after dredge-fishing activity. At each site, three dredge-tracks were produced. These tracks were divided in three longitudinal sections 1start, middle and end) and two transverse sections 1track and edge). Six quadrats were used to sample macrofauna in each section of every track and edge. Our results show differences exist in macro- faunal distribution and abundance across sections of a dredge-track. These differences should be considered in any assessment of the short-term ecological impact of dredges on benthic macrofauna


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Aggregation and fibrillation of proteins have a great importance in medicine and industry. Misfolding and aggregation are the basis of many neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer and Parkinson. Osmolytes are molecules that can accumulate within cells and act as protective agents and they can inclusively act as protein stabilizers when cells are exposed to stress conditions. Osmolytes can also act as protein stabilizers in vitro. In this work, two different proteins were studied, the ribosomal protein from Thermus thermophilus and the mouse prion protein. The existence of an unstructured N-terminal on the prion protein does not affect its stability. The effect of the osmolyte sucrose on the fibrillation and stabilization of these two proteins was studied through kinectic and equilibrium measurements. It was shown that sucrose is able to compact the native structure of S6 protein in fibrillization conditions. Sucrose affects also folding and unfolding kinetic of S6 protein, delaying unfolding and increasing folding rate constants. The mechanism of stabilization by sucrose is non-specific because it is distributed for all protein structure, as it was demonstrated by a protein engineering approach. Sucrose delays the process of formation and elongation of S6 and prion protein from mouse. This delay is the result of the compaction of the native structure refered above. However, cellular toxicity studies have shown that fibrils formed in the presence of sucrose are more toxic to neuronal cells.


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Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely proposed for conservation purposes and as a tool for fisheries management. The Arrábida Marine Park is the first MPA in continental Portugal having a management plan, fully implemented since 2009. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of protection measures on rocky reef fish assemblages and target invertebrates through before-after and control-effect (no-take vs. fished areas) underwater visual surveys and analysis of landings trends. Second, we used surveys before, during and after implementation of the management plan to understand fishers‟ preferences for fishing grounds and adaptation to the new rules, and evaluated the reserve effect through analysis of both ecological responses and fishing effort density. Third, we identified the main oceanographic drivers influencing the structure of reef fish assemblages and predicted the community structure for the last 50 years, in light of climatic change. Overall results suggest positive responses in biomass but not yet in numbers of some commercial species, with no effects on non-target species. The reserve effect is reinforced by the increase in landings of commercial species, despite increased fishing effort density in some areas, especially with octopus traps. Fishing grounds are mainly chosen based on the distribution of target species and associated habitats, but distance to port, weather conditions and safety also influence fishers‟ choices. Moreover, different fisheries respond differently to the protection measures, and within each fishery, individual fishers show distinct strategies, with some operating in a broader area whereas others keep preferred territories. Our results also show that wind stress and temperature are the main oceanographic drivers for rocky reef fish assemblages, with tropicalization of assemblages and polewards movements of species over the last 50 years consistent with temperature trends. We believe this study provides significant lessons for marine conservation and management of coastal systems.


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The objective of this thesis is to study the properties of resistive switching effect based on bistable resistive memory which is fabricated in the form of Al2O3/polymer diodes and to contribute to the elucidation of resistive switching mechanisms. Resistive memories were characterized using a variety of electrical techniques, including current-voltage measurements, small-signal impedance, and electrical noise based techniques. All the measurements were carried out over a large temperature range. Fast voltage ramps were used to elucidate the dynamic response of the memory to rapid varying electric fields. The temperature dependence of the current provided insight into the role of trapped charges in resistive switching. The analysis of fast current fluctuations using electric noise techniques contributed to the elucidation of the kinetics involved in filament formation/rupture, the filament size and correspondent current capabilities. The results reported in this thesis provide insight into a number of issues namely: (i) The fundamental limitations on the speed of operation of a bi-layer resistive memory are the time and voltage dependences of the switch-on mechanism. (ii) The results explain the wide spread in switching times reported in the literature and the apparently anomalous behaviour of the high conductance state namely the disappearance of the negative differential resistance region at high voltage scan rates which is commonly attributed to a “dead time” phenomenon which had remained elusive since it was first reported in the ‘60s. (iii) Assuming that the current is filamentary, Comsol simulations were performed and used to explain the observed dynamic properties of the current-voltage characteristics. Furthermore, the simulations suggest that filaments can interact with each other. (iv) The current-voltage characteristics have been studied as a function of temperature. The findings indicate that creation and annihilation of filaments is controlled by filling and neutralizing traps localized at the oxide/polymer interface. (v) Resistive switching was also studied in small-molecule OLEDs. It was shown that the degradation that leads to a loss of light output during operation is caused by the presence of a resistive switching layer. A diagnostic tool that predicts premature failure of OLEDs was devised and proposed. Resistive switching is a property of oxides. These layers can grow in a number of devices including, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), spin-valve transistors and photovoltaic devices fabricated in different types of material. Under strong electric fields the oxides can undergo dielectric breakdown and become resistive switching layers. Resistive switching strongly modifies the charge injection causing a number of deleterious effects and eventually device failure. In this respect the findings in this thesis are relevant to understand reliability issues in devices across a very broad field.


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The setting up of methodologies that reduce the size of ice crystals and reduce or inhibit the recrystalli- sation phenomena could have an extraordinary significance in the final quality of frozen products and consequently bring out new market opportunities. In this work, the effect of an antifreeze protein type I (AFP-I), by vacuum impregnation (VI), on frozen watercress was studied. The VI pressure, samples’ weight, Hunter Lab colour, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and a wilting test were analysed in this work. The water intake of watercress samples augmented with vacuum pressure increase. The results also showed that, independently from the vacuum pressure used, the Lab colour parameters between raw and impregnated samples were maintained, showing no significant differences (P > 0.05). A VI of 58 kPa, during 5 min, allowed impregnating the AFP-I solution (0.01 mg ml-1) into the water- cress samples. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed the AFP-I impregnated frozen samples with better cell wall definition and rounded cell shape with smaller ice crystals compared with the control samples. The wilting test results corroborated that AFP-I is a valuable additive, since the leaves impregnated with AFP-I showed higher turgidity compared to the control samples. The present findings will help to better understand the effect of AFP-I, particularly, on frozen water- cress microstructure and its importance as valuable food additive in frozen foods and mainly in leafy vegetables.


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CONTEXT: Existing data regarding the association between growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and liver fat content are conflicting. OBJECTIVE: We aimed i) to assess intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL) content in hypopituitary adults with GHD compared to matched controls and ii) to evaluate the effect of growth hormone (GH) replacement on IHCL content. DESIGN: Cross-sectional comparison and controlled intervention study. PATIENTS, PARTICIPANTS: Cross-sectional comparison: 22 hypopituitary adults with GHD and 44 healthy controls matched for age, BMI, gender and ethnicity. Intervention study: 9 GHD patients starting GH replacement (GH Rx group), 9 GHD patients not starting replacement therapy (non-GH Rx group). INTERVENTION: Intervention study:GH replacement for 6 months in the GH Rx group, dosage was titrated to achieve normal IGF-1 levels. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: IHCL content determined by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1 H MRS). RESULTS: Cross-sectional comparison: There was no difference in IHCL content between GHD patients and healthy controls (1.89% (0.30, 4.03) vs. 1.14% (0.22, 2.32); p=0.2), the prevalence of patients with hepatic steatosis (IHCL of ≥ 5.56%) was similar in the two groups (22.7% vs. 15.9%; chi square probability = 0.4). Intervention study: The change in IHCL content over 6 months did not differ between the GH Rx group and the non-GH Rx group (-0.63 ± 4.53% vs. +0.11 ± 1.46%; p=0.6). CONCLUSIONS: In our study liver fat content and the prevalence of hepatic steatosis did not differ between hypopituitary adults with GHD and matched controls. In GHD patients GH replacement had no effect on liver fat content.


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In the last years it has become increasingly clear that the mammalian transcriptome is highly complex and includes a large number of small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Here we review the biogenesis pathways of the three classes of sncRNAs, namely short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs) and PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). These ncRNAs have been extensively studied and are involved in pathways leading to specific gene silencing and the protection of genomes against virus and transposons, for example. Also, lncRNAs have emerged as pivotal molecules for the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression which is supported by their tissue-specific expression patterns, subcellular distribution, and developmental regulation. Therefore, we also focus our attention on their role in differentiation and development. SncRNAs and lncRNAs play critical roles in defining DNA methylation patterns, as well as chromatin remodeling thus having a substantial effect in epigenetics. The identification of some overlaps in their biogenesis pathways and functional roles raises the hypothesis that these molecules play concerted functions in vivo, creating complex regulatory networks where cooperation with regulatory proteins is necessary. We also highlighted the implications of biogenesis and gene expression deregulation of sncRNAs and lncRNAs in human diseases like cancer.


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This study aimed to carry out experimental work to determine, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, the friction factor (fc) with simultaneous heat transfer, at constant wall temperature as boundary condition, in fully developed laminar flow inside a vertical helical coil. The Newtonian fluids studied were aqueous solutions of glycerol, 25%, 36%, 43%, 59% and 78% (w/w). The non-Newtonian fluids were aqueous solutions of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a polymer, with concentrations of 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% and 0.6% (w/w) and aqueous solutions of xanthan gum (XG), another polymer, with concentrations of 0.1% and 0.2% (w/w). According to the rheological study done, the polymer solutions had shear-thinning behavior and different values of viscoelasticity. The helical coil used has an internal diameter, curvature ratio, length and pitch, respectively: 0.00483 m, 0.0263, 5.0 m and 11.34 mm. It was concluded that the friction factors, with simultaneous heat transfer, for Newtonian fluids can be calculated using expressions from literature for isothermal flows. The friction factors for CMC and XG solutions are similar to those for Newtonian fluids when the Dean number, based in a generalized Reynolds number, is less than 80. For Dean numbers higher than 80, the friction factors of the CMC solutions are lower those of the XG solutions and of the Newtonian fluids. In this range the friction factors decrease with the increase of the viscometric component of the solution and increase for increasing elastic component. The change of behavior at Dean number 80, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, is in accordance with the study of Ali [4]. There is a change of behavior at Dean number 80, for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, which is in according to previous studies. The data also showed that the use of the bulk temperature or of the film temperature to calculate the physical properties of the fluid has a residual effect in the friction factor values.