926 resultados para exhibitions


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What constitutes life, what counts as a sentient being, and who gets to determine what lives are saved, punished, exploited and destroyed?

Composed of eleven separate but connected installation works, Morbis Artis explores the question of organic life through particular artistic lenses, each taking on the moniker of disease to represent and embody the issues that challenge bare life today.

Drawing upon Frances Stracey, the artists working on this exhibition consider Bio-art to represent ‘a crossover of art and the biological sciences, with living matter, such as genes, cells or animals, as its new media’.


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Triennial 92 is a joint project of two state agencies, the South Carolina Arts Commission and the South Carolina State Museum. The exhibition celebrates the Arts Commission's 25th year of support of the arts in South Carolina and marks the fourth year of a successful series of exhibitions co-sponsored by the Arts Commission and the State Museum.


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Nineteen ninety-eight marks the third anniversary of TRIENNIAL which was started in 1992 as a joint project of the South Carolina Arts Commission and the South Carolina State Museum. This issue highlights artists exhibiting their work in the Triennial exhibition as well as a catalogue of their work.


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This is the Fall 2013, volume XXVIII no.4 issue of Images, the newsletter of the Friends of the South Carolina State Museum, published quarterly by the South Carolina Museum Foundation. It provides articles on new exhibitions, programs and events, museum news, and foundation news.


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This is the Spring 2013, volume XXVIII no.2 issue of Images, the newsletter of the Friends of the South Carolina State Museum, published quarterly by the South Carolina Museum Foundation. It provides articles on new exhibitions, programs and events, museum news, and foundation news.


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This is the Summer 2013, volume XXVIII no.3 issue of Images, the newsletter of the Friends of the South Carolina State Museum, published quarterly by the South Carolina Museum Foundation. It provides articles on new exhibitions, programs and events, museum news, and foundation news.


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This is the Winter 2014, volume XXIX no.1 issue of Images, the newsletter of the Friends of the South Carolina State Museum, published quarterly by the South Carolina Museum Foundation. It provides articles on new exhibitions, programs and events, museum news, and foundation news.


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Es una revisión e interpretación profunda de la Teoría Institucional de Arte cuya reflexión se extiende hasta la Curaduría Creativa, un fenómeno del arte contemporáneo, del que podría predicarse un estatus de obra de arte. El objetivo principal pretende defender las condiciones bajo las cuales la curaduría puede considerarse una obra de arte.


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El Museo de la Arepa es un restaurante que estará ubicado en la localidad de La Candelaria en la ciudad de Bogotá, con un enfoque de autoservicio que ofrece arepas típicas colombianas en cinco variedades distintas, cada una de las cuales representa una región del país. Sera constituida a través de la Sociedad por Acciones Simplificada S.A.S. El proyecto nace de la iniciativa de dos familias y de sus gustos gastronómicos y tradiciones familiares. Queremos crear un espacio de ocio dedicado a la cultura y a la cocina y que resalte uno de los productos insignias, símbolo de nuestra identidad colombiana e icono de nuestra gastronomía: la arepa. Queremos convertirnos en la mejor opción para comer arepas en Bogotá y ofrecerle a nuestros comensales, además de un producto delicioso y de la mejor calidad, un lugar de esparcimiento diferente en el que se encuentren con el arte local de esta zona por medio de exposiciones de artistas urbanos, presentaciones musicales y de danza y una conceptualización tipo museo del lugar. Nos encontramos en una etapa de consolidación y se espera realizar la apertura del restaurante en enero de 2017. Actualmente, se está realizando la búsqueda del establecimiento donde nos ubicaremos en La Candelaria entre los barrios La Catedral y la Concordia.


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Para se efectuar a investigação sobre a joalharia portuguesa contemporânea, a partir de 1950, procedeu-se ao seu enquadramento histórico e geográfico. À semelhança do que se verificava resto do mundo, constata-se uma interdisciplinaridade com as restantes artes plásticas (em especial com o design). E consequente alteração das formas, materiais e técnicas anteriormente usadas. Também ao nível da função da jóia se observaram alterações. Foi, então, estudada a relação da joia com o corpo. Portugal conta com um conjunto de artistas joalheiros em plena produção. Existem estruturas de ensino e profissionais, sem, contudo, haver um museu de joalharia contemporânea. Mesmo assim, é de notar o elevado número de exposições e projectos relacionados com esta temática. Neste panorama, surge uma joalharia contemporânea liberta de uma identidade, que permite que o trabalho de cada artista seja singular, sem obedecer a regras limitativas ou castradoras da criatividade. /ABSTRACT: It was during the 50s that in order to carry out the research on the contemporary portuguese jewellery, one had to establish its historical and geographical approach. As it happened in the rest of the world, one may say there was an interdisciplinary with the other fine arts (specially with the design) and the consequent change in the shapes, materials and techniques previously used. The jewel was not an exception to these changes as far its function is concerned. Due to these factors, the relationship between the jewel and the body started to be studied. Nowadays Portugal counts a set of jewelers in full production. There are specialized schools in this area as well as professionals although there isn't a museum of contemporary jeweler. ln spite of this, a huge number of exhibitions and projects concerning this area, take place in Portugal. Taking all these aspects into consideration, a free contemporary jewelry is emerging, allowing the work of each artist may be unique without obeying to any strict or limitative rules that could work as a barrier to their creativity.


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O presente relatório de estágio descreve as atividades desenvolvidas no decorrer de nove meses de estágio profissional, no âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão com especialização em Recursos Humanos, na Associação Centro UNESCO Aldeia das Ciências. Este relatório tem como objetivo descrever detalhadamente as atividades desenvolvidas na instituição acolhedora, bem como apresentar um conjunto de sugestões e recomendações que permitam melhorar os processos e procedimentos. No decorrer do estágio foram desenvolvidas diversas atividades, tendo as mesmas como foco a promoção da educação para a sustentabilidade em torno de três grandes áreas: exposições com tecnologias eco-eficientes (exposição Espaço Água, Energia Sustentável e Casa Sustentável) abertas à comunidade, angariação e reutilização de materiais recicláveis e atividades lúdico-pedagógicas em contexto escolar, como por exemplo: utilização de fornos solares, recolha de tampas, caricas e rolhas (Projeto “Bora lá). A instituição através dos seus diversos projetos pretende passar a mensagem da importância no investimento na educação e formação para a sustentabilidade; Abstract: Promoting education and training practices for sustainability - The Case of the Centro UNESCO Aldeia das Ciências This internship report describes the activities developed during a nine-month internship, in the scope of the Master's Degree in Management with a specialization in Human Resources, at the Association of UNESCO Village Center of Sciences. The purpose of this report is to describe in detail the activities carried out at the hospitable institution, as well as to present a set of suggestions and recommendations to improve processes and procedures. During the internship, several activities were carried out, focusing on the promotion of education for sustainability around three major areas: exhibitions with eco-efficient technologies (exhibition on Water, Sustainable Energy and Sustainable House) open to the community, fundraising And re-use of recyclable materials and educational activities in a school context, such as: the use of solar ovens, the collection of lids, caricas and corks ("Bora lá" Project). The institution through its various projects intends to convey the message of importance in investing in education and training for sustainability.