984 resultados para hadronic transport model


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A filamentary model of “metallic” conduction in layered high temperature superconductive cuprates explains the concurrence of normal state resistivities (Hall mobilities) linear in T (T−2) with optimized superconductivity. The model predicts the lowest temperature T0 for which linearity holds and it also predicts the maximum superconductive transition temperature Tc. The theory abandons the effective medium approximation that includes Fermi liquid as well as all other nonpercolative models in favor of countable smart basis states.


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It is well known that transcription can induce torsional stress in DNA, affecting the activity of nearby genes or even inducing structural transitions in the DNA duplex. It has long been assumed that the generation of significant torsional stress requires the DNA to be anchored, forming a limited topological domain, because otherwise it would spin almost freely about its axis. Previous estimates of the rotational drag have, however, neglected the role of small natural bends in the helix backbone. We show how these bends can increase the drag several thousandfold relative to prior estimates, allowing significant torsional stress even in linear unanchored DNA. The model helps explain several puzzling experimental results on structural transitions induced by transcription of DNA.


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Late endosomes and the Golgi complex maintain their cellular localizations by virtue of interactions with the microtubule-based cytoskeleton. We study the transport of mannose 6-phosphate receptors from late endosomes to the trans-Golgi network in vitro. We show here that this process is facilitated by microtubules and the microtubule-based motor cytoplasmic dynein; transport is inhibited by excess recombinant dynamitin or purified microtubule-associated proteins. Mapmodulin, a protein that interacts with the microtubule-associated proteins MAP2, MAP4, and tau, stimulates the microtubule- and dynein-dependent localization of Golgi complexes in semi-intact Chinese hamster ovary cells. The present study shows that mapmodulin also stimulates the initial rate with which mannose 6-phosphate receptors are transported from late endosomes to the trans-Golgi network in vitro. These findings represent the first indication that mapmodulin can stimulate a vesicle transport process, and they support a model in which the microtubule-based cytoskeleton enhances the efficiency of vesicle transport between membrane-bound compartments in mammalian cells.


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The SHR3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes an integral membrane component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with four membrane-spanning segments and a hydrophilic, cytoplasmically oriented carboxyl-terminal domain. Mutations in SHR3 specifically impede the transport of all 18 members of the amino acid permease (aap) gene family away from the ER. Shr3p does not itself exit the ER. Aaps fully integrate into the ER membrane and fold properly independently of Shr3p. Shr3p physically associates with the general aap Gap1p but not Sec61p, Gal2p, or Pma1p in a complex that can be purified from N-dodecylmaltoside-solubilized membranes. Pulse–chase experiments indicate that the Shr3p–Gap1p association is transient, a reflection of the exit of Gap1p from the ER. The ER-derived vesicle COPII coatomer components Sec13p, Sec23p, Sec24p, and Sec31p but not Sar1p bind Shr3p via interactions with its carboxyl-terminal domain. The mutant shr3-23p, a nonfunctional membrane-associated protein, is unable to associate with aaps but retains the capacity to bind COPII components. The overexpression of either Shr3p or shr3-23p partially suppresses the temperature-sensitive sec12-1 allele. These results are consistent with a model in which Shr3p acts as a packaging chaperone that initiates ER-derived transport vesicle formation in the proximity of aaps by facilitating the membrane association and assembly of COPII coatomer components.


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The generalized master equations (GMEs) that contain multiple time scales have been derived quantum mechanically. The GME method has then been applied to a model of charge migration in proteins that invokes the hole hopping between local amino acid sites driven by the torsional motions of the floppy backbones. This model is then applied to analyze the experimental results for sequence-dependent long-range hole transport in DNA reported by Meggers et al. [Meggers, E., Michel-Beyerle, M. E., & Giese, B. (1998) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 120, 12950–12955]. The model has also been applied to analyze the experimental results of femtosecond dynamics of DNA-mediated electron transfer reported by Zewail and co-workers [Wan, C., Fiebig, T., Kelley, S. O., Treadway, C. R., Barton, J. K. & Zewail, A. H. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 6014–6019]. The initial events in the dynamics of protein folding have begun to attract attention. The GME obtained in this paper will be applicable to this problem.


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High-affinity uptake into bacterial cells is mediated by a large class of periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport systems, members of the ATP-binding cassette superfamily. In the maltose transport system of Escherichia coli, the periplasmic maltose-binding protein binds its substrate maltose with high affinity and, in addition, stimulates the ATPase activity of the membrane-associated transporter when maltose is present. Vanadate inhibits maltose transport by trapping ADP in one of the two nucleotide-binding sites of the membrane transporter immediately after ATP hydrolysis, consistent with its ability to mimic the transition state of the γ-phosphate of ATP during hydrolysis. Here we report that the maltose-binding protein becomes tightly associated with the membrane transporter in the presence of vanadate and simultaneously loses its high affinity for maltose. These results suggest a general model explaining how ATP hydrolysis is coupled to substrate transport in which a binding protein stimulates the ATPase activity of its cognate transporter by stabilizing the transition state.


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A mechanistic model for lactose/H+ symport via the lactose permease of Escherichia coli proposed recently indicates that the permease must be protonated to bind ligand with high affinity. Moreover, in the ground state, the symported H+ is shared between His-322 (helix X) and Glu-269 (helix VIII), whereas Glu-325 (helix X) is charge-paired with Arg-302 (helix IX). Substrate binding at the outer surface induces a conformational change that leads to transfer of the H+ to Glu-325 and reorientation of the binding site to the inner surface. After release of the substrate, Glu-325 is deprotonated on the inside because of rejuxtapositioning with Arg-302. To test the role of Arg-302 in the mechanism, the catalytic properties of mutants Arg-302→Ala and Arg-302→Ser were studied. Both mutants are severely defective in active lactose transport, as well as in efflux or influx down a concentration gradient, translocation modes that involve net H+ movement. In marked contrast, the mutants catalyze equilibrium exchange of lactose and bind ligand with high affinity. These characteristics are remarkably analogous to those of permease mutants with neutral replacements for Glu-325, a residue that plays a direct role in H+ translocation. These observations lend strong support for the argument that Arg-302 interacts with Glu-325 to facilitate deprotonation of the carboxylic acid during turnover.


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Surface reactive phases of soils and aquifers, comprised of phyllosilicate and metal oxohydroxide minerals along with humic substances, play a critical role in the regulation of contaminant fate and transport. Much of our knowledge concerning contaminant-mineral interactions at the molecular level, however, is derived from extensive experimentation on model mineral systems. Although these investigations have provided a foundation for understanding reactive surface functional groups on individual mineral phases, the information cannot be readily extrapolated to complex mineral assemblages in natural systems. Recent studies have elucidated the role of less abundant mineral and organic substrates as important surface chemical modifiers and have demonstrated complex coupling of reactivity between permanent-charge phyllosilicates and variable-charge Fe-oxohydroxide phases. Surface chemical modifiers were observed to control colloid generation and transport processes in surface and subsurface environments as well as the transport of solutes and ionic tracers. The surface charging mechanisms operative in the complex mineral assemblages cannot be predicted based on bulk mineralogy or by considering surface reactivity of less abundant mineral phases based on results from model systems. The fragile nature of mineral assemblages isolated from natural systems requires novel techniques and experimental approaches for investigating their surface chemistry and reactivity free of artifacts. A complete understanding of the surface chemistry of complex mineral assemblages is prerequisite to accurately assessing environmental and human health risks of contaminants or in designing environmentally sound, cost-effective chemical and biological remediation strategies.


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To quantitatively investigate the trafficking of the transmembrane lectin VIP36 and its relation to cargo-containing transport carriers (TCs), we analyzed a C-terminal fluorescent-protein (FP) fusion, VIP36-SP-FP. When expressed at moderate levels, VIP36-SP-FP localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and intermediate transport structures, and colocalized with epitope-tagged VIP36. Temperature shift and pharmacological experiments indicated VIP36-SP-FP recycled in the early secretory pathway, exhibiting trafficking representative of a class of transmembrane cargo receptors, including the closely related lectin ERGIC53. VIP36-SP-FP trafficking structures comprised tubules and globular elements, which translocated in a saltatory manner. Simultaneous visualization of anterograde secretory cargo and VIP36-SP-FP indicated that the globular structures were pre-Golgi carriers, and that VIP36-SP-FP segregated from cargo within the Golgi and was not included in post-Golgi TCs. Organelle-specific bleach experiments directly measured the exchange of VIP36-SP-FP between the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Fitting a two-compartment model to the recovery data predicted first order rate constants of 1.22 ± 0.44%/min for ER → Golgi, and 7.68 ± 1.94%/min for Golgi → ER transport, revealing a half-time of 113 ± 70 min for leaving the ER and 1.67 ± 0.45 min for leaving the Golgi, and accounting for the measured steady-state distribution of VIP36-SP-FP (13% Golgi/87% ER). Perturbing transport with AlF4− treatment altered VIP36-SP-GFP distribution and changed the rate constants. The parameters of the model suggest that relatively small differences in the first order rate constants, perhaps manifested in subtle differences in the tendency to enter distinct TCs, result in large differences in the steady-state localization of secretory components.


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We investigated the molecular and physiological processes of sugar uptake and metabolism during pollen tube growth and plant fertilization. In vitro germination assays showed that petunia (Petunia hybrida) pollen can germinate and grow not only in medium containing sucrose (Suc) as a carbon source, but also in medium containing the monosaccharides glucose (Glc) or fructose (Fru). Furthermore, high-performance liquid chromatography analysis demonstrated a rapid and complete conversion of Suc into equimolar amounts of Glc and Fru when pollen was cultured in a medium containing 2% Suc. This indicates the presence of wall-bound invertase activity and uptake of sugars in the form of monosaccharides by the growing pollen tube. A cDNA designated pmt1 (petunia monosaccharide transporter 1), which is highly homologous to plant monosaccharide transporters, was isolated from petunia. Pmt1 belongs to a small gene family and is expressed specifically in the male gametophyte, but not in any other vegetative or floral tissues. Pmt1 is activated after the first pollen mitosis, and high levels of mRNA accumulate in mature and germinating pollen. A model describing the transport of sugars to the style, the conversion of Suc into Glc and Fru, and the active uptake by a monosaccharide transporter into the pollen tube is presented.


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Plant accumulation of Fe and other metals can be enhanced under Fe deficiency. We investigated the influence of Fe status on heavy-metal and divalent-cation uptake in roots of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Sparkle) seedlings using Cd2+ uptake as a model system. Radiotracer techniques were used to quantify unidirectional 109Cd influx into roots of Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient pea seedlings. The concentration-dependent kinetics for 109Cd influx were graphically complex and nonsaturating but could be resolved into a linear component and a saturable component exhibiting Michaelis-Menten kinetics. We demonstrated that the linear component was apoplastically bound Cd2+ remaining in the root cell wall after desorption, whereas the saturable component was transporter-mediated Cd2+ influx across the root-cell plasma membrane. The Cd2+ transport system in roots of both Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient seedlings exhibited similar Michaelis constant values, 1.5 and 0.6 μm, respectively, for saturable Cd2+ influx, whereas the maximum initial velocity for Cd2+ uptake in Fe-deficient seedlings was nearly 7-fold higher than that in Fe-grown seedlings. Investigations into the mechanistic basis for this response demonstrated that Fe-deficiency-induced stimulation of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase did not play a role in the enhanced Cd2+ uptake. Expression studies with the Fe2+ transporter cloned from Arabidopsis, IRT1, indicated that Fe deficiency induced the expression of this transporter, which might facilitate the transport of heavy-metal divalent cations such as Cd2+ and Zn2+, in addition to Fe2+.


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The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB7 lipoprotein contributes to the stabilization of VirB proteins during biogenesis of the putative T-complex transport apparatus. Here, we report that stabilization of VirB7 itself is correlated with its ability to form disulfide cross-linked homodimers via a reactive Cys-24 residue. Three types of beta-mercaptoethanol-dissociable complexes were visualized with VirB7 and/or a VirB7::PhoA41 fusion protein: (i) a 9-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7 homodimer, (ii) a 54-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB7::PhoA41 mixed dimer, and (iii) a 102-kDa complex corresponding to a VirB7::PhoA41 homodimer. A VirB7C24S mutant protein was immunologically undetectable, whereas the corresponding VirB7C24S::PhoA41 derivative accumulated to detectable levels but failed to form dissociable homodimers or mixed dimers with wild-type VirB7. We further report that VirB7-dependent stabilization of VirB9 is correlated with the ability of these two proteins to dimerize via formation of a disulfide bridge between reactive Cys-24 and Cys-262 residues, respectively. Two types of dissociable complexes were visualized: (i) a 36-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB9 heterodimer and (ii) an 84-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB9::PhoA293 heterodimer. A VirB9C262S mutant protein was immunologically undetectable, whereas the corresponding VirB9C262S::PhoA293 derivative accumulated to detectable levels but failed to form dissociable heterodimers with wild-type VirB7. Taken together, these results support a model in which the formation of disulfide cross-linked VirB7 dimers represent critical early steps in the biogenesis of the T-complex transport apparatus.


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Recently individual two-headed kinesin molecules have been studied in in vitro motility assays revealing a number of their peculiar transport properties. In this paper we propose a simple and robust model for the kinesin stepping process with elastically coupled Brownian heads that show all of these properties. The analytic and numerical treatment of our model results in a very good fit to the experimental data and practically has no free parameters. Changing the values of the parameters in the restricted range allowed by the related experimental estimates has almost no effect on the shape of the curves and results mainly in a variation of the zero load velocity that can be directly fitted to the measured data. In addition, the model is consistent with the measured pathway of the kinesin ATPase.


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A soluble form of Alzheimer disease amyloid beta-protein (sA beta) is transported in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid mainly complexed with apolipoprotein J (apoJ). Using a well-characterized in situ perfused guinea pig brain model, we recently obtained preliminary evidence that apoJ facilitates transport of sA beta (1-40)-apoJ complexes across the blood-brain barrier and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier, but the mechanisms remain poorly understood. In the present study, we examined the transport process in greater detail and investigated the possible role of glycoprotein 330 (gp330)/megalin, a receptor for multiple ligands, including apoJ. High-affinity transport systems with a Km of 0.2 and 0.5 nM were demonstrated for apoJ at the blood-brain barrier and the choroid epithelium in vivo, suggesting a specific receptor-mediated mechanism. The sA beta (1-40)-apoJ complex shared the same transport mechanism and exhibited 2.4- to 10.2-fold higher affinity than apoJ itself. Binding to microvessels, transport into brain parenchyma, and choroidal uptake of both apoJ and sA beta (1-40)-apoJ complexes were markedly inhibited (74-99%) in the presence of a monoclonal antibody to gp330/megalin and were virtually abolished by perfusion with the receptor-associated protein, which blocks binding of all known ligands to gp330. Western blot analysis of cerebral microvessels with the monoclonal antibody to gp330 revealed a protein with a mass identical to that in extracts of kidney membranes enriched with gp330/megalin, but in much lower concentration. The findings suggest that gp330/megalin mediates cellular uptake and transport of apoJ and sA beta (1-40)-apoJ complex at the cerebral vascular endothelium and choroid epithelium.


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Neuronal function is dependent on the transport of materials from the cell body to the synapse via anterograde axonal transport. Anterograde axonal transport consists of several components that differ in both rate and protein composition. In fast transport, membranous organelles are moved along microtubules by the motor protein kinesin. The cytoskeleton and the cytomatrix proteins move in the two components of slow transport. While the mechanisms underlying slow transport are unknown, it has been hypothesized that the movement of microtubules in slow transport is generated by sliding. To determine whether dynein, a motor protein that causes microtubule sliding in flagella, may play a role in slow axonal transport, we identified the transport rate components with which cytoplasmic dynein is associated in rat optic nerve. Nearly 80% of the anterogradely moving dynein was associated with slow transport, whereas only approximately 15% of the dynein was associated with the membranous organelles of anterograde fast axonal transport. A segmental analysis of the transport of dynein through contiguous regions of the optic nerve and tract showed that dynein is associated with the microfilaments and other proteins of slow component b. Dynein from this transport component has the capacity to bind microtubules in vitro. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that cytoplasmic dynein generates the movement of microtubules in slow axonal transport. A model is presented to illustrate how dynein attached to the slow component b complex of proteins is appropriately positioned to generate force of the correct polarity to slide microtubules down the axon.