997 resultados para medical location


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This paper presents a novel technique for the design of narrow-band sigma-delta modulators with an embedded tunable centre frequency mechanism. This method demonstrates that the use of sum filters combined with a fractional delayer provide the flexibility of tuning the noise shaping band for any desired variable centre frequency input signal.


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This paper examines road freight transport activity and its relationship with facility location, logistics management and urban form through an analysis of 14 selected urban areas in the UK. Improved understanding of this relationship will assist planners when making transport and land use decisions. The findings suggest that several geographical, spatial and land use factors have important influences on freight activity in urban areas. Commercial and industrial land use patterns affect the types and quantities of goods produced, consumed, and hence the total quantity of freight transport handled. This also influences the distances over which goods are moved and by what specific mode. There has been relatively low growth in warehousing in many of the selected areas over the last decade compared to the national average as well suburbanisation of warehousing in some locations. This affects the origin and destination of journeys visiting these facilities and typically increases the distance of such journeys. A greater proportion of road freight has been shown to be lifted on internal journeys in large urban areas than in smaller ones. Journeys within urban areas have been shown to be less efficient than journeys to and from the urban area in the 14 locations studied due to the much smaller average vehicle carrying capacities and lower lading factors for journeys within urban areas. The length of haul on journeys to and from urban areas studied was found to be greatest for those areas with a major seaport and/or which were geographically remote. This affects the road freight transport intensity of goods transport journeys.


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In this study, we utilise a novel approach to segment out the ventricular system in a series of high resolution T1-weighted MR images. We present a brain ventricles fast reconstruction method. The method is based on the processing of brain sections and establishing a fixed number of landmarks onto those sections to reconstruct the ventricles 3D surface. Automated landmark extraction is accomplished through the use of the self-organising network, the growing neural gas (GNG), which is able to topographically map the low dimensionality of the network to the high dimensionality of the contour manifold without requiring a priori knowledge of the input space structure. Moreover, our GNG landmark method is tolerant to noise and eliminates outliers. Our method accelerates the classical surface reconstruction and filtering processes. The proposed method offers higher accuracy compared to methods with similar efficiency as Voxel Grid.


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Researchers want to analyse Health Care data which may requires large pools of compute and data resources. To have them they need access to Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCI). To use them it requires expertise which researchers may not have. Workflows can hide infrastructures. There are many workflow systems but they are not interoperable. To learn a workflow system and create workflows in a workflow system may require significant effort. Considering these efforts it is not reasonable to expect that researchers will learn new workflow systems if they want to run workflows of other workflow systems. As a result, the lack of interoperability prevents workflow sharing and a vast amount of research efforts is wasted. The FP7 Sharing Interoperable Workflow for Large-Scale Scientific Simulation on Available DCIs (SHIWA) project developed the Coarse-Grained Interoperability (CGI) to enable workflow sharing. The project created the SHIWA Simulation Platform (SSP) to support CGI as a production-level service. The paper describes how the CGI approach can be used for analysis and simulation in Health Care.


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Data registration refers to a series of techniques for matching or bringing similar objects or datasets together into alignment. These techniques enjoy widespread use in a diverse variety of applications, such as video coding, tracking, object and face detection and recognition, surveillance and satellite imaging, medical image analysis and structure from motion. Registration methods are as numerous as their manifold uses, from pixel level and block or feature based methods to Fourier domain methods. This book is focused on providing algorithms and image and video techniques for registration and quality performance metrics. The authors provide various assessment metrics for measuring registration quality alongside analyses of registration techniques, introducing and explaining both familiar and state–of–the–art registration methodologies used in a variety of targeted applications.


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The subject of this book is the new scientific research in the field of modelling the interaction between land use and transport (LUTI modelling). Transport and the location of activities in space have been important themes of study in engineering, social sciences and urban and regional planning


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The best places to locate the Gas Supply Units (GSUs) on a natural gas systems and their optimal allocation to loads are the key factors to organize an efficient upstream gas infrastructure. The number of GSUs and their optimal location in a gas network is a decision problem that can be formulated as a linear programming problem. Our emphasis is on the formulation and use of a suitable location model, reflecting real-world operations and constraints of a natural gas system. This paper presents a heuristic model, based on lagrangean approach, developed for finding the optimal GSUs location on a natural gas network, minimizing expenses and maximizing throughput and security of supply.The location model is applied to the Iberian high pressure natural gas network, a system modelised with 65 demand nodes. These nodes are linked by physical and virtual pipelines – road trucks with gas in liquefied form. The location model result shows the best places to locate, with the optimal demand allocation and the most economical gas transport mode: by pipeline or by road truck.


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A major determinant of the level of effective natural gas supply is the ease to feed customers, minimizing system total costs. The aim of this work is the study of the right number of Gas Supply Units – GSUs - and their optimal location in a gas network. This paper suggests a GSU location heuristic, based on Lagrangean relaxation techniques. The heuristic is tested on the Iberian natural gas network, a system modelized with 65 demand nodes, linked by physical and virtual pipelines. Lagrangean heuristic results along with the allocation of loads to gas sources are presented, using a 2015 forecast gas demand scenario.


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This paper proposes a computationally efficient methodology for the optimal location and sizing of static and switched shunt capacitors in large distribution systems. The problem is formulated as the maximization of the savings produced by the reduction in energy losses and the avoided costs due to investment deferral in the expansion of the network. The proposed method selects the nodes to be compensated, as well as the optimal capacitor ratings and their operational characteristics, i.e. fixed or switched. After an appropriate linearization, the optimization problem was formulated as a large-scale mixed-integer linear problem, suitable for being solved by means of a widespread commercial package. Results of the proposed optimizing method are compared with another recent methodology reported in the literature using two test cases: a 15-bus and a 33-bus distribution network. For the both cases tested, the proposed methodology delivers better solutions indicated by higher loss savings, which are achieved with lower amounts of capacitive compensation. The proposed method has also been applied for compensating to an actual large distribution network served by AES-Venezuela in the metropolitan area of Caracas. A convergence time of about 4 seconds after 22298 iterations demonstrates the ability of the proposed methodology for efficiently handling large-scale compensation problems.


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Distributed generation unlike centralized electrical generation aims to generate electrical energy on small scale as near as possible to load centers, interchanging electric power with the network. This work presents a probabilistic methodology conceived to assist the electric system planning engineers in the selection of the distributed generation location, taking into account the hourly load changes or the daily load cycle. The hourly load centers, for each of the different hourly load scenarios, are calculated deterministically. These location points, properly weighted according to their load magnitude, are used to calculate the best fit probability distribution. This distribution is used to determine the maximum likelihood perimeter of the area where each source distributed generation point should preferably be located by the planning engineers. This takes into account, for example, the availability and the cost of the land lots, which are factors of special relevance in urban areas, as well as several obstacles important for the final selection of the candidates of the distributed generation points. The proposed methodology has been applied to a real case, assuming three different bivariate probability distributions: the Gaussian distribution, a bivariate version of Freund’s exponential distribution and the Weibull probability distribution. The methodology algorithm has been programmed in MATLAB. Results are presented and discussed for the application of the methodology to a realistic case and demonstrate the ability of the proposed methodology for efficiently handling the determination of the best location of the distributed generation and their corresponding distribution networks.


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This paper presents work in progress, to develop an efficient and economic way to directly produce Technetium 99metastable (99mTc) using low-energy cyclotrons. Its importance is well established and relates with the increased global trouble in delivering 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine Departments relying on this radioisotope. Since the present delivery strategy has clearly demonstrated its intrinsic limits, our group decided to follow a distinct approach that uses the broad distribution of the low energy cyclotrons and the accessibility of Molybdenum 100 (100Mo) as the Target material. This is indeed an important issue to consider, since the system here presented, named CYCLOTECH, it is not based on the use of Highly Enriched (or even Low Enriched) Uranium 235 (235U), so entirely complying with the actual international trends and directives concerning the use of this potential highly critical material. The production technique is based on the nuclear reaction 100Mo (p,2n) 99mTc whose production yields have already been documented. Until this moment two Patent requests have already been submitted (the first at the INPI, in Portugal, and the second at the USPTO, in the USA); others are being prepared for submission on a near future. The object of the CYCLOTECH system is to present 99mTc to Nuclear Medicine radiopharmacists in a routine, reliable and efficient manner that, remaining always flexible, entirely blends with established protocols. To facilitate workflow and Radiation Protection measures, it has been developed a Target Station that can be installed on most of the existing PET cyclotrons and that will tolerate up to 400 μA of beam by allowing the beam to strike the Target material at an adequately oblique angle. The Target Station permits the remote and automatic loading and discharge of the Targets from a carriage of 10 Target bodies. On other hand, several methods of Target material deposition and Target substrates are presented. The object was to create a cost effective means of depositing and intermediate the target material thickness (25 - 100μm) with a minimum of loss on a substrate that is able to easily transport the heat associated with high beam currents. Finally, the separation techniques presented are a combination of both physical and column chemistry. The object was to extract and deliver 99mTc in the identical form now in use in radiopharmacies worldwide. In addition, the Target material is recovered and can be recycled.


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Fingerprinting is an indoor location technique, based on wireless networks, where data stored during the offline phase is compared with data collected by the mobile device during the online phase. In most of the real-life scenarios, the mobile node used throughout the offline phase is different from the mobile nodes that will be used during the online phase. This means that there might be very significant differences between the Received Signal Strength values acquired by the mobile node and the ones stored in the Fingerprinting Map. As a consequence, this difference between RSS values might contribute to increase the location estimation error. One possible solution to minimize these differences is to adapt the RSS values, acquired during the online phase, before sending them to the Location Estimation Algorithm. Also the internal parameters of the Location Estimation Algorithms, for example the weights of the Weighted k-Nearest Neighbour, might need to be tuned for every type of terminal. This paper focuses both approaches, using Direct Search optimization methods to adapt the Received Signal Strength and to tune the Location Estimation Algorithm parameters. As a result it was possible to decrease the location estimation error originally obtained without any calibration procedure.


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The paper presents a study on business micro-location behaviour as well as corresponding factors of influence, conducted in two metropolitan areas, Bucharest-Ilfov (Romania) and Greater Porto (Portugal). By business micro-location we refer to a specific site such as a building or facility, accommodating a business within a small, compact geographical area (e.g. metropolitan area). At this geographical scale, the macroeconomic layer factors were excluded, applicable when discern between regions or countries. The factors derived from location theory and previous empirical studies were surveyed, completing a cross-sectional analysis in order to find out the specific weights of the location factors and preferences, by region and by industry. Based on already established firms’ feedback on location, the specific weights were granted by each industry to the main location factors, types of areas, and types of accommodation facilities. The authors also suggested a model to integrate these results into a Geographical Information System (GIS).


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The current ubiquitous network access and increase in network bandwidth are driving the sales of mobile location-aware user devices and, consequently, the development of context-aware applications, namely location-based services. The goal of this project is to provide consumers of location-based services with a richer end-user experience by means of service composition, personalization, device adaptation and continuity of service. Our approach relies on a multi-agent system composed of proxy agents that act as mediators and providers of personalization meta-services, device adaptation and continuity of service for consumers of pre-existing location-based services. These proxy agents, which have Web services interfaces to ensure a high level of interoperability, perform service composition and take in consideration the preferences of the users, the limitations of the user devices, making the usage of different types of devices seamless for the end-user. To validate and evaluate the performance of this approach, use cases were defined, tests were conducted and results gathered which demonstrated that the initial goals were successfully fulfilled.