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The present study was initiated in conjunction with a project to utilize some of these small tanks as fishponds by introducing desirable species like Tilapia mossambica Peters and harvesting them at the end of a single season which may vary from 4-8 months depending on the reservoir. Two reservoirs Timbirigaswewa and Dalukanawewa were chosen for this study. Both of these are in the Polonnaruwa area (Fig. 1). Timbirigaswewa (Fig 4) is as all rain fed tank of about 30 acres while Dalukanawewa (Fig. 2) is stream fed with an acreage of just over 100.
The general history of the trawl fishery of the Wadge Bank off Cape Comorin, South India (Fig. 1), the nature and composition of its demersal fish population, and the present state of its fishery has been given by various authors (Malpas 1926, Pearson and Malpas 1926, Sivalingam and Medcof 1957, Medcof 1963, Mendis 1965a, 1965b, Sivalingam 1966a, 1966b, 1969a and 1969b). It has been shown earlier (Sivalingam and Medcof 1957, Sivalingam 1969a) that the Wadge Bank stock is made up of two groups. The resident stock which is present on the fishing grounds throughout the year and the migrant stock that appears on the fishing grounds only during the southwest monsoon months. The object of this paper is to discuss the effect of fishing on the resident stock between 1945 and 1962 and based on the information available; assess the maximum sustained yield of the resident stock. The "Bigfish" of the resident stock is the mainstay of the Wadge Bank trawl fishery (Sivalingam 1969a) and it will be shown that this stock has been overexploited from 1953 to 1957. The first sign of recovery was evident in 1960 and continued till 1962. The data since 1962 are not available to the author for analysis. It has been reported by Mendis (1965b) that considerable expansion of the trawler fleet was anticipated in 1966, and if so, the history of the fishery from 1953 to 1957 may be repeated. The assessment presented in this paper should form a rational basis for management programs.
The Wadge Bank has been exploited regularly by Ceylon based trawlers since 1955 (Sivalingam & Medcof 1957). The bank is about 4,000 sq. miles in extent (Malpas 1926) and is located south of Cape Comorin within the Continental Shelf of India (Fig. 1). Carangids are taken in large numbers during the months of the south west monsoon (Sivalingam 1966). The quantity, in which the Carangids are captured as shown by the fishing records, is large enough to influence the total catch from the bank during these months (Fig. 2). Carangids are held in high esteem as excellent quality food fishes and accordingly constitute a commercially important group. This paper records the results of a detailed examination of the past fishing records in respect of this group, based on the analysis of the catch and fishing effort for the years 1957 to 1962. The distribution pattern of this group of fish in the Wadge Bank is discussed.
The present study confirmed the previous listing of this species in the tropical seas around Ceylon (Misra 1947, Munro 1955). Photographs of the ventral surface of the head are shown in Fig. 1 and the distinguishing characteristics of the head are noted in the key to the species.
Sri Lanka entered oceanic longline fishery in 1967 and have limited the areas of operation to the central equatorial belt, thus limiting their fishery to the yellowfin and bigeye tunas. Sri Lanka while developing her coastal fishery took a leap into oceanic longlining and in view of her programme for accelerated development of the fishing industry, has to fill the gap between the two fisheries by exploiting the intermediate range (off shore and near oceanic) which would chiefly be for tunas and sharks. The present paper has been prepared in this context, utilizing available data and information on the tuna longline fishery in the inshore (approximately 6-15 miles), off shore (approximately 15-100 miles) and near oceanic (approximately 100-300 miles) ranges (Fig, 1).
Tullow Oil plc is to launch an onshore Early Production System (EPS) of oil drilling rated at 4,000 barrels of oil per day by 2009. The location of the EPS is in the Kaiso-Tonya area of Block 2 Oil Exploration Zone along Lake Albert within the Albertine graben. Tullow Oil plc contracted Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd in conjunction with Environmental Assessment Consult Limited (EACL) to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for pre-construction and operation of the proposed EPS. ERM in association with EACL requested National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) to conduct a baseline survey of water quality and invertebrates in River Hohwa. This study was requested as part of an earlier baseline survey conducted at the Kaiso-Ngassa spit oil exploration area in Block 2. It was conducted at five selected sites (Fig. 1 & Table 1) within the Hohwa River basin in the Kaiso-Tonya Exploration Area 2. The study was pertinent because the targeted oil wells for EPS are upstream this river which drains the Kaiso-Ngassa valley into Ngassa lagoon.
Si bien existen varios ensayos biográficos que enfocan diferentes momentos de su vida (ANÓNIMO, 1963, BAHAMONDE, 1962, LÓPEZ et al., 2015, NION, 2015, PEQUEÑO, 2015, SÁNCHEZ CARRILLO, 2001), hasta donde tenemos conocimiento, no se ha publicado aún una bibliografía completa de la obra del Dr. FERNANDO DE BUEN Y LOZANO (Fig. de tapa). Bibliografías parciales se encuentran, entre otros, en los autores arriba citados. Aquí nos atrevemos a hacer el intento, aunque en forma defectuosa, ya que muchas de sus publicaciones no las hemos podido consultar directamente (se señalan con un asterisco, *). En parte nos hemos basado en una compilación hecha por el propio DE BUEN, que abarca los años 1915 a 1949 (Fig. 1), aunque no siempre con los datos necesarios para una completa información sobre la publicación; en lo posible intentamos complementarla. En sus casi cincuenta años de actividad científica, llegó a producir casi 300 títulos, de variado contenido, aunque siempre relacionados con el medio acuático, sea marino o dulceacuícola. Esta producción se puede dividir en cuatro períodos, que comienza con su etapa española, europea y africana (marroquí), entre 1915 y 1937, durante la cual publicó más de 140 títulos. Como consecuencia de la Guerra Civil Española, en 1939 se radica en México, donde permanece desde el 12 de Julio de 1939 hasta Noviembre 1946, país al que regresa entre 1953 y 1957. Durante este período escribe unos 70 artículos. Entre esas dos etapas mexicanas, estuvo brevemente radicado en el Uruguay, desde el 26 de Noviembre de 1946 hasta 1953, sin duda la etapa de menor producción científica, con una docena trabajos. A ésta sigue el último período de su vida, en Chile (Fig. 2), la que lamentablemente termina trágicamente, en 1962. Durante este período publica más de 60 publicaciones, de los cuales, aparentemente, seis quedan inéditas. Cabe señalar que durante estas tres etapas de exilio americano, si bien sus publicaciones están mayoritariamente relacionadas con el país de residencia, hay algunas excepciones. Preivo a estas estadías en América, hay que mencionar tres europeas, fuera de España, a saber: en el Museo Oceanográfico de Mónaco (1919), en el Instituto Centrale di Biologia Marina, Messina, Italia (1919), y en el Laboratorio Arago, Banyuls sur Mer, Francia (1939). En general, puede considerarse que FERNANDO DE BUEN fue un investigador solitario, ya que solamente seis, de sus casi 300 trabajos, fueron publicados en colaboración: dos con su hermano SADÍ DE BUEN (#31 y 32), dos con F. FRADE (#115 y 116), y dos con MANUEL ZOZAYA (#162 y 176). En su obra científica hemos podido identificar la descripción original de 12 géneros, 9 subgéneros, 54 especies y 11 subespecies, como se indican en la Tabla I.
下载PDF阅读器在聚果榕与其传粉榕小蜂Ceratosolen fusciceps组成的互利共生系统中,与传粉榕小蜂共存的还有榕树的寄生性小蜂Platyneura testacea和Platyneura mayri.这些寄生性小蜂由于不能给榕树带来任何收益而只是利用榕树的种子或与传粉小蜂竞争植物的雌花资源,因而可能导致榕树与榕小蜂之间合作系统的崩溃.植物果实的脱落机制普遍被认为是维持系统稳定的关键因素之一.然而,定量实验和野外观测发现P. mayri产卵并不会引起果实脱落,只有P. testacea产卵会使果实大量脱落.通过对3株样树进行比较发现:当产卵时的P. testacea数量越多时,它产生的瘿花数就越多,榕果发生脱落的比例越高.P. testacea的过度产卵是导致榕果选择性脱落的主要原因.结果表明:脱落机制并不能完全阻止非传粉小蜂的寄生,榕树只能选择性地脱落掉先于传粉小蜂产卵的榕果.这也同时表明维持榕树与榕小蜂互利共存的机制不仅仅只有榕果的脱落机制,可能还存在其它未被发现的机制.
榕树与其传粉小蜂形成了高度专一的互惠共生系统。非传粉小蜂则是该系统的资源掠夺者, 但它与 该系统共存的机制仍不清楚。于2003 年12 月—2004 年4 月在西双版纳以聚果榕( Ficus racemosa L. ) 为材料, 研究了寄生在聚果榕榕果内的5 种非传粉小蜂的食性及相互关系, 以探讨非传粉小蜂与榕树- 传粉小蜂系统共 存的机制。结果表明: 寄生在聚果榕榕果内的5 种非传粉小蜂中, 仅Platyneura testacea Motschulsky 和Platyneu2 ra mayri Rasplus 能刺激子房发育成瘿花, 是造瘿者; Apocrypta sp . , Apocrypta westwoodi Grandi 和Platyneura a2 graensis Joseph 不能刺激子房发育成瘿花, 是拟寄生者。传粉小蜂的拟寄生者和造瘿者对传粉小蜂有负的影响, 但在蚂蚁和造瘿者的拟寄生蜂作用下, 这种负面影响并不显著, 而且它们对榕树繁殖没有显著影响。对小蜂自 然种群的分析表明, 传粉小蜂处于优势地位。说明在自然情况下传粉小蜂的拟寄生者和造瘿者的种群维持在一 个较低水平, 对榕树- 传粉小蜂系统稳定性影响较小, 故能与之长期共存。
对聚果榕小蜂 (Ceratosolensp )传粉生态学进行了首次研究。结果表明 ,聚果榕小蜂的雄蜂比雌蜂早羽化数小时 ;雌蜂羽化不能自行打开瘿花和果肉出蜂口 ,两个出蜂口均需雄蜂开凿。而聚果榕的成熟花粉 ,不能自行地从开裂处散发出来 ,必须经榕小蜂的繁殖性雌蜂采集才能散到表面。羽化后的雌蜂在开裂的雄花中不停地用触角柄节、口器上颚和足推动和采集花粉。雌蜂飞出熟榕果寻找嫩隐头花果 ,一般在外飞翔 5~ 80min。雌蜂进入嫩聚果榕的隐头花果内后 ,立即把粘附在足、头、触角和身上的花粉不停地推动到长柱头雌花中 ,授粉行为长达 4~ 9h。然后 ,才把卵产在短柱头雌花中
Using next-generation sequencing technology alone, we have successfully generated and assembled a draft sequence of the giant panda genome. The assembled contigs (2.25 gigabases (Gb)) cover approximately 94% of the whole genome, and the remaining gaps (0.05 Gb) seem to contain carnivore-specific repeats and tandem repeats. Comparisons with the dog and human showed that the panda genome has a lower divergence rate. The assessment of panda genes potentially underlying some of its unique traits indicated that its bamboo diet might be more dependent on its gut microbiome than its own genetic composition. We also identified more than 2.7 million heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the diploid genome. Our data and analyses provide a foundation for promoting mammalian genetic research, and demonstrate the feasibility for using next-generation sequencing technologies for accurate, cost-effective and rapid de novo assembly of large eukaryotic genomes.
云南高原位于北纬21°9′~29°15′和东经97°39′~106°12′之间,总面积394000 km2 ,地质和气候、植被非常复杂。大 陆漂移和冰期的进退是影响昆虫起源和演替的一个重要原因。昆虫的祖先是起源于一个统一大陆,在这个大陆上共 同起源,共同进化,随着原始大陆的分离和漂移,把这些类群运载到各地,形成现今昆虫分布格局。昆虫的扩散是以中 心分布方式成环状向周围扩散的。云南胡蜂的祖先是来自冈瓦那古陆。有两支昆虫进入云南,其中一支来自喜马拉 雅山,另一支来自缅甸。冰期是导致南北生物互相混合和渗入的重要因素。胡蜂的特有类群是在冈瓦那古陆分裂之 后才发展起来的。其祖先最早是分布在原始古陆较狭窄的区域内。
Attached to hard substrata on our shores occur the branching colonies of gorgonian corals of the genus Muricella (Fig. 1A, Pl. 1B, C, D). Since there is no report on this genus from Pakistan this report be taken as the first record from here. The family Ovulidae comprises several hundred species of marine gastropods, all of which appear to be obligate associates of cnidarians as stated by Robertson (1970) and Hadfield (1976); the present ovulid gastropod genus Crenovolva lives exclusively on the gorgonians (Morton, 1989). Tirmizi and Zehra (1984) recorded thirty-two families of gastropods from Pakistan, but not any representative of the Ovulidae, so the material at hand may be the first record from Pakistan. Since we are unable to reach to specific level the material is being reported as unspecified.
The Victoria and Kyoga lake basins form the major aquatic system of this study (Fig. I). The two lake basins share a common evolutionary history and have similar native fish faunas (Graham 1929, Worthington 1929). The two main lakes have also had similar impacts by introduction of Nile perch Lates niloticus and therefore these two lakes can be considered to be similar for ichiogeographical purposes. These lake basins have many satellite lakes isolated from one another and from the main lakes Victoria and Kyoga by swamps and other barriers. Some of these satellite lakes still possess stocks of endemic fish species which are almost extinct from the main water bodies. It was therefore considered that understanding of these lakes would contribute to the knowledge base required to solve some of the problems experienced in Lake Victoria and Kyoga especially the loss in trophic diversity arising. The study was carried out in these two main water bodies (Kyoga and Victoria) and on other satellite lakes e.g Wamala, Kachera, Mburo, Kayanja and Kayugi in the Victoria lake basin and lakes Nawampasa, Nyaguo, Agu, Gigate, Lemwa and Kawi in the Kyoga lake basin (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6).
The present paper gives a full description of the organization of Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, a not well known member of the Rhodophyllidaceae as well as gives for the first time description of the male and tetrasporic plants. Detailed organization of the carpogonial branches, spermatia and tetraspores is also presented. Nineteen figures illustrate the text (material collected at Deseado port, Santa Cruz prov., Argentina). The following text is the content of the discussion. From the description it is possible to confirm the position of Acanthococcus in the Rhodophyllidaceac as was done by Kylin (Kylin 1960, p. 290 et seg.). It has many similarities in the development of the carpogenic branches and in the formation of spermatia as well in the production of the zonately divided tetrasporangia with the genera of the family whose reproduction is known; Cystoclonium purpureum (Hudson) Batters and Rhodopyllis bifada (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylin 1923); Calliblepharis jubata (Good. et Woodw.) Kützing (Kylín 1928) and Craspedocarpus erosus (Hook. et Harvey) Sehmitz (Kylin 1932). Apparently the distinguishing feature of Acanthococcus is the structure of the vegetative frond, with the abundant development of rhizoidal filaments in the medula, besides the characteristic appendages of the cystocarps. Harvey's figure (Harvey 1847, P. 181, Fig. 3) of the tranverse section of the plant shows the central portion composed of a dense small-celled medula limited by a region of large cells which is externally covered by a small-celled cortex. As we have seen the small-celled filaments are not restricted to the central portion, but extend into the large-celled portion and can reach the cortex. On the other hand, the eros section of Acanthococcus depicted by Kützing (Kützing 1867, T. 93, Fig. h, under Callophyllis antartica), apparently belongs to another plant, so different in the structure when one compares his figure with Harvey's and the ones in this paper. RESUMEN EN ESPAÑOL Este trabajo presenta una completa descripción de la organización de Acanthococcus antarcticus Hooker et Harvey, un miembro poco conocido de las Rodofilidáceas, así como presenta por primera vez descripciones de las plantas masculinas y de las tetraspóricas. También por primera vez es presentada la organización detallada de las ramas carpogoniales, de los espermecios y de las trásporas. Diecinueve figuras completan el texto (material coleccionado en Puerto Deseado, Prov. Santa Cruz, Argentina).