941 resultados para fiddler crab
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Insights into the potential for pain may be obtained from examination of behavioural responses to noxious stimuli. In particular, prolonged responses coupled with long-term motivational change and avoidance learning cannot be explained by nociceptive reflex but are consistent with the idea of pain. Here, we placed shore crabs alternately in two halves of a test area divided by an opaque partition. Each area had a dark shelter and in one repeated small electric shocks were delivered in an experimental but not in a control group. Crabs showed no specific avoidance of the shock shelter either during these trials or in a subsequent test in which both were offered simultaneously; however they often emerged from the shock shelter during a trial and thus avoided further shock. More crabs emerged in later trials and took less time to emerge than in early trials. Thus, despite the lack of discrimination learning between the two shelters they used other tactics to markedly reduce the amount of shock received. We note that a previous experiment using simultaneous presentation of two shelters demonstrated rapid discrimination and avoidance learning but the paradigm of sequential presentation appears to prevent this. Nevertheless, the data show clearly that the shock is aversive and tactics, other than discrimination learning, are used to avoid it. Thus, the behaviour is only partially consistent with the idea of pain.
Se hace un análisis del estado poblacional del cangrejo violáceo Platyxanthus orbignyi (Milne Edwards y Lucas, 1843) del litoral de Lambayeque – Perú para el periodo 2001-2010 por medio de: 1) El modelo dinámico de biomasa de Schaefer en su versión de error de observación; a este modelo se le introdujo la variable ambiental anomalía de la temperatura superficial del mar (ATSM) del área de San José (Lambayeque) y se obtuvo 2) el modelo dinámico con variable ambiental, ambos basados en datos de captura, esfuerzo y CPUE. Se utilizó el método de máxima verosimilitud en el proceso de ajuste y el bootstrap para determinar los intervalos de confianza de los parámetros. Los parámetros poblacionales y pesqueros estimados por el modelo dinámico de biomasa de Schaefer (MDB) fueron: K: 750 000 kg, r : 0,21 y q: 8,36 x 10-6 y por el modelo dinámico con variable ambiental (MDVA) los parámetros fueron K: 765 000 kg, r: 0,23 y q: 8,02 x 10-6. Con los valores de los parámetros estimados mediante el MDB y el MDVA se calcularon los principales puntos biológicos de referencia (PBR) los cuales fueron: MRS: 39 822 kg, BMRS: 375 000 kg, fMRS: 12 561 nasas, FMRS: 0,11, F0.1: 0,10 para el MDB; y MRS: 44 069 kg, BMRS: 382 500 kg, fMRS: 13 782 nasas, FMRS: 0,12, F0.1: 0,10 para el MDVA. Los resultados indican que el estado actual de la pesquería del cangrejo violáceo del Litoral de Lambayeque se encuentra muy cerca al nivel óptimo. En vista de que no se dispone de información de evaluaciones directas de este recurso que confirme o no los resultados del MDB y MDVA y en virtud de la calidad de datos, se sugiere que el manejo de la pesquería sea del tipo adaptativo alrededor del punto de referencia F0.1 y teniendo en cuenta las condiciones ambientales.
The current study analyzes the birth and development of two strategic alliances established between shrimp producers in Rio Grande do Norte: the Unipesca and the Coopercam. To achieve this aim, two approaches which, at first sight, could be considered contradictory were used: the Transactional Costs Economy and Embeddedness. The first approach is fundamentally based in the studies of Williamson (1985; 1991; 1996; 1999; 2000; 2002). Embededness, on the other hand, went through the review of a series of authors, such as Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973; 1985), Uzzi (1997), Gulati (1994; 1995; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000), Nielsen (2005), Ring (2002), Ring and Van de Ven (1994), Zafirovski (2002), among others. To analyze the birth and development of the cooperatives in this study, Gulati s work (1998) was used. This study shows the steps to be studied for a better comprehension of an alliance: the decision of starting an alliance and the choice of the partners, the decision about the governance structure, the evolution of the alliance and the development of the companies which established this partnership. To carry this study out, a study case accordingly to Yin s proposal (2001) was adopted. Semi-structured interviews with pre-defined plots were conducted in two phases: in the beginning of 2006 and in the beginning of 2007. The subjects from the research were, in 2006, representative members of the main associations and corporations, besides the shrimp producers from the state, when the context of the activity was set. In the second phase, in 2007, representative members from the two cooperatives that were listed above were interviewed the president from Coopercam and the marketing manager from Unipesca. Besides these two members, directors from two important organizations in each of these cooperatives were also interviewed, giving out the necessary information for the research. Secondary data was also collected from the Brazilian Association of Crab producers website, as well as from news from important newspapers in RN, such as Tribuna do Norte. The primary data was analyzed in terms of quality, accordingly to the documental analysis technique. Thus, through the data that was collected, it can be concluded that the reasons that motivated the companies to cooperate can be explained in terms of the transactional costs economy. However, the choice of partners is more connected to aspects approached by the social embededness. When aspects related to development and evolution were analyzed, it could be seen that both aspects from TCE and Embededness were vital to explain the development of the cooperatives mentioned
To study the macrobenthic community at Mahshahr creek four Creeks namely Bihad, Doragh, Ghazaleh and Ghanam were chosen. Sampling was conducted on bimonthly basis and carried out from August 1996 to June 1997, 216 sediment samples were collected from 12 stations using 0.1 m^2 Van Veen Grab, The stations were located at the mouth, middle and the end of each Creek. In situ measurements of temperature pH, DO and salinity were done using different sensors. The samples for the measurements of TOM, grain size were collected and analysed in vitro. The results indicate spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the structure of macro faunal assemblages of the creeks. A total of 12 macrofaunal groups were identified within the study area. Amphipods were the most dominant group (43%) followed by polychaetes (42%), copepods (3.5%), tanaids (3.1%) and other groups (8.4%). The range for the numerical abundance of macrobenthos was between 12583 to 3648 individual per m2 and the variation was done to different bottom texture the variable environment conditions governing the different parts of each creek as well as within creeks. Application of diversity indices (Shannon H and Simpson indices) on the dominant macrobenthic assemblages (crustaceans & polychaetes) was varied between 1 to 2.5 being higher in Bihad and Ghanarn and much reduced Shannon H index or a higher Simpson in Ghazaleh. Probably brought about activities in this creek. Gut content analysis of four species of fish showed that the main food items consist of Crab, Shrimps and other crustacean species, The secondary production of macrobenthic fauna and hence a fish production were assessed. To do this first the production of most dominant species Apseudes sp. was computed through Cohort analysis. The total macrobenthic production was estimated and from this fish production was computed. The macrobenthic and fish secondary productions were 24300 tons/year) and 24300 (tons/year) respectively. These values were lower than those with similar areas in the Indian Ocean.
The present research, undertaken in a mangrove swamp in northeastern Brazil (Mamanguape River Estuary), examined the factors that led to the overwhelming acceptance of the tangle-netting technique by crab harvesters in detriment to the now illegal tamping technique. Both techniques are the only ones currently used at our study site and in many other areas in Brazil, despite being prohibited by law. Data were collected through direct observations to determine capture efficiency, productivity, daily production, selectivity, and harvesting effort, and through interviews with crab harvesters, focusing on their perceptions of the capture techniques, the conditions of crab stocks and the sales price of a dozen crabs. Our results indicated that the two capture techniques did not significantly differ in terms of their efficiency or productivity, but daily production rates differed significantly, being greater using tangle-netting. The tangle-netting permits a greater harvesting effort (6 hours and 34 min) compared to tamping (4 hours and 19 min). Tangle-netting is also less selective than tamping indicated by the larger number of captured smaller specimens, including females. This results in a lower average sales price for a dozen crabs caught by tangle-netting (US$ 0.95) compared to tamping (US$ 1.02). The greater daily production of crab harvesters using the tangle-netting technique nevertheless increased their net gain, explaining their preference for this method, Given that tangle-netting results in greater harvesting pressure but lower selectivity compared to tamping, it may potentially be less sustainable. All of the crab harvesters interviewed having more than 20 years of experience (n = 34) stated they perceived that stocks of U. cordatus had become reduced over the last 20 years, together with average crab sizes. It is now important to examine the structure of the local U. cordatus population and to assess its fishery to allow evaluating whether the illegal, but prominent tangle-netting and tamping mangrove crab capture techniques are sustainable or not. We further suggest improving the dialogue between decision makers and fishermen, which barely exists to date, to initiate a discussion about possible ways of resolving the current situation of illegality of the fishermen. This will be key to achieving effective sustainable co-management of this important natural mangrove forest resource.
Em invertebrados eurialinos, a exposição a metais pode induzir distúrbios respiratórios, iônicos e osmóticos, bem como estresse oxidativo. Diversos estudos sobre o efeito combinado da salinidade da água e a exposição a metais em invertebrados estuarinos estão relatados na literatura, porém a maioria destes estudos estão focados em apenas alguns metais como Cd, Cu, Pb e Zn. Entretanto, poucos estudos avaliaram as respostas bioquímicas e fisiológicas de invertebrados eurialinos à exposição ao Ni em diferentes salinidades. No presente estudo, o caranguejo estuarino Neohelice granulata foi mantido sob condições controle (sem adição de Ni na água) ou exposto (96 h) a concentrações subletais de Ni (100 e 1000 µg/L) em duas salinidades (2 e 30). Após exposição, o consumo de oxigênio corporal foi medido e amostras de tecidos (hemolinfa, hepatopâncreas, músculo, e brânquias anteriores e posteriores) foram coletadas para análises posteriores. A concentração osmótica e a composição iônica (Na+ , Cl- , Ca2+, Mg2+ e K+ ) foram determinadas nas amostras de hemolinfa. A atividade da lactato desidrogenase (LDH) foi medida na hemolinfa, hepatopâncreas e músculo, enquanto a peroxidação lipídica (LPO) foi analisada no hepatopâncreas, músculo e brânquias (anteriores e posteriores). Os caranguejos controle não apresentaram diferença na concentração osmótica em função da salinidade, porém aqueles aclimatados à salinidade 2 apresentaram menores concentrações hemolinfáticas de Na+ , K + e Mg2+, bem como maiores níveis de LPO nas brânquias (anteriores e posteriores) e hepatopâncreas do que aqueles aclimatados à salinidade 30. O consumo de oxigênio corporal e a atividade tecidual da LDH foram semelhantes nos caranguejos controles aclimatados a 2 e 30. Estes resultados indicam que, após duas semanas de manutenção em laboratório, N. granulata apresenta ajustes fisiológicos da concentração osmótica (2‰: hiper-regulação; 30‰: hipo-regulação), composição iônica hemolinfática e taxas 4 metabólicas (aeróbica e anaeróbica) em função da salinidade, com conseqüente maior dano oxidativo em lipídios durante a hiper-regulação em baixa salinidade. Quanto à exposição ao Ni, houve aumento do consumo de oxigênio corporal, da atividade da LDH hemolinfática e da concentração hemolinfática de K+ na salinidade 2. Na salinidade 30 foi observado um aumento da atividade da LDH hemolinfática, da concentração osmótica e de Cl- hemolinfática, bem como uma diminuição das concentrações hemolinfáticas de K+ e Mg2+. Nos caranguejos aclimatados à salinidade 2, os efeitos do Ni parecem estar associados a distúrbios metabólicos (aeróbico e anaeróbico), enquanto distúrbios osmóticos e ionoregulatórios foram mais evidentes nos caranguejos aclimatados e expostos ao Ni na salinidade 30.
The current study analyzes the birth and development of two strategic alliances established between shrimp producers in Rio Grande do Norte: the Unipesca and the Coopercam. To achieve this aim, two approaches which, at first sight, could be considered contradictory were used: the Transactional Costs Economy and Embeddedness. The first approach is fundamentally based in the studies of Williamson (1985; 1991; 1996; 1999; 2000; 2002). Embededness, on the other hand, went through the review of a series of authors, such as Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973; 1985), Uzzi (1997), Gulati (1994; 1995; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000), Nielsen (2005), Ring (2002), Ring and Van de Ven (1994), Zafirovski (2002), among others. To analyze the birth and development of the cooperatives in this study, Gulati s work (1998) was used. This study shows the steps to be studied for a better comprehension of an alliance: the decision of starting an alliance and the choice of the partners, the decision about the governance structure, the evolution of the alliance and the development of the companies which established this partnership. To carry this study out, a study case accordingly to Yin s proposal (2001) was adopted. Semi-structured interviews with pre-defined plots were conducted in two phases: in the beginning of 2006 and in the beginning of 2007. The subjects from the research were, in 2006, representative members of the main associations and corporations, besides the shrimp producers from the state, when the context of the activity was set. In the second phase, in 2007, representative members from the two cooperatives that were listed above were interviewed the president from Coopercam and the marketing manager from Unipesca. Besides these two members, directors from two important organizations in each of these cooperatives were also interviewed, giving out the necessary information for the research. Secondary data was also collected from the Brazilian Association of Crab producers website, as well as from news from important newspapers in RN, such as Tribuna do Norte. The primary data was analyzed in terms of quality, accordingly to the documental analysis technique. Thus, through the data that was collected, it can be concluded that the reasons that motivated the companies to cooperate can be explained in terms of the transactional costs economy. However, the choice of partners is more connected to aspects approached by the social embededness. When aspects related to development and evolution were analyzed, it could be seen that both aspects from TCE and Embededness were vital to explain the development of the cooperatives mentioned
Heparin is a pharmaceutical animal widely used in medicine due to its potent anticoagulant effect. Furthermore, it has the ability to inhibit the proliferation, invasion and adhesion of cancer cells to vascular endothelium. However, its clinical applicability can be compromised by side effects such as bleeding. Thus, the search for natural compounds with low bleeding risk and possible therapeutic applicability has been targeted by several research groups. From this perspective, this study aims to evaluate the hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities and citotoxic effect for different tumor cell lines (HeLa, B16-F10, HepG2, HS-5,) and fibroblast cells (3T3) of the Heparin-like from the crab Chaceon fenneri (HEP-like). The HEP-like was purified after proteolysis, ion-exchange chromatography, fractionation with acetone and characterized by electrophoresis (agarose gel) and enzymatic degradation. Hep-like showed eletroforetic behavior similar to mammalian heparin, and high trisulfated /Nacetylated disaccharides ratio. In addition, HEP-like presented low in vitro anticoagulant activity using aPTT and a minor hemorrhagic effect when compared to mammalian heparin. Furthermore, the HEP-like showed significant cytotoxic effect (p<0.001) on HeLa, HepG2 and B16-F10 tumor cells with IC50 values of 1000 ug/mL, after incubation for 72 hours. To assess the influence of heparin-like on the cell cycle in HeLa cells, analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The results of this analysis showed that HEP-like influence on the cell cycle increasing S phase and decreasing phase G2. Thus, these properties of HEP-like make these compounds potential therapeutic agents
The MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) telescopes observed the BL Lac object H1722+119 (redshift unknown) for six consecutive nights between 2013 May 17 and 22, for a total of 12.5 h. The observations were triggered by high activity in the optical band measured by the KVA (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien) telescope. The source was for the first time detected in the very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) γ-ray band with a statistical significance of 5.9 σ. The integral flux above 150 GeV is estimated to be (2.0 ± 0.5) per cent of the Crab Nebula flux. We used contemporaneous high energy (HE, 100MeV < E < 100 GeV) γ-ray observations from Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope) to estimate the redshift of the source. Within the framework of the current extragalactic background light models, we estimate the redshift to be z = 0.34±0.15. Additionally, we used contemporaneous X-ray to radio data collected by the instruments on board the Swift satellite, the KVA, and the OVRO (Owens Valley Radio Observatory) telescope to study multifrequency characteristics of the source. We found no significant temporal variability of the flux in the HE and VHE bands. The flux in the optical and radio wavebands, on the other hand, did vary with different patterns. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of H1722+119 shows surprising behaviour in the ∼ 3×1014 −1018 Hz frequency range. It can be modelled using an inhomogeneous helical jet synchrotron self-Compton model.
Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide, was the first compound used as an anticoagulant and antithrombotic agent. Due to their structural characteristics, also has great potential anti-inflammatory, though such use is limited in inflammation because of their marked effects on coagulation. The occurrence of heparin-like compounds that exhibit anticoagulant activity decreased in aquatic invertebrates, such as crab Goniopsis cruentata, sparked interest for the study of such compounds as anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential modulator of heparin-like compound extracted from Goniopsis cruentata in inflammatory events, coagulation, and to evaluate some aspects of its structure. The heparin-type compound had a high degree of N-sulphation in its structure, being able to reduce leukocyte migration into the peritoneal cavity at lower doses compared to heparin and diclofenac sodium (anti-inflammatory commercial). Furthermore, it was also able to inhibit the production of nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor alpha by activated macrophages, inhibited the activation of the enzyme neutrophil elastase in low concentrations and showed a lower anticoagulant effect in high doses as compared to porcine mucosal heparin. Because of these observations, the compound extracted from crab Goniopsis cruentata can be used as a structural model for future anti-inflammatory agents
Settlement rate may not reflect larval supply to coastal waters in different marine invertebrates and demersal fishes. The importance of near-shore oceanography and behaviour of late larval stages may be underestimated. The present study conducted neustonic sampling over station grids and along full-length transects at two embayments in south-eastern Brazil to (1) compare diurnal and nocturnal occurrence of most frequent decapod stages to assess their vertical movements, (2) describe the formation of larval patches and (3) measure competence of crab megalopae according to their distance to recruitment grounds. Several shrimp species apparently undergo a diel vertical migration, swimming crab megalopae showed no vertical movements and megalopae of the intertidal crab Pachygrapsus transversus revealed a reversed vertical migration. During the day, crab megalopae aggregated in convergence zones just below surface slicks. These larvae consisted of advanced, pre-moult stages, at both mid-bay and near-shore patches. Competence, measured as the time to metamorphosis in captivity, was similar between larval patches within each taxon. Yet, subtidal portunids moulted faster to juveniles than intertidal grapsids, possibly because they were closer to settlement grounds. Megalopae of Pachygrapsus from benthic collectors moulted faster than those from bay areas. These results suggest that alternative vertical migration patterns of late megalopae favour onshore transport, and actual competence takes place very close to suitable substrates, where larvae may remain for days before settlement. Lack of correlation between larval supply and settlement for Pachygrapsus suggests that biological processes, besides onshore transport, may play an important role in determining settlement success of coastal crabs.
Available information on the larval release rhythms of brachyurans is biased to temperate estuarine species and outcomes resulting from some sort of artificial manipulation of ovigerous females. In this study we applied field methods to describe the larval release rhythms of an assemblage of tropical rocky shore crabs. Sampling the broods of ovigerous females of Pachygrapsus transversus at two different shores indicated a spatially consistent semilunar pattern, with larval release maxima around the full and new moon. Yet, synchronism between populations varied considerably, with the pattern obtained at the site exposed to a lower wave action far more apparent. Breeding cohorts at one of the sampled shores apparently belonged to actual age groups composing the ovigerous population. The data suggest that these breeding groups release their larvae in alternate syzygy periods, responding to a lunar cycle instead of the semilunar pattern observed for the whole population. For the description of shorter-term rhythms, temporal series at hour intervals were obtained by sampling the plankton and confinement boxes where ovigerous females were held. Unexpectedly, diurnal release activity prevailed over nocturnal hatching. Yet, only grapsids living higher on the shore exhibited strong preferences over the diel cycle, with P. transversus releasing their larvae during the day and Geograpsus lividus during the night. The pea crab Dissodactylus crinitichelis, the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis and a suite of xanthoids undertook considerable releasing activity in both periods. Apart from the commensal pea crab D. crinitichelis, all other taxa revealed tide-related rhythms of larval release, with average estimates of the time of maximum hatching always around the time of high tides; usually during the flooding and slack, rather than the ebbing tide. Data obtained for P. transversus females held in confinement boxes indicated that early larval release is mostly due to nocturnal hatching, while zoeal release in diurnal groups took place at the time of high tide. Since nocturnal high tides at the study area occurred late, sometimes close to dusk, early release would allow more time for offshore transport of larvae when the action of potential predators is reduced.
Settlement is a critical process in the life history of crabs, and thus affecting the abundance, distribution and structure of estuarine communities. The spatial pattern of settlement of megalopae of the shore crab Carcinus maenas along a longitudinal estuarine gradient (Mira River Estuary, Portugal) was examined, as well as its effects on the juvenile population. To measure megalopal settlement, four replicate collectors were deployed in six equally spaced stations along the estuarine axis. Juveniles were collected on the same locations with a quadrat randomly deployed on the substrate. To assess fine-scale megalopal settlement within a curved region of the estuary, replicate collectors were deployed on both margins along Moinho da Asneira curve. Megalopae settled differently along the six longitudinal points, with a tendency to attenuate their settlement upstream. Within the curved region, megalopae preferentially settled on the left margin collectors, probably due to the weaker velocity speeds felt on this margin. Concerning the overall juvenile density, there were significant differences among the stations distributed along the estuary, but they did no reflect a longitudinal dispersion attenuation pattern. Size-frequency distribution of the juvenile population showed that the average size is higher on the left margin. Recruits (carapace length between 1.0 mm and 3.4 mm) were more abundant on the upstream stations. Density of early juveniles (3.4 mm-6.5 mm) and juveniles (6.5 mm-10 mm) was more stable throughout the estuary axis than that of recruits. This distribution pattern may result from tidal excursion processes or mechanisms to avoid biotic interactions, such as predation and competition. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.