936 resultados para distribution system operator


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An electron immunogold-labeling technique was used in conjunction with a post-embedding procedure to demonstrate for the first time the ultrastructural distribution of the parasitic platyhelminth neuropeptide, neuropeptide F (NPF), in the nervous system of the cestode Moniezia expansa. Two axon types, distinguished by their populations of different-sized electron-dense vesicles, were identified. Immunogold labeling demonstrated an apparent homogeneity of PP, FMRFamide and NPF (M. expansa) antigenic sites throughout the larger dense-cored vesicles within the central nervous system. Triple labeling clearly demonstrated the co-localisation of immunoreactivities (IR) for NPF, PP and FMRFamide within the same dense-cored vesicles. The presence of NPF-IR within the vesicles occupying the perikaryon of the neuronal cell body indicated that the peptides had undergone post-translational C-terminal amidation prior to entering the axon. Antigen pre-absorption experiments using NPF prevented labeling with either PP or FMRFamide antisera, and the failure of these antisera to block NPF-IR supports the view that some, if not all, of the PP/FMRFamide-IR is due to NPF-like peptides.


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Comparisons between experimentally measured time-dependent electron energy distribution functions and optical emission intensities are reported for low-frequency (100 and 400 kHz) radio-frequency driven discharges in argon. The electron energy distribution functions were measured with a time-resolved Langmuir probe system. Time-resolved optical emissions of argon resonance lines at 687.1 and 750.4 nm were determined by photon-counting methods. Known ground-state and metastable-state excitation cross sections were used along with the measured electron energy distribution functions to calculate the time dependence of the optical emission intensity. It was found that a calculation using only the ground-state cross sections gave the best agreement with the time dependence of the measured optical emission. Time-dependent electron density, electron temperature, and plasma potential measurements are also reported.


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The localization and distribution of cholinergic, serotoninergic and peptidergic nerve elements in the proteocephalidean tapeworm, Proteocephalus pollanicola, have been investigated by enzyme histochemistry, and by an indirect immunofluorescence technique interfaced with confocal scanning laser microscopy. Cholinesterase (ChE) activity was localized in the major components of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), including the innervation of the reproductive structures of the worm. Serotoninergic (5-HT) nerves were found in the paired cerebral ganglia, transverse commissure and in the 10 longitudinal nerve cords. Antisera to 17 mammalian regulatory peptides and the invertebrate peptide FMRFamide have been used to explore the peptidergic nervous system of the worm. The most extensive immunostaining occurred with antisera raised to members of the neuropeptide Y superfamily, namely neuropeptide Y (NPY), peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP). In all cases, intense immunoreactivity was found in numerous cell bodies and fibres of both the CNS and PNS, including the innervation of the reproductive apparatus. FMRFamide antisera stained the same structures to a comparable degree as those raised to the NPY superfamily. Cholinergic and peptidergic elements were much more prevalent within the CNS, while the serotoninergic nerve fibres tended to dominate in the PNS. The overlap obtained in staining patterns for the peptidergic and cholinergic components suggests that there may be a certain amount of co-localization of peptides with small-molecule transmitter substances in the same neurone. Weak staining for the tachykinin, substance P and for calcitonin gene-related peptide(CGRP) was confined to the major longitudinal nerve cords.


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Studies of trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMIIs) typically focus on effects higher predators have on per capita consumption by intermediate consumers of a third, basal prey resource. TMIIs are usually evidenced by changes in feeding rates of intermediate consumers and/or differences in densities of this third species. However, understanding and predicting effects of TMIIs on population stability of such basal species requires examination of the type and magnitude of the functional responses exhibited towards them. Here, in a marine intertidal system consisting of a higher-order fish predator, the shanny Lipophrys pholis, an intermediate predator, the amphipod Echinogammarus marinus, and a basal prey resource, the isopod Jaera nordmanni, we detected TMIIs, demonstrating the importance of habitat complexity in such interactions, by deriving functional responses and exploring consequences for prey population stability. Echinogammarus marinus reacted to fish predator diet cues by reducing activity, a typical anti-predator response, but did not alter habitat use. Basal prey, Jaera nordmanni, did not respond to fish diet cues with respect to activity, distribution or aggregation behaviour. Echinogammarus marinus exhibited type II functional responses towards J. nordmanni in simple habitat, but type III functional responses in complex habitat. However, while predator cue decreased the magnitude of the type II functional response in simple habitat, it increased the magnitude of the type III functional response in complex habitat. These findings indicate that, in simple habitats, TMIIs may drive down consumption rates within type II responses, however, this interaction may remain de-stabilising for prey populations. Conversely, in complex habitats, TMIIs may strengthen regulatory influences of intermediate consumers on prey populations, whilst potentially maintaining prey population stability. We thus highlight that TMIIs can have unexpected and complex ramifications throughout communities, but can be unravelled by considering effects on intermediate predator functional response types and magnitudes.


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Urotensin II (UII) is traditionally regarded as a product of the neurosecretory cells in the caudal portion of the spinal cord of jawed fishes. A peptide related to UII has been recently isolated from the frog brain, thereby providing the first evidence that UII is also present in the central nervous system of a tetrapod. In the present study, we have investigated the distribution of UII-immunoreactive elements in the brain and spinal cord of the frog Rana ridibunda by immunofluorescence using an antiserum directed against the conserved cyclic region of the peptide. Two distinct populations of UII-immunoreactive perikarya were visualized. The first group of positive neurons was found in the nucleus hypoglossus of the medulla oblongata, which controls two striated muscles of the tongue. The second population of immunoreactive cell bodies was represented by a subset of motoneurons that were particularly abundant in the caudal region of the cord (34% of the motoneuron population). The telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, and metencephalon were totally devoid of UII-containing cell bodies but displayed dense networks of UII-immunoreactive fibers, notably in the thalamus, the tectum, the tegmentum, and the granular layer of the cerebellum. In addition, a dense bundle of long varicose processes projecting rostrocaudally was observed coursing along the ventral surface of the brain from the midtelencephalon to the medulla oblongata. Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of frog brain, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord extracts revealed that, in all three regions, UII-immunoreactive material eluted as a single peak which exhibited the same retention time as synthetic frog UII. Taken together, these data indicate that UII, in addition to its neuroendocrine functions in fish, is a potential regulatory peptide in the central nervous system of amphibians. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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An optimised indirect peroxidase-anti-peroxidase immunohistochemical technique was used to detect endogenous biotin in frozen tissue sections from biotin-supplemented and biotin-depleted pigs and chickens. A monoclonal anti-biotin antibody was used as primary antibody in this technique. Immunoreactive biotin was detected in many tissues of both species including liver, kidney, pancreas, adipose tissue, adrenal gland, testis, brain, choroid plexus, cardiac and skeletal muscle, epithelium of the respiratory and digestive systems, skin and lymphoid tissues. The specificity of immunostaining for biotin was confirmed by the finding of reduced staining intensities in tissues of biotin-depleted animals compared to those of biotin-supplemented animals. The results of this study suggest that biotin has metabolic functions in a wider range of tissues than previously known. They also indicate that endogenous tissue biotin should be considered as a source of false positive staining when immunohistochemical or histochemical techniques which use avidin or streptavidin reagents or anti-biotin antibodies as components of the detection system, are applied to tissue sections.


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Reagent pre-storage in a microfluidic chip can enhance operator convenience, simplify the system design, reduce the cost of storage and shipment, and avoid the risk of cross-contamination. Although dry reagents have long been used in lateral flow immunoassays, they have rarely been used for nucleic acid-based point-of-care (POC) assays due to the lack of reliable techniques to dehydrate and store fragile molecules involved in the reaction. In this study, we describe a simple and efficient method for prolonged on-chip storage of PCR reagents. The method is based on gelification of all reagents required for PCR as a ready-to-use product. The approach was successfully implemented in a lab-on-a-foil system, and the gelification process was automated for mass production. Integration of reagents on-chip by gelification greatly facilitated the development of easy-to-use lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices for fast and cost-effective POC analysis.


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Practical demonstration of the operational advantages gained through the use of a co-operating retrodirective array (RDA) basestation and Van Atta node arrangements is discussed. The system exploits a number of inherent RDA features to provide analogue real time multifunctional operation at low physical complexity. An active dual-conversion four element RDA is used as the power distribution source (basestation) while simultaneously achieving a receive sensitivity level of ??109 dBm and 3 dB automatic beam steering angle of ??45??. When mobile units are each equipped with a semi-passive four element Van Atta array, it is shown mobile device orientation issues are mitigated and optimal energy transfer can occur because of automatic beam formation resulting from retrodirective self-pointing action. We show that operation in multipath rich environments with or without line of sight acts to reduce average power density limits in the operating volume with high energy density occurring at mobile nodes sites only. The system described can be used as a full duplex ASK communications link, or, as a means for remote node charging by wireless means, thereby enhancing deployment opportunities between unstabilised moving platforms.


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We propose an interferometric setting for the ancilla-assisted measurement of the characteristic function of the work distribution following a time-dependent process experienced by a quantum system. We identify how the configuration of the effective interferometer is linked to the symmetries enjoyed by the Hamiltonian ruling the process and provide the explicit form of the operations to implement in order to accomplish our task. We finally discuss two physical settings, based on hybrid optomechanical-electromechanical devices, where the theoretical proposals discussed in our work could find an experimental demonstration.


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This paper proposes a calculation method to determine power system response during small load perturbations or minor disturbances. The method establishes the initial value of active power transient using traditional reduction technique on admittance matrix, which incorporates voltage variations in the determination. The method examines active power distribution among generators when several loads simultaneously change, and verifies that the superposition principle is applicable for this scenario. The theoretical derivation provided in the paper is validated by numerical simulations using a 3-generator 9-bus benchmark model. The results indicate that the inclusion of voltage variation renders an independent and precise measure of active power response during transient conditions.


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This paper presents transient stability analysis for a power system with high wind penetration. The transient stability has been evaluated based on two stability criteria: rotor angle stability and voltage stability. A modified IEEE-14 bus system has been used as the main study network and simulations have been conducted at several wind power penetration levels, defined as a fraction of total system generation. A wide range of scenarios have been presented based on the wind farm voltage at the point of connection, i.e. low voltage (LV) distribution level and high voltage (HV) transmission level, and the type of wind generator technology, i.e. fixed speed induction generator (FSIG) and doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG).


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A reduction in the time required to locate and restore faults on a utility's distribution network improves the customer minutes lost (CML) measurement and hence brings direct cost savings to the operating company. The traditional approach to fault location involves fault impedance determination from high volume waveform files dispatched across a communications channel to a central location for processing and analysis. This paper examines an alternative scheme where data processing is undertaken locally within a recording instrument thus reducing the volume of data to be transmitted. Processed event fault reports may be emailed to relevant operational staff for the timely repair and restoration of the line.


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Drawing upon recent reworkings of world systems theory and Marx’s concept of metabolic rift, this paper attempts to ground early nineteenth-century Ireland more clearly within these metanarratives, which take the historical-ecological dynamics of the development of capitalism as their point of departure. In order to unravel the socio-spatial complexities of Irish agricultural production throughout this time, attention must be given to the prevalence of customary legal tenure, institutions of communal governance, and their interaction with the colonial apparatus, as an essential feature of Ireland’s historical geography often neglected by famine scholars. This spatially differentiated legacy of communality, embedded within a country-wide system of colonial rent, and burgeoning capitalist system of global trade, gave rise to profound regional differentiations and ecological contradictions, which became central to the distribution of distress during the Great Famine (1845-1852). Contrary to accounts which depict it as a case of discrete transition from feudalism to capitalism, Ireland’s pre-famine ecology must be understood through an analysis which emphasises these socio-spatial complexities. Consequently, this structure must be conceptualised as one in which communality, colonialism, and capitalism interact dynamically, and in varying stages of development and devolution, according to space and time.


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The effect of preparation design and the physical properties of the interface lute on the restored machined ceramic crown-tooth complex are poorly understood. The aim of this work was to determine, by means of three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) the effect of the tooth preparation design and the elastic modulus of the cement on the stress state of the cemented machined ceramic crown-tooth complex. The three-dimensional structure of human premolar teeth, restored with adhesively cemented machined ceramic crowns, was digitized with a micro-CT scanner. An accurate, high resolution, digital replica model of a restored tooth was created. Two preparation designs, with different occlusal morphologies, were modeled with cements of 3 different elastic moduli. Interactive medical image processing software (mimics and professional CAD modeling software) was used to create sophisticated digital models that included the supporting structures; periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. The generated models were imported into an FEA software program (hypermesh version 10.0, Altair Engineering Inc.) with all degrees of freedom constrained at the outer surface of the supporting cortical bone of the crown-tooth complex. Five different elastic moduli values were given to the adhesive cement interface 1.8 GPa, 4 GPa, 8 GPa, 18.3 GPa and 40 GPa; the four lower values are representative of currently used cementing lutes and 40 GPa is set as an extreme high value. The stress distribution under simulated applied loads was determined. The preparation design demonstrated an effect on the stress state of the restored tooth system. The cement elastic modulus affected the stress state in the cement and dentin structures but not in the crown, the pulp, the periodontal ligament or the cancellous and cortical bone. The results of this study suggest that both the choice of the preparation design and the cement elastic modulus can affect the stress state within the restored crown-tooth complex.