936 resultados para generally accepted auditing practice
Suite à un accident exposant à du sang (piqûre; coupure), provenant d'un patient infecté, le risque d'infection par VIH est d'environ 0,3% et par le virus de l'hépatite C (VHC) d'environ 0,5%. Chez les personnes vaccinées avec une réponse immunitaire adéquate (titre d'anticorps HBs >100 mUI/ml), aucune infection professionnelle par hépatite B n'a été reconnue en Suisse. La plupart des infections par VIH et VHB peuvent être prévenues par un traitement d'urgence et une prophylaxie postexpositionnelle (PEP). Il n'y a actuellement aucune prophylaxie postexpositionnelle pour le VHC. En cas de transmission de VHC, un traitement rapide par peginterféron et ribavirine est à envisager. Chaque hôpital et cabinet médical doivent mettre sur pied un système pour assurer une prise en charge optimale et en urgence des blessures par piqûres ou coupures. Lors de blessures accidentelles avec du sang de patients séropositifs pour le VIH et dans des situations complexes, il est recommandé de consulter un médecin du personnel ou un infectiologue expérimenté. The risk of infection after an occupational needle stick injury with blood from an infected source patient is approximately 0.3% for HIV and 0.5% for hepatitis C virus (HCV). In Switzerland no cases of occupational HBV infection have been recorded in fully vaccinated persons with a documented adequate vaccine response (HBsantibody titer >100 mIU/mL). Most occupational HIV und HBV infections can be prevented by appropriate emergency measures and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). No HCV-PEP is currently available. Early therapy with peginterferon and ribavirin should be considered in cases of occupational HCV seroconversion. Every hospital and office practice should establish a system for 24 h/24 h emergency management of occupational needle stick injuries. In the setting of an HIV-seropositive source patient and in complex situations, early consultation with a specialist in occupational medicine or infectious diseases should be considered.
Echocardiography is the preferred initial test to assess cardiac morphology and ventricular function. Cardiac MRI enables an optimal visualisation of heart muscle without contrast injection, and precise measurement of the ventricular volumes and systolic function. It is therefore an ideal test for patients with poor echocardiographic windows or for the specific evaluation of right heart chambers. Heart CT also remarkably images heart muscle and precisely measures ventricular systolic function after intravenous injection of iodinated contrast. Coronary CT may also, in selected cases, avoid the need for diagnostic coronary angiography. Although very accurate, these imaging modalities are expensive and may be contra-indicated for a particular patient. Their use in clinical practice has to follow the accepted guidelines.
The introduction of the WHO FRAX® algorithms has facilitated the assessment of fracture risk on the basis of fracture probability. Its use in fracture risk prediction has strengths, but also limitations of which the clinician should be aware and are the focus of this review INTRODUCTION: The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) appointed a joint Task Force to develop resource documents in order to make recommendations on how to improve FRAX and better inform clinicians who use FRAX. The Task Force met in November 2010 for 3 days to discuss these topics which form the focus of this review. METHODS: This study reviews the resource documents and joint position statements of ISCD and IOF. RESULTS: Details on the clinical risk factors currently used in FRAX are provided, and the reasons for the exclusion of others are provided. Recommendations are made for the development of surrogate models where country-specific FRAX models are not available. CONCLUSIONS: The wish list of clinicians for the modulation of FRAX is large, but in many instances, these wishes cannot presently be fulfilled; however, an explanation and understanding of the reasons may be helpful in translating the information provided by FRAX into clinical practice.
Background and Aims: Discriminating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) from inflammatorybowel disease (IBD) can be a clinical challenge as symptoms can overlap. We and othershave recently shown that fecal calprotectin (FC) is more accurate for discriminating IBSfrom IBD compared to C-reactive protein (CRP) and blood leukocytes. Data on the biomarkersused in daily gastroenterological practice are lacking. We therefore aimed to assess whichbiomarkers are used by gastroenterologists in their daily practice for discriminating IBSfrom IBD.Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all board certified gastroenterologists inSwitzerland focusing on demographic informations, number of IBS patients treated in thetime period from May 2009 to April 2010, and the specific biomarkers evaluated fordiscriminating IBS from IBD.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 50±9years, mean duration of gastroenterologic practice 14±8years, 52% of themwere working in private practice and 48% in hospitals. Thirty-nine percent had taken careof more than 100 IBS patients in the last 12 months, 37% had seen 41-100 and 24% hadseen 1-40 IBS patients. Gastroenterologists in private practice more frequently took care ofat least 40 IBS patients in a year compared to hospital-based gastroenterologists (P<0.001).The following biomarkers were determined for discriminating IBS from IBD: CRP 100%,FC 79%, hematogram (red blood cells and leukocytes) 70%, iron status (ferritin, transferrinsaturation) 59%, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 2.7%, protein electrophoresis 0.7%, andalpha-1 antitrypsin clearance 0.7%. There was a trend for using FC more often in privatepractice than in hospital (P = 0.08). Twenty-four percent of gastroenterologists had usedFC in the workup of more than 70% of patients classified as IBS, 22% had used FC in 30-70% of IBS patients, 39% in less than 30%, and 15% had never used FC for the work-upof suspected IBS. Eighty-nine percent of gastroenterologists considered FC to be superiorto CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD, 87% thought that patient's compliance for fecalsampling is high, and 51% judged the fee of USD 60 for a FC test as appropriate.Conclusions:FC is widely used in clinical practice to discriminate IBS from IBD. In accordance with thescientific evidence, the majority of gastroenterologists consider FC to be more accurate thanCRP for discriminating IBS from IBD. Gastroenterologists in private practice take care ofsignificantly more IBS patients than colleagues in hospital.
The family doctor facing complexity must decide in situations of low certainty and low agreement. Complexity is in part subjective but can also be measured. Changes in the health systems aim to reduce health costs. They tend to give priority to simple situations and to neglect complexity. One role of an academic institute of family medicine is to present and promote the results of scientific research supporting the principles of family medicine, taking into account both the local context and health systems reforms. In Switzerland the new challenge is the introduction of managed care.
This document contains a report and summary of the field research activities in a rural community of rice farmers in Kampot province, Cambodia in 2011, which I conducted within the context of my PhD research at ICTA-UAB (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain). The purpose of the field research was to gather data for a MuSIASEM analysis (Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism) at the village and household level, in order to analyze the multidimensional challenges that small farmers may face nowadays within the context of global rural change and declining access to land. While the literature on MuSIASEM offers a great variety of theoretical explanations and practical applications, there is little information available for students regarding the practical steps required for doing a MuSIASEM analysis at the local level. Within this context, this report offers not only a documentation of the field research design and data collection methods, but further provides a general overview on some organizational and preparative aspects, including some personal reflections, that one may face when preparing and conducting field research for MuSIASEM analysis. In summary, this document thus serves three objectives: (i) to assure methodological transparency for the future work, based on the collected data during field research, (ii) to share my personal experience on the preparative and practical steps required for field research and data collection for a MuSIASEM analysis at the local level, and (iii) to make available for the further interested reader some more detailed background information on the case study village.
When requesting a blood level measurement in the context of "Therapeutic drug monitoring" (TDM), numerous aspects have to be considered in the pre-analytical and analytical area, as in the integration of associated clinical data. This review presents therapeutic classes for which a clinical benefit of TDM is established or suggested, at least in some settings. For each class of drugs, the main pharmacokinetic, pre-analytical, analytical and clinical aspects are evaluated in the scope of such a monitoring. Each step of the TDM process is important and none should be neglected. Additional clinical trials are however warranted to better establish the exact conditions of use for such a monitoring.
Aims and background. In 2002, a survey including 1759 patients treated from 1980 to 1998 established a "benchmark" Italian data source for prostate cancer radiotherapy. This report updates the previous one. Methods. Data on clinical management and outcomes of 3001 patients treated in 15 centers from 1999 through 2003 were analyzed and compared with those of the previous survey. Results. Significant differences in clinical management (-10% had abdominal ma-gnetic resonance imaging; +26% received ≥70 Gy, +48% conformal radiotherapy, -20% pelvic radiotherapy) and in G3-4 toxicity rates (-3.8%) were recorded. Actuarial 5-year overall, disease-specific, clinical relapse-free, and biochemical relapse-free survival rates were 88%, 96%, 96% and 88%, respectively. At multivariate analysis, D'Amico risk categories significantly impacted on all the outcomes; higher radiotherapy doses were significantly related with better overall survival rates, and a similar trend was evident for disease-specific and biochemical relapse-free survival; cumulative probability of 5-year late G1-4 toxicity was 24.8% and was significantly related to higher radiotherapy doses (P <0.001). Conclusions. The changing patterns of practice described seem related to an improvement in efficacy and safety of radiotherapy for prostate cancer. However, the impact of the new radiotherapy techniques should be prospectively evaluated.
Background Adherence to chronic therapy is a key determinant of patient health outcomes in chronic disease. However, only about 50 % of patients adhere to chronic therapy. One of the challenges in promoting adherence is having an accurate understanding of adherence rates and the factors that contribute to non-adherence. There are many measures available to assess patient medication adherence. Aim of the review This review aims to present the commonly used indirect methods available for measuring medication adherence in routine healthcare and research studies. Method A literature review on medication adherence measures in patient populations with chronic conditions taking chronic medications was conducted through Medline (2003-2013). A complementary manual search of references cited in the retrieved studies was performed in order to identify any additional studies. Results Of the 238 initial Medline search results, 57 full texts were retrieved. Forty-seven articles were included as a result of the manual search. Adherence measures identified were: self-report (reported in 50 publications), electronic measures (33), pharmacy refills and claims data (26) and pill counts (25). Patient self-report, electronic measures, pharmacy refill and claims data were the most commonly used measures of adherence in research, routine practice, epidemiological and intervention studies. These methods, and their strengths and limitations have been described in this paper. Conclusion A multitude of indirect measures of adherence exist in the literature, however, there is no "gold" standard for measuring adherence to medications. Triangulation of methods increases the validity and reliability of the adherence data collected. To strengthen the adherence data collected and allow for comparison of data, future research and practice interventions should use an internationally accepted, operational standardized definition of medication adherence and clearly describe the medication adherence methods used.
Discussions at the inaugural meeting of a Trans-European Pedagogic Research Group for Anatomical Sciences highlighted the fact that there exist considerable variations in the legal and ethical frameworks throughout Europe concerning body bequests for anatomical examination. Such differences appear to reflect cultural and religious variations as well as different legal and constitutional frameworks. For example, there are different views concerning the "ownership" of cadavers and concerning the need (perceived by different societies and national politicians) for legislation specifically related to anatomical dissection. Furthermore, there are different views concerning the acceptability of using unclaimed bodies that have not given informed consent. Given that in Europe there have been a series of controversial anatomical exhibitions and also a public (televised) dissection/autopsy, and given that the commercial sale or transport of anatomical material across national boundaries is strongly debated, it would seem appropriate to "harmonise" the situation (at least in the European Union). This paper summarises the legal situation in a variety of European countries and suggests examples of good practice. In particular, it recommends that all countries should adopt clear legal frameworks to regulate the acceptance of donations for medical education and research. It stresses the need for informed consent, with donors being given clear information upon which to base their decision, intentions to bequest being made by the donor before death and encourages donors to discuss their wishes to bequeath with relatives prior to death. Departments are encouraged, where they feel it appropriate, to hold Services of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for those who have donated their bodies. Finally, there needs to be legislation to regulate transport of bodies or body parts across national borders and a discouragement of any moves towards commercialisation in relation to bequests.
Clinical evaluation is an integral part of medical practice. However, recent data have demonstrated that a systematic and standardized evaluation modifies the prognosis of our rheumatoid arthritis patients. The systematic use of activity indexes allows us to better appreciate the needs of our patients and the necessity to optimize and intensifie treatment. Likewise, auto-evaluations tools bring useful information to patient management.
This article examines, in two Swiss cantons, the interdependence from a medical care point of view of various regions (health planning zones in one canton, political districts in the other). The volume and the destination of patient referrals prescribed by physicians in ambulatory practice are analyzed. The available data (on 1609 referrals) were gathered by the practitioners themselves, during a National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey type study in February-March 1981, in which 203 physicians participated. Several indicators are proposed (including an integration coefficient and an attraction coefficient for each zone); they show marked differences among the regions. This dynamic approach, based on the effective behavior of physicians, appears to be of major interest for health planning purposes (as compared with the frequent practice to use mainly parameters in relation with the availability of care services--the "supply"--numbers of professionals and/or health facilities).
BACKGROUND: Practice guidelines for examining febrile patients presenting upon returning from the tropics were developed to assist primary care physicians in decision making. Because of the low level of evidence available in this field, there was a need to validate them and assess their feasibility in the context they have been designed for. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study were to (1) evaluate physicians' adherence to recommendations; (2) investigate reasons for non-adherence; and (3) ensure good clinical outcome of patients, the ultimate goal being to improve the quality of the guidelines, in particular to tailor them for the needs of the target audience and population. METHODS: Physicians consulting the guidelines on the Internet (www.fevertravel.ch) were invited to participate in the study. Navigation through the decision chart was automatically recorded, including diagnostic tests performed, initial and final diagnoses, and clinical outcomes. The reasons for non-adherence were investigated and qualitative feedback was collected. RESULTS: A total of 539 physician/patient pairs were included in this study. Full adherence to guidelines was observed in 29% of the cases. Figure-specific adherence rate was 54.8%. The main reasons for non-adherence were as follows: no repetition of malaria tests (111/352) and no presumptive antibiotic treatment for febrile diarrhea (64/153) or abdominal pain without leukocytosis (46/101). Overall, 20% of diversions from guidelines were considered reasonable because there was an alternative presumptive diagnosis or the symptoms were mild, which means that the corrected adherence rate per case was 40.6% and corrected adherence per figure was 61.7%. No death was recorded and all complications could be attributed to the underlying illness rather than to adherence to guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: These guidelines proved to be feasible, useful, and leading to good clinical outcomes. Almost one third of physicians strictly adhered to the guidelines. Other physicians used the guidelines not to forget specific diagnoses but finally diverged from the proposed attitudes. These diversions should be scrutinized for further refinement of the guidelines to better fit to physician and patient needs.