944 resultados para multi-modal interaction


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The mechanical behaviour of ectodermal cells in the area opaca and the supracellular organization of fibronectin in the adjacent extracellular matrix were studied in whole chick blastoderms developing in vitro. The pattern of spontaneous mechanical activity and its modification by immunoglobulins against fibronectin were determined using a real-time image-analysis system. The pattern of fibronectin was studied using immunocytochemical techniques. It was found that the ectodermal cells in the area opaca actively develop a radially oriented contraction, which leads to a distension of the area pellucida from which the embryo develops. Abnormally increased tension resulted in perturbations of gastrulation and neurulation. An optimized mechanical equilibrium within the blastoderm seems to be necessary for normal development. Anti-fibronectin antibodies applied to the basal side of the blastoderm led rapidly and reversibly to an increase of tension in the contracted cells. This observation indicates that modifications of the extracellular matrix can be transmitted to cytoskeletal elements within adjacent cells. The extracellular matrix of the area opaca contains fibronectin arranged in radially oriented fibrils. This orientation corresponds to the direction of migration of the mesodermal cells. Interestingly, the radial pattern of fibronectin is found in the regions where the ectodermal cells are contracted and develop radially oriented forces. This observation suggests that the supracellular assembly of the extracellular materials could be influenced by the mechanical activity of adjacent cells. Possible modulations of the supracellular organization of extracellular matrix by other factors, e.g. diffusible metabolites, is also discussed. The presence of characteristically organized extracellular matrix components, of spatially differentiated cell activities and of reciprocal interactions between them makes the young chick blastoderm an excellent system for physiological studies of the coordinated cellular activities that lead to changes in form, complexity and function.


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Toxoplasma gondii invades and proliferates in human umbilical vein endothelial cells where it resides in a parasitophorous vacuole. In order to analyze which components of the endothelial cell plasma membrane are internalized and become part of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane, the culture of endothelial cells was labeled with cationized ferritin or UEA I lectin or anti Class I human leukocytte antigen (HLA) before or after infection with T. gondii. The results showed no cationized ferritin and UEA I lectin in any parasitophorous vacuole membrane, however, the Class I HLA molecule labeling was observed in some endocytic vacuoles containing parasite until 1 h of interaction with T. gondii. After 24 h parasite-host cell interaction, the labeling was absent on the vacuolar membrane, but presents only in small vesicles near parasitophorous vacuole. These results suggest the anionic site and fucose residues are excluded at the time of parasitophorous vacuole formation while Class I HLA molecules are present only on a minority of Toxoplasma-containig vacuoles.


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BACKGROUND: Food allergy is a common allergic disorder--especially in early childhood. The avoidance of the allergenic food is the only available method to prevent further reactions in sensitized patients. A better understanding of the immunologic mechanisms involved in this reaction would help to develop therapeutic approaches applicable to the prevention of food allergy. OBJECTIVE: To establish a multi-cell in vitro model of sensitized intestinal epithelium that mimics the intestinal epithelial barrier to study the capacity of probiotic microorganisms to modulate permeability, translocation and immunoreactivity of ovalbumin (OVA) used as a model antigen. METHODS: Polarized Caco-2 cell monolayers were conditioned by basolateral basophils and used to examine apical to basolateral transport of OVA by ELISA. Activation of basophils with translocated OVA was measured by beta-hexosaminidase release assay. This experimental setting was used to assess how microorganisms added apically affected these parameters. Basolateral secretion of cytokine/chemokines by polarized Caco-2 cell monolayers was analysed by ELISA. RESULTS: Basophils loaded with OVA-specific IgE responded to OVA in a dose-dependent manner. OVA transported across polarized Caco-2 cell monolayers was found to trigger basolateral basophil activation. Microorganisms including lactobacilli and Escherichia coli increased transepithelial electrical resistance while promoting OVA passage capable to trigger basophil activation. Non-inflammatory levels of IL-8 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin were produced basolaterally by Caco-2 cells exposed to microorganisms. CONCLUSION: The complex model designed in here is adequate to learn about the consequence of the interaction between microorganisms and epithelial cells vis-a-vis the barrier function and antigen translocation, two parameters essential to mucosal homeostasis. It can further serve as a direct tool to search for microorganisms with anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties.


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PURPOSE: To determine if, compared to pressure support (PS), neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) reduces patient-ventilator asynchrony in intensive care patients undergoing noninvasive ventilation with an oronasal face mask. METHODS: In this prospective interventional study we compared patient-ventilator synchrony between PS (with ventilator settings determined by the clinician) and NAVA (with the level set so as to obtain the same maximal airway pressure as in PS). Two 20-min recordings of airway pressure, flow and electrical activity of the diaphragm during PS and NAVA were acquired in a randomized order. Trigger delay (T(d)), the patient's neural inspiratory time (T(in)), ventilator pressurization duration (T(iv)), inspiratory time in excess (T(iex)), number of asynchrony events per minute and asynchrony index (AI) were determined. RESULTS: The study included 13 patients, six with COPD, and two with mixed pulmonary disease. T(d) was reduced with NAVA: median 35 ms (IQR 31-53 ms) versus 181 ms (122-208 ms); p = 0.0002. NAVA reduced both premature and delayed cyclings in the majority of patients, but not the median T(iex) value. The total number of asynchrony events tended to be reduced with NAVA: 1.0 events/min (0.5-3.1 events/min) versus 4.4 events/min (0.9-12.1 events/min); p = 0.08. AI was lower with NAVA: 4.9 % (2.5-10.5 %) versus 15.8 % (5.5-49.6 %); p = 0.03. During NAVA, there were no ineffective efforts, or late or premature cyclings. PaO(2) and PaCO(2) were not different between ventilatory modes. CONCLUSION: Compared to PS, NAVA improved patient ventilator synchrony during noninvasive ventilation by reducing T(d) and AI. Moreover, with NAVA, ineffective efforts, and late and premature cyclings were absent.


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Thirty-three families, each with a premature infant born less than 33 gestational weeks, were observed in a longitudinal exploratory study. Infants were recruited in a neonatal intensive care unit, and follow-up visits took place at 4 months and 12 months of corrected age. The severity of the perinatal problems was evaluated using the Perinatal Risk Inventory (PERI; A.P. Scheiner & M.E. Sexton, 1991). At 4 months, mother infant play interaction was observed and coded according to the CARE-index (P.M. Crittenden, 2003); at 12 months, the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP; M.D.S. Ainsworth, M.C. Blehar, E. Waters. & S. Wall, 1978) was administered. Results indicate a strong correlation between the severity of perinatal problems and the quality of attachment at 12 months. Based on the PERI, infants with high medical risks more frequently tended to be insecurely attached. There also was a significant correlation between insecure attachment and dyadic play interaction at 4 months (i.e., maternal controlling behavior and infant compulsive compliance). Moreover, specific dyadic interactive patterns could be identified as protective or as risk factors regarding the quality of attachment. Considering that attachment may have long-term influence on child development, these results underline the need for particular attention to risk factors regarding attachment among premature infants.


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We evaluated the usefulness of the combination of three plasmids encoding tegumental (pECL and pSM14) and muscular (pIRV5) antigens of the Schistosoma mansoni on improving the protective immunity over the use of a single antigen as DNA vaccines. Female BALB/c mice were inoculated twice with 25 µg DNA plasmid within two weeks interval. The challenge was performed with 80 cercarias of a regional isolate of S. mansoni (SLM) one week after the last immunization. Six weeks after challenge, all mice were perfused for worm load determination. The following groups were analyzed: saline; empty vector; monovalent formulations of pECL; pSM14 and pIRV5 and also double combinations of pECL/pIRV5 and pIRV5/pSM14 and a triple combination of pECL/pIRV5/pSM14. The protection was expressed as a percentage of worm loads in each group compared with the saline group. The results obtained were 41% (p < 0.05); 52% (p < 0.05); 51% (p < 0.05); 48% (p < 0.05); 55% (p < 0.05); 45% (p < 0.05); 65% (p < 0.05) for each group respectively.


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Las aplicaciones de alineamiento de secuencias son una herramienta importante para la comunidad científica. Estas aplicaciones bioinformáticas son usadas en muchos campos distintos como pueden ser la medicina, la biología, la farmacología, la genética, etc. A día de hoy los algoritmos de alineamiento de secuencias tienen una complejidad elevada y cada día tienen que manejar un volumen de datos más grande. Por esta razón se deben buscar alternativas para que estas aplicaciones sean capaces de manejar el aumento de tamaño que los bancos de secuencias están sufriendo día a día. En este proyecto se estudian y se investigan mejoras en este tipo de aplicaciones como puede ser el uso de sistemas paralelos que pueden mejorar el rendimiento notablemente.


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SummaryResearch projects presented in this thesis aimed to investigate two major aspects of the arenaviruses life cycle in the host cell: viral entry and the biosynthesis of the viral envelope glycoprotein.Old World arenaviruses (OWAV), such as Lassa virus (LASV) and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), attach to the cell by binding to their receptor, alpha-dystroglycan. Virions are then internalized by a largely unknown pathway of endocytosis and delivered to the late endosome/lysosome where fusion occurs at low pH. In the major project of my thesis, we sought to identify cellular factors involved in OWAV cell entry. Our work indicates that OWAV cell entry requires microtubular transport and a functional multivesicular body (MVB) compartment. Infection indeed depends on phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity and lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), a lipid found in membranes of intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) of the MVB. We further found a requirement of factors that are part of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), involved in the formation of ILVs. This suggests an ESCRT-mediated sorting of virus- receptor complex during the entry process.During viral replication, biosynthesis of viral glycoprotein takes place in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the host cell. When protein load exceeds the folding capacity of the ER, the accumulation of unfolded proteins is sensed by three ER resident proteins, activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) and PKR-like ER kinase (PERK), whose signaling induces the cellular unfolded protein response (UPR). Our results indicate that acute LCMV infection transiently induces the activation of the ATF6 branch of the UPR, whereas the PERK, and IRE1 axis of UPR are neither triggered nor blocked during infection. Our data also demonstrate that activation of ATF6 pathway is required for optimal viral replication during acute infection.The formation of the mature, fusion-active form of arenaviruses glycoproteins requires proteolytic cleavage mediated by the cellular protease subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-l)/site-l protease (SIP). We show that targeting the SKI-1/S1P enzymatic activity with specific inhibitors is a powerful strategy to block arenaviruses productive infection. Moreover, characterization of protease function highlights differences in processing between cellular and viral substrates, opening new possibilities in term of drug development against human pathogenic arenaviruses.RésuméLes projets de recherche présentés dans cette thèse visaient à étudier deux aspects du cycle de vie des arenavirus: l'entrée du virus dans la cellule hôte et la biosynthèse de la glycoprotéine durant la réplication virale.Les arenavirus du vieux monde (OWAV), tels que le virus de Lassa (LASV) et le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) s'attachent à la cellule hôte en se liant à leur récepteur, l'alpha-dystroglycane. Les virions sont ensuite intemalisés par une voie d'endocytose inconnue et livrés à l'endosome tardif/lysosome, où le pH acide permet la fusion entre l'enveloppe virale et la membrane du compartiment. Le projet principal de ma thèse consistait à identifier les facteurs cellulaires impliqués dans l'entrée des OWAV dans la cellule hôte. Nos résultats indiquent que l'entrée des OWAV nécessite le transport microtubulaire et la présence d'un corps multivésiculaire (MVB) fonctionnel. L'infection dépend en effet de l'activité de phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) et de lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), un lipide présent dans les membranes des vésicules intraluminales (ILVs) du MVB. Nous avons également trouvé l'implication de facteurs constituant l'endosomal sorting complex required for sorting (ESCRT) qui joue un rôle dans la formation des ILVs. Ces donnés suggèrent l'incorporation du complexe virus-récepteur dans des ILVs durant le processus d'entrée.Lors de la réplication virale, la biosynthèse de la glycoprotéine virale a lieu dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER) de la cellule hôte. Lorsque la charge de protéines nouvellement synthétisées excède la capacité de pliage des protéines dans le ER, l'accumulation de protéines mal pliées est détectée par trois facteurs: activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) et PKR-like ER kinase (PERK). Leur signalisation constitue la réponse cellulaire face aux protéines mal pliées (UPR). Nos résultats montrent que l'infection aiguë avec LCMV induit transitoirement l'activation de la voie de signalisation ATF6 alors que les axes PERK et IRE1 de l'UPR ne sont ni induits ni bloqués pendant l'infection. Nos données prouvent également que l'activation de la voie ATF6 est nécessaire à une réplication virale optimale lors de l'infection aiguë avec LCMV.La maturation des glycoprotéines des arenavirus nécessite un clivage protéolytique par la protéase cellulaire subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-l)/site-l protease (SIP). Nous avons démontré que le ciblage de l'activité enzymatique de SKI-1/SIΡ avec des inhibiteurs spécifiques est une stratégie prometteuse pour bloquer l'infection par les arenavirus. La caractérisation du mécanisme d'action de la protéase a, par ailleurs, révélé des différences au niveau du clivage entre les substrats cellulaires et viraux, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives en terme de développement de médicaments contre les arenavirus pathogènes pour l'homme.


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AbstractPerforming publicly has become increasingly important in a variety of professions. This condition is associated with performance anxiety in almost all performers. Whereas some performers successfully cope with this anxiety, for others it represents a major problem and even threatens their career. Musicians and especially music students were shown to be particularly affected by performance anxiety.Therefore, the goal of this PhD thesis was to gain a better understanding of performance anxiety in university music students. More precisely, the first part of this thesis aimed at increasing knowledge on the occurrence, the experience, and the management of performance anxiety (Article 1). The second part aimed at investigating the hypothesis that there is an underlying hyperventilation problem in musicians with a high level of anxiety before a performance. This hypothesis was addressed in two ways: firstly, by investigating the association between the negative affective dimension of music performance anxiety (MPA) and self-perceived physiological symptoms that are known to co-occur with hyperventilation (Article 2) and secondly, by analyzing this association on the physiological level before a private (audience-free) and a public performance (Article 3). Article 4 places some key variables of Article 3 in a larger context by jointly analyzing the phases before, during, and after performing.The main results of the self-report data show (a) that stage fright is experienced as a problem by one-third of the surveyed students, (b) that the students express a considerable need for more help to better cope with it, and (c) that there is a positive association between negative feelings of MPA and the self-reported hyperventilation complaints before performing. This latter finding was confirmed on the physiological level in a tendency of particularly high performance-anxious musicians to hyperventilate. Furthermore, the psycho-physiological activation increased from a private to a public performance, and was higher during the performances than before or after them. The physiological activation was mainly independent of the MPA score. Finally, there was a low response coherence between the actual physiological activation and the self-reports on the instantaneous anxiety, tension, and perceived physiological activation.Given the high proportion of music students who consider stage fright as a problem and given the need for more help to better cope with it, a better understanding of this phenomenon and its inclusion in the educational process is fundamental to prevent future occupational problems. On the physiological level, breathing exercises might be a good means to decrease - but also to increase - the arousal associated with a public performance in order to meet an optimal level of arousal needed for a good performance.


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Biomphalaria glabrata and Schistosoma mansoni relationship was studied by light microscopy (LM) and freeze-fracture replica technique (FFR). We observed very thin cytoplasmic extensions of hemocytes in the LM, which then surround immobilize the miracidia. FFR images showed that the contact site between hemocytes cytoplasmic extensions and the external tegumentary coat involved only superficial layers of miracidia. Numerous vacuoles and filopodia were observed in the hemocyte cytoplasm, the latter binding with those from neighboring cells. In spite of the close interfilopodia contact, no cellular junctions were seen at these sites nor between filopodia-miracidia contact areas. The observed migration of hemocytes and their disposition in layers surrounding the miracidia in vitro correspond to previous studies.


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Objectif Le but de cette recherche est d'observer un possible rôle de la gémellité dans la qualité de l'interaction précoce mère-enfant et dans le développement de l'attachement à une année par rapport à des non-jumeaux respectivement prématurés et non prématurés selon l'observation directe selon la description des enfants par leurs mères. Méthode Il s'agit d'une étude longitudinale exploratoire qui vise à comparer les compétences sociales et communicatives de trois populations: prématurés respectivement jumeaux et non- jumeaux ainsi qu'enfants nés à terme non-jumeaux à 4, 6, 12 et 18 mois. Cette recherche est réalisée dans le cadre de deux études prospectives menées au Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie de l'Enfant et de l'Adolescent sur le devenir des grands prématurés. Les outils utilisés sont le CARE-Index qui évalue la qualité de l'interaction mère-enfant, la situation étrange qui détermine le type d'attachement de l'enfant et le Toddler tempérament scale (TTS) qui permet d'apprécier le tempérament de l'enfant tel que perçu par leurs mères. Limites Les deux principales limites de ce travail sont certainement le nombre restreint de sujets observés et le fait que les sujets étudiés proviennent de deux études différentes et soient comparés entre eux. Les questionnaires du TTS remplis par les mères représentent également une limite car peuvent comporter une part de "désirabilité sociale". Résultats Cette étude a permis de retrouver les résultats de certaines théories de base de l'interaction mère-enfant et du processus d'attachement en les appliquant à un groupe de jumeaux prématurés. Nous avons retrouvé des différences significatives dans les résultats du CARE- Index qui suggère que la gémellité influencerait la qualité de l'interaction précoce. Celle-ci ne semble par contre pas empêcher le développement d'un attachement secure à une année.


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The ability of Trypanosoma cruzi to interact with plasminogen, the zimogenic form of the blood serin protease plasmin, was examined. Immunohistochemistry studies revealed that both forms, epimastigotes and metacyclic trypomastigotes, were able to fix plasminogen in a lysine dependant manner. This interaction was corroborated by plasminogen activation studies. Both forms of the parasite enhanced the plasminogen activation by tissue-type plasminogen activator.The maximal enhancements obtained were 15-fold and 3.4-fold with epimastigotes and metacyclic trypomastigotes, respectively, as compared to plasminogen activation in absence of cells. Ligand-blotting analysis of proteins extracted with Triton X-114 from a microsomal fraction of epimastigotes revealed at least five soluble proteins and one hydrophobic protein able to bind plasminogen.