974 resultados para hydraulic PTO


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Dynamic Evolving Neural-Fuzzy Inference System (DENFIS) is a Takagi-Sugeno-type fuzzy inference system for online learning which can be applied for dynamic time series prediction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that DENFIS has been used for rainfall-runoff (R-R) modeling. DENFIS model results were compared to the results obtained from the physically-based Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and an Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) which employs offline learning. Data from a small (5.6 km2) catchment in Singapore, comprising 11 separated storm events were analyzed. Rainfall was the only input used for the DENFIS and ANFIS models and the output was discharge at the present time. It is concluded that DENFIS results are better or at least comparable to SWMM, but similar to ANFIS. These results indicate a strong potential for DENFIS to be used in R-R modeling.


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Results of experiments investigating geochemical changes during artificial recharge of treated wastewater at a coastal sandfill, reclaimed with sand dredged from the seabed, are reported in this paper. Laboratory batch experiments were conducted using secondary effluent (SE) and SE treated with an additional ultrafiltration process (UF), and wastewater treated by reverse osmosis (RO) process, mixed with surface sand obtained from the sandfill. Experiments with RO showed a net increase of 0.41 meq/L, 0.12 meq/L and 0.31 meq/L for Ca(2 + ), Mg(2 + ) and HCO(3) (-), respectively. UF and SE also exhibited net increase in Ca(2 + ), Mg(2 + ) and HCO(3) (-) indicating carbonate mineral dissolution. All three waters were found to be over-saturated with respect to calcite. Carbonate dissolution reactions were observed in the field experiments. However, the presence of imported clays from the borrow source gave rise to ion exchange reactions where Na(+) attached to the clay particles were exchanged for Ca(2 + ) and Mg(2 + ) inducing mineral dissolution, driven by sub-saturation conditions. This resulted in an increase in pH with maximum values in excess of 9.0. It was also found that the sodium adsorption ratio remained high (>10) even after the groundwater had been diluted sufficiently to freshwater levels (ionic strength, I <0.015) indicating a potential for the dispersion of clay particles. This could have a deleterious consequence on porosity and hydraulic conductivity.


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Results obtained from a hybrid neural network—finite element model are reported in this paper. The hybrid model incorporates artificial neural network (ANN) nodes into a numerical scheme, which solves the two-dimensional shallow water equations using finite elements (FE). First, numerical computations are carried out on the entire numerical model, using a larger mesh. The results from this computation are then used to train several preselected ANN nodes. The ANN nodes model the response for a part of the entire numerical model by transferring the system reaction to the location where both models are connected in real time. This allows a smaller mesh to be used in the hybrid ANN-FE model, resulting in savings in computation time. The hybrid model was developed for a river application, using the computational nodes located at the open boundaries to be the ANN nodes for the ANN-FE hybrid model. Real-time coupling between the ANN and FE models was achieved, and a reduction is CPU time of more than 25% was obtained.


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Urban lakes are typically smaller, shallower, and more exposed to human activities than natural lakes. Although the effects of harmful algal blooms (HABs) associated with eutrophication in urban lakes has become a growing concern for water resources management and environmental protection, studies focussing on this topic in relation to urban lakes are rare and knowledge of the ecological dynamics and effective management strategies for controlling eutrophication in urban lakes is lacking. This study applied an integrated three-dimensional hydrodynamics-ecological model for a small shallow tropical urban lake in Singapore and evaluated various management scenarios to control eutrophication in the lake. It is found that in-lake treatment techniques including artificial destratification, sediment manipulation and algaecide addition are either ineffective or possess environmental concerns; while watershed management strategies including hydraulic flushing and inflow nutrients reduction are more effective and have posed less environmental concerns. In this study, inflow phosphorus reduction was found to be the best strategy after evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of the management strategies studied. Runoff from the watershed exerts significant influence on urban lakes and thus an integrated water resources management at the watershed level is critical for the control of eutrophication


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Predicting hydrogen sulphide concentration in sewer network through modelling tools will be beneficial for many stakeholders to design appropriate mitigation strategies. However, the hydrogen sulphide modelling in a sewer network is crucially dependent on the hydraulic modelling of the sewer. The establishment of precise hydrogen sulphide and hydraulic modelling however requires detailed and accurate information about the sewer network structure and the model parameters. This paper outlines a novel approach for the development of hydraulic and hydrogen sulphide modelling to predict the concentration of hydrogen sulphide in sewer network. The approach combines the calculation of wastewater generation and implementation of flow routing on the EPA SWMM 5.0 platform to allow hydrodynamic simulations. Dynamic wave routing is used for hydraulic simulations. It is considered to be the best approach to route existing/old sewer flow. The build-up of hydrogen sulphide model includes the empirical models of hydrogen sulphide generation and emission. Trial of the model was conducted to simulate a sewer network in Seoul, South Korea with some hypothetical data. Further analysis on the use of chemical dosing on the sewer pipe was also performed by the model. Promising results have been obtained through the model, however calibration and validation of the model is required. The presented methodology provides a possibility of the free platform SWMM to be used as a prediction tool of hydrogen sulphide generation. © 2014 © 2014 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.


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Sewer odour and corrosion is caused by the reduction of sulphide ions and the release of hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S) into the sewer atmosphere. The reduction of sulphide is determined by its dissipation rate which depends on many processes such as emission, oxidation and precipitation that prevail in wastewater environments. Two factors that mainly affect the dissipation of sulphide are sewer hydraulics and wastewater characteristics; modification to the latter by dosing certain chemicals is known as one of the mitigation strategies to control the dissipation of sulphide. This study investigates the dissipation of sulphide in the presence of NaOH, Mg(OH)2, Ca(NO3)2 and FeCl3 and the dissipation rate is developed as a function of hydraulic parameters such as the slope of the sewer and the velocity gradient. Experiments were conducted in a 18m experimental sewer pipe with adjustable slope to which, firstly no chemical was added and secondly each of the above mentioned chemicals was supplemented in turn. A dissipation rate constant of 2×10-6 for sulphide was obtained from experiments with no chemical addition. This value was then used to predict the sulphide concentration that was responsible for the emission of H2S gas in the presence of one of the above mentioned four chemicals. It was found that the performance of alkali substances (NaOH and Mg(OH)2) in suppressing the H2S gas emission was excellent while ferric chloride showed a moderate mitigating effect due to its slow reaction kinetics. Calcium nitrate was of little value since the wastewater used in this study experienced almost no biological growth. Thus the effectiveness of selected chemicals in suppressing H2S gas emission had the following order: NaOH ≥ Mg(OH)2 ≥ FeCl3 ≥ Ca(NO3)2.


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Abstract Massive, raw concrete structures – the likes of the Telecommunications Building (1972–81) by Janko Konstantinov; the campus of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (1974) by Marko Musˇicˇ; the National Hydraulic Institute (1972) by Krsto Todorovski; and the Bank Complex (1970) by R. Lalovik and O. Papesˇ – have led to the production of an enduring monumental presence and helped inspire Skopje’s title as the “Brutalist capital of the world”. These works followed Kenzo Tange’s introduction of Japanese Metabolism to Skopje through his role in the 1965 United Nations sponsored reconstruction competition. The unique position of a Non-Aligned Yugoslavia staged and facilitated architectural and professional exchange during the Cold War. Each trajectory and manifestation illustrates the complex picture of international architectural exchange and local production. Skopje and its numerous Brutalist edifices is an elucidative story, because it represents a meeting point between Brutalism, Metabolism and its American parallel. This article discusses, in particular, the Skopje Archive Building (1966) and the “Goce Delcˇev” Student Dormitory (1969) – two buildings designed by the architect Georgi Konstantinovski, realised on his return from a Masters program at Yale University and employment within I. M. Pei’s New York office. Their architecture illustrates the simultaneous preoccupations of leading architects at the time in regaining a conceptual ground made explicit through a complete and apprehensible image. From this particular position, the article explores the question of ethics and aesthetics central to Banham’s outline of the “New Brutalism”.


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Renewable energy production is a basic supplement to stabilize rapidly increasing global energy demand and skyrocketing energy price as well as to balance the fluctuation of supply from non-renewable energy sources at electrical grid hubs. The European energy traders, government and private company energy providers and other stakeholders have been, since recently, a major beneficiary, customer and clients of Hydropower simulation solutions. The relationship between rainfall-runoff model outputs and energy productions of hydropower plants has not been clearly studied. In this research, association of rainfall, catchment characteristics, river network and runoff with energy production of a particular hydropower station is examined. The essence of this study is to justify the correspondence between runoff extracted from calibrated catchment and energy production of hydropower plant located at a catchment outlet; to employ a unique technique to convert runoff to energy based on statistical and graphical trend analysis of the two, and to provide environment for energy forecast. For rainfall-runoff model setup and calibration, MIKE 11 NAM model is applied, meanwhile MIKE 11 SO model is used to track, adopt and set a control strategy at hydropower location for runoff-energy correlation. The model is tested at two selected micro run-of-river hydropower plants located in South Germany. Two consecutive calibration is compromised to test the model; one for rainfall-runoff model and other for energy simulation. Calibration results and supporting verification plots of two case studies indicated that simulated discharge and energy production is comparable with the measured discharge and energy production respectively.


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Climate model projections show that climate change will further increase the risk of flooding in many regions of the world. There is a need for climate adaptation, but building new infrastructure or additional retention basins has its limits, especially in densely populated areas where open spaces are limited. Another solution is the more efficient use of the existing infrastructure. This research investigates a method for real-time flood control by means of existing gated weirs and retention basins. The method was tested for the specific study area of the Demer basin in Belgium but is generally applicable. Today, retention basins along the Demer River are controlled by means of adjustable gated weirs based on fixed logic rules. However, because of the high complexity of the system, only suboptimal results are achieved by these rules. By making use of precipitation forecasts and combined hydrological-hydraulic river models, the state of the river network can be predicted. To fasten the calculation speed, a conceptual river model was used. The conceptual model was combined with a Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm and a Genetic Algorithm (GA). The MPC algorithm predicts the state of the river network depending on the positions of the adjustable weirs in the basin. The GA generates these positions in a semi-random way. Cost functions, based on water levels, were introduced to evaluate the efficiency of each generation, based on flood damage minimization. In the final phase of this research the influence of the most important MPC and GA parameters was investigated by means of a sensitivity study. The results show that the MPC-GA algorithm manages to reduce the total flood volume during the historical event of September 1998 by 46% in comparison with the current regulation. Based on the MPC-GA results, some recommendations could be formulated to improve the logic rules.


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Drinking water distribution networks risk exposure to malicious or accidental contamination. Several levels of responses are conceivable. One of them consists to install a sensor network to monitor the system on real time. Once a contamination has been detected, this is also important to take appropriate counter-measures. In the SMaRT-OnlineWDN project, this relies on modeling to predict both hydraulics and water quality. An online model use makes identification of the contaminant source and simulation of the contaminated area possible. The objective of this paper is to present SMaRT-OnlineWDN experience and research results for hydraulic state estimation with sampling frequency of few minutes. A least squares problem with bound constraints is formulated to adjust demand class coefficient to best fit the observed values at a given time. The criterion is a Huber function to limit the influence of outliers. A Tikhonov regularization is introduced for consideration of prior information on the parameter vector. Then the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is applied that use derivative information for limiting the number of iterations. Confidence intervals for the state prediction are also given. The results are presented and discussed on real networks in France and Germany.


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Vertical stream bed erosion has been studied routinely and its modeling is getting widespread acceptance. The same cannot be said with lateral stream bank erosion since its measurement or numerical modeling is very challenging. Bank erosion, however, can be important to channel morphology. It may contribute significantly to the overall sediment budget of a stream, is a leading cause of channel migration, and is the cause of major channel maintenance. However, combined vertical and lateral channel evolution is seldom addressed. In this study, a new geofluival numerical model is developed to simulate combined vertical and lateral channel evolution. Vertical erosion is predicted with a 2D depth-averaged model SRH-2D, while lateral erosion is simulated with a linear retreat bank erosion model developed in this study. SRH-2D and the bank erosion model are coupled together both spatially and temporally through a common mesh and the same time advancement. The new geofluvial model is first tested and verified using laboratory meander channels; good agreement are obtained between predicted bank retreat and measured data. The model is then applied to a 16-kilometer reach of Chosui River, Taiwan. Vertical and lateral channel evolution during a three-year period (2004 to 2007) is simulated and results are compared with the field data. It is shown that the geofluvial model correctly captures all major erosion and deposition patterns. The new model is shown to be useful for identifying potential erosion sites and providing information for river maintenance planning.


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This article highlights the potential benefits that the Kohonen method has for the classification of rivers with similar characteristics by determining regional ecological flows using the ELOHA (Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration) methodology. Currently, there are many methodologies for the classification of rivers, however none of them include the characteristics found in Kohonen method such as (i) providing the number of groups that actually underlie the information presented, (ii) used to make variable importance analysis, (iii) which in any case can display two-dimensional classification process, and (iv) that regardless of the parameters used in the model the clustering structure remains. In order to evaluate the potential benefits of the Kohonen method, 174 flow stations distributed along the great river basin “Magdalena-Cauca” (Colombia) were analyzed. 73 variables were obtained for the classification process in each case. Six trials were done using different combinations of variables and the results were validated against reference classification obtained by Ingfocol in 2010, whose results were also framed using ELOHA guidelines. In the process of validation it was found that two of the tested models reproduced a level higher than 80% of the reference classification with the first trial, meaning that more than 80% of the flow stations analyzed in both models formed invariant groups of streams.


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The article reviews the modelling of District Metered Areas (DMAs) with relatively high leakage rate. As a generally recognised approach in modelling of leakage does not exist, modelling of leakage by enginners and other researchers usually takes place by dividing the whole leakage rate evenly to all available nodes of the model. In this article, a new methodology is proposed to determine the nodal leakage by using a hydraulic model. The proposed methodology takes into consideration the IWA water balance methodology, the Minimum Night Flow (MNF) analysis, the number of connections related to each node and the marerial of pipes. In addition, the model is illustrated by a real case study, as it was applied in Kalipoli’s DMA. Results show that the proposed model gives reliable results.


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While the simulation of flood risks originating from the overtopping of river banks is well covered within continuously evaluated programs to improve flood protection measures, flash flooding is not. Flash floods are triggered by short, local thunderstorm cells with high precipitation intensities. Small catchments have short response times and flow paths and convective thunder cells may result in potential flooding of endangered settlements. Assessing local flooding and pathways of flood requires a detailed hydraulic simulation of the surface runoff. Hydrological models usually do not incorporate surface runoff at this detailedness but rather empirical equations are applied for runoff detention. In return 2D hydrodynamic models usually do not allow distributed rainfall as input nor are any types of soil/surface interaction implemented as in hydrological models. Considering several cases of local flash flooding during the last years the issue emerged for practical reasons but as well as research topics to closing the model gap between distributed rainfall and distributed runoff formation. Therefore, a 2D hydrodynamic model, depth-averaged flow equations using the finite volume discretization, was extended to accept direct rainfall enabling to simulate the associated runoff formation. The model itself is used as numerical engine, rainfall is introduced via the modification of waterlevels at fixed time intervals. The paper not only deals with the general application of the software, but intends to test the numerical stability and reliability of simulation results. The performed tests are made using different artificial as well as measured rainfall series as input. Key parameters of the simulation such as losses, roughness or time intervals for water level manipulations are tested regarding their impact on the stability.