975 resultados para milk production chain Brazil
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been associated with 10% of gastric carcinomas. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of EBV in gastric carcinomas in Brazil assessed by in situ hybridization (ISH) and PCR, which would contribute to the characterization of the clinical and pathological aspects of EBV-associated gastric carcinomas. One hundred and ninety-two gastric carcinoma cases were collected at hospitals in two Brazilian states. Seventy-three out of 151 cases were PCR(+), while 11/160 cases were ISH(+). Nine out of eleven ISH(+) cases displayed a diffuse staining pattern and 2 out of 11 a focal pattern. Both techniques showed that the EBV(+) cases were characterized by their association with males, older patients, lower gastric region, intestinal type, advanced stage and poorly to moderately differentiated tumors. The concordance between the two techniques was 55.8% (Cohen's kappa index = 0.034). Four cases were ISH(+)/PCR(-), while 49 cases were PCR(+)/ISH(-). Only two cases showed stained lymphocytes by ISH and one of them was PCR(-). The observed discrepancy between the two techniques could not be explained just by the elevated accuracy of PCR. ISH(+)/PCR(-) carcinomas may be encountered if EBV is not present in the whole tumor tissue or if there are polymorphisms in the sequences of the viral genome amplified. on the other hand, the high frequency of PCR(+) results associated with the absence of ISH staining in lymphocytes and/or tumors cells suggests that the virus may be present in tumor cells or other cell types without expressing EBER1, the target of the ISH technique.
Neste trabalho, foi estudada a dinâmica populacional e estimada a produção primária líquida da macrófita aquática Nymphaea rudgeana em um braço do rio Itanhaém (Estado de São Paulo, Brasil). Esta espécie apresenta uma ampla variação anual de biomassa, em função da estação do ano, no local estudado. A partir do mês de novembro (13,1 g PS/m²), pode ser observado um aumento gradual da biomassa, atingindo o máximo em fevereiro (163,1 g PS/m²). Posteriormente, a biomassa diminui, mantendo-se em níveis baixos até um novo período de crescimento. A diminuição de biomassa está associada ao desenvolvimento de macrófitas flutuantes (Pistia stratiotes e Salvinia molesta) e, subseqüentemente, às condições ambientais desfavoráveis (valores de salinidade elevados) ao seu desenvolvimento. A produção primária líquida de N. rudgeana foi obtida a partir dos dados de biomassa e seu valor é estimado entre 3,02 e 3,82 t/ha/ano.
O objetivo desse artigo é caracterizar as fontes da ineficiência técnica e alocativa em um conjunto de 308 beneficiários de um programa de reforma agrária de mercado, chamado Cédula da Terra;, distribuídos em cinco estados do Nordeste brasileiro. Estudos conduzidos por Buainain et al. (2002) mostraram existem poucas diferenças entre as características de beneficiários deste programa e dos programas tradicionais de reforma agrária por expropriação e que portanto, os resultados obtidos por este trabalho permitem visualizar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos assentamentos no Brasil. Para medir eficiência, estimou-se uma função de produção potencial segundo a metodologia de Battese e Coelli (1995) e a partir disto, procurou-se explicar as razões da ineficiência (relativa) encontrada. Os resultados apontam para a existência de ineficiência técnica e alocativa que é identificada principalmente nas situações em que a presença de produção para consumo é elevada. Tratase de um resultado que revela a pouca maturidade da maioria dos lotes dos assentados do PCT e a dificuldade de superar as limitações impostas pela condição inicial de formação dos assentamentos de reforma agrária, principalmente na região nordeste do Brasil.
O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar a ocorrência de fatores de virulência, tais como, a expressão de fímbrias, produção de hemolisina, colicina e aerobactina em 100 cepas de Escherichia coli isoladas de pacientes ambulatoriais e hospitalizados de um hospital universitário de nível de atendimento terciário, entre os meses de julho e agosto de 2000, que apresentavam sinais clínicos e laboratoriais de infecção do trato urinário (ITU). Foram pesquisados os genes pap, afa e sfa responsáveis pela expressão de fímbrias através da técnica de PCR. A freqüência dos fatores de virulência entre as cepas estudadas foi de 96,0%, 76,0% e 24,0% para hemolisina, aerobactina e colicina respectivamente, e a prevalência dos genes para os sistemas de adesinas fimbriais foi de 32,0%, 19,0% e 11,0% para os genes pap, sfa e afa respectivamente. As cepas isoladas dos pacientes ambulatoriais exibiram um número maior de fatores de virulência quando comparadas com aquelas provenientes de indivíduos hospitalizados.
Thirty-seven samples of human milk (colostrum) from donors living in the Ribeirao Preto region were analyzed to determine the levels of organochlorine pesticide residues. Donors were classified into two groups, i.e., occupationally exposed and non-exposed to pesticides. Other factors such as age, previous lactations, race, smoking habit, occupation, family income and educational level were also considered. Analysis was performed by preliminary lipid extraction followed by fractional partition on a column and finally by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. Lindane was found in 32% of the samples in amounts of less than 0.001 mg/kg; heptachlor was found in 65% of the samples at mean levels of 0.001 mg/kg, i.e., a level five-fold lower than that established by FAO/WHO (1970) for cow's milk. Aldrin and endrin were not detected in any of the samples. Dieldrin was detected in only one sample at a level of 0.038 mg/kg, which is considered high. DDT and DDE amounts are reported as total DDT and at least one of these compounds was present in every sample. Amounts detected in donors occupationally exposed to pesticides ranged from 0.008 to 0.455 mg/kg (mean, 0.149 mg/kg), i.e., three times the limit established by FAO/WHO (1970), while values for donors who had not been exposed ranged from 0.002 to 0.072 mg/kg (mean, 0.025 mg/kg), i.e., half the limit. Considering the level of acceptable daily intake proposed by FAO/WHO (1973), lactents ingested 1% of the acceptable intake of lindane (all donors), 30% of the acceptable intake of heptachlor (all donors), 60% of the acceptable intake of DDT (non-exposed donors), and 3.7 times the acceptable intake of DDT (exposed donors). Comparing the present results with those obtained 10 years ago, the total DDT level in human milk is decreasing in this part of the country. The mean amount of organochlorine residues in non-exposed women's milk was one of the lowest levels among those recorded in the literature. DDT levels of occupationally exposed women's milk were comparable with those reported for developed countries and lower than those detected in Latin American countries. When the results of this survey are considered in relation to the advantages of breast-feeding, the risk-benefit balance is still favorable to breast-feeding. However, given the lack of long-term epidemiological studies, undesirable or harmful long-lasting effects cannot be excluded.
The colonization characteristics of two neighboring populations of Monomorium pharaonis in human structures in Brazil were compared. No differences in the seasonality of colonizations into fixed trap nests between the two populations were found. However, one population had higher frequencies of colonizations with accompanying queens than the other. This resulted in the other population producing new queens at a higher frequency than the other. There was a clumping of colonization attempts at specific points, which shows that colonization may be predictable. These findings may be of importance in control programs for M. pharaonis in structures.
The purpose of this study was to isolate yeast (Candida) from the quarter milk of cow udders from 37 dairy farms in Brazil and to identify the different species involved in mastitis. The samples were collected between October 2002 and February 2003. Two-hundred-and-sixty milk samples from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis were examined. Milk samples were plated onto Blood agar, Mac Conkey agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar. Forty-five (17.3%) samples were positive for the genus Candida. The Candida species isolated were C. krusei (44.5%), C. rugosa (24.5%), C. albicans (8.9%), C. guilliermondii (8.9%), and others (13.2%). We also isolated Escherichia coli (26.5%), coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (25.0%), Streptococcus spp. (8.1%), Enterobacter spp. (8.1%), and other fungi (8.1%), among others.
The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters for test-day milk, fat and protein yields, in Murrah buffaloes. In this study 4,757 complete lactations of Murrah buffaloes were analyzed. The (co) variance components were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood using MTDFREML software. The bi-trait animal test-day models included genetic additive direct and permanent environment effects, as random effects, and the fixed effects of contemporary group (herds-year-month of control) and age of the cow at calving as linear and quadratic covariable. The heritability estimate at first control was 0.19, increased until the third control (0.24), decreasing thereafter, reaching the lowest value at the ninth control (0.09). The highest heritability estimates for fat and protein yield were 0.23 (first control) and 0.33 (third control), respectively. For milk yield, genetic and phenotypic correlation estimates ranged from 0.37 to 0.99 and from 0.52 to 0.94, respectively. Genetic correlations were higher than phenotypic ones. For fat and protein yields, genetic correlation estimates ranged from 0.42 to 0.97.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The seed production of fully developed specimens belonging to the palm collection of the Experimental Nursery of the FCAV-UNESP was observed. This paper gives information useful for nursery growers: average fruit weight, seed germination, procedures for sowing, time of fruit harvest and possibility of seed storage. At the nursery, the time until the first seedling emerged has varied, according to the species, from one to more than ten months. For better germination, fruits must be collected when completely mature; the fleshy mesocarp must be removed before sowing. Seed storage for a few months has been possible for some species, by removing the fleshy mesocarp, drying the seeds in shade, treating them with a fungicide, packing them in plastic bags and maintaining the seed lots at 20°C. These results agree with reports about some other species and general recommendations of the related literature.
The effect of stocking prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii at increasing densities in ponds with Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus reared at low density was evaluated. Twelve 0.01-ha earthen ponds were stocked with 1 tilapia/m2 and 0, 2, 4, or 6 post-larvae prawn/m2. Three replicates were randomly assigned to each prawn density. Postlarval prawns were stocked a week prior to tilapia juveniles and both were harvested 175 d after the beginning of the experiment. Tilapia final average weight, survival, production, and food conversion rates did not differ significantly among treatments (P > 0.05); the averages were 531 g. 67%, 3,673 kg/ha, and 1.91, respectively. Prawn survival rates did not differ for the three stocking densities (mean 90%). However, final weight and production were significantly different (P < 0.05) as follows: 34.0, 23.0, and 14.7 g and 639, 909, and 818 kg/ha, respectively for 2, 4, and 6 prawns/m2 densities. Stocking densities up to 6 prawn/m2 did not affect tilapia production and required neither additional feeding nor significant changes in management. The polyculture system allowed an increase in total production with the same amount of supplied feed, thus improving the system sustainability.