929 resultados para internet-based application components


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Synoptic dendroclimatology uses dated tree rings to study and reconstruct climate from the viewpoint of the climate's weather components and their relationship to atmospheric circulation. This approach defines a connection between large-scale circulation and ring-width variation at local sites using correlation fields, composite maps, indexing, and other circulation-based methodologies.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were deposited at high rates ( > 50 nm min-1) using a unique technique known as high target utilisation sputtering (HiTUS). The films obtained possess good crystallographic orientation, low surface roughness, very low stress and excellent piezoelectric properties. We have utilised the films to develop highly sensitive biosensors based on thickness longitudinal mode (TLM) thin film bulk acoustic resonators (FBARs). The FBARs have the fundamental TLM at a frequency near 1.5 GHz and quality factor Q higher than 1,000, which is one of the largest values ever reported for ZnO-based FBARs. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) solutions with different concentrations were placed on the top of different sets of identical FBARs and their responses to mass-loading from physically adsorbed protein coatings were investigated. These resonators demonstrated a high sensitivity and thus have a great potential as gravimetric sensors for biomedical applications. © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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The pantherine lineage of the cat family Felidae (order: Carnivora) includes five big cats of genus Panthera and a great many midsized cats known worldwide. Presumably because of their recent and rapid radiation, the evolutionary relationship among pantherines remains ambiguous. We provide an independent assessment of the evolutionary history of pantherine lineage using two complete mitochondrial (mt) genes (ND2 and ND4) and the nuclear beta-fibrmogen intron 7 gene, whose utility in carnivoran phylogeny was first explored. The available four mt (ND5, cytb, 12S, and 16SrRNA) and two nuclear (IRBP and TTR) sequence loci were also combined to reconstruct phylogeny of 14 closely related cat species. Our analyses of combined mt data (six genes; approximate to 3750 bp) and combined mt and nuclear data (nine genes; approximate to 6500 bp) obtained identical tree topologies, which were well-resolved and strongly supported for almost all nodes. Monophyly of Panthera genus in pantherine lineage was confirmed and interspecific affinities within this genus revealed a novel branching pattern, with P. tigris diverging first in Panthera genus, followed by P. onca, P. leo, and last two sister species P. pardus and P. uncia. In addition, close association of Neofelis nebulosa to Panthera, the phylogenetic redefinition of Otocolobus manil within the domestic cat group, and the relatedness of Acinonyx jubatus and Puma concolor were all important findings in the resulting phylogenies. The potential utilities of nine different genes for phylogenetic resolution of closely related pantherine species were also evaluated, with special interest in that of the novel nuclear beta-fibrinogen intron 7. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A method has been evolved to enhance the production of natural feed in brackish water fish farms by providing substrates for bio-growth ('aquafeed' production) which is a biomass complex consisting of sedentary and associated organisms of plant and animal species. The seasonal fluctuations of the aquafeed production over different substrates ranged as: 787-1830g/coconut leaf (6m²)/45 days, 16.0-072.9g/glass panel (2x10x10cm²)/30 days, 52-230g/nylon mat (2x25x25cm²)/30 days and 18.6-123.1g/wooden block (6x10x10cm²)/30 days. The average dry weight composition of the major components of aquafeed obtained in the present study was sand-silt-clay 40%, protein 22%, carbohydrate (water soluble) 1.8% and fat 3.35% (water content 85%). Mugil cephalus of 1.85 cm reared in a 0.01ha pond and fed on aquafeed attained a size of 23 cm length and 146.73g weight during one year. Survival rate was 54% at a density of 1000/ha. Salinity and temperature of the pond during the culture period ranged between 1.4 and 32.8‰ and 28.1 and 36.5°C respectively.


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It is shown that reflective liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) spatial light modulator (SLM) based interconnects or fiber switches that use defocus to reduce crosstalk can be evaluated and optimized using a fractional Fourier transform if certain optical symmetry conditions are met. Theoretically the maximum allowable linear hologram phase error compared to a Fourier switch is increased by a factor of six before the target crosstalk for telecom applications of -40 dB is exceeded. A Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm incorporating a fractional Fourier transform modified for use with a reflective LCOS SLM is used to optimize multi-casting holograms in a prototype telecom switch. Experiments are in close agreement to predicted performance. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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The three effectiveness measures based on the ability of a flow to flush buoyancy from a ventilated space proposed by Coffey and Hunt [Ventilation effectiveness measures based on heat removal-part 1. Definitions. Building and Environment, in press, doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2006.03.016.] are applied to assess and compare two fundamental natural ventilation flows. We focus on the limiting cases of passive displacement and passive mixing ventilation flows during transient conditions. These transient flows occur when, for example, heat is purged from a building at night. Whilst it is widely recognised that mixing flows are less efficient at purging heat than displacement flows, our results indicate that, when a particular zone of a room is considered, displacement ventilation can result in lower effectiveness than mixing ventilation. When a room is considered as a whole, displacement ventilation yields higher effectiveness than mixing ventilation and we quantify these differences in terms of the geometry of the space and opening area. The proposed theoretical predictions are compared with effectiveness deduced from measurements made during laboratory experiments and show good agreement. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We apply adjoint-based sensitivity analysis to a time-delayed thermo-acoustic system: a Rijke tube containing a hot wire. We calculate how the growth rate and frequency of small oscillations about a base state are affected either by a generic passive control element in the system (the structural sensitivity analysis) or by a generic change to its base state (the base-state sensitivity analysis). We illustrate the structural sensitivity by calculating the effect of a second hot wire with a small heat-release parameter. In a single calculation, this shows how the second hot wire changes the growth rate and frequency of the small oscillations, as a function of its position in the tube. We then examine the components of the structural sensitivity in order to determine the passive control mechanism that has the strongest influence on the growth rate. We find that a force applied to the acoustic momentum equation in the opposite direction to the instantaneous velocity is the most stabilizing feedback mechanism. We also find that its effect is maximized when it is placed at the downstream end of the tube. This feedback mechanism could be supplied, for example, by an adiabatic mesh. We illustrate the base-state sensitivity by calculating the effects of small variations in the damping factor, the heat-release time-delay coefficient, the heat-release parameter, and the hot-wire location. The successful application of sensitivity analysis to thermo-acoustics opens up new possibilities for the passive control of thermo-acoustic oscillations by providing gradient information that can be combined with constrained optimization algorithms in order to reduce linear growth rates. © Cambridge University Press 2013.


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We develop a group-theoretical analysis of slow feature analysis for the case where the input data are generated by applying a set of continuous transformations to static templates. As an application of the theory, we analytically derive nonlinear visual receptive fields and show that their optimal stimuli, as well as the orientation and frequency tuning, are in good agreement with previous simulations of complex cells in primary visual cortex (Berkes and Wiskott, 2005). The theory suggests that side and end stopping can be interpreted as a weak breaking of translation invariance. Direction selectivity is also discussed. © 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


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A novel chemiluminescent immunoassay method based on gold nanoparticles was developed for the detection of microcystins (MCs). The immunoassay included three main steps: indirect competitive immunoreaction, oxidative dissolution of gold nanoparticles, and indirect determination for MCs with Au3+-catalysed luminol chemiluminesent system. The method has a wide working range (0.05-10 mu g L-1, r(2) = 0.9914), the limit of detection was determined to be 0.024 mu g L-1, which is much lower than the World Health Organization's proposed guidelines (1 mu g L-1) for drinking-water. The proposed method was applied to MC analysis in natural water and fish tissue samples, and most results in the proposed method were in agreement with the conventional indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method, which indicated that the new chemiluminescent immunoassay was sensitive, reliable, and suitable for MC analysis in natural water and fish tissue samples.