936 resultados para message dissemination
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) L'intérêt est vif aujourd'hui pour cette littérature proche de la Bible, faite d' évangiles, d' actes des apôtres et d' apocalypses non retenus dans le canon. Pourquoi ces textes apocryphes, qui ont souvent pour objet des événements évoqués ou des personnages mentionnés dans la Bible, ont-ils été mis à l' écart et largement oubliés dans le passé ? Ont-ils été écrits pour concurrencer les livres du Nouveau Testament ? Quel message religieux véhiculaient-ils ? Le lecteur se voit offrir ici de nombreux extraits de textes et des explications qui en disent la portée, l' intérêt et le charme. Enfin réédité, cet ouvrage est considéré comme un classique dans un domaine suscitant toujours plus d' engouement. Il présente l'Evangile de Thomas, l'Evangile de Nicodème, l'Evangile secret de Marc, les Actes de Paul et les Actes de Philippe. Il accueille également un essai inédit sur l'Evangile de Judas, où est évoquée notamment la filière gnostique à laquelle se rattache cet évangile apocryphe; la trahison de Jésus y est interprétée comme un mystère libérant par la mort le Jésus spirituel.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) La question est souvent posée brutalement : « Le Nouveau Testament est-il anti-juif ? » Comment le message d'amour de Jésus a-t-il pu entraîné et même justifié le mépris, la haine et les violences des chrétiens envers les Juifs, au long des deux millénaires ? Que pensaient exactement les auteurs des évangiles, des Actes des Apôtres et des épîtres ? Comment leurs écrits ont-ils été compris au siècle suivant ? Cinq spécialistes éclairent ces questions en proposant des lectures attentives des divers textes du Nouveau Testament qui parlent des Juifs. Cette étude est fondamentale pour reprendre sur des bases honnêtes et respectueuses le dialogue interrompu dès le 2e siècle. Il y va de notre fidélité à l'Évangile de Jésus-Messie qui réunit et sépare à la fois Juifs et chrétiens.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) La question est souvent posée brutalement : « Le Nouveau Testament est-il anti-juif ? » Comment le message d'amour de Jésus a-t-il pu entraîné et même justifié le mépris, la haine et les violences des chrétiens envers les Juifs, au long des deux millénaires ? Que pensaient exactement les auteurs des évangiles, des Actes des Apôtres et des épîtres ? Comment leurs écrits ont-ils été compris au siècle suivant ? Cinq spécialistes éclairent ces questions en proposant des lectures attentives des divers textes du Nouveau Testament qui parlent des Juifs. Cette étude est fondamentale pour reprendre sur des bases honnêtes et respectueuses le dialogue interrompu dès le 2e siècle. Il y va de notre fidélité à l'Évangile de Jésus-Messie qui réunit et sépare à la fois Juifs et chrétiens.
Nobody would deny that we today live in a globalized world. Our digitalized living daily revises our worldwide mindmaps. Thanks to free trade and travel our material and social worlds have become global as well. This radical sociocultural change has since the last decade been preached all over the world with public institutions and business-interest organizations as megaphones. Since those carrying the globalization message mainly represent nations or super-nations such as the EU, the viewpoints of lower-level actors such as regions, localities, firms and individual citizens have seldom been considered. Paternalistically (super-)national bodies have instructured its subjects, not the least the many small firms that populate the (private) economy, what action to take. The basic message is: submit to the global forces – local is not beautiful any longer.
El proyecto integrado Traditional United Europe Food (TRUEFOOD) tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad y la seguridad de productos tradicionales así como introducir innovaciones en los sistemas de producción alimentarios tradicionales europeos a través de la investigación, demostraciones y actividades de difusión y formación. La sesión de demostración propuesta ofrece a los profesionales del sector la oportunidad de conocer y discutir sobre los más recientes avances en tecnología alimentaria. Se mostrarán nuevas tecnologías para la selección de jamones frescos así como para diseñar y optimizar nuevos procesos para conseguir un producto final con un contenido de sal reducido y sin defectos sensoriales. The Integrated Traditional United Europe Food Project (TRUEFOOD) aims to improve quality and safety and introduce innovation into Traditional European Food production systems through research, demonstration, dissemination and training activities. The proposed demonstration session offers professionals the opportunity to learn about and discuss the last research results in food technology. The use of new technologies for the selection of raw hams and the design and optimization of new processes to facilitate the achievement of products with a reduced salt content and without sensory defects will be demonstrated.
The acute toxemic form of schistosomiasis mansoni is studied under anatomic and clinical point of view, according to classification made by Neves, Raso and Bagliolo in 1975. The first phase is characterized by the following facts: cutaneous (immediate and late) manifestations; high fever or in progressive elevation; intense diaphoresis abdominal disconfort; intense acquous diarrhea; dehidratation; loss of weight, dry cough; painful hepatosplenomegaly; discreet lymphademegaly, progressive increase of blood leucocytes and eosinophisles; radiological pulmonary alterations; absence of alterations in serum protein and hepatic functional tests; the hepatic function byopsy shows focus of acute hepatitis. The second stage or properly named toxemic period was clinically characterized by the neat aggravation of the previously observed phenomena. At last, the evolutive course of the disease has implication derived not only of the worm's presence, but from the intense dissemination of eggs in the tissue. In the pre-laying phase one studied the forms of cercarian dermatitis, prodromic and innapparent. In the post laying phase, the properly named acute toxemic form, with its types: pseudocholeraic, pseudotyphous, pseudodysenteric-bacillary, pseudonophritic, pseudoenterovirotic, the reactivated, the ischemic enterocolitis and others; whenever possible clinical and anatomic correlation will be made.
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) in South and Central America is characterized by the dissemination (metastasis) of Leishmania Viannia subgenus parasites from a cutaneous lesion to nasopharyngeal tissues. Little is known about the pathogenesis of MCL, especially with regard to the virulence of the parasites and the process of metastatic dissemination. We previously examined the functional relationship between cytoplasmic peroxiredoxin and metastatic phenotype using highly, infrequently, and nonmetastatic clones isolated from an L. (V.) guyanensis strain previously shown to be highly metastatic in golden hamsters. Distinct forms of cytoplasmic peroxiredoxin were identified and found to be associated with the metastatic phenotype. We report here that peroxidase activity in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and infectivity differs between metastatic and nonmetastatic L. (V.) guyanensis clones. After hydrogen peroxide treatment or heat shock, peroxiredoxin was detected preferentially as dimers in metastatic L. (V.) guyanensis clones and in L. (V.) panamensis strains from patients with MCL, compared with nonmetastatic parasites. These data provide evidence that resistance to the first microbicidal response of the host cell by Leishmania promastigotes is linked to peroxiredoxin conformation and may be relevant to intracellular survival and persistence, which are prerequisites for the development of metastatic disease.
A Leishmania donovani-complex specific DNA probe was usedto confirm the widespread dissemination of amastigotes in apparently normal skinof dogs with canine visceral leishmaniasis. When Lutzomyia longipalpis were fed on abnormal skin of five naturally infected dogs 57 of 163 (35 per cent) fliesbecame infected: four of 65 flies (6 per cent) became infected when fed on apparently normal skin. The bite of a single sandfly that had fed seven days previouslyon a naturally infected dog transmitted the infection to a young dog from a non-endemic area. Within 22 days a lesion had developed at the site of the infectivebite (inner ear): 98 days after infection organisms had not disseminated throughout the skin, bone marrow, spleen or liver and the animal was still serologically negative by indirect immunofluorescence and dot-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. When fed Lu. longipalpis were captured from a kennel with a sick dog known to be infected, 33 out of 49 (67 per cent) of flies contained promastigotes. In contrast only two infections were detected among more than 200 sandflies captured in houses. These observations confirm the ease of transmissibility of L.chagasi from dog to sandfly to dog in Teresina. It is likely that canine VL is the major source of human VL by the transmission route dog-sandfly-human. the Lmet2 DNA probe was a useful epidemiological tool for detecting L. chagasi in sandflies.
(Résumé du numéro) Prophéties et visions du futur Notre époque se méfie des prophètes, mais fait confiance aux astrologues, devins et autres voyantes... Y compris dans les plus hautes sphères du pouvoir! Ce surgissement de l'irrationnel dans une société fière de sa "science" laisse perplexe. De telles croyances, dont le caractère païen est parfois souligné, entretiennent dans l'esprit du public une confusion fâcheuse entre prophétie et prédiction. Le prophétisme s'en trouve dévalorisé, alors qu'il a joué à certains moments un rôle décisif dans l'histoire de l'humanité. "L'avez-vous remarqué?", écrivait il y a quelques années Bruno Chenu, "À l'heure actuelle, le thème du prophétisme semble s'être évanoui du paysage, tant social qu'ecclésial. Il n'y a plus grand monde pour se risquer à une interpellation forte, à une mise en cause radicale, à une proposition dérangeante. [...] Nous sommes à l'âge des croyances molles. N'est-il pas grand temps de retrouver, collectivement et personnellement, l'inspiration prophétique?" (1). Le prophète est une figure centrale des religions monothéistes. Il porte la sagesse du message divin que les hommes ne savent pas discerner. Donc, il dérange. Et si sa parole est écoutée, voire sollicitée, dans les périodes d'incertitudes, il devient gênant dès lors que le pouvoir - religieux ou politique - pense avoir repris en main les destinées de la communauté. "L'avenir n'est à personne, sire, l'avenir est à Dieu" rappelle, trop tard!, Victor Hugo à Napoléon 1er. Il est vrai que la condamnation des prophètes est souvent consécutive à une catastrophe déclenchée par de "faux" prophètes. La difficulté à identifier la véritable prophétie a entraîné à plusieurs reprises l'annonce de l'extinction du prophétisme, par les sages juifs au deuxième siècle avant notre ère, ou lorsque le christianisme devient la religion officielle de l'Empire romain. À chaque fois, le prophétisme est réapparu, comme si la religion ne pouvait en faire l'économie. C'est l'une des leçons qui ressort le plus clairement du dossier que nous consacrons au couple tumultueux que constituent prophètes et visions du futur. Le prophète porte aussi les espoirs de l'humanité. Un monde sans prophètes serait-il un monde sans espérance?
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Seventeen innovative studies are collected in this volume which has been produced under the aegis of the Centre for Biblical Studies, University of Manchester, and L'Institut des sciences bibliques, Université de Lausanne. The majority of the studies engage with narrative through providing insightful working examples. Building on the many contributions of recent narratological research, for the most part the studies in this collection avoid the technical language of narratology as they present fresh insights at many levels. Some essays focus more on the implied author, some on the implied reader or hearer, and some on the way particular messages are constructed; some of the studies consider how author, message and reader are all interconnected. There are several creative proposals for refining genre definition, from law and wisdom to gospel and apocryphal writings. Some studies highlight the way in which narratives can contain ethical, religious, and cultural messages. Sensitivity to narrative is also shown by some contributors to expose in intruing ways the redactional processes behind the final form of texts. Students of narrative in the ancient world will find much to consider in this book, and others engaged with literary studies more generally will discover that scholars of the worlds of the Bible and Late Antiquity have much to offer them.
Seventeen innovative studies are collected in this volume which has been produced under the aegis of the Centre for Biblical Studies, University of Manchester, and L'Institut des sciences bibliques, Université de Lausanne. The majority of the studies engage with narrative through providing insightful working examples. Building on the many contributions of recent narratological research, for the most part the studies in this collection avoid the technical language of narratology as they present fresh insights at many levels. Some essays focus more on the implied author, some on the implied reader or hearer, and some on the way particular messages are constructed; some of the studies consider how author, message and reader are all interconnected. There are several creative proposals for refining genre definition, from law and wisdom to gospel and apocryphal writings. Some studies highlight the way in which narratives can contain ethical, religious, and cultural messages. Sensitivity to narrative is also shown by some contributors to expose in intruing ways the redactional processes behind the final form of texts. Students of narrative in the ancient world will find much to consider in this book, and others engaged with literary studies more generally will discover that scholars of the worlds of the Bible and Late Antiquity have much to offer them.
BACKGROUND: Chest pain is a common complaint in primary care, with coronary heart disease (CHD) being the most concerning of many potential causes. Systematic reviews on the sensitivity and specificity of symptoms and signs summarize the evidence about which of them are most useful in making a diagnosis. Previous meta-analyses are dominated by studies of patients referred to specialists. Moreover, as the analysis is typically based on study-level data, the statistical analyses in these reviews are limited while meta-analyses based on individual patient data can provide additional information. Our patient-level meta-analysis has three unique aims. First, we strive to determine the diagnostic accuracy of symptoms and signs for myocardial ischemia in primary care. Second, we investigate associations between study- or patient-level characteristics and measures of diagnostic accuracy. Third, we aim to validate existing clinical prediction rules for diagnosing myocardial ischemia in primary care. This article describes the methods of our study and six prospective studies of primary care patients with chest pain. Later articles will describe the main results. METHODS/DESIGN: We will conduct a systematic review and IPD meta-analysis of studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of symptoms and signs for diagnosing coronary heart disease in primary care. We will perform bivariate analyses to determine the sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratios of individual symptoms and signs and multivariate analyses to explore the diagnostic value of an optimal combination of all symptoms and signs based on all data of all studies. We will validate existing clinical prediction rules from each of the included studies by calculating measures of diagnostic accuracy separately by study. DISCUSSION: Our study will face several methodological challenges. First, the number of studies will be limited. Second, the investigators of original studies defined some outcomes and predictors differently. Third, the studies did not collect the same standard clinical data set. Fourth, missing data, varying from partly missing to fully missing, will have to be dealt with.Despite these limitations, we aim to summarize the available evidence regarding the diagnostic accuracy of symptoms and signs for diagnosing CHD in patients presenting with chest pain in primary care. REVIEW REGISTRATION: Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (University of York): CRD42011001170.
To investigate the clonal diversity of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated at João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil, digested genomic DNA were studied by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) in nine methicillin-resistant strains (MRSA) and three methicillin-sensitive strains (MSSA), selected among 67 isolates based on their antimicrobial susceptibility and epidemiology. The isolates were obtained between April and November 1992 from the Hospital of the Federal University of Paraíba, located in João Pessoa. Two MRSA isolates from the Oswaldo Cruz Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, including an epidemic strain previously detected from different hospitals at the country were used as control. Five different patterns, were demonstrated by MRSA isolated in João Pessoa and these patterns were described in several epidemiologically unrelated hospitals in São Paulo. Our results suggest the interstate dissemination of a MRSA clone in João Pessoa which is similar to that described in other cities of Brazil.
Primary spinal atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor is extremely rare. The authors present a case of atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor occurring in a 4-year-old girl. Magnetic resonance imaging The authors showed an intramedullary mass extending from the bulbomedullary junction to T1 with leptomeningeal dissemination. The patient died 2 weeks after diagnosis.
Aquest projecte pretén incorporar a la titulació d’Enginyeria Tècnica en Química Industrial les competències transversals amb què hauran de comptar els futurs enginyers perquè entrin en el món laboral amb tots els requisits tècnics i competencials que requereixen els canvis dels models educatius (crèdits ECTS) i la canviant situació laboral en l’àmbit de la Unió Europea. La incorporació de competències transversals en les assignatures del pla d’estudis és un dels eixos bàsics plantejats en el Pla Estratègic 2005-2009 de l’Escola Universitària d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial d’Igualada. Aquest procés s’ha portat a terme en quatre fases: Disseny: Implicar els empresaris en el disseny de programes de formació que capacitin els estudiant en les competències que demana el mercat de treball. Presentació: Sensibilitzar els professors i els alumnes de la importància de desenvolupar competències transversals dins del marc actual i futur de l’ensenyament. Planificació de les assignatures: Portar a terme la incorporació de competències transversals de forma gradual des del primer curs i donar suport i formació a tot el professorat. Difusió: Divulgar la important transformació que s’està realitzant a l’Escola dins de l’àmbit de la nova implantació de competències transversals per formar als enginyers per tal de fer-los més competitius. Per a aconseguir l’adaptació de les assignatures del pla d’estudis a les noves directrius de l’EEES s’ha treballat des de dues vessants: a) introduint canvis metodològics en la forma d’impartir les assignatures per part del professorat per permetre la incorporació de competències transversals, com ara el treball en equip, a través de l’aprenentatge basat en projectes, i la competència lingüística en anglès, a partir de la introducció de l’anglès a l’aula, i b) adaptant al nou sistema la documentació associada a les matèries que s’imparteixen: guia docent, guies de les assignatures, etc.