993 resultados para horizons d’attente


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The main objective of this paper is the development and application of multivariate time series models for forecasting aggregated wind power production in a country or region. Nowadays, in Spain, Denmark or Germany there is an increasing penetration of this kind of renewable energy, somehow to reduce energy dependence on the exterior, but always linked with the increaseand uncertainty affecting the prices of fossil fuels. The disposal of accurate predictions of wind power generation is a crucial task both for the System Operator as well as for all the agents of the Market. However, the vast majority of works rarely onsider forecasting horizons longer than 48 hours, although they are of interest for the system planning and operation. In this paper we use Dynamic Factor Analysis, adapting and modifying it conveniently, to reach our aim: the computation of accurate forecasts for the aggregated wind power production in a country for a forecasting horizon as long as possible, particularly up to 60 days (2 months). We illustrate this methodology and the results obtained for real data in the leading country in wind power production: Denmark


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El enriquecimiento del conocimiento sobre la Irradiancia Solar (IS) a nivel de superficie terrestre, así como su predicción, cobran gran interés para las Energías Renovables (ER) - Energía Solar (ES)-, y para distintas aplicaciones industriales o ecológicas. En el ámbito de las ER, el uso óptimo de la ES implica contar con datos de la IS en superficie que ayuden tanto, en la selección de emplazamientos para instalaciones de ES, como en su etapa de diseño (dimensionar la producción) y, finalmente, en su explotación. En este último caso, la observación y la predicción es útil para el mercado energético, la planificación y gestión de la energía (generadoras y operadoras del sistema eléctrico), especialmente en los nuevos contextos de las redes inteligentes de transporte. A pesar de la importancia estratégica de contar con datos de la IS, especialmente los observados por sensores de IS en superficie (los que mejor captan esta variable), estos no siempre están disponibles para los lugares de interés ni con la resolución espacial y temporal deseada. Esta limitación se une a la necesidad de disponer de predicciones a corto plazo de la IS que ayuden a la planificación y gestión de la energía. Se ha indagado y caracterizado las Redes de Estaciones Meteorológicas (REM) existentes en España que publican en internet sus observaciones, focalizando en la IS. Se han identificado 24 REM (16 gubernamentales y 8 redes voluntarios) que aglutinan 3492 estaciones, convirtiéndose éstas en las fuentes de datos meteorológicos utilizados en la tesis. Se han investigado cinco técnicas de estimación espacial de la IS en intervalos de 15 minutos para el territorio peninsular (3 técnicas geoestadísticas, una determinística y el método HelioSat2 basado en imágenes satelitales) con distintas configuraciones espaciales. Cuando el área de estudio tiene una adecuada densidad de observaciones, el mejor método identificado para estimar la IS es el Kriging con Regresión usando variables auxiliares -una de ellas la IS estimada a partir de imágenes satelitales-. De este modo es posible estimar espacialmente la IS más allá de los 25 km identificados en la bibliografía. En caso contrario, se corrobora la idoneidad de utilizar estimaciones a partir de sensores remotos cuando la densidad de observaciones no es adecuada. Se ha experimentado con el modelado de Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA) para la predicción a corto plazo de la IS utilizando observaciones próximas (componentes espaciales) en sus entradas y, los resultados son prometedores. Así los niveles de errores disminuyen bajo las siguientes condiciones: (1) cuando el horizonte temporal de predicción es inferior o igual a 3 horas, las estaciones vecinas que se incluyen en el modelo deben encentrarse a una distancia máxima aproximada de 55 km. Esto permite concluir que las RNA son capaces de aprender cómo afectan las condiciones meteorológicas vecinas a la predicción de la IS. ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The enrichment of knowledge about the Solar Irradiance (SI) at Earth's surface and its prediction, have a high interest for Renewable Energy (RE) - Solar Energy (SE) - and for various industrial and environmental applications. In the field of the RE, the optimal use of the SE involves having SI surface to help in the selection of sites for facilities ES, in the design stage (sizing energy production), and finally on their production. In the latter case, the observation and prediction is useful for the market, planning and management of the energy (generators and electrical system operators), especially in new contexts of smart transport networks (smartgrid). Despite the strategic importance of SI data, especially those observed by sensors of SI at surface (the ones that best measure this environmental variable), these are not always available to the sights and the spatial and temporal resolution desired. This limitation is bound to the need for short-term predictions of the SI to help planning and energy management. It has been investigated and characterized existing Networks of Weather Stations (NWS) in Spain that share its observations online, focusing on SI. 24 NWS have been identified (16 government and 8 volunteer networks) that implies 3492 stations, turning it into the sources of meteorological data used in the thesis. We have investigated five technical of spatial estimation of SI in 15 minutes to the mainland (3 geostatistical techniques and HelioSat2 a deterministic method based on satellite images) with different spatial configurations. When the study area has an adequate density of observations we identified the best method to estimate the SI is the regression kriging with auxiliary variables (one of them is the SI estimated from satellite images. Thus it is possible to spatially estimate the SI beyond the 25 km identified in the literature. Otherwise, when the density of observations is inadequate the appropriateness is using the estimates values from remote sensing. It has been experimented with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) modeling for predicting the short-term future of the SI using observations from neighbor’s weather stations (spatial components) in their inputs, and the results are promising. The error levels decrease under the following conditions: (1) when the prediction horizon is less or equal than 3 hours the best models are the ones that include data from the neighboring stations (at a maximum distance of 55 km). It is concluded that the ANN is able to learn how weather conditions affect neighboring prediction of IS at such Spatio-temporal horizons.


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The European Union has been promoting linguistic diversity for many years as one of its main educational goals. This is an element that facilitates student mobility and student exchanges between different universities and countries and enriches the education of young undergraduates. In particular,a higher degree of competence in the English language is becoming essential for engineers, architects and researchers in general, as English has become the lingua franca that opens up horizons to internationalisation and the transfer of knowledge in today’s world. Many experts point to the Integrated Approach to Contents and Foreign Languages System as being an option that has certain benefits over the traditional method of teaching a second language that is exclusively based on specific subjects. This system advocates teaching the different subjects in the syllabus in a language other than one’s mother tongue, without prioritising knowledge of the language over the subject. This was the idea that in the 2009/10 academic year gave rise to the Second Language Integration Programme (SLI Programme) at the Escuela Arquitectura Tecnica in the Universidad Politecnica Madrid (EUATM-UPM), just at the beginning of the tuition of the new Building Engineering Degree, which had been adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) model. This programme is an interdisciplinary initiative for the set of subjects taught during the semester and is coordinated through the Assistant Director Office for Educational Innovation. The SLI Programme has a dual goal; to familiarise students with the specific English terminology of the subject being taught, and at the same time improve their communication skills in English. A total of thirty lecturers are taking part in the teaching of eleven first year subjects and twelve in the second year, with around 120 students who have voluntarily enrolled in a special group in each semester. During the 2010/2011 academic year the degree of acceptance and the results of the SLI Programme are being monitored. Tools have been designed to aid interdisciplinary coordination and to analyse satisfaction, such as coordination records and surveys. The results currently available refer to the first semester of the year and are divided into specific aspects of the different subjects involved and into general aspects of the ongoing experience.


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The W3C Best Practises for Multilingual Linked Open Data community group was born one year ago during the last MLW workshop in Rome. Nowadays, it continues leading the effort of a numerous community towards acquiring a shared view of the issues caused by multilingualism on the Web of Data and their possible solutions. Despite our initial optimism, we found the task of identifying best practises for ML-LOD a difficult one, requiring a deep understanding of the Web of Data in its multilingual dimension and in its practical problems. In this talk we will review the progresses of the group so far, mainly in the identification and analysis of topics, use cases, and design patterns, as well as the future challenges.


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Article New Forests November 2015, Volume 46, Issue 5, pp 869-883 First online: 17 June 2015 Establishing Quercus ilex under Mediterranean dry conditions: sowing recalcitrant acorns versus planting seedlings at different depths and tube shelter light transmissionsJuan A. OlietAffiliated withDepartamento de Sistemas y Recursos Naturales, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Email author View author's OrcID profile , Alberto Vázquez de CastroAffiliated withDepartamento de Sistemas y Recursos Naturales, E.T.S. Ingenieros de Montes, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Jaime PuértolasAffiliated withLancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University $39.95 / €34.95 / £29.95 * Rent the article at a discount Rent now * Final gross prices may vary according to local VAT. Get Access AbstractSuccess of Mediterranean dry areas restoration with oaks is a challenging goal. Testing eco-techniques that mimic beneficial effects of natural structures and ameliorate stress contributes to positive solutions to overcoming establishment barriers. We ran a factorial experiment in a dry area, testing two levels of solid wall transmission of tube shelters (60 and 80 %) plus a control mesh, and two depths (shallow and 15 cm depth) of placing either planted seedlings or acorns of Quercus ilex. Microclimate of the planting or sowing spots was characterized by measuring photosynthetically active radiation, temperature and relative humidity. Plant response was evaluated in terms of survival, phenology, acorn emergence and photochemical efficiency (measured through chlorophyll fluorescence). We hypothesize that tube shelters and deep planting improve Q. ilex post-planting and sowing performance because of the combined effects of reducing excessive radiation and improving access to moist soil horizons. Results show that temperature and PAR was reduced, and relative humidity increased, in deep spots. Midsummer photochemical efficiency indicates highest level of stress for oaks in 80 % light transmission shelter. Optimum acorn emergence in spring was registered within solid wall tree shelters, and maximum summer survival of germinants and of planted seedlings occurred when acorns or seedlings were placed at 15 cm depth irrespectively of light transmission of shelter. Survival of germinants was similar to that of planted seedlings. The importance of techniques to keep high levels of viability after sowing recalcitrant seeds in the field is emphasized in the study


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En este documento está descrito detalladamente el trabajo realizado para completar todos objetivos marcados para este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, que tiene como meta final el desarrollo de un dashboard configurable de gestión y administración para instancias de OpenStack. OpenStack es una plataforma libre y de código abierto utilizada como solución de Infraestructura como Servicio (Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS) en clouds tanto públicos, que ofrecen sus servicios cobrando el tiempo de uso o los recursos utilizados, como privados para su utilización exclusiva en el entorno de una empresa. El proyecto OpenStack se inició como una colaboración entre la NASA y RackSpace, y a día de hoy es mantenido por las empresas más potentes del sector tecnológico a través de la Fundación OpenStack. La plataforma OpenStack permite el acceso a sus servicios a través de una Interfaz de Linea de Comandos (Command Line Interface, CLI), una API RESTful y una interfaz web en forma de dashboard. Esta última es ofrecida a través del servicio Horizon. Este servicio provee de una interfaz gráfica para acceder, gestionar y automatizar servicios basados en cloud. El dashboard de Horizon presente algunos problemas como que: solo admite opciones de configuración mediante código Python, lo que hace que el usuario no tenga ninguna capacidad de configuración y que el administrador esté obligado a interactuar directamente con el código. no tiene soporte para múltiples regiones que permitan que un usuario pueda distribuir sus recursos por distintos centros de datos en diversas localizaciones como más le convenga. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado, que es la fase inicial del proyecto FI-Dash, pretende solucionar estos problemas mediante el desarrollo de un catálogo de widget de la plataformaWireCloud que permitirán al usuario tener todas las funcionalidades ofrecidas por Horizon a la vez que le ofrecen capacidades de configuración y añaden funcionalidades no presentes en Horizon como el soporte de múltiples regiones. Como paso previo al desarrollo del catálogo de widgets se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de las tecnologías y servicios ofrecidos por OpenStack, así como de las herramientas que pudieran ser necesarias para la realización del trabajo. El proceso de desarrollo ha sido dividido en distintas fases de acuerdo con los distintos componentes que forman parte del dashboard cada uno con una funcion de gestion sobre un tipo de recurso distinto. Las otras fases del desarrollo han sido la integración completa del dashboard en la plataforma WireCloud y el diseño de una interfaz gráfica usable y atractiva.---ABSTRACT---Throughout this document it is described the work performed in order to achieve all of the objectives set for this Final Project, which has as its main goal the development of a configurable dashboard for managing and administrating OpenStack instances. OpenStack is a free and open source platform used as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for both public clouds, which offer their services through payments on time or resources used, and private clouds for use only in the company’s environment. The OpenStack project started as a collaboration between NASA and Rackspace, and nowadays is maintained by the most powerful companies in the technology sector through the OpenStack Foundation. The OpenStack project provides access to its services through a Command Line Interface (CLI), a RESTful API and a web interface as dashboard. The latter is offered through a service called Horizon. This service provides a graphical interface to access, manage and automate cloud-based services. Horizon’s dashboard presents some problems such as: Only supports configuration options using Python code, which grants the user no configuration capabilities and forces the administrator to interact directly. No support for multiple regions that allow a user to allocate his resources by different data centers in different locations at his convenience. This Final Project, which is the initial stage of the FI-Dash project, aims to solve these problems by developing a catalog of widgets for the WireCloud platform that will allow the user to have all the features offered by Horizon while offering configuration capabilities and additional features not present in Horizon such as support for multiple regions. As a prelude to the development of the widget catalog, a study of technologies and services offered by OpenStack as well as tools that may be necessary to carry out the work has been conducted. The development process has been split in phases matching the different components that are part of the dashboard, having each one of them a function of management of one kind of resource. The other development phases have been the achieving of full integration with WireCloud and the design of a graphical interface that is both usable and atractive.


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Languages for Specific Languages (LSP) represent a dynamic approach both in research and practice and, as such, it is in constant evolution. It was earlier related to the use of English as an international language of communication in business and technology and thus designated as ESP (English for Specific Purposes). In Genre Analysis, Swales (1990) brought in new horizons with the notions of genre and discourse community. Thereafter, research on LSP learning and discourse have thrived over a large range of thematic contents and methods. Current Trends in LSP Research: Aims and Methods can be inserted in this latest streak


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Esta investigación es una incursión en el tránsito de Juan Navarro desde sus “habitaciones y horizontes”, las manifestaciones espontáneas de la mano y el proyectar, a la obra que nos devuelve a la experiencia física y corporal del mundo. Juan Navarro debe a sus manos gran parte de sus inquietudes y capacidades. Sus manos están presentes en su obra como materia –piezas de manos-, como herramienta -el dibujo por la mano- y como desencadenante en los procesos creativos de su obra de arquitectura. Las distintas obras remiten a una preocupación común: la de visualizar el espacio a través de un imaginario personal. Sin embargo, el proceso creativo en cada disciplina se desarrolla teniendo en cuenta la especificidad del medio y la experiencia que provoca en el espectador. La obra, como concreción del proceso creativo, se explica por las continuidades y discontinuidades entre las herramientas, mecanismos y estrategias utilizadas en los distintos medios. La tesis se estructura en dos partes, en la primera se estudia cómo se producen los procesos creativos, sus mecanismos en los distintos medios plásticos y el dibujo como herramienta transversal. Se identifican los conceptos y temas que dan lugar a la obra profundizando en el papel de la mano como presencia orgánica, biológica y responsable de una forma de representación personal. La segunda parte se articula en dos capítulos que, a través del dibujo, muestran la arquitectura como modelo e identifican los mecanismos utilizados en su forma de proyectar y su relación con la obra en distintos proyectos. El texto se estructura como una secuencia de ideas articuladas alrededor de un universo gráfico que nos conduce por múltiples itinerarios desde los que atisbar los procesos creativos de Juan Navarro. Estos caminos son hilos con los que se teje una visión personal de la relación entre las herramientas y mecanismos utilizados por Juan Navarro y su obra. La manera cómo se produce el proceso creativo, los mecanismos y las herramientas que los ponen en marcha constituyen una forma de abordar la obra, que hasta la fecha, se ha tratado aisladamente sin una intención de construir un cuerpo estructurado de conocimiento. En la arquitectura Juan Navarro existe un vacío de conocimiento teórico y gráfico sobre el propio proceso y su forma de proyectar. Se ha persistido en la explicación de la obra, sus referencias, temas abordados, relaciones y trasvases sin ahondar en la especificidad del medio. Estos vacíos establecen la necesidad y justificación de esta tesis doctoral. La investigación comienza descifrando una obra que desde sus inicios trabaja con la dualidad de lo gestual y lo conceptual. Plantea una forma de ordenación del mundo, de la sensación sometida a la medida en la que finalmente la obra se recibe como signo que desencadena sentimientos y te devuelve al mundo. Propone la recuperación de los sentidos a través de una arquitectura como vivencia no reductible al espacio geométrico. Identifica los mecanismos y herramientas que se establecen en este proceso y termina concluyendo que el dibujo es la herramienta doblemente transversal porque atiende de forma desigual a las distintas disciplinas y a los dos extremos en que se presenta la actividad creatividad en el trabajo de Juan Navarro. Estos extremos se corresponden con un conocimiento corporal inconsciente y un trabajo constante guiado por la motivación, la predeterminación y la conceptualización. El dibujo por la mano es el espacio de encuentro entre lo que representa la mano y la posibilidad de expresión proyectual codificada. Se produce en un territorio que se extiende desde lo analógico subyacente –que se nutre de imágenes complejas- y el dominio simbólico construido. Abstract. This research is a foray into Juan Navarro’s transition from his "Rooms and Horizons", -spontaneous demonstrations of the hand-, to the project, -the work that brings us back to experiencing the physical world-. Juan Navarro owes his hands much of his capacities and inquisitiveness. His hands are present in his work as the subject –“Hand Pieces”-, as a tool -through hand-drawing - and as a trigger in the creative processes of his work of architecture. The various works refer to a common theme: the viewing space through a personal imagery. However, the creative process in each discipline develops taking into account the specificity of the medium and the experience that arouses in the observer. The work, as completion of the creative process, is explained by the continuities and discontinuities between the tools, mechanisms and strategies used in the different media. The thesis is structured in two parts, the first studies how the creative processes are iniciated, their mechanisms in the different plastic art media, as well as drawing as a transversal tool. In this section the investigation identifies the concepts and themes that give rise to the art work, exploring the role of the hand as the organic, biological presence responsible for a way of personal representation. The second part is divided into two chapters, which, via the drawing, show the architecture as a model and identify the mechanisms used in the his way of projecting form of the project and its the relationship of hand-drawing to with his work ilustrated with different projects. The text is structured as a sequence of ideas, articulated around a graphic universe that leads us by multiple paths, letting us glimpse into the creative processes of Juan Navarro. These paths are threads that weave a personal vision of the relationship between the tools and mechanisms used by Juan Navarro in his work. The way the creative process takes place, the mechanisms and tools that set it in action, constitutes a way of dealing with the work, that, hithergo, has been treated in isolation without an intention to build a structured body of knowledge. In Navarro Baldeweg’s architecture there is a vacuum of theoretical and graphic knowledge of the process itself and his way of projecting. So far, emphasis has been placed mainly on his work’s explanation, its references, the subjects covered, connections and transfers, without delving into the specificity of each medium. These academic gaps justify the need for this doctoral thesis. The investigation begins deciphering a work that, since its very beginning, deals with the duality of the gesture and the concept. It poses a way of managing the world and the sensations which are submitted until it finally detects the work as a sign that triggers feelings and returns the observer to the real world. It proposes the recovery of the senses through an architecture that is sensed as an experience and not merely reduced to geometric space. It identifies the mechanisms and tools that are set out in this process and concludes that drawing is a core tool working in two directions, because it caters unevenly to the various disciplines and to both ends of the creative activity presented in the work of Juan Navarro. These ends correspond with an unconscious physical knowledge and a continuous work guided by motivation, predetermination and conceptualization. Hand-drawing is the meeting space between what the hand represents, and the possibility of an encoded, projectual expression. Thus, hand-drawing takes place in a territory that covers the underlying analogue - which feeds on complex images - to the symbolic built domain.


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The emergence of new horizons in the field of travel assistant management leads to the development of cutting-edge systems focused on improving the existing ones. Moreover, new opportunities are being also presented since systems trend to be more reliable and autonomous. In this paper, a self-learning embedded system for object identification based on adaptive-cooperative dynamic approaches is presented for intelligent sensor’s infrastructures. The proposed system is able to detect and identify moving objects using a dynamic decision tree. Consequently, it combines machine learning algorithms and cooperative strategies in order to make the system more adaptive to changing environments. Therefore, the proposed system may be very useful for many applications like shadow tolls since several types of vehicles may be distinguished, parking optimization systems, improved traffic conditions systems, etc.


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In the fall of 1932, Lloyd Gaines enrolled at Lincoln University in Jefferson City Missouri. Away from his family for the first time, Lloyd began to expand his horizons.


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Este estudo de caso visa, a partir de pesquisa de campo, pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas abertas observar como a televisão, enquanto meio de comunicação de massa, transforma ou influencia a cultura de uma comunidade quilombola. O objeto desta análise é a comunidade quilombola de Ivaporunduva, na área rural da cidade de Eldorado Paulista, região do Vale do Ribeira, interior do estado de São Paulo. Seus modos de vida têm sido constantemente ameaçados pela intenção da construção de barragens na cabeceira do rio Ribeira de Iguape, na margem do qual localizam-se diversas comunidades quilombolas, inclusive Ivaporunduva; pela falta de políticas públicas que resguardem verdadeiramente seus direitos, e pela falta de trabalho, o que acarreta na saída dos jovens da comunidade em busca de novos horizontes. A televisão faz parte de um novo universo na realidade quilombola e entra na vida desses homens e mulheres do campo como veículo de entretenimento e porta para um mundo de ilusões e realidades onde buscam encontrar-se e muitas vezes se frustram. A cultura quilombola e suas transformações depois da entrada da televisão em Ivaporunduva serão analisadas a partir da Folkmídia, espaço teórico que analisa a maneira pela qual os meios de comunicação abstraem elementos da cultura popular e vice-versa. É o vice-versa que aqui nos importa.


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Este estudo de caso visa, a partir de pesquisa de campo, pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas abertas observar como a televisão, enquanto meio de comunicação de massa, transforma ou influencia a cultura de uma comunidade quilombola. O objeto desta análise é a comunidade quilombola de Ivaporunduva, na área rural da cidade de Eldorado Paulista, região do Vale do Ribeira, interior do estado de São Paulo. Seus modos de vida têm sido constantemente ameaçados pela intenção da construção de barragens na cabeceira do rio Ribeira de Iguape, na margem do qual localizam-se diversas comunidades quilombolas, inclusive Ivaporunduva; pela falta de políticas públicas que resguardem verdadeiramente seus direitos, e pela falta de trabalho, o que acarreta na saída dos jovens da comunidade em busca de novos horizontes. A televisão faz parte de um novo universo na realidade quilombola e entra na vida desses homens e mulheres do campo como veículo de entretenimento e porta para um mundo de ilusões e realidades onde buscam encontrar-se e muitas vezes se frustram. A cultura quilombola e suas transformações depois da entrada da televisão em Ivaporunduva serão analisadas a partir da Folkmídia, espaço teórico que analisa a maneira pela qual os meios de comunicação abstraem elementos da cultura popular e vice-versa. É o vice-versa que aqui nos importa.


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Esta pesquisa visa analisar a mensagem de Javé transmitida através do profeta Isaías em meio à guerra siro-efraimita (734-732 a.C.), no tempo do rei Acaz. A primeira parte deste trabalho fornece uma panorâmica histórica da situação tanto internacional quanto nacional da nação de Judá. No meio de sinais de guerras, invasões estrangeiras, desolação e aumento de tributos que acarretam maior insegurança para os setores mais empobrecidos, Javé faz sua aposta pela vida de Israel. Através do oráculo profético mo stra um caminho que pode chegar a subverter a ordem de um injusto sistema político advindo do próprio pecado da nação de Israel. Neste texto, santificar a Javé é a trilha que pode livrar-lhes da queda e da destruição. Santificar a Javé significa cuidar e preservar a vida, especialmente dos mais desprotegidos. Isto implica optar conscientemente por uma nova ordem que garanta uma existência digna para todos e todas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é entender como o conceito de santificação salientado pelo profeta Isaías, na perícope (Is 8,11-15), pode ajudar-nos a superar os problemas cotidianos e fornecer-nos novas posturas éticas para enfrentar a vida, isto é um conceito de santificação que requer do engajamento com o povo, fundamentalmente com a população mais carente e necessitada atualmente. Por meio do trabalho exegético tentamos encontrar respostas escondidas entre palavras, termos e frases, procurando entender o texto em diálogo com a vida cotidiana de seu tempo e do nosso. Este estudo pretende providenciar subsídios para a leitura popular da Bíblia que está sendo realizada por muitos grupos nas igrejas e comunidades cristãs, que buscam novos caminhos, horizontes, sonhos e utopias para continuar a viver em meio de sociedades em crises e de tempos difíceis.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa visa analisar a mensagem de Javé transmitida através do profeta Isaías em meio à guerra siro-efraimita (734-732 a.C.), no tempo do rei Acaz. A primeira parte deste trabalho fornece uma panorâmica histórica da situação tanto internacional quanto nacional da nação de Judá. No meio de sinais de guerras, invasões estrangeiras, desolação e aumento de tributos que acarretam maior insegurança para os setores mais empobrecidos, Javé faz sua aposta pela vida de Israel. Através do oráculo profético mo stra um caminho que pode chegar a subverter a ordem de um injusto sistema político advindo do próprio pecado da nação de Israel. Neste texto, santificar a Javé é a trilha que pode livrar-lhes da queda e da destruição. Santificar a Javé significa cuidar e preservar a vida, especialmente dos mais desprotegidos. Isto implica optar conscientemente por uma nova ordem que garanta uma existência digna para todos e todas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é entender como o conceito de santificação salientado pelo profeta Isaías, na perícope (Is 8,11-15), pode ajudar-nos a superar os problemas cotidianos e fornecer-nos novas posturas éticas para enfrentar a vida, isto é um conceito de santificação que requer do engajamento com o povo, fundamentalmente com a população mais carente e necessitada atualmente. Por meio do trabalho exegético tentamos encontrar respostas escondidas entre palavras, termos e frases, procurando entender o texto em diálogo com a vida cotidiana de seu tempo e do nosso. Este estudo pretende providenciar subsídios para a leitura popular da Bíblia que está sendo realizada por muitos grupos nas igrejas e comunidades cristãs, que buscam novos caminhos, horizontes, sonhos e utopias para continuar a viver em meio de sociedades em crises e de tempos difíceis.(AU)


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A tese Comunicação & Astronomia, uma união virtual aborda o universo da comunicação virtual, das organizações virtuais, da ciência virtual. Um universo novo e emocionante onde a relação assíncrona espaço-temporal é o fator comum a todos os atores sociais envolvidos. O universo do virtual, das ferramentas de comunicação relacionadas às novas tecnologias, do ciberespaço, da existência concreta de uma organização imaterial. Estes elementos abrem novos horizontes para o conhecimento e compreensão dos processos de comunicação humana e organizacional na era da revolução informacional, proporcionando a oportunidade de estabelecer uma teoria de comunicação organizacional on line. A pesquisa bibliográfica apoiou-se em três bases teóricas de referência: a comunicação mediada por computador, comunicação virtual e comunicação organizacional, estas bases tiveram ainda o suporte de um estudo de caso que constituiu o corpus da pesquisa. Pudemos então compreender como ocorre a comunicação em uma organização virtual, seus processos, ferramentas e pontos cruciais que podem ser resumidos no fator motivacional necessário ao estímulo à interação virtual cooperativa, necessidade de construção e manutenção de imagem institucional forte que delimite a organização no ciberespaço e definição clara dos códigos de conduta da organização virtual.(AU)