953 resultados para fluid flow


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To gain a better understanding of recent experiments on the turbulence-induced melting of a periodic array of vortices in a thin fluid film, we perform a direct numerical simulation of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations forced such that, at low Reynolds numbers, the steady state of the film is a square lattice of vortices. We find that as we increase the Reynolds number, this lattice undergoes a series of nonequilibrium phase transitions, first to a crystal with a different reciprocal lattice and then to a sequence of crystals that oscillate in time. Initially, the temporal oscillations are periodic; this periodic behaviour becoming more and more complicated with increasing Reynolds number until the film enters a spatially disordered nonequilibrium statistical steady state that is turbulent. We study this sequence of transitions using fluid-dynamics measures, such as the Okubo-Weiss parameter that distinguishes between vortical and extensional regions in the flow, ideas from nonlinear dynamics, e.g. Poincare maps, and theoretical methods that have been developed to study the melting of an equilibrium crystal or the freezing of a liquid and that lead to a natural set of order parameters for the crystalline phases and spatial autocorrelation functions that characterize short- and long-range order in the turbulent and crystalline phases, respectively.


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Nucleation is the first step in the formation of a new phase inside a mother phase. Two main forms of nucleation can be distinguished. In homogeneous nucleation, the new phase is formed in a uniform substance. In heterogeneous nucleation, on the other hand, the new phase emerges on a pre-existing surface (nucleation site). Nucleation is the source of about 30% of all atmospheric aerosol which in turn has noticeable health effects and a significant impact on climate. Nucleation can be observed in the atmosphere, studied experimentally in the laboratory and is the subject of ongoing theoretical research. This thesis attempts to be a link between experiment and theory. By comparing simulation results to experimental data, the aim is to (i) better understand the experiments and (ii) determine where the theory needs improvement. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools were used to simulate homogeneous onecomponent nucleation of n-alcohols in argon and helium as carrier gases, homogeneous nucleation in the water-sulfuric acid-system, and heterogeneous nucleation of water vapor on silver particles. In the nucleation of n-alcohols, vapor depletion, carrier gas effect and carrier gas pressure effect were evaluated, with a special focus on the pressure effect whose dependence on vapor and carrier gas properties could be specified. The investigation of nucleation in the water-sulfuric acid-system included a thorough analysis of the experimental setup, determining flow conditions, vapor losses, and nucleation zone. Experimental nucleation rates were compared to various theoretical approaches. We found that none of the considered theoretical descriptions of nucleation captured the role of water in the process at all relative humidities. Heterogeneous nucleation was studied in the activation of silver particles in a TSI 3785 particle counter which uses water as its working fluid. The role of the contact angle was investigated and the influence of incoming particle concentrations and homogeneous nucleation on counting efficiency determined.


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An analysis is performed to study the unsteady combined forced and free convection flow (mixed convection flow) of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid in the vicinity of an axisymmetric stagnation point adjacent to a heated vertical surface. The unsteadiness in the flow and temperature fields is due to the free stream velocity, which varies arbitrarily with time. Both constant wall temperature and constant heat flux conditions are considered in this analysis. By using suitable transformations, the Navier-Stokes and energy equations with four independent variables (x, y, z, t) are reduced to a system of partial differential equations with two independent variables (eta, tau). These transformations also uncouple the momentum and energy equations resulting in a primary axisymmetric flow, in an energy equation dependent on the primary flow and in a buoyancy-induced secondary flow dependent on both primary flow and energy. The resulting system of partial differential equations has been solved numerically by using both implicit finite-difference scheme and differential-difference method. An interesting result is that for a decelerating free stream velocity, flow reversal occurs in the primary flow after certain instant of time and the magnetic field delays or prevents the flow reversal. The surface heat transfer and the surface shear stress in the primary flow increase with the magnetic field, but the surface shear stress in the buoyancy-induced secondary flow decreases. Further the heat transfer increases with the Prandtl number, but the surface shear stress in the secondary flow decreases.


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In this paper, we have studied the secondary flow induced in a micropolar fluid by the rotation of two concentric spheres about a fixed diameter. The secondary flow exhibits behaviour commonly observed in visco-elastic fluids. In particular we have obtained the expressions for microrotation vector. Numerical results have been obtained for a number of values of relative rotations of the two spheres for a chosen set of values of fluid parameters. The results are presented graphically and compared with the previous investigations.


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The paper deals with the study of the nature of secondary flow of aRivlin-Ericksen fluid, contained between two concentric spheres, which perform oscillations about a fixed diameter. The steady part of the secondary flow is discussed in detail in the following three cases (i) the outer sphere at rest, the inner oscillating, (ii) the two spheres oscillating with the same angular velocity in the same sense and (iii) the spheres oscillating with the same angular velocity in opposite sense. In a previous paper, a similar problem was discussed for theOldroyd fluids. We find that the secondary flow is strongly dependent on the common frequency of oscillation of the two spheres and on the rotational nature of the motion for the present investigation also. Certain contrasting features of interest between the secondary flow field of the two fluids are also noted.


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The flow generated by the rotation of a sphere in an infinitely extending fluid has recently been studied by Goldshtik. The corresponding problem for non-Newtonian Reiner-Rivlin fluids has been studied by Datta. Bhatnagar and Rajeswari have studied the secondary flow between two concentric spheres rotating about an axis in the non-Newtonian fluids. This last investigation was further generalised by Rajeswari to include the effects of small radial suction or injection. In Part A of the present investigation, we have studied the secondary flow generated by the slow rotation of a single sphere in non-Newtonian fluid obeying the Rivlin-Ericksen constitutive equation. In Part B, the effects of small suction or injection have been studied which is applied in an arbitrary direction at the surface of the sphere. In the absence of suction or injection, the secondary flow for small values of the visco-elastic parameter is similar to that of Newtonian fluids with inclusion of inertia terms in the Oseen approximation. If this parameter exceeds Kc = 18R/219, whereR is the Reynolds number, the breaking of the flow field takes place into two domains, in one of which the stream lines form closed loops. For still higher values of this parameter, the complete reversal of the sense of the flow takes place. When suction or injection is included, the breaking of the flow persists under certain condition investigated in this paper. When this condition is broken, the breaking of the flow is obliterated.


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The aim of the paper is to investigate the propagation of a pulse in a micropolar fluid contained in a visco-elastic membrane. It was undertaken with a view to study how closely we can approximate the flow of blood in arteries by the above model. We find that for large Reynolds number, the effect of micropolarity is hardly perceptible, whereas for small Reynolds numbers it is of considerable importance.


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In this paper we have investigated the instability of the self-similar flow behind the boundary of a collapsing cavity. The similarity solutions for the flow into a cavity in a fluid obeying a gas law p = Kργ, K = constant and 7 ≥ γ > 1 has been solved by Hunter, who finds that for the same value of γ there are two self-similar flows, one with accelerating cavity boundary and other with constant velocity cavity boundary. We find here that the first of these two flows is unstable. We arrive at this result only by studying the propagation of disturbances in the neighbourhood of the singular point.


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In this paper we have studied the flow of a micropolar fluid, whose constitutive equations were given by Eringen, in two dimensional plane flow. In two notes, we have discussed the validity of the boundary condition v=a ω and its effect on the entire flow field. We have restricted our study to the case when Stokes' approximation is valid, i. e. slow motion for it is difficult to uncouple the equations in the most general case.


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Following the method due to Bhatnagar (P. L.) [Jour. Ind. Inst. Sic., 1968, 1, 50, 1], we have discussed in this paper the problem of suction and injection and that of heat transfer for a viscous, incompressible fluid through a porous pipe of uniform circular cross-section, the wall of the pipe being maintained at constant temperature. The method utilises some important properties of differential equations and some transformations that enable the solution of the two-point boundary value and eigenvalue problems without using trial and error method. In fact, each integration provides us with a solution for a suction parameter and a Reynolds number without imposing the conditions of smallness on them. Investigations on non-Newtonian fluids and on other bounding geometries will be published elsewhere.


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In this paper, the steady laminar viscous hypersonic flow of an electrically conducting fluid in the region of the stagnation point of an insulating blunt body in the presence of a radial magnetic field is studied by similarity solution approach, taking into account the variation of the product of density and viscosity across the boundary layer. The two coupled non-linear ordinary differential equations are solved simultaneously using Runge-Kutta-Gill method. It has been found that the effect of the variation of the product of density and viscosity on skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number is appreciable. The skin friction coefficient increases but Nusselt number decreases as the magnetic field or the total enthalpy at the wall increases


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Aspects of large-scale organized structures in sink flow turbulent and reverse-transitional boundary layers are studied experimentally using hot-wire anemometry. Each of the present sink flow boundary layers is in a state of 'perfect equilibrium' or 'exact self-preservation' in the sense of Townsend (The Structure of Turbulent Shear Flow, 1st and 2nd edns, 1956, 1976, Cambridge University Press) and Rotta (Progr. Aeronaut. Sci., vol. 2, 1962, pp. 1-220) and conforms to the notion of 'pure wall-flow' (Coles, J. Aerosp. Sci., vol. 24, 1957, pp. 495-506), at least for the turbulent cases. It is found that the characteristic inclination angle of the structure undergoes a systematic decrease with the increase in strength of the streamwise favourable pressure gradient. Detectable wall-normal extent of the structure is found to be typically half of the boundary layer thickness. Streamwise extent of the structure shows marked increase as the favourable pressure gradient is made progressively severe. Proposals for the typical eddy forms in sink flow turbulent and reverse-transitional flows are presented, and the possibility of structural self-organization (i.e. individual hairpin vortices forming streamwise coherent hairpin packets) in these flows is also discussed. It is further indicated that these structural ideas may be used to explain, from a structural viewpoint, the phenomenon of soft relaminarization or reverse transition of turbulent boundary layers when subjected to strong streamwise favourable pressure gradients. Taylor's 'frozen turbulence' hypothesis is experimentally shown to be valid for flows in the present study even though large streamwise accelerations are involved, the flow being even reverse transitional in some cases. Possible conditions, which are required to be satisfied for the safe use of Taylor's hypothesis in pressure-gradient-driven flows, are also outlined. Measured convection velocities are found to be fairly close to the local mean velocities (typically 90% or more) suggesting that the structure gets convected downstream almost along with the mean flow.


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The linear stability analysis of a plane Couette flow of viscoelastic fluid have been studied with the emphasis on two dimensional disturbances with wave number k similar to Re-1/2, where Re is Reynolds number based on maximum velocity and channel width. We employ three models to represent the dilute polymer solution: the classical Oldroyd-B model, the Oldroyd-B model with artificial diffusivity and the non-homogeneous polymer model. The result of the linear stability analysis is found to be sensitive to the polymer model used. While the plane Couette flow is found to be stable to infinitesimal disturbances for the first two models, the last one exhibits a linear instability.


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The Upwind-Least Squares Finite Difference (LSFD-U) scheme has been successfully applied for inviscid flow computations. In the present work, we extend the procedure for computing viscous flows. Different ways of discretizing the viscous fluxes are analysed for the positivity, which determines the robustness of the solution procedure. The scheme which is found to be more positive is employed for viscous flux computation. The numerical results for validating the procedure are presented.


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An analysis is performed to study the unsteady laminar incompressible boundary-layer flow of an electrically conducting fluid in a cone due to a point sink with an applied magnetic field. The unsteadiness in the flow is considered for two types of motion, viz. the motion arising due to the free stream velocity varying continuously with time and the transient motion occurring due to an impulsive change either in the strength of the point sink or in the wall temperature. The partial differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. The magnetic field increases the skin friction but reduces heat transfer. The heat transfer and temperature field are strongly influenced by the viscous dissipation and Prandtl number. The velocity field is more affected at the early stage of the transient motion, caused by an impulsive change in the strength of the point sink, as compared to the temperature field. When the transient motion is caused by a sudden change in the wall temperature, both skin friction and heat transfer take more time to reach a new steady state. The transient nature of the flow and heat transfer is active for a short time in the case of suction and for a long time in the case of injection. The viscous dissipation prolongs the transient behavior of the flow.