994 resultados para germination experiment


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The effect of water stress induced by application of polyethylene glycol 6000 during seed germination and seedling growth of Oryza sativa L. cv. IAC 165 was analysed. The seed germination was inhibited by the decrease in the water potential of the medium, the inhibition being greater under white light than under continuous darkness. When the seedling was submitted to water stress (-0.51 MPa) white light inhibited growth of root, coleoptile-and leaf, while under no stress conditions white light caused increase in growth of root and leaf and only inhibition of coleoptile growth. © 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The effect of light and temperature on germination of Brachiaria decumbens as well as the action of some dormancy breaking chemicals were tested. Two seed batches stored different times were used. The results show that seeds failed to respond to alternating temperature regimes and different light qualities. Seeds were indifferent to white light at 25°C. KNO3, ethanol and H2SO4 failed to break seed dormancy, whereas KCN and H2O2 partially reduced dormancy of two month stored seeds. The results suggest a metabolic character of dormancy in new (freshly collected) seeds and confirm the occurence of two types of dormancy in B. decumbens seeds.


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The effects of jackbean leaf residues incorporated in the soil on germination and seedlings growth of cucumber, radish and some weeds was examined. Trials were carried out under greenhouse conditions to (a) determine the amount of incorporated residue that is inhibitory to two test plants, (b) to determine if decomposition time changes the inhibitory levels of jackbean residues on test plants and (c) to determine the amount of residue that is inhibitory to the weed species. Jackbean leaf residues incorporated in soil at concentration of 2% or higher and allowed to decompose for a period of 0 to 2 weeks before sowing, reduced the initial growth of cucumber and radish and at different concentrations, reduced germination and growth of three weed species. These results suggest the presence of allelopathic components in Jackbean leaves that could affect seed germination and seedling development.


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A field experiment was carried out to study the effects of liming and time of harvesting on peanut cv. Botutatu (Arachis hypogaea L.) seed yield and yield components in the period of July, 1991 to February, 1992, in São Manuel, State of São Paulo. The soil was a Dark Red Latosol (Hapludult, sandy loam), and the experimental design was a subplot replicated four times in completely randomized blocks. Lime levels (0.0 and 1.75 t/ha) were applied in the plots, and the subplots were nine weekly harvests, starting at 87 days after planting (DAP). There was no effect of lime on hulls or seed yield and on peanut yield components. The germination of seeds in hulls was incresead at each harvest and was lower at lime presence. The highest yield was observed at 129 DAP.


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The Arecaceae family comprises plants with economical importance in many Brazilian regions, for agricultural exploration or for landscaping. In great portion, species of this family present low germination velocity and percentage. This work meant to evaluate the germination and early development of seven palm species (Archontophoenix alexandrae H. Wendl. et Drude, Copernicia prunifera (Miller) H.E. Moore, Latania commersonii Gmel., Livistona chinensis R. Br., Syagrus campos-portoana Bondar, Syagrus coronata (Mart.) Beccari, Syagrus picrophylla Barb. Rod.), submitted to three kinds of seed bed plot coverings. Three 10 x 2 m seedbeds were built and filled with a mixture of sand, soil and chicken manure (1:3:0.5 proportion), where two lines were sown with each specie. On top of each seedbed, plastic covering and fifty percent screen were set allowing one third of the seedbed to full sunlight exposure. Seedbeds were irrigated by dripping system. All species had the same germination rate, regardless of the covering, by the end of the experiment (146 days after sowing), eventhough, A. alexandrae under plastic covering conditions, L. commersonii at full sunlight exposure and Syagrus campos-portoana under fifty percent shade, had reached that percentage around 51 days after sowing. The remaining species reached the greatest germination percentage earlier with some of the coverings, rather than at full sunlight exposure. For the studied conditions, covering type had no effect in leaf length and width. For leaf number, there was interaction between species x covering type for Livistona chinensis and Copernicia prunifera.


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The investigation was carried out during May - June 1996 in Agronomical Sciences College - UNESP, Campus de Botucatu. The objective was to study the effect of seed types (carenate, alate and orbicular) and different substrates (vermiculite, sand, soil, commercial mixture and producer's mixture) on Calendula officinalis germination and seedling development. The design was in randomized blocks, with 4 replications. The germination index of the seeds was evaluated, as well as the development of aerial part and root system of the seedlings. Results showed that seed types have no relation with seedling development, therefore, germination was better on alate and orbicular seeds in C. officinalis. With reference to the substrates, the producer's mixture and the commercial mixture gave better germination and seedling development.


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The present assay had as objective evaluating spore germination of Blechnum brasiliense in relation to light, plant density and disinfection. The assay was carried out at Jaboticabal, Sào Paulo State, Brazil, from February, 22 to June, 30, 1996. The experimental design was randomized blocks on a factorial scheme (3x2x2), consisting of 12 treatments, three environments (shade-house, dark-house and germination camera), 2 densities (0.005 grs and 0.010 grs of spores/treatment) and presence or absence of disinfection. The leaf coverage area (130 days) and the number of days necessary to germinate were evaluated. The germination camera data were not analysed because they were insignificant; consequently, the remining data were analysed on a 2×2×2 scheme. The shade-house provided larger green covering area and a faster germination. The density of 0.0 lOg of spore/treatments presented the largest green covering area. The supply of partial light was necessary for good germination. The interaction between the environment and the density had significant effect on the green covering area.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Two experiments of seed ageing of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden were carried out at laboratory conditions. In the first experiment, two seed lots were classified in two square mesh screens (< 0.84 to ≥ 0.71 mm and < 0.71 mm to ≥ 0.59 mm), submitted to 42 °C and 100% relative humidity, for 0, 8, 12, 24, and 32 hours of stress treatments. Seed germination tests were done with just aged seeds. The results showed that the stress period was not sufficient for ageing the seeds. In the second experiment, the best quality seed lot was separated in the same two sizes. The seeds were submitted under the same stress conditions of the first experiment but for 0, 48, 72, and 96 hours. The germination test was done right after the seeds were taken from the stress conditions, and with stored seeds at dry chamber (2 weeks and 26 months). It was concluded that both seed sizes reached 30% of moisture content under 72 hours of ageing conditions and showed significant germination losses when compared with seeds without ageing (control), as the moist seeds as the stored ones at dry chamber, for both 2 weeks and 26 months.


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Ocimum gratissimum seed germination (% germination and vigor) has been found as phytochrome dependent, having a typical High Irradiant Response (HIR). Seven treatments were tested: daylight (DL), red (R), far-red (FR), blue (B), green (G), dark (DK), and reversible (RVB). No statistical difference among the DL, R, FR, B, and G were found. DK and RVB were statistically equal and presented the lowest results. The germination also occurred in the DK treatment but in non-useful rates, and it was nonreversible in the RVB treatment. It allows these seeds to be classified as positively photoblastic. The minimum energy need to initiate the germination was evaluated by a fluency-response curve. It plotted four different exposition times to R light (1 second, 60 seconds, 1 hour, and 13 hours) against percent germination. Useful germination occurred only after 1 hour, confirming the high energy needed to incite the process. The germination rate increased with the raise of the photoequilibrium (j). The high positive correlation index found confirms the phytochrome influence in this process. Facing all the results presented here, it is suggested to sow these seeds under direct and highly intense sunlight. It is preferable to avoid places exposed to variations in the shading, because inhibition induced by dense shade effects (low R/FR ration and consequently low j established) were demonstrated irreversible, and it can lead to undesirable loss of the germination power.


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Germination of pelleted seeds of different lettuce cultivars was evaluated. The experimental design used was completely randomized, with four replications, in a factorial outline 5 x 4. Seeds of 'Elisa', 'Veronica AF 259', 'Vera' and 'Tainá' were tested. The sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations used were 0; 50 Mm(2,9222 g/L); 100 Mm (5,8443 g/L); 150 Mm (8,7665 g/L); and 200 Mm (11,6886 g/L). Germination percentage, germination rate and number of normal seedling were evaluated. The concentration of 200 Mm of NaCl resulted in the lowest number of germinated plants. 'Veronica AF 259' germinated in the shortest time using a concentration of 150 Mn of NaCl.


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The nitrogen is the nutrient required in greatest quantities by the bean crop and the response to its application depends on the applied N rate as well as the time of its application. The objective of this work was to evaluate yield components, grain productivity and physiological quality of bean seeds, affected by different nitrogen (urea) rates top-dressed at three crop growth stages. The experiment was conducted in no-till system. The treatments were constituted by 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg ha-1 N top-dressed at V4-5, R5 and R6 growth stages, corresponding to 21, 32 and 38 days after plant emergence, respectively. Seed physiological quality was evaluated by germination and vigor tests. Nitrogen applied at different crop growth stages did not interfere on the yield components, but interfered on bean productivity. Maximum grain productivity was obtained with top-dressed 164 kg ha-1 N, independently of growth stage application. Seed physiological quality was not affected by the treatments, fitting in the category of seeds for commercialization.


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Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (barbatimão), belonging to Mimosaceae family; it is used as ornamental and the wood is used in civil buildings, edification in wet places, lathe and joinery jobs, being very used also in home-made medicine against hemorrhage, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, injury cleaning, uterus hemorrhage, ulcerous hurt and excessive oily skin. The objective of this research was to determine the allelopathic potential of an aqueous extract, boiled or not of S. adstringens (Mart.) Coville, in the Cucumis sativus germination and initial development. Thus, the aqueous vegetable extract was extracted from the shoot, which was triturated in 1L of distilled water to 100g of leaf, being the extract filtrated and separated in boiled and not boiled. The treatments used were distilled water (0%) and boiled and not boiled extracts, in the concentrations of 50 and 100%. The cucumber seeds were put to germinate in Gerbox, having filter paper as substrate, which was wet with 25mL from different treatments, in constant temperature of 25°C. The reading germination was accomplished in breaks of 24 hours, for a period of five consequently days after the beginning of the experiment, considering germinated the seeds that showed 2mm of root, approximately. To dry matter determination, the seedlings with five days after the germination were separated in shoot and root, dried during three days to a constant weight in a 60°C forced draft oven. Through results, it can be concluded that the extract of S. adstringens affected more the Cucumis sativus seedling development than the germination, and it didn't show difference if boiled or not.


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Sebastiania commersoniana (Euphorbiaceae) is a tree species of riparian forests in Brazil. Seeds of this species released from mature fruits have heteromorphy in coat colour: dark (dark-brown to black), striated (dark with light-grey stria) and clear (light-grey to whitish). In this work two experiments were carried out in order to study the effect of temperature on seed germination in interaction with coat colour. Germination final percentage and speed index were evaluated. In the first experiment seeds of the three colours were submitted to constant (30°C) and alternating (20-35°C) temperatures. For all the seed colours, best results were obtained at alternating temperature. Physiological quality of striated seeds was greater than those clear seeds and dark seeds were intermediate. In the second experiment striated and clear seeds were submitted to three amplitudes of alternating temperature: 5°C (20-25°C and 25-30°C), 10°C (20-30°C and 25-35°C) and 15°C (20-35°C). Both germination percentage and speed were higher in striated seeds and for the two seed colours, best results were obtained at 20-30°C and 20-35°C. These temperatures are recommended for the germination test.