942 resultados para egg allergy


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Inaccuracy in the aging of postovulatory follicles (POFs) and in estimating the effect of temperature on the resorption rate of POFs may introduce bias in the determination of the daily spawning age classes with the daily egg production method (DEPM). To explore the above two bias problems with f ield-collected European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus, known regionally as the Iberian sardine), a method was developed in which the time elapsed from spawning (POF age) was estimated from the size of POFs (i.e., from the cross-sectional area in histological sections). The potential effect of the preservative type and embedding material on POF size and the effect of ambient water temperature on POF resorption rate are taken into account with this method. A highly significant loglinear relationship was found between POF area and age; POF area shrank by approximately 50% per day. POFs were also shown to shrink faster at higher temperatures (approximately 3% per degree), but this temperature effect is unlikely to be an important source of bias in the assignment of females to daily spawning classes. The embedding material was also shown to influence the size of POFs, the latter being significantly larger in resin than in paraffin sections. In conclusion, the size of POFs provides an indirect, reliable estimation of the time elapsed from spawning and may thus be used to test both the validity of POF staging criteria for identifying daily classes of spawners and the effect of other factors (such as temperature and laboratory processing) in applications of the DEPM to S. pilchardus and other fish species.


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Estimates of the abundance of American horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) are important to determine egg production and to manage populations for the energetic needs of shorebirds that feed on horseshoe crab eggs. In 2003, over 17,500 horseshoe crabs were tagged and released throughout Delaware Bay, and recaptured crabs came from spawning surveys that were conducted during peak spawning. We used two release cohorts to test for a temporary effect of tagging on spawning behavior and we adjusted the number of releases according to relocation rates from a telemetry study. The abundance estimate was 20 million horseshoe crabs (90 % confidence interval: 13−28 million), of which 6.25 million (90% CI: 4.0−8.8 million) were females. The combined harvest rate for Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia, and Maryland in 2003 was 4% (90% CI: 3−6%) of the abundance estimate. Over-wintering of adults in Delaware Bay could explain, in part, differences in estimates from ocean-trawl surveys. Based on fecundity of 88,000 eggs per female, egg production was 5.5×1011 (90% CI: 3.5×1011, 7.7×1011), but egg availability for shorebirds also depended on overlap between horseshoe crab and shorebird migrations, density-dependent bioturbation, and wave-mediated vertical transport.


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Between May and October 1990, fecundity, egg size and condition factor of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacépède) in the Cross River, Nigeria, were studied. The fecundity (F) of this population varied from 3 046 eggs (total length, L=28.5 cm) to 28 086 eggs (L=64 cm). A mean relative fecundity of 231 eggs/cm or 13 eggs/g of fish was obtained for this population. The fecundity of this population can be estimated with the formula F=2.511 · L 2.30 or F=52.893 · W 0.78 , total length being in cm and weight (W) in g. The mean egg diameter of this population varied from 0.65 mm to 3.54 mm. Condition factor (CF) of the population varied from 0.24 to 1.34 with 0.977 as the mean; 52.8% had CF higher than the mean and 47% had CF above unity. Smaller fish in this population were in better condition than bigger ones. The egg size and condition factor obtained in this study are evidence that the Cross River population of C. nigrodigitatus can provide excellent broodstock.


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The highly productive fisheries of Kerala, India, are suffering from overexploitation. Use of unsuitable fishing gears that result in a high level of wasteful bycatch and destruction of egg bearing and juvenile fish should be controlled. This paper makes some suggestions for monitoring and conservation of the fisheries in Kerala.


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The thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) is a large species of skate that is endemic to the waters of the western north Atlantic in the Gulf of Maine. Because the biomass of thorny skates has recently declined below threshold levels mandated by the Sustainable Fisheries Act, commercial harvests from this region are prohibited. We have undertaken a comprehensive study to gain insight into the life history of this skate. The present study describes and characterizes the reproductive cycle of female and male thorny skates, based on monthly samples taken off the coast of New Hampshire, from May 2001 to May 2003. Gonadosomatic index (GSI), shell gland weight, follicle size, and egg case formation, were assessed for 48 female skates. In general, these reproductive parameters remained relatively constant throughout most of the year. However, transient but significant increases in shell gland weight and GSI were obser ved during certain months. Within the cohort of specimens sampled monthly throughout the year, a subset of females always had large preovulatory follicles present in their ovaries. With the exception of June and September specimens, egg cases undergoing various stages of development were observed in the uteri of specimens captured during all other months of the year. For males (n=48), histological stages III through VI (SIII−SVI) of spermatogenesis, GSI, and hepatosomatic index (HSI) were examined. Although there appeared to be monthly fluctuations in spermatogenesis, GSI, and HSI, no significant differences were found. The production and maintenance of mature spermatocysts (SVI) within the testes was observed throughout the year. These findings collectively indicate that the thorny skate is reproductively active year round.


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Distribution of eggs and larvae and feeding and growth of larvae of Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius) were investigated in relation to their prey in the Sea of Hiuchi, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, in 1995 and 1996. The abundance of S. niphonius eggs and larvae peaked in late May, corresponding with that of clupeid larvae, the major prey organisms of S. niphonius larvae. The eggs were abundant in the northwestern waters and the larvae were abundant in the southern waters in late May in both years, indicating a southward drift during egg and yolksac stages by residual f low in the central part of the Sea of Hiuchi. Abundance of clupeid larvae in southern waters, where S. niphonius larvae were abundant, may indicate a spawning strategy on the part of first-feeding S. niphonius larvae to encounter the spatial and temporal peak in ichthyoplankton prey abundance in the Seto Inland Sea. Abundance of the clupeid larvae was higher in 1995 than in 1996. Feeding incidence (percentage of stomachs with food; 85.3% in 1995 and 67.7% in 1996) and mean growth rate estimated from otolith daily increments (1.05 mm/d in 1995 and 0.85 mm/d in 1996) of S. niphonius larvae in late May were significantly higher in 1995. Young-of-the-year S. niphonius abundance and catch per unit of fishing effort of 1-year-old S. niphonius in the Sea of Hiuchi was higher in 1995, indicating a more successful recruitment in this year. Spatial and temporal correspondence with high ichthyoplankton prey concentration was considered one of the important determinants for the feeding success, growth, and survival of S. niphonius larvae.


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Inter and intra-annual variation in year-class strength was analyzed for San Francisco Bay Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) by using otoliths of juveniles. Juvenile herring were collected from March through June in 1999 and 2000 and otoliths from subsamples of these collections were aged by daily otolith increment analysis. The composition of the year classes in 1999 and 2000 were determined by back-calculating the birth date distribution for surviving juvenile herring. In 2000, 729% more juveniles were captured than in 1999, even though an estimated 12% fewer eggs were spawned in 2000. Spawning-date distributions show that survival for the 2000 year class was exceptionally good for a short (approximately 1 month) period of spawning, resulting in a large abundance of juvenile recruits. Analysis of age at size shows that growth rate increased significantly as the spawning season progressed both in 1999 and 2000. However, only in 2000 were the bulk of surviving juveniles a product of the fast growth period. In the two years examined, year-class strength was not predicted by the estimated number of eggs spawned, but rather appeared to depend on survival of eggs or larvae (or both) through the juvenile stage. Fast growth through the larval stage may have little effect on year-class strength if mortality during the egg stage is high and few larvae are available.


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The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempi, was on the edge of extinction owing to a combination of intense egg harvesting and incidental capture in commercial fishing trawls. Results from a cooperative conservation strategy initiated in 1978 between Mexico and the United States to protect and restore the Kemp’s ridley turtle at the main nesting beach at Rancho Nuevo, Tamaulipas, Mexico are assessed. This strategy appears to be working as there are signs that the species is starting to make a recovery. Recovery indicators include: 1) increased numbers of nesting turtles, 2) increased numbers of 100+ turtle nesting aggregations (arribadas), 3) an expanding nesting season now extending from March to August, and 4) significant nighttime nesting since 2003. The population low point at Rancho Nuevo was in 1985 (706 nests) and the population began to significantly increase in 1997 (1,514 nests), growing to over 4,000 nests in 2004. The size and numbers of arribadas have increased each year since 1983 but have yet to exceed the 1,000+ mark; most arribadas are still 200–800+ turtles.


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A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica caracterizada por hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, acúmulo de eosinófilos, secreção de muco e remodelamento. No decorrer do estabelecimento do processo inflamatório, há liberação de mediadores endógenos que atuam limitando a evolução do quadro patológico e garantindo a manutenção da homeostasia (COHN, ELIAS e CHUPP, 2004). Dentre estes recebem destaque os hormônios glicocorticóides, reconhecidos por sua atividade anti-inflamatória, dependente, em parte, da geração de fatores intermediários como a proteína anexina-1 (AnxA1) (KAMAL, FLOWER e PERRETTI, 2005; PERRETTI, 2003). Neste estudo investigou-se o papel regulatório da AnxA1 e do peptídeo derivado Ac2-26 (50 - 200 g/animal) no modelo experimental de asma alérgica murina. Camundongos BALB/c (AnxA1+/+) e depletados do gene codificante para AnxA1 (AnxA1-/-) foram sensibilizados com ovoalbumina (OVA 50 g) e hidróxido de alumínio (5 mg), por via subcutânea. Após 14 dias, foi feito reforço com OVA (25 g), por via intraperitoneal, e nos dias 19, 20 e 21 foram desafiados com OVA (25 g), por via intranasal. O tratamento consistiu na administração intranasal do peptídeo Ac2-26 (50 - 200 g), 1 h antes de cada desafio. As análises foram feitas 24 h após o último desafio e incluíram: i) função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina (3 27 mg/ml) através de pletismografia invasiva; ii) alterações morfológicas através de histologia clássica; iii) quantificação de colágeno e iv) quantificação de mediadores inflamatórios através de ELISA. Verificou-se que camundongos AnxA1-/-, quando ativamente sensibilizados e desafiados com OVA apresentaram exacerbação do quadro de hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, assim como do número de eosinófilos no lavado broncoalveolar e no infiltrado peribrônquico, deposição de colágeno e nos níveis de IL-13 em comparação aos controles AnxA1+/+. Em paralelo, observou-se que o peptídeo Ac2-26 levou a uma redução da hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas frente à estimulação com metacolina nos animais AnxA1+/+. O peptídeo Ac2-26 reduziu o infiltrado inflamatório no parênquima pulmonar e o número de eosinófilos peribronquiolares, além da produção de muco no tecido pulmonar e da geração IL-4, IL-13, eotaxina-1 e -2. Em conjunto, nossos achados mostram que os camundongos AnxA1-/- mostraram-se mais responsivos à estimulação antigênica, o que foi indicativo de que a AnxA1 parece exercer um papel regulatório importante sobre a resposta inflamatória alérgica murina. Além disso, o efeito inibitório do peptídeo Ac2-26 sobre a resposta alérgica pulmonar foi indicativo de que este se coloca como um composto anti-inflamatório e anti-alérgico promissor para utilização na terapia da asma.


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Muscle extracts of Pacific whiting, Merluccius productus, and arrowtooth flounder, Atheresthes stomias, were assayed for proteolytic activity using azocasein as a substrate. Pacific whiting extracts showed maximum activity at pH 5.0-5.2 and a temperature of 50°C, while arrowtooth flounder extracts had maximum activity at pH 5.5 and 55°C. Three sources of inhibitors (potatoes, egg white, beef plasma protein) were evaluated in vitro for inhibition of protease activity. All three were found to be effective inhibitors in crude muscle extracts. Further studies utilizing these inhibitors in surimi showed that potato was equivalent to both egg white and beef plasma protein in preserving the gel forming characteristics ofheated kamaboko in both species.


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A research submersible was used to delineate the depth distribution of lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, nests (egg masses) below 30 m. Although nests were not seen deeper than 97 m, behavior and dark coloration distinctive of nest-guarding lingcod were seen as deep as 126 m. Males guarding nests were distinctly colored, i.e., dark with little or no mottling, and most were obviously scarred. Two types of guarding behaviors were observed: 1) Males lying directly on or beside the nest and remaining nearly motionless unless touched and 2) males lying on a sentry post and defending the nest when other fish swam close.


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O estudo da instabilidade do desenvolvimento (ID) em organismos pode ser útil para identificar os primeiros sinais de estresse ambiental. Alterações na ID também influenciam a aptidão dos organismos. A variação entre a simetria dos lados esquerdo e direito, manifestada como assimetria flutuante (AF), é um indicador da ID. Ao quantificarmos a literatura científica referente aos estudos de assimetria em répteis identificamos as seguintes tendências: perturbações ambientais aumentam a AF nas populações, fêmeas tendem a escolher machos com características sexuais simétricas, a instabilidade térmica durante o desenvolvimento do ovo pode produzir indivíduos com maior assimetria, a ocorrência de lesões é mais frequente em indivíduos assimétricos para um determinado lado e há uma correlação negativa entre a assimetria e o desempenho locomotor. Considerando os nossos critério de busca, não encontramos estudos sobre assimetria em répteis na América do Sul. Neste estudo, utilizamos diferentes caracteres merísticos e métricos bilaterais para identificar a AF em diferentes populações de cinco espécies de lagartos do gênero Cnemidophorus (C. abaetensis, C. lacertoides, C. littoralis, C. nativo, C. ocellifer) em 15 áreas de restinga ao longo da costa leste do Brasil. A AF foi maior em populações de Cnemidophorus com maior densidade, menor em populações de restingas com maior degradação ambiental e a sua relação com a concentração de mercúrio variou dependendo da espécie. Provavelmente os agentes estressores ambientais avaliados atuam com intensidades diferentes. O nível de degradação ambiental e a concentração de mercúrio causariam a deterioração precoce dos indivíduos com maiores valores de AF. Isso resulta em uma relação inversa entre esses estresses e a AF das populações. Indivíduos com vestígios de autotomia caudal tiveram maiores valores de AF, o que pode ser um indicativo de que indivíduos com menor aptidão efetuam mais autotomia caudal do que aqueles com maior aptidão. Lagartos com evidências de autotomia também tiveram maior tamanho corpóreo, provavelmente devido a estes estarem expostos a mais tempo aos riscos de predação. Não encontramos diferenciação entre as espécies na frequência de autotomia caudal sendo esta talvez melhor explicada por fatores ambientais como a intensidade de predação. Os índices de AF para caracteres múltiplos se mostraram mais eficientes do que a AF de caracteres individuais nas comparações entre indivíduos vivendo em populações com diferentes níveis de estresse e entre indivíduos com e sem autotomia caudal


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This is the River Exe Salmon Action Plan Final document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This final Salmon Action Plan (SAP) for the River Exe catchment has been produced after consideration of feedback from external consultation. The actions presented within this Salmon Action Plan clarify the important issues and factors currently limiting the salmon stock on the river. An attempt has been made to cost these actions, identify possible sources of funding and to provide a timescale for action. This SAP aims also to promote long term collaboration between the Agency and other interested parties in managing the River Exe salmon stock and fisheries. The River Exe salmon population is currently judged to be passing its Conservation Limit. However, its apparent declining trend in egg deposition in the recent years and the high uncertainty in its stock assessment suggest the following actions as priorities: actions promoting good land management, maximising salmon natural spawning activity and protecting smolts throughout the Exe catchment. Also, the lack of information on salmon stocks and its habitat quality and availability is recognised as the main factor limiting the better management of salmon fisheries. The actions presented in this document are perceived as those required to address the important issues and factors limiting the salmon stock.


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Estudos em animais experimentais evidenciaram associações significativas entre esquistossomose mansoni e hipercolesterolemia. Estudos in vitro e in vivo já demonstraram que o colesterol é essencial para Schistosoma mansoni, embora este não tenha capacidade de sintetizá-lo. A captação é realizada a partir do ambiente (cultivo ou hospedeiro) através do tegumento. O colesterol está envolvido nos mecanismos de evasão do helminto contra a resposta imunológica, além de poder participar na modulação da sinalização celular e reprodução, estimulando os órgãos reprodutores dos helmintos adultos como observado na fase aguda da infecção experimental. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar se o mesmo fenômeno ocorre na fase crônica. Os helmintos foram recuperados de dez camundongos submetidos à dieta hiperlipídica ou padrão (controle) foram corados pelo carmin cloridrico e montados, individualmente, em lâmina histológica com bálsamo do Canadá. A preparação foi analisada por microscopia de campo claro nos seguintes caracteres: tegumento e o sistema reprodutor nos vermes machos (lobos testiculares, vesícula seminal, lobos testiculares supranumerários e canal ginecóforo) e, nas fêmeas (ovário, oótipo, útero, ovo, glândulas vitelínicas e espermateca). Posteriormente, algumas lâminas foram separadas para visualização pela microscopia confocal dos órgãos do sistema reprodutores acima descritos. Apesar de ter sido observado uma maior quantidade de espermatozoides, uma maior quantidade de oócitos sendo liberados no grupo da dieta, não houve diferença estatística significativa (p>0,05) entre os grupos analisados. Houve um aumento na oogênese como observado na fase aguda. Dessa forma, o colesterol pode estar relacionado com a estimulação na atividade dos órgãos reprodutores dos helmintos adultos na fase crônica da infecção.


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A asma é um distúrbio crônico pulmonar caracterizado por inflamação, obstrução e remodelamento brônquico, levando a sintomas como sibilo, tosse e falta de ar. A terapia antiasmática consiste em corticosteroides inalados e agonistas β2 de curta ou longa duração. O tratamento é limitado por efeitos colaterais e refratariedade de alguns pacientes, justificando a necessidade de novas terapias. Estudos demonstram que a 15-deoxy-delta- 12,14-prostaglandina J2 (15d-PGJ2), um ligante endógeno de receptores ativados por proliferadores de peroxissomos do tipo gama (PPAR-γ), é capaz de reduzir a expressão de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, o que pode resultar em benefícios no tratamento de doenças com esse perfil. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial anti-inflamatório e antiasmático da 15d-PGJ2 em modelos experimentais de asma. Camundongos A/J machos foram sensibilizados nos dias 0 e 7 através de injeção subcutânea (s.c.), contendo ovoalbumina (OVA) e Al(OH)3, e desafiados com 4 instilações intranasais (i.n.) de OVA em intervalos semanais. O tratamento com 15d-PGJ2 (30 e 100 g/Kg, s.c.) foi realizado 30 min antes dos desafios a partir da terceira provocação antigênica. Em outro modelo, camundongos A/J foram desafiados intranasalmente com extrato de ácaro 3 vezes por semana durante 3 semanas. As administrações de 15d-PGJ2 (30, 70 e 100 g/Kg, s.c. e 0,65; 1,5 e 2,3 g/animal, i.n.) foram realizadas a partir da 3 semana, 30 min antes dos desafios. As análises ocorreram 24 h após o último desafio. Nossos resultados mostraram que, em camundongos previamente sensibilizados e desafiados com OVA, a administração de 15d-PGJ2 limitou significativamente o influxo peribrônquico de eosinófilos e neutrófilos, bem como a produção de muco por células caliciformes e fibrose sub-epitelial, além da hiperreatividade das vias aéreas e produção de IL-5. A redução do epitélio brônquico e das citocinas IL-13 e TNF-α foram observadas somente na maior dose administrada. No modelo HDM a inflamação e o remodelamento foram atenuados em todas as doses administradas do composto, enquanto que a hiperresponssividade brônquica foi inibida apenas nas doses de 70 e 100 μg/Kg (via sistêmica) e na dose intermediária dada topicamente (1,5 μg/animal, i.n.). Os níveis de citocinas foram atenuados pelo tratamento subcutâneo, porém somente os níveis de IL-17, eotaxina-1 e TNF-α foram inibidos com a dose intranasal de 0,65 g/animal. O aumento da expressão de NF-κB, induzido por provocação com HDM também foi reduzido significativamente pela administração de 15d-PGJ2. Em conjunto, nossos dados indicam que o tratamento com 15d-PGJ2 inibe alterações cruciais associadas à patogênese da asma, em modelos experimentais distintos da doença, demonstrando possuir grande potencial para controlar e reverter inflamação, hiperreatividade e remodelamento pulmonar desencadeados por provocação alérgica.