948 resultados para imperial conception


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Estíbaliz Ortiz de Urbina (ed.)


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Using second-order autocorrelation conception, a novel method and instrument for accurately measuring interval between two linearly polarized ultrashort pulses with real time were presented. The experiment demonstrated that the measuring method and instrument were simple and accurate (the measurement error <5 fs). During measuring, there was no moving element resulting in dynamic measurement error.


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As a contribution to the understanding of comparative social trends within the cetacean family Delphinidae, a 22-month study was conducted on the shortfinned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus, which has been suggested to have a unique social system in which males and females in the same group are related and mating occurs outside of the group. The individual identification of 495 pilot whales, analysed in daily group association patterns, allowed identification of 46 pods. They were classified as productive or non-productive based on the presence or absence of immature animals. Productive pods were a significantly larger, although 12% of them lacked adult males. Two classes of whales (residents and visitors) were defined by patterns of occurrence,suggesting differential patterns of habitat use. Resident pods occasionally travelled together (41% of all groups) and associations between age and sex classes showed that in mixed-pod groups, the highest ranked associations of the reproductive females were with males from other pods, while within pods, adult males and females associated less. During summer, the proposed peak conception period, pilot whale groups were significantly larger and contained individuals from a significantly greater number of pods. These findings support the hypothesis that males and females mate when associating with individuals from other pods. A comparative analysis of sexual dimorphism, brain size, and testes size, habitat, prey and group size within the 17 delphinid genera identified a correlation between sexual dimorphism and body size, but relative measures of brain size and testes size did not correlate with broad ecological or social classifications. However, a comparison of three delphinid societies identified two distinct male mating systems: males of the small, mono-morphic Tursiops truncatus live in age/sex segregated groups and mate with a number of discrete female communities. Males in the large sexually dimorphic Glob icephala spp. and Orcinus orca mate with associated female pods and yet remain with their female kin. This corresponds to the avunculate social system described in some human societies. It could evolve from a promiscuous mating system where there is little guarantee of paternity and where males that live with their kin increase their inclusive fitness.


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On 1st March 1995, the name of the former "Institut für Fangtechnik" ("Institute for Fishing Techniques") at the Federal Research Centre for Fisheries in Hamburg has been changed into "Institut für Fischereitechnik" ("Institute for Fishery Techniques"). The new conception and structure of this institute are described. Aims and possibilities of research in fishing techniques as a contribution for a selective, environment friendly and energy saving fishery are illustrated by examples in Baltic cod and eel fishery and also sea-bird bycatches, crangon fishery in the North Sea, and possible substitutions for technologies with high fuel consumption by energy saving technologies as longlining, gillnetting and anchored pound nets.


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O objetivo da dissertação é abordar a teoria causal do mental de Freud e seu uso na explicação do conflito psíquico. É destacada a dupla dimensão da causalidade psíquica freudiana que oscila de uma causalidade mecanicista a uma causalidade intencional. Considera-se que a forma mais coerente de defender a tese da causalidade psíquica é descrevê-la como intencional, usando o vocabulário psicológico. Para dar suporte a essa idéia, a concepção estrita da causalidade sustentada por Wittgenstein é dispensada, e a idéia de causa mental em Davidson é endossada como aquela que pode ser mais facilmente articulável às hipóteses freudianas. A questão é analisada em três momentos da obra freudiana. Na primeira tópica, Freud usa um vocabulário híbrido, descrevendo o psiquismo tanto em termos de causa racionais quanto em termos de causas intencionais. Na segunda tópica, o psiquismo assume, cada vez mais, uma descrição intencional, e a causa a-racional da energia pulsional, inicialmente apresentada como um motor do psiquismo, dá um lugar a angústia como um afeto intencional que obriga o eu a encontrar uma solução para os conflitos psíquicos.


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O estudo situa-se no âmbito das investigações voltadas para documentos que sistematizam o trabalho do professor, dentre eles, o manual do professor que organiza a atividade docente junto ao livro didático. A dissertação analisa manuais do professor dos livros de espanhol selecionados pelo MEC para serem distribuídos a professores, em 2005, em função da lei 11161 da obrigatoriedade do ensino da língua espanhola para o ensino médio em todo o território nacional. O objetivo foi identificar imagens discursivas de docente e de ensino de espanhol como língua estrangeira neles construídas. Os fundamentos teóricos adotados advêm da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, além de recorrermos aos conceitos de dialogismo (BAKHTIN, 1979) e de polifonia (BAKHTIN, 1979; DUCROT, 1987). Os resultados nesses manuais apontam para a construção de imagens de professor como: aquele que necessita ser guiado em sua tarefa, incapaz de realizar suas escolhas em sala de aula, um professor recebedor de ordens; desatualizado com as metodologias de ensino atuais, necessitando, portanto, de atualização profissional; há ainda um professor que busca instruções facilitadoras para seu trabalho. Já no que se refere à visão de língua, deparamo-nos com um manual que dá ênfase ao trabalho com a leitura, voltado para uma concepção que valoriza aspectos discursivos; outros que afirmam seguir a abordagem comunicativa, com um olhar para a língua em uso, porém adotam procedimentos pautados numa concepção de língua como estrutura e/ou misturam ambas perspectivas


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O instituto da gestão democrática da cidade ocupa lugar central nos debates e nas reflexões acerca do Direito da Cidade e do Estatuto da Cidade. Especificamente no que se refere ao conteúdo dessas reflexões, a gestão democrática alcança impressionante consenso, não sendo coisa fácil encontrar razões no sentido de negar a validade da construção de uma cidadania ativa para gestão dos negócios urbanos. Este trabalho quer entender, concretamente, a razão do citado consenso, ancorado em uma concepção crítica que tenta chamar atenção para aspectos do social que não costumam ser contemplados pela análise realizada entre os juristas que se dedicam ao tema. Neste sentido, questões como a da alienação do trabalho e sua relação com a alienação política e a situação real das cidades a partir da categoria de análise da FES (formação econômica e social) não devem ser ignoradas quando das discussões sobre as possibilidades de efetivação de atuação citadina ativa nas cidades brasileiras. Em tempo, é necessário, a partir das categorias destacadas, analisar criticamente os instrumentos do Estatuto da Cidade para que não se permitam maiores ilusões acerca do estado de coisas aqui discutido.


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A política urbana, em seus vetores de regulação, serviços públicos e fomento, é o conjunto de princípios, diretrizes e ações que orientam a atividade econômica de urbanização, podendo determinar condutas à iniciativa privada através da função social da propriedade. Por afetar diretamente a vida das pessoas e a conformação da propriedade nas cidades, a política urbana é, por essência, municipal. A tradição da força municipalista no Brasil, que data do período imperial, ainda que em alguns momentos sufocada, manejou tornar os Municípios entes federados, assegurando- lhes, na Constituição de 1988, autonomia e atribuições, como a execução da política urbana traçada em diretrizes gerais por leis nacionais. As diretrizes nacionais para a política urbana, elaboradas em processo participativo, deveria pautar as ações da União, Estados e Municípios no tocante aos três mencionados vetores. No entanto, notando-se a quase total ausência dos Estados, verifica-se que a União, após a Constituição de 1988, rompeu com a própria ideologia de planejamento construída com a criação do Ministério das Cidades pelo Governo Lula e, atropelando o tempo de formação das diretrizes nacionais da política urbana, lançou programas de fomento a moradias e saneamento básico, cuja execução deve ser organizada pelos Municípios, que são tecnicamente frágeis e carentes de recursos para implementar a própria política urbana. Este recorte temático permite estudar a atuação mais recente da União em política urbana que, mesmo pretendendo dar conta de mazelas históricas do país, não destoa muito do período centralizador de formulação da política urbana do Regime Militar. Em Municipalismo e Política Urbana, analisa-se a influência da União na Política Urbana Municipal.


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Part 1 of this thesis is about the 24 November, 1987, Superstition Hills earthquakes. The Superstition Hills earthquakes occurred in the western Imperial Valley in southern California. The earthquakes took place on a conjugate fault system consisting of the northwest-striking right-lateral Superstition Hills fault and a previously unknown Elmore Ranch fault, a northeast-striking left-lateral structure defined by surface rupture and a lineation of hypocenters. The earthquake sequence consisted of foreshocks, the M_s 6.2 first main shock, and aftershocks on the Elmore Ranch fault followed by the M_s 6.6 second main shock and aftershocks on the Superstition Hills fault. There was dramatic surface rupture along the Superstition Hills fault in three segments: the northern segment, the southern segment, and the Wienert fault.

In Chapter 2, M_L≥4.0 earthquakes from 1945 to 1971 that have Caltech catalog locations near the 1987 sequence are relocated. It is found that none of the relocated earthquakes occur on the southern segment of the Superstition Hills fault and many occur at the intersection of the Superstition Hills and Elmore Ranch faults. Also, some other northeast-striking faults may have been active during that time.

Chapter 3 discusses the Superstition Hills earthquake sequence using data from the Caltech-U.S.G.S. southern California seismic array. The earthquakes are relocated and their distribution correlated to the type and arrangement of the basement rocks. The larger earthquakes occur only where continental crystalline basement rocks are present. The northern segment of the Superstition Hills fault has more aftershocks than the southern segment.

An inversion of long period teleseismic data of the second mainshock of the 1987 sequence, along the Superstition Hills fault, is done in Chapter 4. Most of the long period seismic energy seen teleseismically is radiated from the southern segment of the Superstition Hills fault. The fault dip is near vertical along the northern segment of the fault and steeply southwest dipping along the southern segment of the fault.

Chapter 5 is a field study of slip and afterslip measurements made along the Superstition Hills fault following the second mainshock. Slip and afterslip measurements were started only two hours after the earthquake. In some locations, afterslip more than doubled the coseismic slip. The northern and southern segments of the Superstition Hills fault differ in the proportion of coseismic and postseismic slip to the total slip.

The northern segment of the Superstition Hills fault had more aftershocks, more historic earthquakes, released less teleseismic energy, and had a smaller proportion of afterslip to total slip than the southern segment. The boundary between the two segments lies at a step in the basement that separates a deeper metasedimentary basement to the south from a shallower crystalline basement to the north.

Part 2 of the thesis deals with the three-dimensional velocity structure of southern California. In Chapter 7, an a priori three-dimensional crustal velocity model is constructed by partitioning southern California into geologic provinces, with each province having a consistent one-dimensional velocity structure. The one-dimensional velocity structures of each region were then assembled into a three-dimensional model. The three-dimension model was calibrated by forward modeling of explosion travel times.

In Chapter 8, the three-dimensional velocity model is used to locate earthquakes. For about 1000 earthquakes relocated in the Los Angeles basin, the three-dimensional model has a variance of the the travel time residuals 47 per cent less than the catalog locations found using a standard one-dimensional velocity model. Other than the 1987 Whittier earthquake sequence, little correspondence is seen between these earthquake locations and elements of a recent structural cross section of the Los Angeles basin. The Whittier sequence involved rupture of a north dipping thrust fault bounded on at least one side by a strike-slip fault. The 1988 Pasadena earthquake was deep left-lateral event on the Raymond fault. The 1989 Montebello earthquake was a thrust event on a structure similar to that on which the Whittier earthquake occurred. The 1989 Malibu earthquake was a thrust or oblique slip event adjacent to the 1979 Malibu earthquake.

At least two of the largest recent thrust earthquakes (San Fernando and Whittier) in the Los Angeles basin have had the extent of their thrust plane ruptures limited by strike-slip faults. This suggests that the buried thrust faults underlying the Los Angeles basin are segmented by strike-slip faults.

Earthquake and explosion travel times are inverted for the three-dimensional velocity structure of southern California in Chapter 9. The inversion reduced the variance of the travel time residuals by 47 per cent compared to the starting model, a reparameterized version of the forward model of Chapter 7. The Los Angeles basin is well resolved, with seismically slow sediments atop a crust of granitic velocities. Moho depth is between 26 and 32 km.


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An analytic technique is developed that couples to finite difference calculations to extend the results to arbitrary distance. Finite differences and the analytic result, a boundary integral called two-dimensional Kirchhoff, are applied to simple models and three seismological problems dealing with data. The simple models include a thorough investigation of the seismologic effects of a deep continental basin. The first problem is explosions at Yucca Flat, in the Nevada test site. By modeling both near-field strong-motion records and teleseismic P-waves simultaneously, it is shown that scattered surface waves are responsible for teleseismic complexity. The second problem deals with explosions at Amchitka Island, Alaska. The near-field seismograms are investigated using a variety of complex structures and sources. The third problem involves regional seismograms of Imperial Valley, California earthquakes recorded at Pasadena, California. The data are shown to contain evidence of deterministic structure, but lack of more direct measurements of the structure and possible three-dimensional effects make two-dimensional modeling of these data difficult.


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The long- and short-period body waves of a number of moderate earthquakes occurring in central and southern California recorded at regional (200-1400 km) and teleseismic (> 30°) distances are modeled to obtain the source parameters-focal mechanism, depth, seismic moment, and source time history. The modeling is done in the time domain using a forward modeling technique based on ray summation. A simple layer over a half space velocity model is used with additional layers being added if necessary-for example, in a basin with a low velocity lid.

The earthquakes studied fall into two geographic regions: 1) the western Transverse Ranges, and 2) the western Imperial Valley. Earthquakes in the western Transverse Ranges include the 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake, several offshore earthquakes that occurred between 1969 and 1981, and aftershocks to the 1983 Coalinga earthquake (these actually occurred north of the Transverse Ranges but share many characteristics with those that occurred there). These earthquakes are predominantly thrust faulting events with the average strike being east-west, but with many variations. Of the six earthquakes which had sufficient short-period data to accurately determine the source time history, five were complex events. That is, they could not be modeled as a simple point source, but consisted of two or more subevents. The subevents of the Whittier Narrows earthquake had different focal mechanisms. In the other cases, the subevents appear to be the same, but small variations could not be ruled out.

The recent Imperial Valley earthquakes modeled include the two 1987 Superstition Hills earthquakes and the 1969 Coyote Mountain earthquake. All are strike-slip events, and the second 1987 earthquake is a complex event With non-identical subevents.

In all the earthquakes studied, and particularly the thrust events, constraining the source parameters required modeling several phases and distance ranges. Teleseismic P waves could provide only approximate solutions. P_(nl) waves were probably the most useful phase in determining the focal mechanism, with additional constraints supplied by the SH waves when available. Contamination of the SH waves by shear-coupled PL waves was a frequent problem. Short-period data were needed to obtain the source time function.

In addition to the earthquakes mentioned above, several historic earthquakes were also studied. Earthquakes that occurred before the existence of dense local and worldwide networks are difficult to model due to the sparse data set. It has been noticed that earthquakes that occur near each other often produce similar waveforms implying similar source parameters. By comparing recent well studied earthquakes to historic earthquakes in the same region, better constraints can be placed on the source parameters of the historic events.

The Lompoc earthquake (M=7) of 1927 is the largest offshore earthquake to occur in California this century. By direct comparison of waveforms and amplitudes with the Coalinga and Santa Lucia Banks earthquakes, the focal mechanism (thrust faulting on a northwest striking fault) and long-period seismic moment (10^(26) dyne cm) can be obtained. The S-P travel times are consistent with an offshore location, rather than one in the Hosgri fault zone.

Historic earthquakes in the western Imperial Valley were also studied. These events include the 1942 and 1954 earthquakes. The earthquakes were relocated by comparing S-P and R-S times to recent earthquakes. It was found that only minor changes in the epicenters were required but that the Coyote Mountain earthquake may have been more severely mislocated. The waveforms as expected indicated that all the events were strike-slip. Moment estimates were obtained by comparing the amplitudes of recent and historic events at stations which recorded both. The 1942 event was smaller than the 1968 Borrego Mountain earthquake although some previous studies suggested the reverse. The 1954 and 1937 earthquakes had moments close to the expected value. An aftershock of the 1942 earthquake appears to be larger than previously thought.


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Dedicamo-nos ao estudo do modo como ocorre a retomada da sofística em Nietzsche. Partimos, então, do pressuposto de que há uma ligação entre Nietzsche e os sofistas e, por isso, dialogamos com os principais estudos que aproximam Nietzsche e a sofística. Nosso objetivo é, primeiramente, apresentar a visão geral entre as investigações sobre a relação de Nietzsche com a sofística. Para, então, mostrar certos equívocos no modo habitual de relacionar a filosofia nietzschiana ao movimento sofista. Nossa principal investida é contra o modo habitual de aproximação entre Nietzsche e a doutrina do homem- medida de Protágoras. Também discutimos o lugar de Cálicles no pensamento nietzschiano, principalmente, porque na visão geral que aproxima Nietzsche e os sofistas, a doutrina de Cálicles, acerca do direito do mais forte, está relacionada à idéia nietzschiana de além-homem. Acreditamos que nem na abordagem de Protágoras nem na de Cálicles, há argumentos condizentes para uma retomada da sofística no pensamento nietzschiano. Nossa defesa é de que o sofista Górgias é a palavra-chave no entendimento da relação de Nietzsche com os sofistas. Nosso argumento tem sua base na importância do historiador Tucídides para a concepção nietzschiana de história. Defendemos uma influência da retórica sofista, cujo principal representante é Górgias, tanto na apresentação quanto no modo de investigação do trabalho tucidideano. Tal influência resultará em uma articulação entre Nietzsche, Tucídides, sofística e história. Para apresentação dessa articulação, nosso estudo expõe a importância do elemento ficcional, tanto para as reflexões nietzschianas quanto para a retórica sofística de Górgias, de modo relacionar essa importância à concepção de história de Tucídides.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo apreender e analisar as representações sociais do tratamento do HIV/AIDS para enfermeiros atuantes em um hospital de referência, localizado do município do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou como referencial teórico-metodológico a teoria das representações sociais. Os sujeitos do estudo foram 20 enfermeiros que atuam em um hospital público universitário da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada. Para análise dos depoimentos obtidos através das entrevistas utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo temática, proposta por Bardin (1977). Após a análise, emergiram nove categorias: O tratamento medicamentoso e os determinantes de sua adesão; O tratamento clínico e físico; Ações psico-espirituais enquanto parte do tratamento; A abordagem terapêutica social na busca da qualidade de vida; Ações educativas preventivas e terapêuticas; A dinâmica familiar envolvida no tratamento; O cuidado psicossocial no diagnóstico e suas repercussões; O relacionamento interpessoal como parte do tratamento; Sentimentos do profissional que cuida. A representação social do tratamento prestado ao portador do HIV/AIDS, identificada no presente estudo, foi construída a partir das novas necessidades apresentadas por estes pacientes, diante do caráter de cronicidade do HIV/AIDS. Observa-se que as representações sociais apreendidas apontam para uma concepção de tratamento dentro de uma perspectiva holística, e não apenas focada na doença e no corpo, apontando para o tratamento enquanto atendimento das necessidades humanas essenciais e não apenas garantia de sobrevivência.