937 resultados para large volume


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This thesis presents the outcomes of a comprehensive research study undertaken to investigate the influence of rainfall and catchment characteristics on urban stormwater quality. The knowledge created is expected to contribute to a greater understanding of urban stormwater quality and thereby enhance the design of stormwater quality treatment systems. The research study was undertaken based on selected urban catchments in Gold Coast, Australia. The research methodology included field investigations, laboratory testing, computer modelling and data analysis. Both univariate and multivariate data analysis techniques were used to investigate the influence of rainfall and catchment characteristics on urban stormwater quality. The rainfall characteristics investigated included average rainfall intensity and rainfall duration whilst catchment characteristics included land use, impervious area percentage, urban form and pervious area location. The catchment scale data for the analysis was obtained from four residential catchments, including rainfall-runoff records, drainage network data, stormwater quality data and land use and land cover data. Pollutants build-up samples were collected from twelve road surfaces in residential, commercial and industrial land use areas. The relationships between rainfall characteristics, catchment characteristics and urban stormwater quality were investigated based on residential catchments and then extended to other land uses. Based on the influence rainfall characteristics exert on urban stormwater quality, rainfall events can be classified into three different types, namely, high average intensity-short duration (Type 1), high average intensity-long duration (Type 2) and low average intensity-long duration (Type 3). This provides an innovative approach to conventional modelling which does not commonly relate stormwater quality to rainfall characteristics. Additionally, it was found that the threshold intensity for pollutant wash-off from urban catchments is much less than for rural catchments. High average intensity-short duration rainfall events are cumulatively responsible for the generation of a major fraction of the annual pollutants load compared to the other rainfall event types. Additionally, rainfall events less than 1 year ARI such as 6- month ARI should be considered for treatment design as they generate a significant fraction of the annual runoff volume and by implication a significant fraction of the pollutants load. This implies that stormwater treatment designs based on larger rainfall events would not be feasible in the context of cost-effectiveness, efficiency in treatment performance and possible savings in land area needed. This also suggests that the simulation of long-term continuous rainfall events for stormwater treatment design may not be needed and that event based simulations would be adequate. The investigations into the relationship between catchment characteristics and urban stormwater quality found that other than conventional catchment characteristics such as land use and impervious area percentage, other catchment characteristics such as urban form and pervious area location also play important roles in influencing urban stormwater quality. These outcomes point to the fact that the conventional modelling approach in the design of stormwater quality treatment systems which is commonly based on land use and impervious area percentage would be inadequate. It was also noted that the small uniformly urbanised areas within a larger mixed catchment produce relatively lower variations in stormwater quality and as expected lower runoff volume with the opposite being the case for large mixed use urbanised catchments. Therefore, a decentralised approach to water quality treatment would be more effective rather than an "end-of-pipe" approach. The investigation of pollutants build-up on different land uses showed that pollutant build-up characteristics vary even within the same land use. Therefore, the conventional approach in stormwater quality modelling, which is based solely on land use, may prove to be inappropriate. Industrial land use has relatively higher variability in maximum pollutant build-up, build-up rate and particle size distribution than the other two land uses. However, commercial and residential land uses had relatively higher variations of nutrients and organic carbon build-up. Additionally, it was found that particle size distribution had a relatively higher variability for all three land uses compared to the other build-up parameters. The high variability in particle size distribution for all land uses illustrate the dissimilarities associated with the fine and coarse particle size fractions even within the same land use and hence the variations in stormwater quality in relation to pollutants adsorbing to different sizes of particles.


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The existing Collaborative Filtering (CF) technique that has been widely applied by e-commerce sites requires a large amount of ratings data to make meaningful recommendations. It is not directly applicable for recommending products that are not frequently purchased by users, such as cars and houses, as it is difficult to collect rating data for such products from the users. Many of the e-commerce sites for infrequently purchased products are still using basic search-based techniques whereby the products that match with the attributes given in the target user's query are retrieved and recommended to the user. However, search-based recommenders cannot provide personalized recommendations. For different users, the recommendations will be the same if they provide the same query regardless of any difference in their online navigation behaviour. This paper proposes to integrate collaborative filtering and search-based techniques to provide personalized recommendations for infrequently purchased products. Two different techniques are proposed, namely CFRRobin and CFAg Query. Instead of using the target user's query to search for products as normal search based systems do, the CFRRobin technique uses the products in which the target user's neighbours have shown interest as queries to retrieve relevant products, and then recommends to the target user a list of products by merging and ranking the returned products using the Round Robin method. The CFAg Query technique uses the products that the user's neighbours have shown interest in to derive an aggregated query, which is then used to retrieve products to recommend to the target user. Experiments conducted on a real e-commerce dataset show that both the proposed techniques CFRRobin and CFAg Query perform better than the standard Collaborative Filtering (CF) and the Basic Search (BS) approaches, which are widely applied by the current e-commerce applications. The CFRRobin and CFAg Query approaches also outperform the e- isting query expansion (QE) technique that was proposed for recommending infrequently purchased products.


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Audience Response Systems (ARS) have been successfully used by academics to facilitate student learning and engagement, particularly in large lecture settings. However, in large core subjects a key challenge is not only to engage students, but also to engage large and diverse teaching teams in order to ensure a consistent approach to grading assessments. This paper provides an insight into the ways in which ARS can be used to encourage participation by tutors in marking and moderation meetings. It concludes that ARS can improve the consistency of grading and the quality of feedback provided to students.


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Airports, whether publicly or privately owned or operated fill both public and private roles. They need to act as public infrastructure providers and as businesses which cover their operating costs. That leads to special governance concerns with respect to consumers and competitors which are only beginning to be addressed. These challenges are highlighted both by shifts in ownership status and by the expansion of roles performed by airports as passenger and cargo volumes continue to increase and as nearby urban areas expand outward towards airports. We survey five ways in which the regulatory shoe doesn‟t quite fit the needs. Our findings suggest that, while ad hoc measures limit political tension, new governance measures are needed.


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OBJECTIVE: Childhood-onset type 1 diabetes is associated with neurocognitive deficits, but there is limited evidence to date regarding associated neuroanatomical brain changes and their relationship to illness variables such as age at disease onset. This report examines age-related changes in volume and T2 relaxation time (a fundamental parameter of magnetic resonance imaging that reflects tissue health) across the whole brain. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Type 1 diabetes, N = 79 (mean age 20.32 ± 4.24 years), and healthy control participants, N = 50 (mean age 20.53 ± 3.60 years). There were no substantial group differences on socioeconomic status, sex ratio, or intelligence quotient. RESULTS: Regression analyses revealed a negative correlation between age and brain changes, with decreasing gray matter volume and T2 relaxation time with age in multiple brain regions in the type 1 diabetes group. In comparison, the age-related decline in the control group was small. Examination of the interaction of group and age confirmed a group difference (type 1 diabetes vs. control) in the relationship between age and brain volume/T2 relaxation time. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated an interaction between age and group in predicting brain volumes and T2 relaxation time such that there was a decline in these outcomes in type 1 diabetic participants that was much less evident in control subjects. Findings suggest the neurodevelopmental pathways of youth with type 1 diabetes have diverged from those of their healthy peers by late adolescence and early adulthood but the explanation for this phenomenon remains to be clarified.


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The in vitro and in vivo degradation properties of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds produced by two different technologies - thermally induced phase separation (TIPS), and solvent casting and particulate leaching (SCPL) were compared. Over 6 weeks, in vitro degradation produced changes in SCPL scaffold dimension, mass, internal architecture and mechanical properties. TIPS scaffolds produced far less changes in these parameters providing significant advantages over SCPL. In vivo results were based on a microsurgically created arteriovenous (AV) loop sandwiched between two TIPS scaffolds placed in a polycarbonate chamber under rat groin skin. Histologically, a predominant foreign body giant cell response and reduced vascularity was evident in tissue ingrowth between 2 and 8 weeks in TIPS scaffolds. Tissue death occurred at 8 weeks in the smallest pores. Morphometric comparison of TIPS and SCPL scaffolds indicated slightly better tissue ingrowth but greater loss of scaffold structure in SCPL scaffolds. Although advantageous in vitro, large surface area:volume ratios and varying pore sizes in PLGA TIPS scaffolds mean that effective in vivo (AV loop) utilization will only be achieved if the foreign body response can be significantly reduced so as to allow successful vascularisation, and hence sustained tissue growth, in pores less than 300 μm. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Empathy is an important pro-social behaviour critical to a positive clientetherapist relationship. Therapist anxiety has been linked to reduced ability to empathise and lower client satisfaction with therapy. However, the nature of the relationship between anxiety and empathy is currently unclear. The current study investigated the effect of experimentally-induced anxiety on empathic responses elicited during three different perspective-taking tasks. Perspective-taking was manipulated within-subjects with all participants (N¼ 52) completing imagine-self, imagine-other and objective conditions. A threat of shock manipulation was used to vary anxiety between-subjects. Participants in the threat of shock condition reported higher levels of anxiety during the experiment and lower levels of empathyrelated distress for the targets than participants in the control condition. Perspective-taking was associated with higher levels of empathy-related distress and concern compared to the objective condition. The present results suggest that perspective-taking can to a large extent mitigate the influence of heightened anxiety on an individual’s ability to empathise.


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1. Overview of hotspot identification (HSID)methods 2. Challenges with HSID 3. Bringing crash severity into the ‘mix’ 4. Case Study: Truck Involved Crashes in Arizona 5. Conclusions • Heavy duty trucks have different performance envelopes than passenger cars and have more difficulty weaving, accelerating, and braking • Passenger vehicles have extremely limited sight distance around trucks • Lane and shoulder widths affect truck crash risk more than passenger cars • Using PDOEs to model truck crashes results in a different set of locations to examine for possible engineering and behavioral problems • PDOE models point to higher societal cost locations, whereas frequency models point to higher crash frequency locations • PDOE models are less sensitive to unreported crashes • PDOE models are a great complement to existing practice


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The research field was curatorship of the Machinima genre - a film-making practice that uses real time 3D computer graphics engines to create cinematic productions. The context was the presentation of gallery non-specific work for large-scale exhibition, as an investigation in thinking beyond traditional strategies of white cube. Strongly influenced by the Christiane Paul (Ed) seminal text, 'New Media in the White Cube and Beyond, Curatorial Models for Digital Art', the context was the repositioning of a genre traditionally focussed on delivery through small-screen, indoor, personal spaces, to large exhibition hall spaces. Beyond the core questions of collecting, documenting, expanding and rethinking the place of Machinima within the history of contemporary digital arts, the curatorial premise asked how to best invert the relationship between context of media production within the gaming domain, using novel presentational strategies that might best promote the 'take-home' impulse. The exhibition was used not as the ultimate destination for work but rather as a place to experience, sort and choose from a high volume of possible works for subsequent investigation by audiences within their own game-ready, domestic environments. In pursuit of this core aim, the exhibition intentionally promoted 'sensory overload'. The exhibition also included a gaming lab experience where audiences could begin to learn the DIY concepts of the medium, and be stimulated to revisit, consider and re-make their own relationship to this genre. The research was predominantly practice-led and collaborative (in close concert with the Machinima community), and ethnographic in that it sought to work with, understand and promote the medium in a contemporary art context. This benchmark exhibition, building on the 15-year history of the medium, was warmly received by the global Machinima community as evidenced by the significant debate, feedback and general interest recorded. The exhibition has recently begun an ongoing Australian touring schedule. To date, the exhibition has received critical attention nationally and internationally in Das Superpaper, the Courier Mail, Machinimart, 4ZZZ-FM, the Sydney Morning Herald, Games and Business, Australian Gamer, Kotaku Australia, and the Age.


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Since the availability of 3D full body scanners and the associated software systems for operations with large point clouds, 3D anthropometry has been marketed as a breakthrough and milestone in ergonomic design. The assumptions made by the representatives of the 3D paradigm need to be critically reviewed though. 3D anthropometry has advantages as well as shortfalls, which need to be carefully considered. While it is apparent that the measurement of a full body point cloud allows for easier storage of raw data and improves quality control, the difficulties in calculation of standardized measurements from the point cloud are widely underestimated. Early studies that made use of 3D point clouds to derive anthropometric dimensions have shown unacceptable deviations from the standardized results measured manually. While 3D human point clouds provide a valuable tool to replicate specific single persons for further virtual studies, or personalize garment, their use in ergonomic design must be critically assessed. Ergonomic, volumetric problems are defined by their 2-dimensional boundary or one dimensional sections. A 1D/2D approach is therefore sufficient to solve an ergonomic design problem. As a consequence, all modern 3D human manikins are defined by the underlying anthropometric girths (2D) and lengths/widths (1D), which can be measured efficiently using manual techniques. Traditionally, Ergonomists have taken a statistical approach to design for generalized percentiles of the population rather than for a single user. The underlying method is based on the distribution function of meaningful single and two-dimensional anthropometric variables. Compared to these variables, the distribution of human volume has no ergonomic relevance. On the other hand, if volume is to be seen as a two-dimensional integral or distribution function of length and girth, the calculation of combined percentiles – a common ergonomic requirement - is undefined. Consequently, we suggest to critically review the cost and use of 3D anthropometry. We also recommend making proper use of widely available single and 2-dimensional anthropometric data in ergonomic design.


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In this volume we compile and comment on a collection of some of the most important works on nascent entrepreneurship that have appeared in the last two decades. We do not go further back than that because up until1992 hardly any systematic research on the pre-operational stage of business creation was undertaken. In that year, the terms 'nascent entrepreneur' and 'nascent venture' appear for the first time in the research literature (Reynolds and Miller, Chapter l, 1992; Reynolds and White, 1992). This signals the emergence of a new research paradigm designed to study• business creation processes empirically at very early stages, before an operational firm has come into existence. The most central feature of this type of research is that it identifies a statistically representative sample of nascent entrepreneurs (NEs)- people engaged in ongoing but not yet operational business start-ups- via screening interviews with a very large random sample of adults. The overarching research questions pursued in this emerging research tradition are the following: 1. What proportion of individuals (in various population subgroups) are trying to start a new business at any given time? 2. What led them to engage in the creation of a new business? 3. What characteristics and behaviors associated with the founder(s), the venture, the environment and the process are associated with persistence, progress and success in trying to start a new business?


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With the large diffusion of Business Process Managemen (BPM) automation suites, the possibility of managing process-related risks arises. This paper introduces an innovative framework for process-related risk management and describes a working implementation realized by extending the YAWL system. The framework covers three aspects of risk management: risk monitoring, risk prevention, and risk mitigation. Risk monitoring functionality is provided using a sensor-based architecture, where sensors are defined at design time and used at run-time for monitoring purposes. Risk prevention functionality is provided in the form of suggestions about what should be executed, by who, and how, through the use of decision trees. Finally, risk mitigation functionality is provided as a sequence of remedial actions (e.g. reallocating, skipping, rolling back of a work item) that should be executed to restore the process to a normal situation.


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University classes in marketing are often large, and therefore require teams of teachers to cover all of the necessary activities. A major problem with teaching teams is the inconsistency that results from myriad individuals offering subjective opinions. This innovation uses the latest moderation techniques along with Audience Response Technology (ART) to enhance the learning experience by providing more consistent and reliable grading in large classes. Assessment items are moderated before they are graded in meetings that employ ART. Results show the process is effective when the teaching team is very large, or there is a diverse range of experienced and inexperienced teachers. This “behind the scenes” innovation is not immediately apparent to students, but results in more consistent grades, more useful feedback for students, and more confident graders.


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Volume measurements are useful in many branches of science and medicine. They are usually accomplished by acquiring a sequence of cross sectional images through the object using an appropriate scanning modality, for example x-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR) or ultrasound (US). In the cases of CT and MR, a dividing cubes algorithm can be used to describe the surface as a triangle mesh. However, such algorithms are not suitable for US data, especially when the image sequence is multiplanar (as it usually is). This problem may be overcome by manually tracing regions of interest (ROIs) on the registered multiplanar images and connecting the points into a triangular mesh. In this paper we describe and evaluate a new discreet form of Gauss’ theorem which enables the calculation of the volume of any enclosed surface described by a triangular mesh. The volume is calculated by summing the vector product of the centroid, area and normal of each surface triangle. The algorithm was tested on computer-generated objects, US-scanned balloons, livers and kidneys and CT-scanned clay rocks. The results, expressed as the mean percentage difference ± one standard deviation were 1.2 ± 2.3, 5.5 ± 4.7, 3.0 ± 3.2 and −1.2 ± 3.2% for balloons, livers, kidneys and rocks respectively. The results compare favourably with other volume estimation methods such as planimetry and tetrahedral decomposition.


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Whereas many good examples can be found of the study of urban morphology informing the design of new residential areas in Europe, it is much more difficult to find examples relating to other land uses and outside of Europe. This paper addresses a particular issue, the control and coordination of large and complex development schemes within cities, and, in doing so, considers commercial and mixed-use schemes outside of Europe. It is argued that urban morphology has much to offer for both the design of such development and its implementation over time. Firstly, lessons are drawn from the work of Krier and Rossi in Berlin, the form-based guidance developed in Chelmsford, UK, and the redesign and coordination of the Melrose Arch project in Johannesburg, SA. A recent development at Boggo Road in Brisbane, Australia, is then subjected to a more detailed examination. It is argued that the scheme has been unsatisfactory in terms of both design and implementation. An alternative framework based on historical morphological studies is proposed that would overcome these deficiencies. It is proposed that this points the way to a general approach that could be incorporated within the planning process internationally.