997 resultados para large artery vasculitis
BACKGROUND: The strong observational association between total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations and risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and the null associations in the homocysteine-lowering trials have prompted the need to identify genetic variants associated with homocysteine concentrations and risk of CAD. OBJECTIVE: We tested whether common genetic polymorphisms associated with variation in tHcy are also associated with CAD. DESIGN: We conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on tHcy concentrations in 44,147 individuals of European descent. Polymorphisms associated with tHcy (P < 10(-8)) were tested for association with CAD in 31,400 cases and 92,927 controls. RESULTS: Common variants at 13 loci, explaining 5.9% of the variation in tHcy, were associated with tHcy concentrations, including 6 novel loci in or near MMACHC (2.1 Ã- 10(-9)), SLC17A3 (1.0 Ã- 10(-8)), GTPB10 (1.7 Ã- 10(-8)), CUBN (7.5 Ã- 10(-10)), HNF1A (1.2 Ã- 10(-12)), and FUT2 (6.6 Ã- 10(-9)), and variants previously reported at or near the MTHFR, MTR, CPS1, MUT, NOX4, DPEP1, and CBS genes. Individuals within the highest 10% of the genotype risk score (GRS) had 3-μmol/L higher mean tHcy concentrations than did those within the lowest 10% of the GRS (P = 1 Ã- 10(-36)). The GRS was not associated with risk of CAD (OR: 1.01; 95% CI: 0.98, 1.04; P = 0.49). CONCLUSIONS: We identified several novel loci that influence plasma tHcy concentrations. Overall, common genetic variants that influence plasma tHcy concentrations are not associated with risk of CAD in white populations, which further refutes the causal relevance of moderately elevated tHcy concentrations and tHcy-related pathways for CAD.
Extensive (8 to 12 cm2) noncircumferential endoscopic mucosal resection for early esophageal cancer.
Background: Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) is an appealing method for treating intramucosal esophageal cancer but must comply with the following stringent requirements: proper preoperative staging, complete resection of the lesion, obtaining a resected specimen for histologic analysis of safety margins, and squamous reepithelialization without stricture formation. Methods: A rigid esophagoscope was created to resect up to 12 cm(2) of esophageal mucosa in a single specimen and at a constant depth through the submucosa. Under visual control, the esophageal mucosa is sucked into a transparent window and resected with a thin diathermy wire loop in 10 seconds. After extensive preclinical studies in a sheep model, this article reports our early experience in humans. Results: Twenty-one hemi-circumferential EMRs were performed for 11 dysplastic Barrett's esophagi and 10 early squamous cell carcinomas with no perforation, one hemorrhage controlled by embolization of the left gastric artery, and one incomplete resection. Deep safety margins were clear in 19 of 21 resected specimens (2 patients, unfit for operations, had submucosal invasion of squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, respectively). Lateral margins were not clear by definition in 7 circumferential Barrett's esophagi, but were clear in 4 incomplete Barrett's esophagi and 10 early squamous cell carcinomas. Conclusions: Large EMRs of 12 cm(2) can safely be performed at the submucosal level in the esophagus. Although feasible in one session, circumferential EMR in humans is not yet advisable because of the risk of stricture formation during the healing phase. The rate of complications of this series of 21 EMRs in humans is acceptable. (Ann Thorac Surg 2010; 89: S2151-5) (C) 2010 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Oligogalacturonides are plant cell wall-derived regulatory molecules which stimulate defense gene expression during pathogenesis. In vitro, these compounds enhance the phosphorylation of an approximately 34-kDa protein (pp34) in purified plasma membranes from potato and tomato leaves. We now show that polygalacturonate-enhanced phosphorylation of pp34 occurs in plasma membranes purified from tomato roots, hypocotyls, and stems and from undifferentiated potato cells. Furthermore, a similar phosphorylation is detected in leaf plasma membranes from soybean, a plant distantly related to tomato. Purified oligogalacturonides 13 to at least 26 residues long stimulate pp34 thiophosphorylation in vitro. This stimulation pattern differs from the induction of many known defense responses in vivo, where a narrower range of smaller fragments, between approximately 10 and 15 residues long, are active. On the basis of these differences we suggest that observed effects of applied exogenous oligogalacturonides on defense responses may not necessarily reflect the situation during pathogenesis. The cell wall could act as a barrier to many exogenous oligo- and polygalacturonides as well as other large regulatory ligands.
We experimentally question the assertion of Prospect Theory that people display risk attraction in choices involving high-probability losses. Indeed, our experimental participants tend to avoid fair risks for large (up to ? 90), high-probability (80%) losses. Our research hinges on a novel experimental method designed to alleviate the house-money bias that pervades experiments with real (not hypothetical) loses.Our results vindicate Daniel Bernoulli?s view that risk aversion is the dominant attitude,But, contrary to the Bernoulli-inspired canonical expected utility theory, we do find frequent risk attraction for small amounts of money at stake.In any event, we attempt neither to test expected utility versus nonexpected utility theories, nor to contribute to the important literature that estimates value and weighting functions. The question that we ask is more basic, namely: do people display risk aversion when facing large losses, or large gains? And, at the risk of oversimplifying, our answer is yes.
A single coronary artery can complicate the surgical technique of arterial switch operations, impairing early and late outcomes. We propose a new surgical approach, successfully applied in a 2.1 kg neonate, aimed at reducing the risk of early and late compression and/or distortion of the newly constructed coronary artery system.
This research project was intended to produce a strategy for addressing current and future access management problems on state highway routes located just outside urban areas that serve as major routes for commuting into and out of major employment centers in Iowa. There were two basic goals: (1) to develop a ranking system for identifying high-priority segments for access management treatments on primary highways outside metro and urban areas and (2) to focus efforts on routes that are major commuting routes at present and in the future. The project focused on four-lane expressways and two-lane arterials most likely to serve extensive commuter traffic. Available spatial and statistical data were used to identify existing and possible future problem corridors with respect to access management. The research team developed a scheme for ranking commuter routes based on their need for attention to access management. This project was able to produce rankings for corridors based on a variety of factors, including proportion of crashes that appear to be access-related, severity of those crashes, and potential for improvement along corridors. Frequency and loss were found to be highly rank correlated; because of this, these indicators were not used together in developing final priority rankings. Most of the highest ranked routes are on two-lane rural cross sections, but a few are four-lane expressways with at-grade private driveways and public road intersections. The most important conclusion of the ranking system is that many of the poor-performing corridors are located in a single Iowa Department of Transportation district near two urban areas--Des Moines and Ames. A comprehensive approach to managing access along commuting corridors should be developed first in this district since the potential benefits would be highest in that region.
Purpose: The management of vestibular schwanommas (VS) is challenging, with microsurgery remaining the main treatment option. Planned subtotal resection is now being increasingly considered to reduce the risk of neurological deficits following complete resection. The residual part of the tumor can then be treated with Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) to achieve long-term growth control. Methods: This case series of 11 patients documents early results with planned subtotal resection followed by GKS in Lausanne University Hospital, between July 2010 and March 2012. We analyzed clinical symptoms and signs for all cases, as well as MRI and audiograms. Results: Mean age in this series was 50.3 years (range 24.1-73.4). Two patients (18.2%) had a stereotactic fractionated radiotherapy, which had failed to ensure tumor control, before the microsurgical intervention. The lesions were solid in 9 cases (81.8%), and mixed (solid and cystic) in 2 patients (18.2%). Presurgical tumor volume was of a mean of 18.5 cm3 (range 9.7-34.9 cm3). The mean duration between microsurgery and GKS was 10.5 months (range 4-22.8). The mean tumor volume at the time of GKS treatment was 4.9 cm3 (range 0.5- 12.8). A mean number of 20.7 isocenters was used (range 8-31). Nine patients received 12 Gy and 2 patients with 11 Gy at the periphery (at the 50% prescription isodose). We did not have any major complications in our series. Postoperative status showed no facial nerve deficits. Four patients with useful pre-operative hearing underwent surgery aiming to preserve the cochlear nerve function. Of these patients, the patient who had Gardner-Robertson (GR) class 1 before surgery, remained in GR class 1. Two patients improved after surgery, one changing from GR 5 to GR 3 and the other with slight improvement, remaining in the same GR 3 class. Mean follow-up after surgery was 15.4 months (range 4-31.2). One patient, who presented with secondary trigeminal neuralgia before surgery, had transitory facial hypoesthesia following surgery. No other neurological deficits were encountered. Following GKS, the patients had a mean follow-up of 5.33 months (range 1-13). No new neurological deficits were encountered. Conclusions: Our data suggest that planned subtotal resection followed by GKS has an excellent clinical outcome with respect to preservation of cranial nerves, and other neurological functions, and a good possibility of recovery of many of the pre-operative cranial nerve dysfunctions
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Normal weight obesity (NWO) has been defined as an excessive body fat (BF) associated with a normal body mass index (BMI). Still, little is known regarding the effect of differing cut-offs for %BF on the prevalence of NWO. We thus conducted a study to assess the effect of modifying the cut-offs for excessive %BF on the prevalence of NWO. METHODS: We examined a convenience sample of 1523 Portuguese adults. BF was measured by validated hand-held bioimpedance. NWO was defined as a BMI < 25 kg/m2 and a %BF >30% or according to sex- and age-specific %BF cut-offs. RESULTS: Prevalence of NWO was 10.1% in women and 3.2% in men. In women, prevalence of NWO increased considerably with age, and virtually all women aged over 55 with a BMI < 25 kg/m2 were actually considered as NWO. Using sex-specific cut-offs for BF (men: 29.1%; women: 37.2%) led to moderately lower prevalence of NWO in women. Using sex and age-specific cut-offs for %BF considerably decreased the prevalence of NWO in women, i.e. 0.5e2.5% (depending on the criterion) but not in men, i.e. 1.9e3.4%. CONCLUSIONS: In women, the prevalence of NWO varies considerably according to the cut-off used to define excess BF, whereas a much smaller variation is found in men. While further studies are needed to describe the risk associated with NWO using various %BF cut-offs, this study suggests that sex- and age-specific cut-offs may be preferred.
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by multiple hamartomas, caused by inactivating mutations of the TSC1/TSC2 tumour suppressor genes. Classical pulmonary involvement in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) consists of lymphangioleiomyomatosis and/or multiple micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia (MMPH). Association of TSC with pulmonary artery aneurysm (PAA) has been only exceptionally described. We report here the first case of TSC with multiple PAA in combination with MMPH, cardiac rhabdomyomas and bone, skin and brain involvement.
The Cancer Vaccine Consortium of the Sabin Vaccine Institute (CVC/SVI) is conducting an ongoing large-scale immune monitoring harmonization program through its members and affiliated associations. This effort was brought to life as an external validation program by conducting an international Elispot proficiency panel with 36 laboratories in 2005, and was followed by a second panel with 29 participating laboratories in 2006 allowing for application of learnings from the first panel. Critical protocol choices, as well as standardization and validation practices among laboratories were assessed through detailed surveys. Although panel participants had to follow general guidelines in order to allow comparison of results, each laboratory was able to use its own protocols, materials and reagents. The second panel recorded an overall significantly improved performance, as measured by the ability to detect all predefined responses correctly. Protocol choices and laboratory practices, which can have a dramatic effect on the overall assay outcome, were identified and lead to the following recommendations: (A) Establish a laboratory SOP for Elispot testing procedures including (A1) a counting method for apoptotic cells for determining adequate cell dilution for plating, and (A2) overnight rest of cells prior to plating and incubation, (B) Use only pre-tested serum optimized for low background: high signal ratio, (C) Establish a laboratory SOP for plate reading including (C1) human auditing during the reading process and (C2) adequate adjustments for technical artifacts, and (D) Only allow trained personnel, which is certified per laboratory SOPs to conduct assays. Recommendations described under (A) were found to make a statistically significant difference in assay performance, while the remaining recommendations are based on practical experiences confirmed by the panel results, which could not be statistically tested. These results provide initial harmonization guidelines to optimize Elispot assay performance to the immunotherapy community. Further optimization is in process with ongoing panels.
Sabkha and deep burial set tings are the most com mon sites where diagenetic anhydrite forms. In a sabkha setting, displacive facies (iso lated nodules, bed ded nodules, enterolithic levels) of early diagenetic or primary anhydrite are generated (Shearman, 1966; Hardie, 1967). These anhydrite facies are commonly foundat the top of shoal ing cycles representing the evolution from subaqueous depositional conditions at the base (carbonates, lutites) to exposure conditions at the top where in ter stitially-grown gypsum/anhydrite de velops ( sabkha cy cles). In a deep burial setting, gypsum transforms to tally to anhydrite with in creas ing temperature and lithostatic pressure (Murray, 1964). Al though this mineral transformation usually preserves the depositional gypsum facies, a significant textural change is in volved in other cases, resulting in replacive anhydrite with a nodular-mosaic or"chicken-wire" fabric (Warren, 2006). In the two settings, how ever, the size of the individual anhydrite nodules is relatively small, rarely reaching some tens of centimetres across. More over, bedding is preserved or little disturbed, al though minor de formation is caused by the displacive sabkha nodules.
Polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs) are organic compounds mainly produced by diatoms, after cell wounding. These compounds are increasingly reported as teratogenic for species of grazers and deleterious for phytoplanktonic species, but there is still scarce information regarding concentration ranges and the composition of PUAs in the open ocean. In this study, we analyzed the spatial distribution and the type of aldehydes produced by the large-sized (>10 μm) phytoplankton in the Atlantic Ocean surface. Analyses were conducted on PUAs released after mechanical disruption of the phytoplankton cells, referred to here as potential PUAs (pPUAs). Results show the ubiquitous presence of pPUA in the open ocean, including upwelling areas, as well as oligotrophic gyres. Total pPUA concentrations ranged from zero to 4.18 pmol from cells in 1 L. Identified PUAs were heptadienal, octadienal and decadienal, with heptadienal being the most common (79% of total stations). PUA amount and composition across the Atlantic Ocean was mainly related to the nitrogen:phosphorus ratio, suggesting nutrient-driven mechanisms of PUA production. Extending the range of trophic conditions considered by adding data reported for productive coastal waters, we found a pattern of PUA variation in relation to trophic status.
Aromatase inhibitors are increasingly used in the treatment of early and metastatic breast cancer. They can produce various skin adverse effects but are only rarely associated with cutaneous vasculitis. We report the first case of cutaneous vasculitis clearly associated with the use of aromatase inhibitor letrozole.
We show that in the limit of a large number of dimensions a wide class of nonextremal neutral black holes has a universal near-horizon limit. The limiting geometry is the two-dimensional black hole of string theory with a two-dimensional target space. Its conformal symmetry explains the properties of massless scalars found recently in the large-D limit. For black branes with string charges, the near-horizon geometry is that of the three-dimensional black strings of Horne and Horowitz. The analogies between the α′ expansion in string theory and the large-D expansion in gravity suggest a possible effective string description of the large-D limit of black holes. We comment on applications to several subjects, in particular to the problem of critical collapse.