982 resultados para exit


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Uridine 5′-diphosphate-glucose (UDP-Glc) is transported into the lumen of the Golgi cisternae, where is used for polysaccharide biosynthesis. When Golgi vesicles were incubated with UDP-[3H]Glc, [3H]Glc was rapidly transferred to endogenous acceptors and UDP-Glc was undetectable in Golgi vesicles. This result indicated that a uridine-containing nucleotide was rapidly formed in the Golgi vesicles. Since little is known about the fate of the nucleotide derived from UDP-Glc, we analyzed the metabolism of the nucleotide moiety of UDP-Glc by incubating Golgi vesicles with [α-32P]UDP-Glc, [β-32P]UDP-Glc, and [3H]UDP-Glc and identifying the resulting products. After incubation of Golgi vesicles with these radiolabeled substrates we could detect only uridine 5′-monophosphate (UMP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). UDP could not be detected, suggesting a rapid hydrolysis of UDP by the Golgi UDPase. The by-products of UDP hydrolysis, UMP and Pi, did not accumulate in the lumen, indicating that they were able to exit the Golgi lumen. The exit of UMP was stimulated by UDP-Glc, suggesting the presence of a putative UDP-Glc/UMP antiporter in the Golgi membrane. However, the exit of Pi was not stimulated by UDP-Glc, suggesting that the exit of Pi occurs via an independent membrane transporter.


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In wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings subjected to a mild water stress (water potential of −0.3 MPa), the leaf-elongation rate was reduced by one-half and the mitotic activity of mesophyll cells was reduced to 42% of well-watered controls within 1 d. There was also a reduction in the length of the zone of mesophyll cell division to within 4 mm from the base compared with 8 mm in control leaves. However, the period of division continued longer in the stressed than in the control leaves, and the final cell number in the stressed leaves reached 85% of controls. Cyclin-dependent protein kinase enzymes that are required in vivo for DNA replication and mitosis were recovered from the meristematic zone of leaves by affinity for p13suc1. Water stress caused a reduction in H1 histone kinase activity to one-half of the control level, although amounts of the enzyme were unaffected. Reduced activity was correlated with an increased proportion of the 34-kD Cdc2-like kinase (an enzyme sharing with the Cdc2 protein of other eukaryotes the same size, antigenic sites, affinity for p13suc1, and H1 histone kinase catalytic activity) deactivated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Deactivation to 50% occurred within 3 h of stress imposition in cells at the base of the meristematic zone and was therefore too fast to be explained by a reduction in the rate at which cells reached mitosis because of slowing of growth; rather, stress must have acted more immediately on the enzyme. The operation of controls slowing the exit from the G1 and G2 phases is discussed. We suggest that a water-stress signal acts on Cdc2 kinase by increasing phosphorylation of tyrosine, causing a shift to the inhibited form and slowing cell production.


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For the functional role of the ribosomal tRNA exit (E) site, two different models have been proposed. It has been suggested that transient E-site binding of the tRNA leaving the peptidyl (P) site promotes elongation factor G (EF-G)-dependent translocation by lowering the energetic barrier of tRNA release [Lill, R., Robertson, J. M. & Wintermeyer, W. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 3933-3938]. The alternative "allosteric three-site model" [Nierhaus, K.H. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 4997-5008] features stable, codon-dependent tRNA binding to the E site and postulates a coupling between E and aminoacyl (A) sites that regulates the tRNA binding affinity of the two sites in an anticooperative manner. Extending our testing of the two conflicting models, we have performed translocation experiments with fully active ribosomes programmed with heteropolymeric mRNA. The results confirm that the deacylated tRNA released from the P site is bound to the E site in a kinetically labile fashion, and that the affinity of binding, i.e., the occupancy of the E site, is increased by Mg2+ or polyamines. At conditions of high E-site occupancy in the posttranslocation complex, filling the A site with aminoacyl-tRNA had no influence on the E site, i.e., there was no detectable anticooperative coupling between the two sites, provided that second-round translocation was avoided by removing EF-G. On the basis of these results, which are entirely consistent with our previous results, we consider the allosteric three-site model of elongation untenable. Rather, as proposed earlier, the E site-bound state of the leaving tRNA is a transient intermediate and, as such, is a mechanistic feature of the classic two-state model of the elongating ribosome.


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The hair follicle is a cyclic, self renewing epidermal structure which is thought to be controlled by signals from the dermal papilla, a specialized cluster of mesenchymal cells within the dermis. Topical treatments with 17-beta-estradiol to the clipped dorsal skin of mice arrested hair follicles in telogen and produced a profound and prolonged inhibition of hair growth while treatment with the biologically inactive stereoisomer, 17-alpha-estradiol, did not inhibit hair growth. Topical treatments with ICI 182,780, a pure estrogen receptor antagonist, caused the hair follicles to exit telogen and enter anagen, thereby initiating hair growth. Immunohistochemical staining for the estrogen receptor in skin revealed intense and specific staining of the nuclei of the cells of the dermal papilla. The expression of the estrogen receptor in the dermal papilla was hair cycle-dependent with the highest levels of expression associated with the telogen follicle. 17-beta-Estradiol-treated epidermis demonstrated a similar number of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) S-phase cells as the control epidermis above telogen follicles; however, the number of BrdUrd S-phase basal cells in the control epidermis varied according to the phase of the cycle of the underlying hair follicles and ranged from 2.6% above telogen follicles to 7.0% above early anagen follicles. These findings indicate an estrogen receptor pathway within the dermal papilla regulates the telogen-anagen follicle transition and suggest that diffusible factors associated with the anagen follicle influence cell proliferation in the epidermis.


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Allelic exclusion at the T-cell receptor alpha chain locus is incomplete resulting in the generation of T cells that express two T-cell receptors. The potential involvement of such T cells in autoimmunity has been suggested [Padovan, E., Casorati, G., Dellabona, P., Meyer, S., Brockhaus, M. & Lanzavecchia, A. (1993) Science 262, 422-424; Heath, W. R. & Miller, J. F. A. P. (1993) J. Exp. Med. 178, 1807-1811]. Here we show that expression of a second T-cell receptor can rescue T cells with autospecific receptors from thymic deletion and allow their exit into the periphery. Dual receptor T cells, created by constitutive expression of two transgenic T-cell receptors on a Rag1-/- background, are tolerant to self by maintaining low levels of autospecific receptor, but selfreactive effector function (killing) can be induced through activation via the second receptor. This opens the possibility that T cells carrying two receptors in the periphery of normal individuals contain putatively autoreactive cells that could engage in autoimmune effector functions after recognition of an unrelated environmental antigen.


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Cyclins are cell cycle regulators whose proteins oscillate dramatically during the cell cycle. Cyclin steady-state mRNA levels also fluctuate, and there are indications that both their rate of transcription and mRNA stability are under cell cycle control. Here, we demonstrate the transcriptional regulation of higher eukaryote cyclins throughout the whole cell cycle with a high temporal resolution. The promoters of two Arabidopsis cyclins, cyc3aAt and cyc1At, mediated transcriptional oscillation of the beta-glucuronidase (gus) reporter gene in stably transformed tobacco BY-2 cell lines. The rate of transcription driven by the cyc3aAt promoter was very low during G1, slowly increased during the S phase, peaked at the G2 phase and G2-to-M transition, and was down-regulated before early metaphase. In contrast, the rate of the cyc1At-related transcription increased upon exit of the S phase, peaked at the G2-to-M transition and during mitosis, and decreased upon exit from the M phase. This study indicates that transcription mechanisms that seem to be conserved among species play a significant role in regulating the mRNA abundance of the plant cyclins. Furthermore, the transcription patterns of cyc3aAt and cyc1At were coherent with their slightly higher sequence similarity to the A and B groups of animal cyclins, respectively, suggesting that they may fulfill comparable roles during the cell cycle.


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Examination of the interactions involving transcription factor E2F activity during cell growth and terminal differentiation suggests distinct roles for Rb family members in the regulation of E2F accumulation. The major species of E2F in quiescent cells is a complex containing the E2F4 product in association with the Rb-related p130 protein. As cells enter the cell cycle, this complex disappears, and there is a concomitant accumulation of free E2F activity of which E2F4 is a major component. E2F4 then associates with the Rb-related p107 protein as cells enter S phase. Rb can be found in interactions with each E2F species, including E2F4, during G1, but there appears to be a limited amount of Rb with respect to E2F, likely due to the maintenance of most Rb protein in an inactive state by phosphorylation. A contrasting circumstance can be found during the induction of HL60 cell differentiation. As these cells exit the cell cycle, active Rb protein appears to exceed E2F, as there is a marked accumulation of E2F-Rb interactions, involving all E2F species, including E2F4, which is paralleled by the conversion of Rb from a hyperphosphorylated state to a hypophosphorylated state. These results suggest that the specific ability of Rb protein to interact with each E2F species, dependent on concentration of active Rb relative to accumulation of E2F, may be critical in cell-growth decisions.


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A regulatable retroviral vector in which the v-myc oncogene is driven by a tetracycline-controlled transactivator and a human cytomegalovirus minimal promoter fused to a tet operator sequence was used for conditional immortalization of adult rat neuronal progenitor cells. A single clone, HC2S2, was isolated and characterized. Two days after the addition of tetracycline, the HC2S2 cells stopped proliferating, began to extend neurites, and expressed the neuronal markers tau, NeuN, neurofilament 200 kDa, and glutamic acid decarboxylase in accordance with the reduced production of the v-myc oncoprotein. Differentiated HC2S2 cells expressed large sodium and calcium currents and could fire regenerative action potentials. These results suggest that the suppression of the v-myc oncogene may be sufficient to make proliferating cells exit from cell cycles and induce terminal differentiation. The HC2S2 cells will be valuable for studying the differentiation process of neurons.


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Vertebrate hematopoietic stem cells are derived from vental mesoderm, which is postulated to migrate to both extra- and intraembryonic positions during gastrula and neurula stages. Extraembryonic migration has previously been documented, but the origin and migration of intraembryonic hematopoietic cells have not been visualized. The zebrafish and most other teleosts do not form yolk sac blood islands during early embryogenesis, but instead hematopoiesis occurs solely in a dorsal location known as the intermediate cell mass (IM) or Oellacher. In this report, we have isolated cDNAs encoding zebrafish homologs of the hematopoietic transcription factors GATA-1 and GATA-2 and have used these markers to determine that the IM is formed from mesodermal cells in a posterior-lateral position on the yolk syncytial layer of the gastrula yolk sac. Surprisingly, cells of the IM then migrate anteriorly through most of the body length prior to the onset of active circulation and exit onto the yolk sac. These findings support a hypothesis in which the hematopoietic program of vertebrates is established by variations in homologous migration pathways of extra- and intraembryonic progenitors.


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The mechanisms by which insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) can be both mitogenic and differentiation-promoting in skeletal myoblasts are unclear because these two processes are believed to be mutually exclusive in this tissue. The phosphorylation state of the ubiquitous nuclear retinoblastoma protein (Rb) plays an important role in determining whether myoblasts proliferate or differentiate: Phosphorylated Rb promotes mitogenesis, whereas un- (or hypo-) phosphorylated Rb promotes cell cycle exit and differentiation. We hypothesized that IGFs might affect the fate of myoblasts by regulating the phosphorylation of Rb. Although long-term IGF treatment is known to stimulate differentiation, we find that IGFs act initially to inhibit differentiation and are exclusively mitogenic. These early effects of IGFs are associated with maintenance of Rb phosphorylation typical of proliferating cells; upregulation of the gene expression of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and cyclin D1, components of a holoenzyme that plays a principal role in mediating Rb phosphorylation; and marked inhibition of the gene expression of myogenin, a member of the MyoD family of skeletal muscle-specific transcription factors that is essential in muscle differentiation. We also find that IGF-induced inhibition of differentiation occurs through a process that is independent of its mitogenic effects. We demonstrate, thus, that IGFs regulate Rb phosphorylation and cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase 4 gene expression; together with their biphasic effects on myogenin expression, these results suggest a mechanism by which IGFs are initially mitogenic and subsequently differentiation-promoting in skeletal muscle.


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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has been shown to rescue developing motoneurons in vivo and in vitro from both naturally occurring and axotomy-induced cell death. To test whether GDNF has trophic effects on adult motoneurons, we used a mouse model of injury-induced adult motoneuron degeneration. Injuring adult motoneuron axons at the exit point of the nerve from the spinal cord (avulsion) resulted in a 70% loss of motoneurons by 3 weeks following surgery and a complete loss by 6 weeks. Half of the loss was prevented by GDNF treatment. GDNF also induced an increase (hypertrophy) in the size of surviving motoneurons. These data provide strong evidence that the survival of injured adult mammalian motoneurons can be promoted by a known neurotrophic factor, suggesting the potential use of GDNF in therapeutic approaches to adult-onset motoneuron diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


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Cystic fibrosis is a disease characterized by abnormalities in the epithelia of the lungs, intestine, salivary and sweat glands, liver, and reproductive systems, often as a result of inadequate hydration of their secretions. The primary defect in cystic fibrosis is the altered activity of a cAMP-activated Cl- channel, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) channel. However, it is not clear how a defect in the CFTR Cl- channel function leads to the observed pathological changes. Although much is known about the structural properties and regulation of the CFTR, little is known of its relationship to cellular functions other than the cAMP-dependent Cl- secretion. Here we report that cell volume regulation after hypotonic challenge is also defective in intestinal crypt epithelial cells isolated from CFTR -/- mutant mice. Moreover, the impairment of the regulatory volume decrease in CFTR -/- crypts appears to be related to the inability of a K+ conductance to provide a pathway for the exit of this cation during the volume adjustments. This provides evidence that the lack of CFTR protein may have additional consequences for the cellular function other than the abnormal cAMP-mediated Cl- secretion.


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Hexamethylenebisacetamide-induced terminal differentiation of Friend virus-transformed murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells can be inhibited by okadaic acid, an inhibitor of type 1 and type 2A protein phosphatases. The inhibition is shown to be correlated with prevention of dephosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein (pRB) in cells and bypass of G1 prolongation in the cell cycle. These results suggest that pRB-mediated G1 prolongation is necessary for MEL cells to commit to terminal differentiation. However, further experiments demonstrate that the simple cell cycle exit is not sufficient for commitment to terminal differentiation. Induction of dephosphorylation of pRB and subsequent G1 prolongation by forskolin does not lead MEL cells to differentiate. Additional pRB has been expressed in MEL cells by transfection with a neo-resistant plasmid containing RB cDNA under the control of a cytomegalovirus promoter. Exogenously expressed pRB is hyperphosphorylated in logarithmically growing MEL cells without any noticeable change in growth rate between the transfected cell line and the parental cell line. This result suggests that pRB in MEL cells is regulated by protein kinases and protein phosphatases and not by transcription.


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Ran/TC4 is an essential, nuclear GTPase implicated in the initiation of DNA replication, entry into and exit from mitosis, and in nuclear RNA and protein transport through the nuclear pore complex. This diversity of functions suggests that Ran interacts with a large number of down-stream targets. Using an overlay assay, we detected a family of putative target proteins that associate with GTP-bound Ran. The sequence of only one such protein, HTF9a/RanBP1, is known. We have now cloned two additional Ran-binding proteins, allowing identification of a distinctive, highly conserved sequence motif of approximately 150 residues. This motif represents a minimal Ran-binding domain that stabilizes the GTP-bound state of Ran. The isolated domain also functions as a coactivator of Ran-GTPase-activating protein. Mutation of a conserved residue within the Ran-binding domain of HTF9a protein drastically reduced Ran binding. Ran-binding proteins coimmunoprecipitated with epitope-tagged Ran from cell lysates, suggesting that these proteins may associate in vivo. A previously uncharacterized Caenorhabditis elegans gene could encode a protein (96 kDa) possessing two Ran-binding domains. This open reading frame also contains similarities to nucleoporins, suggesting a functional link between Ran and nuclear pore complexes.


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Os acessos venosos são indispensáveis para assistência do paciente em situação crítica. O cateter venoso central (CVC) é um acesso que viabiliza a terapêutica dessa clientela, mas o seu uso pode levar à infecções. Estas infecções ocasionam maior permanência hospitalar, elevam os custos totais das instituições e aumentam a morbidade e a mortalidade do paciente. O uso de curativos como cobertura do sítio de saída do CVC é eficaz na prevenção das infecções relacionadas a estes cateteres, em particular, o uso de curativos impregnados com antissépticos como o curativo gel de clorexidina. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a efetividade do curativo gel de clorexidina com a do filme transparente de poliuretano na prevenção da colonização do cateter venoso central em pacientes adultos críticos. Trata-se de estudo experimental, do tipo ensaio clínico randomizado, com tratamentos em paralelo, prospectivo e monocêntrico, realizado de acordo com as recomendações do Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT). O estudo foi realizado na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva e na Unidade Coronariana de um hospital de ensino do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 102 indivíduos hospitalizados nestes locais, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo intervenção, no qual o tipo de cobertura utilizada foi o curativo de gel de clorexidina e grupo controle, que utilizou como cobertura o filme transparente de poliuretano. O desfecho primário mensurado foi a colonização do cateter e os desfechos secundários foram a infecção clínica do sítio de saída, a infecção microbiológica do sítio de saída e a infecção da corrente sanguínea relacionada ao cateter. Para a coleta de dados foi elaborado um instrumento, e este validado quanto ao seu conteúdo e forma por 13 enfermeiros pertencentes aos locais do estudo. Estes profissionais foram treinados para a realização dos curativos e coleta das pontas dos cateteres centrais, swabs dos sítios de saída e hemoculturas. Análises descritivas foram usadas para todas as variáveis do estudo. O teste Exato de Fisher foi utilizado para comparar as proporções de cada desfecho nos grupos de intervenção e controle, e a regressão logística para explorar se a colonização no CVC poderia ser associada com o tempo de uso do cateter e com o Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) dos pacientes do estudo. De acordo com os resultados não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre a colonização nos dois grupos (p valor = 1.00), para a infecção microbiológica do sítio de saída (p valor = 0.08), para a infecção clínica do sítio de saída (p valor = 0.77) e para as infecções da corrente sanguínea relacionadas ao cateter (p valor = 1,00). Conclui-se que o presente estudo pode contribuir para que as unidades de saúde tenham subsídios para realizar a escolha do tipo de curativo baseado em suas necessidades institucionais e no desenvolvimento de protocolos relacionados à medidas de inserção e manutenção do cateter, bem como medidas educativas permanentes